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Newslinks for 10/2/2021

MI: The Safe and Secure Project: Teaching gun safety to adults, children
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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There have been multiple reports of shootings involving children mishandling guns in the past few months. In most cases, the child was left unsupervised.

Three men are now tackling the issue head-on and hosting a gun safety class this weekend.

Chad King is an instructor with The Safe and Secure Project. He’s furious over the series of shootings involving a child.

“Rage. I say rage from the perspective of a parent, who owns firearms,” King said.

Recently, 27-year old Colby Vaughn Hardy was charged in connection with the shooting death of his 5-year-old son in January on Sturtevant Street in Detroit. Police said Hardy’s 18-month old nephew allegedly found the gun and shot his son in the face.

MO: Homeowner Shoots Himself While Defending Against Home Invader
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So I suppose we can cut a St. Louis homeowner some slack for shooting himself in the hand while defending against a home invader. It happened on a Monday night at about 11:40 PM. The 40-year-old homeowner was confronted by a man who entered his home and tried to assault him.

The details of the fight are not really known except that during the struggle the victim suffered a self-inflicted wound to a hand but the suspect took several gunshot wounds. Police found the suspect near the home’s entrance but he later died at a hospital. The extent of the victim’s hand injury was not reported.

Let the Threat Come to You: A Winning Strategy, Tactically and Legally
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In evaluating literally thousands of lethal force incidents involving armed citizens, I have concluded that one of the gravest mistakes made by otherwise well-meaning self-defenders is the pursuit of the threat. There is an innate human tendency to give chase to an adversary. This phenomenon is consistently witnessed in incidents of theft, where armed citizens will give chase to retrieve, or simply retaliate for, the theft of property, and such action is fraught with both tactical and legal peril. Beyond this, however, is a tendency among many to simply insert themselves into a potentially dangerous situation when there is absolutely no reason to do so.

FL: New video prompts judge to give bond to tow yard owner accused in shooting death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An accused murderer got a chance to get out of jail after being there for more than four months.

On Friday, a judge in Bartow set bond for Michael Denn at $100,000. He had no bond before this.

Part of the judge’s decision may have been influenced by a surveillance video that was shown in court for the first time.

It documents what happened back in May at Denn's business, Strapped Towing and Recovery in Mulberry.

The state and defense came to opposite conclusions after viewing the video. The defense said Denn shot in self-defense.

WV: SHERIFF: Woman stabs man in self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Investigators found the man, identified as Caleb Himes, with stab wounds to his neck and arm, as well as other injuries.

The woman told deputies Himes had strangled her and tried keep her from leaving a house, authorities said.

The two struggled, and the woman used a box cutter to defend herself before running from the house, according to RCSO.

Authorities say the woman’s story to be consistent with evidence found at the scene.

FBI Crime Data Says Armed Citizens Shot More Criminals in 2020
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One stunning revelation in the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2020 is that armed private citizens fatally shot more criminals during the commission of felonies than police, a fact that seems to be avoided by the establishment media.

According to the FBI’s expanded homicide data for 2020, law enforcement used firearms 298 times in fatal line-of-duty shootings, while private citizens killed 343 suspected felons “during the commission of a felony.”

PA: Hawaii Attorney General Connors Joins Amicus Brief
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hawaii Attorney General Clare E. Connors joined a coalition of 20 attorneys general led by Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul in defending a Pennsylvania law limiting the issuance of concealed-carry licenses to people ages 21 and up. In an amicus brief filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit, the coalition argues that states have the right to enact reasonable, age-based firearm regulations that protect public safety and reduce the prevalence of gun violence.

SC: SC takes away felons' voting rights. We should take away their gun rights too.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An NRA spokesman told Ms. Adcox the bills would mean “thousands of South Carolinians with nonviolent misdemeanor convictions immediately losing their Second Amendment rights.” Sort of like the tens of thousands of South Carolinians with nonviolent misdemeanor convictions who already lose their voting rights, although not permanently.

NY: The Future of Concealed Carry Guns in New York May Affect Us All
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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At issue in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA), Inc., et al., Petitioners v. Kevin P. Bruen, in His Official Capacity as Superintendent of New York State Police, et al is whether New York State’s restriction on individual firearms carry outside the home is a violation of the Second Amendment. This case focuses on an individuals’ rights to carry guns outside of the home for self-defense. It is contextually relevant to mention how different states issue their concealed carry weapon permits: on either a shall issue basis, or a may issue basis — unlike many aspects of the law these two paradigms are quite clear at their face.

Micro Nine Pistols: The New World Champ or Another Contender?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We've seen similar predictions in the shooting industry. Right now the hot topic of conversation in the self defense community is the burgeoning sub-compact class of carry pistols dubbed the 'Micro Nines.’ Much like the 'Wunder Nines' of the 1980s, these little double-stack semi-automatic pistols are attracting pundits who say they are the best thing so far. But as the industry's history has shown, hot gun trends can make big waves without necessarily sinking boats that are already in the water.

Let's break out the crystal ball and see how a few popular carry options may fair against the new Micro Nines in a head-to-head bout for American concealed-carry holster space.

The Boomer Legacy: How the Biggest Generation of Hunters Shaped Hunting Culture
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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My father wasn’t trying to ensure hunting’s future or even create a new hunter when he slid that Savage 24S-E in .22/.410 beneath our Christmas tree in 1971. Dad had quit hunting by the time I was 14, and honestly, he probably wasn’t the best teacher or role model to take me and my three brothers out for rabbits or squirrels. Dad was a crack shot, but he was impatient with hunting and its painstaking tactics.

Still, he had been a boy of the Great Depression, and Dad’s early years had instilled the necessities of marksmanship, fencerow rabbits, and freshly caught bullheads. He enlisted in the Army at age 17, as World War II ended.

OR: Oregon attorney general sues two counties over ‘Second Amendment sanctuary’ ordinances
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Oregon’s attorney general filed lawsuits Friday against two counties that had adopted ordinances that sought to nullify new statewide gun safety laws and declaring themselves “Second Amendment sanctuaries.”

In her lawsuits against Yamhill and Harney counties, Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum asked the circuit courts in those jurisdictions to declare the ordinances “invalid and void” because they conflict “with paramount state law.”

“Gun safety laws exist to help keep guns out of dangerous hands and keep people safe. A county commission simply doesn’t get to override state law in this way,” Rosenblum said.

OR: Oregon Attorney General sues Yamhill, Harney counties to enforce new gun laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum sued two Oregon counties Friday to stop their efforts to get around Oregon’s new gun laws.

During the last legislative session, Oregon lawmakers required gun owners to securely store their weapons when not in use. The bill also banned the possession of guns in the state Capitol and at Portland International Airport and paved the way for public schools and universities to enact their own bans.

FL: Guns at election sites: What could go wrong?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“The League of Women Voters of Florida is strongly advocating for protections against voter intimidation in our state,” said League president Cecile Scoon in a statement announcing its filing of an amicus brief in a New York lawsuit pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association and plaintiffs Robert Nash and Brandon Koch are suing New York authorities to challenge restrictions in that state on carrying concealed firearms in public places including election-related settings. The League of Women Voters of the United States and the Florida chapter are joining the case in support of gun restrictions that shield voters and election workers from intimidation.

OR: New Oregon gun law is common sense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new state law took effect Saturday that requires gun owners to lock up their firearms when they are not in their immediate control.

If a gun is not secured, makes it into the wrong hands and later is used to injure a person or property, the gun owner is liable for damages. If a minor gains unauthorized access to an unsecured gun, the owner is guilty of a Class A violation if they knew or should have known that the minor could gain access.

GA: Athens teen indicted for shooting woman who injured him by shooting back
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to the indictment filed Sept. 24 in Clarke County Superior Court, 18-year-old Carlos Dominique Cochran of Weir Court was charged with aggravated assault and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.

According to Athens-Clarke County police, the incident occurred July 19 at the Parkview Homes apartment complex where Cochran shot 19-year-old Alysses Williams multiple times, and he was wounded when Williams returned fire.

Springfield Releases the 10mm XD-M Elite 3.8″ Compact OSP Pistol
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Who doesn’t love a pistol chambered in “God’s caliber?” Springfield Armory has just announced the introduction of their newest heavy-hitting compact carry pistol – the 10mm XD-M Elite 3.8″ Compact OSP. The new pistol features optional 15-round extended magazines that are available along with its two flush-fit 11+1 standard magazines that it ships with. These options, when combined with the spicy 10mm cartridge, turns the XD-M Elite into more than just your standard compact self-defense carry pistol – you could probably take down a bear if you wanted to with the right ammo.

Different Times And Situations Call For Different Tactics
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Second Amendment supporters often have raised a stink about times major legislation that attacks our rights is enacted. The 1968 Gun Control Act and the 1993 Brady Act are two major bones some pick with the National Rifle Association at the time. But then there are times when the NRA scored wins – like halting any federal gun control after Columbine and Sandy Hook.

One thing to keep in mind with these differing outcomes is this: The situations were very different. In 1968 and 1993, the Congress and White House were in the hands of foes of the Second Amendment, and the margins in Congress were significantly in their favor. For the 1968 Gun Control Act and the Brady Act, the best option was to limit the damage.

A Painful History Lesson on the NRA & Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You may be surprised to know that back in the 1920s and into the 30s, NRA was a proponent of gun control, and actually aggressively pursued the enactment of gun control laws. Laws that to this day, we are fighting. Laws to this day that the NRA is now fighting and has been fighting for many years to repeal and get rid of. But we need to know and understand what mistakes NRA made, and it was really done out of those folks being naive. If you want to read more about this, there is a really interesting article, believe it or not, in The Atlantic, which is a magazine that is generally considered, you know, left-wing, liberal without a doubt. But they had an article called The Secret History of Guns by Adam Winkler in the September 2011 issue.

"Secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy ... censorship. When any government, or any church, for that matter, undertakes to say to it's subjects, 'This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,' the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." --Robert A. Heinlein, "Revolt in 2100" (Pg. 68-69, Baen Books paperback edition, 1999 printing)

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