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Newslinks for 10/20/2011

What does Obama mean by ‘held accountable’?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "And while we’re all distracted with the sleight of mind shell game that funds should be withheld from gunwalking ops (good grief, you need to tell adults and/or law enforcement that?), the documented fact that PEOPLE WERE ALLOWED TO DIE in order to advance an agenda is lost in the bipartisan kumbaya/kabuki moment." ...

U.S. Rep to U.N. Says Obama Wants Senate to Ratify Arms Treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Obama administration 'is seeking advice and consent' for Senate ratification of an international small arms treaty, and also supports the inclusion of small arms in the UN Register of Conventional Arms, the [CCRKBA] learned today."

"The disclosure is found in the text of a statement to the First Committee of the 66th session of the UN General Assembly, delivered by Laura E. Kennedy, the permanent United States representative to the Conference on Disarmament. CCRKBA obtained a copy of the statement." ...

Submitter's Note: The treaty in question would require a government license to add or remove a scope, furniture or even ammunition! Don't believe me? Read the definitions in Article I.

A chief of 'Only Ones,' and a felon?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So he is already a police chief (albeit in tiny Alorton, IL)--and, supposedly, a felon. The article goes on, incredibly, to say that Baxton has worked in law enforcement since 1982--the same year, apparently, that he was convicted." ...

"So apparently, this is the situation in Illinois: private citizens cannot legally carry a defensive firearm in public; felons can become police chiefs (but if they were not 'Only Ones,' could not legally buy so much as a single round of ammunition or a Taser); and in jurisdictions like East St. Louis, a police department that was already unable to effectively rein in crime is further depleted with strikes and lay-offs." ...

Dr. Timothy Wheeler – Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cam Edwards talks to Dr. Timothy Wheeler, Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership who rebuts an article entitled 'Firearm injuries to kids underestimated, study shows'" ...

George Soros, Your Guns & What the NRA Knows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"George Soros is a known supporter [and financier] of 'gun control', both here in America and around the globe.

He is also a billionaire … and he is also Jewish. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership therefore has a more than usual interest in this man and his immense and potentially dangerous power."

"An UNSUBSTANTIATED rumor is going around the internet of late. The Talmud says that for any lie to be believable, it must be interwoven with truth, and this rumor is no different." ...

Myth: 90% of Mexican Drug Cartel Guns Come from U.S.
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"In responding to congressional leaders about concerns over his May, 2011 testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Holder talked about the need to 'reform gun laws' and 'close loopholes' in an effort to curtail the 'staggering flow of guns' heading across the border each year into Mexico. The National Shooting Sports Foundation believes it is important to address this misconception." ...

If Reelected, Obama will Destroy 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"It is easy for the Second Amendment community to be lulled into a false sense of security about Barack Obama."

"He has viciously attacked Second Amendment rights, but he has done so quietly, behind-the-scenes, and by regulation and BATFE abuses."

"So does it really matter whether he is reelected a year from next month?"

"The answer is 'yes.' And there are a couple of paramount reasons." ...

No Firearms Training = No God Given Rights in Wisconsin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A single mom. Two kids in the backseat. Grocery shopping went fine, but the man approaching their car has a gun and is about to turn the parking lot into a scene straight from hell."

"Thankfully mom has a gun."

"Wait a minute, no she doesn’t."

"She doesn’t have the gun … because according to State Rep. Garey Bies and a small group of self-righteous elitist do-gooders in the gun community she doesn’t have … 'enough training.' Too late." ...

Submitter's Note: We took care of this in Minnesota by stipulating that if the sheriff failed to issue or deny a permit within 30 days your copy of the application sufficed as your permit, spiking any stonewalling by the AG or anti-gun pols.

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Kelly Crandell [Not Shown]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Make no mistake, we appreciate fine cleavage with the best of ‘em. But believe it or not, decolletage can cause problems. In fact, it can be downright dangerous. And we don’t just mean when your wife catches you checking out someone else’s display as she walks past your table on your anniversary. No, it turns out an unwise showing of one’s assets can actually get someone shot…" ...

Iowa National Guard Unit Watches Predator One Too Many Times, Makes Jesse Ventura’s Ammo Backpack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Who doesn’t love Predator? Two juiced up governors-to-be on screen simultaneously throwing lead at a common enemy and taking out bad guys. Its a typical late-80s action film, but the reason that it always stuck in my mind was Governor Ventura’s handheld M134 minigun. Nevermind that (if real) the weapon would only have enough ammunition for less than 5 seconds of firing, I thought it was a great concept. Apparently an Iowa National Guard unit (1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Iowa National Guard) thought so too, and that’s why they built one."

"Well, not the whole thing — the minigun is impractical. The ammunition backpack, on the other hand, is genius." ...

Gun Review: Glock 20 10mm Auto
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hype. It’s a word synonymous with 10mm Auto. Developed by Col. Jeff Cooper, carried by Sonny Crockett, known in the firearms fraternity as 'the cartridge the FBI couldn’t handle,' 10mm Auto has achieved near mythological status. If everything on the interwebz is to be believed (tip: it’s not) the 10mm auto was so powerful it was putting petite FBI agents on disability. To separate fact from friction [sic], I contacted Glock to get a full-size G20, deep diving into the veiled world of 10mm auto aficionados. First things first . . ." ...

TTAG at KCR: Loading Ammunition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The shooters at the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot run through hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition every year. Which is great for ammunition companies, but poses a slight problem for the shooters: how do you take loose or clipped ammunition and put it in belts? If it were one or two belts doing it by hand might not be an issue, but when volume is the name of the game it seems like the MG shooters turn to some interesting mechanical devices to do the dirty work for them." ...

Conceal and carry reciprocity would shoot down public safety and states’ rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "If the legislation passes and public safety is compromised as a result, it could spell even more restrictions on concealed weapons and stricter gun control measures than currently exist in most jurisdictions. Conservatives and liberals alike should also recognize the clear impingement on states’ rights, questions of constitutionality and the clear and present danger this bill poses to law enforcement and the general public. 'We believe it’s dangerous for law enforcement and their ability to deter criminals, and would encourage gun trafficking,' [Boston mayor Menino's spokesman Jake] Sullivan said." ...

Submitter's Note: 'Clear and present danger to law enforcement' eh? So tell me Jake, how many cops have been shot by permit holders and how many have been shot by other cops (feloniously, not "friendly" fire incidents)?

"Insane" Concealed Carry Gun Bill Must be Stopped
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"It’s been nine months since the Tucson shooting, in which the U.S. Congress almost lost one of its own – Rep. Gabrielle Giffords – to gunfire. And how has the Congress responded to the shooting that so gravely wounded Rep. Giffords, while ending six innocent lives, including that of a nine-year-old girl, and injuring twelve others?"

"The House Judiciary Committee next week likely will report out a bill, H.R. 822, that will make it possible for dangerous people like the Tucson shooter to legally carry concealed weapons in virtually every state in the nation. The Senate may take up similar legislation any day now, in the form of an Appropriations Amendment." ...

KABA Note: Here's a shocker, Denny lies throughout this piece. Just one example, he claims that "[u]nder this legislation, if someone with a Virginia concealed carry permit were caught armed and intoxicated in Tennessee, the State would be powerless to arrest him for gun possession while under the influence". But the law says: "The possession or carrying of a concealed handgun in a State under this section shall be subject to the same conditions and limitations, except as to eligibility to possess or carry, imposed by or under Federal or State law ..."
Denny if you want any sort of credibility you've got to overcome this chronic mendacity. Have you tried therapy?

iPhone 4S v. .50 BMG Incendiary Round (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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No comment necessary.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Submitter's Note: Humor. Or not . . .

MA: MIT Tech Helps U.S. Soldiers See Through Concrete Walls
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Invisible tanks, Iron-Man suits, and now x-ray vision?"

"Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are developing an experimental radar system that will allow U.S. troops in combat to see through walls."

"In recent tests held at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory, the radar successfully showed humans moving behind solid concrete."

"The researchers’ device is an unassuming array of antenna in two rows — eight receiving elements on top, 13 transmitting ones below — and some computing equipment, all mounted onto a movable cart. But project leader Gregory Charvat and his team believe the technology could have powerful implications for 'urban combat situations.'" ...

FL: Clerk in Fla. kills would be robber, saves baby
Submitted by: bill armstrong

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"A convenience store manager grabbed a gun from under the counter and shot a robber in the knee when the man scooped up the clerk's infant daughter, deputies and family members said Wednesday."

"The robber tried to get into the cash register Tuesday afternoon at Del's 24-Hour Food Store in Naples but he couldn't open it. He grabbed a stroller with Elizabeth Easterly's 1-year-old in it and headed for the door, according to a sheriff's report and family members. Easterly shot the man and he died at a hospital." ...

The Nightline Whitewash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jake Tapper devoted all of one question to Operation Fast and Furious in his 'exclusive' interview with President Obama. Frankly it was a softball question asking Obama's response when he learned of it. You could have gotten a tougher question coming out of a group of Obama supporters at townhall meeting." ...

SSI Exclusive: OIG "investigation" a "total sham that will go on forever." The Gunwalker Cover-up "Counteroffensive" -- all show, no go.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Mike Levine, the Stockholm Syndrome sufferer who is paid by FOX News to be their correspondent covering the Department of Justice but who does a better job as DOJ's (presumably unpaid) advocate within FOX News, heralded on Monday the open moves in the White House counteroffensive in the Gunwalker cover-up." ...

Napolitano on ATF Fast and Furious: "We're waiting for the Inspector General"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano said today she had no conversations with her one-time chief of staff former Arizona US Attorney Dennis Burke, about the Fast and Furious scandal that led to Burke's resignation. Burke was Napolitano's Chief of Staff when she governor of Arizona. He's the only government official to step down in the wake of the controversial operation that allowed thousands of weapons to be sold to traffickers supplying Mexican drug cartels." ...

Submitter's Note: Waiting for the IG or Waiting for Godot?

Congress Zeroes in on Justice Department Gun Running Scandal (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Hold ATF accountable for gun debacle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a former police officer, I have been struggling with the account of the [ATF] bizarre 'Fast and Furious' gun-running operation ..." ...

"One might be drawn to the conclusion that the real objective of this program had nothing whatsoever to do with gun-running to the cartels, but was instead intended to establish that American gun dealers (most of whom objected to supporting this program) were irresponsible in selling guns to notorious criminal elements. That is the only excuse for actually letting the guns cross the border into Mexico to kill people. This program was not about taking down the cartels; it seems like it was more about building the justification for a campaign to restrict gun rights in the United States." ...

U.S. House Committee Advances National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"[Last] week, the House Judiciary considered amendments to H.R. 822, the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Bill, and defeated all anti-gun amendments offered in an effort to weaken or gut the legislation."

"The legislation is an important pro-gun reform that will provide for the recognition of carry permits in all states that issue permits. ..." ...

Urge ‘Yes’ Vote on Hatch Firearms Related Amendment No. 770 to Commerce, Justice and State Appropriations Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Urge 'Yes' Vote on Hatch Amendment No. 770 to Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Bill Now Being Debated on the Senate Floor."

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) is seeking to offer an amendment to the Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill now being debated on the Senate floor." ...

NE: Gun owners push to reject registration changes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some gun owners are saying 'no' to proposed changes to Omaha’s gun registration rules, and the city of Omaha says 'yes' to a new health care program."

"The city’s proposal to revise Omaha’s gun registration rules had gun owners from inside and outside city limits showing up in city hall—all hoping to convince the city council to shoot down what some say is 'redundant' to current state and federal law." ...

WI: Dodge County waits on weapons policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dodge County will follow federal guidelines when the concealed carry law takes effect next month. That is because the Dodge County Board of Supervisors Tuesday night could not agree on their own set of rules and regulations pertaining to the new state law that will take effect Nov. 1."

"According to the state law, local government bodies can prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms into buildings owned by that unit of government." ...

Submitter's Note: Let's think about these prohibitions for a moment. Local gov't want to protect us from the group of people who meet all these criteria:
1) Who are cool-headed enough to obey the law and not bring guns to their meeting.
2) Who, are hot-tempered enough that if they had a gun at a meeting would be willing to commit murder.
3) Who are cool-headed enough that if they go to a meeting unarmed, lose their temper and decide to kill someone and go home to get their gun will, upon arriving home, say to themselves "You know I think I'll just make myself a sandwich instead of going back and shooting up City Hall."

CA: Oakland to pay $1.7 million wrongful-death settlement in case of man beaten by police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The family of Jerry Amaro, who died after he was beaten by as many as five Oakland police officers in 2000, settled a wrongful-death lawsuit against the city for $1.7 million."

"The City Council unanimously agreed to the settlement Tuesday."

"Amaro, 36, died on April 21, 2000, from pneumonia caused by multiple rib fractures and a collapsed lung. He had told his mother and several other people that he had been beaten by police officers who arrested him during a drug sting on March 23, 2000. The police report of the arrest made no mention of use of force." ...

CA: Hanford settles police brutality case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man who says he was beaten by Hanford police settled a lawsuit with the city and police department earlier this year ..."

"Larry Dennis Miller Sr., along with his wife, Cheryl Miller, and son Larry Miller Jr., agreed to drop a police brutality complaint he filed against five officers as well as the police chief and the city, after the city’s risk management authority agreed to pay an undisclosed amount of money." ...

"Miller Sr., the plaintiff, was criminally prosecuted ... on charges of resisting officers, although he was acquitted by a jury."

"The city did not admit fault as part of the settlement, and no disciplinary action has been taken against the police officers named in the case." ...

CO: Occupy Denver: Are police hassling legal observers?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Colorado chapter of the National Lawyers Guild is offering free representation to those arrested in the Occupy Denver protests. The group's also been sending legal observers to demonstration sites -- and several have shared reports with chapter president Charles Nadler about police officers treating them improperly."

"'The police know about our people who do legal observing,' says Nadler ... 'They know our people aren't participating in the demonstrations -- that they're there to observe. And the way they can tell who those people are is because they're wearing fluorescent green hats. ... And most people are also taking video with cell phone cameras -- and some of the police officers apparently don't like that.'" ...

CO: Denver OKs $83,000 to settle three cases involving police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Denver City Council agreed Monday to pay out nearly $83,000 to settle three cases involving the Police Department — two of them traffic-related claims."

"One case resolves a federal court lawsuit about alleged excessive force in which the plaintiff — Daniel Hernandez — says he was beaten up by Denver officers in November 2008." ...

UT: Man wins civil rights lawsuit against former St. George cop
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"A federal jury on Tuesday found a former St. George police officer violated a man’s Fourth Amendment rights during a 2006 investigation, but awarded the victim just $5,000 of the $1 million he was seeking." ...

Submitter's note: modern Americans on juries are such government worshiping sheep it's SCARY. This cop didn't have a legal leg to stand on, committed assault AND violated several of the man's rights, and the gutless jury KNEW they had to rule against the cop, but they handed out a hollow victory which will do nothing to stop future abuses of our rights by cops.

WA: Former Tacoma officer sentenced to prison in molestation case
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"A former Tacoma police officer convicted of molesting a young female relative was sentenced Friday to more than 14 years in prison."

"A jury convicted John H. Parkes, 46, last month of four counts of first-degree child molestation." ...

NY: A.G. Schneiderman to U.S. Senate: Defeat bill that could increase gun trafficking in New York
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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... "In a letter to Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Schneiderman today wrote that the bill ... would restrict New York State’s ability to control who may and may not carry a concealed weapon in all or parts of the State, undermine the ability of police to verify the validity of gun permits, and allow gun traffickers to more easily bring illegal guns into the State." [emphasis added] ...

KABA Note: So AG Schneiderman believes law-abiding permit-holders are nothing more than felonious gun traffickers.
Oh and Eric? I would never accuse a State Attorney General of being an out-and-out liar, so you must just be an incompetent ignoramus: H.R.822 would not change a single NYS gun law. If carry in churches or schools is contrary to your law it would remain so.

NY: NYSRPA Challenges Attorney General Schneiderman's Opposition to National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association is deeply disappointed in Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's opposition to H.R. 822, the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act."

"'Eric Schneiderman campaigned for New York State District Attorney on a platform of equality and social justice,' said Thomas H. King, President of NYSRPA. 'In opposing H.R. 822, Schneiderman makes it clear that a citizen's 2nd Amendment civil rights can be abridged by nothing more than arbitrary political boundaries. Worse, he gives his full support to New York's notorious Sullivan Act which not only permits, but encourages, discrimination based upon a person's race, religion, sexual orientation and economic status. ...'" ...

Germany: Germans Condemn Police Use of Spyware
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A group that calls itself the Chaos Computer Club prompted a public outcry here recently when it discovered that German state investigators were using spying software capable of turning a computer's webcam and microphone into a sophisticated surveillance device."

"The club, a German hacking organization, announced last Saturday it had analyzed the hard drives of people who had been investigated and discovered that they were infected with a Trojan horse program that gave the police the ability to log keystrokes, capture screenshots and activate cameras and microphones. The software exceeded the powers prescribed to the police by Germany's Federal Constitutional Court." ...

OH: Ohio Gun Collectors Association donates $3000 to Buckeye Firearms Foundation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ohio Gun Collectors Association ( (OGCA) is the largest gun collecting association in the world. They are also second to none in the promotion and protection of our Second Amendment rights. The OGCA recently continued this tradition by presenting checks to the Butler County Sportsmen Club and the Buckeye Firearms Association." ...

WA: More reasons for WA hunter anger toward WDFW, commission
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Opening weekend of the general buck deer season provided more evidence for critics of game management in Washington State that the people in charge are not their friends."

"According to an editor’s blog on the Northwest Sportsman website, a new 4-point minimum antler restriction in two key northeast Washington management units evidently drove hunters away or kept them home. Here’s what editor Andy Walgamott reported:" ...

CA: Will end of open carry mean more concealed weapons?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... California is famously strict about concealed gun permits -- a county sheriff's approval is required -- but that stringent policy, coupled with the new open carry ban, brings into question the state's compliance with the Second Amendment."

"If a gun owner can't carry open or concealed, isn't California effectively denying the right to bear arms?" ...

OH: Sheriff: 56 exotic animals escaped from farm near Zanesville; 49 killed by authorities
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Authorities say that in all, 56 exotic animals escaped from a farm in Muskingum County last night, and one could still be missing this afternoon."

"Of those animals, 49 were killed. Six animals -- a grizzly bear, three leopards and two monkeys -- were captured alive and taken to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, and a monkey and a grey wolf were at large. The animals that were killed included 18 tigers, nine male lions, eight female lions, six black bears, three mountain lions, two grizzly bears, one baboon and two wolves, Sheriff Matt Lutz said. The escaped monkey poses a danger because it is infected with herpes, the sheriff said." ...

A Bill of Rights that means what the majority wants it to mean is worthless. — Justice Antonin Scalia

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