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Newslinks for 10/19/2001

Passengers overpower Greyhound hijackers (Utah)
Submitted by: Kevin

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2 arrested, accused of trying to hijack Greyhound bus in Utah

SALT LAKE CITY -- Passengers aboard a Greyhound bus left their seats and overpowered a man who allegedly tried to take control and flip the vehicle after ranting about hijackings, authorities said Thursday.

FOXNews version

Militia: Justifiable Demonization - If You're the Enemy
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"And from the other side of the world come not one, but two reports suspecting that U.S. Militia groups could be behind the anthrax attacks on U.S. Soil.

Then CNN begins to make hints about it on some talk show."

"What both reports fail to say is something that U.S. Militia groups have been saying for years: In the United States, the militia is comprised of ALL U.S. citizens between the ages of 17 and 45 (65 if prior military service)." by J.J. Johnson

UK: London Street Crime Jumps 31 Percent
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Street crime in London was 31% higher the past six months than during the same time period last year, mostly because of a spike in mobile phone thefts, police said Thursday.

"The street crime increase is a matter of real concern for us," he added. "This year we have arrested 20% more street robbers than we did last year, but this has not translated into a reduction in the number of offenses being committed."

Burglaries were up 2.5%, the report said.

CARA: Craving the Federal Trough
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"I've been e-mailed by life members, Golden Eagles and, without exception, they're supporting our position and questioning what the NRA is doing," says Jay Zane Walley. The NRA administration had not informed its board of directors or membership about the issues, or that the organization was actively lobbying for it on the Hill.

To date the NRA has not officially budged in its position, nor explained its position satisfactorily.

We Can't Win This Way
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"At every step, the response by government has been predictably bad. Ex post, it punishes the innocent, because they are easiest to get to, with mandatory and costly inconveniences, none of which would have stopped previous terror attacks, to say nothing of preventing future attacks. Meanwhile, under the cover of emergency, the government attacks rights previously considered sacred." by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Militia Groups Return to Spotlight
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Militias have been trying for years to get everybody prepared," Razey told The Seattle Times. "Now it's not just us weird old militia people saying it. It's the Red Cross."

Militia of Montana founder John Trochmann said he has received calls from New York to California seeking biological-warfare suits and vials of a potassium substance that claims to protect against radiation poisoning.

Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence's spin on Emerson
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Court Upholds Gun Control Law; Court's Discussion on Second Amendment is Not Binding -- Yesterday, the New Orleans based United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld the indictment of Timothy Emerson under a provision of the Violent Crime Control Act, which prohibits a person subject to a restraining order from possessing a gun. This is a victory for gun control advocates, who argued that people subject to a restraining order should not be allowed to own guns."

Brady Center Criticizes Court's "interpretation" of Second Amendment
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"...the Court's suggestion that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to be armed for reasons unrelated to organized militia service is based on a gross distortion of American constitutional history," said Dennis Henigan, director of the Brady Center's Legal Action Project.

No endorsement given: NRA stays very quiet in VA Governor's race
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The organization representing gun owners has endorsed Republicans Jay Katzen for lieutenant governor and Jerry Kilgore for attorney general. But the National Rifle Association's silence has become deafening in the battle between Republican Mark Earley and Democrat Mark Warner for Governor of Virginia.

MA: Newton Schedules Gun "Buyback" Program
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Newton's "Crime Prevention Commission", a group appointed by Mayor David Cohen's office, is holding its annual Gun "Buy Back" on Saturday, 9am to 1pm. The program, run by Jason Tonkonogy, offers $50 for each firearm turned in at the rear of the Washington Street police station. The program is also scheduled for Oct. 27 and Nov. 3.

All guns will be melted down by the Massachusetts State Police Department. For more information, call 617-552-7240, Tonkonogy at 617-965-4188, or 781-674-2886.

Endowment fund to "Reduce Gun Violence" established in name of Tom Wales
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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CeaseFire Foundation of Washington, of which Wales was a board member and former president, announced today that the Tom Wales Endowment Fund will serve as a "lasting memorial to an outspoken gun-safety advocate and community leader."

Gun Violence "Opponents" See Tie-in to Sept. 11 Attacks
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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More than 700 pupils gathered in St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church on Chicago's Southwest Side to observe the sixth-annual "Day of National Concern About Young People and Gun Violence," coordinated by the Chicago Police Department in schools around the city.

"Pupils signed pledges, vowing to stay away from guns, never resolve disputes with guns and influence friends to also avoid guns."

Stratton, CO: Flow of Gun Permits Resumes
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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The town of Stratton is once again issuing concealed gun permits to any Coloradan who passes the background check, ignoring the complaints of police chiefs statewide.

Lubbock, TX Attorney Comments on Emerson Ruling
Submitted by: serinde

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Second item on page.

"A Lubbock attorney says an appellate court ruling which allows for regulation of protections under the Second Amendment diminishes an individual's right to bear arms. That's the word from the defense of a man accused of having a gun in violation of a court order. Lubbock attorney David Guinn says the right to bear arms is an elevated right, similar to freedom of political speech and the free exercise of religion, and should not be regulated."

New War, Old Tactics
Submitted by: serinde

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(Opinion article)

Congress is justified in wanting to give the Justice Department new tools to move quickly and surely against suspects. But it is imperative that those tools properly balance the competing interests of national security and individual rights.

OpSD: Victim Shoots Suspect Trying to Rob Him
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Huntersville, N.C. -- Huntersville Police say a man tried to rob another man at gunpoint Tuesday night. The victim pulled out his gun and started shooting the suspect, police say.

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. — Billy Graham

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