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Newslinks for 10/21/2011

Why does Summa Health System censor Internet access to gun info?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But to censor what a visitor can access because they are philosophically or politically opposed to ideas, and to set themselves up as arbiters of acceptability—and to prohibit that with which they disagree as a matter of corporate policy—is intolerant, arrogant, offensive and wrong, particularly when you consider most hospital visits are not exactly electives, that emergency facilities enjoy a special status within the diverse communities they’re supposed to serve, and that such policies can have the effect of impacting a visitor's livelihood." ...

NY Atty General blasts, misrepresents CCW Reciprocity bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "[New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman] is clearly categorizing law-abiding armed citizens in the same column as illegal gun traffickers and other criminals. Legally-armed, law-abiding citizens don’t carry zip-guns, or handguns from which serial numbers have been removed, or sawed-off shotguns, or stolen handguns."

"A citizen’s self-defense rights, same as his or her right to keep and bear arms, does not end at a state line. Schneiderman, as an officer of the court, should fully understand that 16 months after the McDonald Second Amendment ruling."

Occupy movement has historic roots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I was a police officer in New York City and Colorado for nearly forty years after I served for six years in the military during the Vietnam era. I did not come by my thoughts and opinions lightly."

"I have probably spent more time at anti-war demonstrations as a police officer than any demonstrator has during their lifetime. ..."

"It is sad in a way that the very people who believe that they are the most patriotic and support our nation to the highest level have never read the United States Constitution or studied our history."

"The true purpose of the Second Amendment ... was so that people could have firearms in their homes that could be used to overthrow the government. This was a lesson from the American Revolution ..." ...

We’re Going On a Feral Hog Hunt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The other day, I interviewed a couple of Arkansas ranch owners for an agricultural newspaper. During our chin wag, the owners revealed that they had a bit of a feral hog problem. Selflessly, I offered to apply my hog hunting skills to the infestation issue. To metaphorically paraphrase Henny Youngman, I was up so early this morning that the crack of dawn wasn’t safe. Before I loaded up my truck for the 50 minute drive to the ranch, I sighted-in my rifle for 100 yards on my private range. My boomstick for this hunt: an Ishapore 2A Enfield chambered in 7.62X51 (instead of .303). I’ve given it a synthetic stock, a scope mount and a Leupold scout scope. I knew she wouldn’t let me down . . ." ...

Halloween And Shooters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Halloween approaches. It was my favorite holiday, next to Christmas, when I was a kid. There’s still a special place for it in my heart. When I was a (relatively) young dad, it pleased me greatly to take my kids out trick or treating and stand in the dark autumn night behind them and watch the fun."

"Over the last several years, I’ve noticed the emergence of Halloween shoots at local gun clubs. They turn out to be big fun, too."

"Some clubs have pumpkin shoots. Blow hell outa those pulpy orange things. Its lotsa fun when you’re doing it… though it will never be any fun to clean up after." ...

Guns and zombies share rise in popularity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Americans love guns and Americans love zombies. And recently the two have gone hand in hand." ...

"During the rise in popularity of the undead, there has also been a rise in the number of guns in America. The National Rifle Association estimates there are roughly 80 million to 90 million gun owners in the country, with gun sales continuing to grow at a steady pace. FBI background checks for gun purchases in 2009 increased by 30 percent over the previous year and large retail outlets have seen about a 40 percent increase in sales over the past few years. And across the country applications for concealed carry permits have also risen." ...

OWFG CCW Chic. Or Not. (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Submitter's Note: For those who are unaware, in this context OFWG stands for Old Fat White Guy or the folks who constitute about 80% of permit holders.

How The NRA Plans To Force Nearly Every State To Follow The Nation’s Worst Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Many states’ licensing rules for concealed carry are shockingly lax. Florida, for example, issued 1,700 concealed carry permits to people with “criminal histories, arrest warrants, domestic violence injunctions and misdemeanor convictions for gun-related crimes.” Because Illinois is the only state that does not have a concealed carry law, the NRA’s bill would render out-of-state visitors immune to every state but Illinois’ licensing laws — so long as they obtained a license from a state that practically gives them away."

"Lest there be any doubt, this law has nothing whatsoever to do with the Second Amendment. ..." ...

NRA's Edwards Targets Mayor Booker With Faulty Concealed Carry Claims (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Tuesday, the coalition Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) released a video testimonial from Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker criticizing H.R. 822, a bill currently before Congress that would force states to recognize the concealed carry permits of all other states -- even those with dangerously lax standards." ...

National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act tramples states' rights
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A far-reaching bill making its way through Congress has raised red flags from a large coalition of mayors, law enforcement, prosecutors, advocates against domestic violence and concerned citizens."

"The legislation threatens to trample the rights of state and local governments to keep their citizens safe through common-sense measures granting permits for those carrying concealed weapons." ...

KABA Note: I wonder if the Little Falls Times would support the following "states' rights" argument: The legislation threatens to trample the rights of state and local governments to keep their citizens safe through common-sense measures prohibiting coloreds and Mexicans from remaining in town after sunset.

Ad Campaign Urges Senators to Stop Concealed Carry Gun Bill
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Today, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) placed a full-page ad in the Philadelphia Inquirer imploring Pennsylvania Senators Bob Casey and Pat Toomey to oppose any congressional legislation that would impose nationwide concealed carry reciprocity on the states. The ad asks Pennsylvania residents to call Casey and Toomey and tell them to voice their opposition to this dangerous idea. It is the second in a series of ads by CSGV, the first of which was published yesterday in the Boston Globe and directed at Senator Scott Brown." ...

KABA Note: Lying liars are telling lies again! Their ad claims that "domestic abusers" would be allowed to carry under H.R.822, but as most gunnies know, anyone convicted of even misdemeanor domestic violence lose their gun rights permanently.

FL: Columbia County burglar flees in the face of gunfire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Columbia County woman told deputies that she surprised a burglar in her home and was cut several time before she was able to pick up a gun and shoot at him, at which point he fled." ...

"The woman told investigators that the incident happened around 11:15 a.m. when she walked into her home on Southwest Leslie Glen in the Lake City area. She said she was confronted by a man carrying a sharp instrument — possibly a knife — that he used to cut her. In her statement to investigators, the woman said she was able to get to a gun and fired at the man, who then ran out the back door." ...

WA: Suspected burglar shot, killed in Cascade Valley
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 30-year-old Moses Lake man is dead after being shot Sunday night in what appears to have been an attempted burglary north of Moses Lake city limits." ...

"Officers entered the home of Timothy Mandelas, 44, to discover Joshua Montano had been shot several times in the chest with a pistol, a Moses Lake Police report stated." ...

"Montano was accompanied by two other males, Ponozzo said, one who stayed on the porch throughout the incident and the other who reportedly entered the residence with Montano carrying a firearm. Both fled the scene after hearing the gunshot and are still at large." ...

NY: Foiled S.I. Diner Robber Pinned in 5 More Stick-Ups
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gunman who got into a confrontation with police officers, then crashed a stolen car into a fence in a failed bid to escape after an attempted robbery of Staten Island diner, has been pinned in five recent robberies in the borough." ...

"On Thursday, just after 3 a.m., the recidivist armed robber wearing a green camouflage mask and black hoodie entered the Golden Dove Diner near Arthur Kill Road and Richmond Ave, and pointed his .380 caliber semi-automatic handgun at the diner manager and two plainclothes police officers, who were seated in a booth together." ...

ATF Death Watch 107: How Many Guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I find it astounding that the Congressional Oversight Committee and the Justice Department are in a pissing match over a single firearm. Representative Issa’s investigators have every reason to believe there were at least three ATF-enabled firearms at the murder scene of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. ... As today’s letter from Issa and Senator Grassley to the FBI reveals, it’s possible there were as many as five guns involved. And yet the Justice Department decided to make the number of ATF-enabled murder weapons an issue—accusing Issa of political pandering while continuing to claim that the FBI only found two Fast and Furious-related firearms at the scene. Ah yes, the FBI . . ." ...

Partisan taint settles on Fast & Furious investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democrats are beginning to draw partisan lines in the sand as the investigation intensifies on Operation Fast and Furious, taking issue with House Republicans urging Attorney General Eric Holder to testify about what he knew and when he knew it." ...

Reps. Chaffetz and Gowdy ask Obama key 'Gunwalker' question
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Friday, Representatives Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) sent President Obama a letter inquiring about some inconsistencies between his statements about the 'gunwalking' in Operation Fast and Furious, and those of Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder ... stated in sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee on May 3 that he had first heard about Operation Fast and Furious within 'the last few weeks.' Obama, on the other hand, had told CNN Espańol that not only had he not been aware of Fast and Furious, and the 'gunwalking' allegations surrounding that operation, but that he knew that Holder had been similarly uninvolved. This was about a month and a half before Holder's 'last few weeks' statement." ...

SSI Exclusive: The 3rd Gun & "K1" -- not the same thing. But that doesn't mean there wasn't a 3rd gun. There was. It just didn't make it to the lab.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As part of the recent White House counteroffensive in the Gunwalker Scandal PR battle, Jordy Yager, AP correspondent and go-to guy for White House leaks wrote:"
"DOJ also issued a statement on Monday night saying that Issa’s comments were offensive and misunderstood how the FBI catalogues evidence found at crime scenes." ...
"Since Monday I have been checking into this controversy. ..." ...

CBS -- Congress tells FBI: clarify evidence in Brian Terry murder.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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I knew that they weren't going to take the 'Third Gun' counteroffensive of DOJ and the FBI lying down. Link."
"Today, members of Congress investigating the Fast and Furious 'gunwalker' scandal asked the FBI to clear up questions about evidence at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry." ...

Senate Bans Further DOJ Gunwalking Operations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Responding to the fierce controversy and surprising developments surrounding the [ATF's] botched Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking program, the United States Senate voted unanimously on Tuesday to block the Justice Department from taking part in any further gun-smuggling probes like that which characterized Operation Fast and Furious." ...

Submitter's note: Okay, let's think about this for a second: Congress has found it necessary to tell the DoJ that they can't ship guns across national borders to violent criminal gangs!
Really? We needed a law to tell us this was a bad idea?

The Best Presidential Candidate No One’s Heard Of
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gary Johnson is running for the Republican nomination for president. If you didn’t know that, you’re not alone. Precious few people do. He is the longest of long shots ..." ...

"... As the only candidate who has an actual track record of cutting the size of government, he scares the establishment."

"They also have a stake in keeping him marginalized because he exposes the shallowness of their 'conservatism.' He’s the real deal, believing that government has absolutely no business in our private lives. Thus, in addition to the expected support for the Second Amendment and school vouchers, he's pro-choice, believes that all Americans should have equal rights ..." ...

600 Mayors! Oh, My!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor Bloomberg and his Illegal Mayors are pulling out all the stops to try and derail HR 822 - the National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011. They placed a full page ad in USAToday asking people to call their Senators to oppose the bill. They are saying 'This federal mandate would threaten the safety of our communities by putting loaded guns in the hands of people who are too dangerous to qualify for a local permit.' (Sebastian does a good job examining this in the context of Philadelphia.) Moreover, this ad was signed by 600 mayors from around the country."

"That many mayors sounds impressive until you start digging deeper. ..." ...

NH: No-permit gun bill is pushed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New Hampshire residents would no longer have to obtain licenses to carry concealed weapons under a bill a key House committee voted for Thursday."

"By a vote of 12-5, the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee recommended passage of House Bill 536, which allows anyone but convicted felons and the mentally ill to carry pistols openly or concealed, loaded or unloaded, without a permit." ...

TN: Down in the Dumps over Todd's Arrest, Gun Freaks Lash Out at Harwell and the RINOs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun lobby leaders, like state Sen. Stacey Campfield and Tennessee Firearms Association director John Harris, are keeping a stiff upper lip and playing down the damage done to their cause by Rep. Curry Todd’s arrest. But at Internet forums, gun lovers themselves are distraught—outraged at Todd, their one-time hero, for wrecking their credibility and uniformly pessimistic about expanding the right to carry anytime in the near future." ...

WI: La Crosse votes in favor of conceal and carry ordinance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tonight the La Crosse County supervisors voted in favor of the proposed ordinance to keep firearms and other weapons out of La Crosse County Buildings. ..."

"Prior to the vote, members of La Crosse County shared their thoughts on the ordinance. Members of the public had three minutes to voice their opinions to county supervisors and board members on the proposed ordinance. Those in favor of the ordinance say safety is key and people do not need to carry weapons into county buildings."

"Those against the ordinance said the signs will only prevent law abiding citizens from practicing their second amendment right and that a sign will not stop a criminal anyway." ...

Submitter's Note: Once again, let's think about these prohibitions for a moment. Local gov't want to protect us from the group of people who meet all these criteria:
1) Who are cool-headed enough to obey the law and not bring guns to their meeting.
2) Who, are hot-tempered enough that if they had a gun at a meeting would be willing to commit murder.
3) Who are cool-headed enough that if they go to a meeting unarmed, lose their temper and decide to kill someone and go home to get their gun will, upon arriving home, they'll say to themselves "You know I think I'll just make myself a sandwich instead of going back and shooting up City Hall."

PA: Pennsylvania Moves to Ban Sunday Hunting
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"The Pennsylvania House Game and Fisheries Committee will hold its third and final public hearing on Thursday, Oct. 27, beginning at 9 a.m. in Room 140 of the Main Capitol Building in Harrisburg, Pa. This will be the last opportunity for Sunday hunting advocates to make their voices heard."

"In advance of this hearing, the Sunday hunting coalition ... is encouraging all sportsmen to contact members of the House Game and Fisheries Committee and urge them to repeal the ban on Sunday hunting." ...

NE: NRA: Take Action Against Proposed Omaha Gun Law
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Bad gun laws in Omaha may soon get worse unless you act today. Omaha Police Chief Alex Hayes and Assistant City Attorney Michelle Peters proposed a firearm registration ordinance this past Tuesday in an attempt to more closely mirror gun laws at the state and federal level." ...

Judge stands by his guns not to allow blogger to have any
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge is standing by his guns not to allow a blogger to have any – guns, that is."

"The summary suspension of 2nd Amendment rights for Mike Palmer, a 55-year-old Christian missionary from Phoenix, was issued in a complaint by Melody Thomas-Morgan of Prescott, Ariz., who charged that an online discussion was a threat to her life."

"The discussion concerned the 'wages of sin is death,' and the reader claimed that Palmer was threatening her with 'death,' with that word in quotes in the legal filings." ...

A Constitutional Amendment to Enforce the Protections of Mens Rea
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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English common law contains a tradition, known as mens rea — Latin for 'a guilty mind' — which is intended to protect people from prosecution for unintentional offenses. According to the doctrine of mens rea, if you did not knowingly commit a crime, then you are not a criminal, and should not be treated like one."

"Every day brings us stories of citizens being prosecuted for actions no reasonable person could have suspected were crimes. Some of these events ... would make hilarious material for a surreal novel or film satirizing insane bureaucracy. Unfortunately, however, these cases are real, and not fiction, and the reality they exemplify is dangerous in the extreme." ...

WV: McDowell deputy held knife to wife's throat, police say
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A McDowell County sheriff's deputy was arrested Thursday after allegedly holding a knife to his wife's throat and then harassing her while she was working at the local 911 center." ...

TX: 2 officers disciplined for "mishandling" child sex assault case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Chambers County sheriff said he never had any direct contact from the mother who complained his sergeant had sexually assaulted her child, and that he was disciplining two other officers for 'mishandling the case' which had lingered for 1˝ years without action." ...

"Chambers County District Attorney Cheryl Lieck said while the sheriff may not have spoken directly to the mother, he had been kept well abreast of the situation. ..."

"Lieck said she had to enlist the help of a Texas Ranger to investigate allegations that Davila had sexually assaulted an elementary school girl, because the sheriff's department had failed to take any action since 2009. The Ranger's findings were presented to the grand jury." ...

IL: Man beaten as East St. Louis police watch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A video posted on YouTube shows two East St. Louis Police officers standing by as another man punches a handcuffed man lying in the street." ...

"The video shows the two East St. Louis police officers present near Club Capacity ... The unnamed victim is lying on the ground in handcuffs. A police commander is standing by as an unknown individual, who is not with the police, beats the victim. An officer Maces the victim and the man beating the victim Maces the victim, too." ...

VA: Bedford school resource officer faces indecent liberties charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Liberty High School’s school resource officer has been arrested and charged with multiple counts of indecency involving a minor, authorities announced Wednesday night."

"The Bedford County Sheriff’s Office and Virginia State Police officials confirmed Deputy E.W. Grubbs, 47, of the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office, was charged with 12 counts of taking indecent liberties with a minor by a person in a custodial relationship." ...

GA: Woman Arrested by Mistake, Spends 53 Days in Jail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Atlanta police have launched an internal affairs investigation after a northwest Atlanta woman was arrested for a crime she didn't commit."

"Teresa Culpepper said an Atlanta police officer mistakenly arrested her on Aug. 21 for an alleged aggravated assault." ...

"The only similarities between Culpepper and the alleged suspect is their first name and they are both African-American women." ...

NY: Officials Call For Investigation Into Stop-And-Frisk Policy (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week's arrest of Officer Michael Daragjati had a lot of black and Hispanic New Yorkers saying 'I told you so.'"

"Federal prosecutors charge Daragjati with falsely arresting a black man on Staten Island after a stop-and-frisk. He allegedly used a racial slur in a phone conversation that was wiretapped."

"The case has city leaders at odds over whether abuses of stop-and-frisk are few and far between or widespread." ...

WI: Van Hollen Defends Concealed Carry Rules To NRA
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen is defending Wisconsin's new concealed carry regulations against complaints from the National Rifle Association."

"The NRA contends the state Justice Department went too far by dictating that permit applicants get at least four hours of training and have their instructors sign completion certificates." ...

KABA Note: I guess ol' JB forgot to read the part of the law where it says "The department [of Justice] may not impose conditions, limitations, or requirements that are not expressly provided for in this section on the issuance, scope, effect, or content of a license."

NY: New York Police to Pay $200 Per Handgun to Help Clear Weapons From Streets
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. and the New York Police Department will give $200 bank cards to anyone turning in a working handgun as part of a three- year-old program to get illegal guns off New York streets."

"The buyback, slated to run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 22, will be preceded by a vigil the night before to raise awareness of the growing number of violent incidents among young people caused by guns, according to a statement today from Vance’s office. This year, of the 249 people indicted for possessing loaded guns, 21 percent were 18 or younger when arrested, Vance’s office said." ...

KABA Note: Attention thugs and 'bangers! Got a hot weapon? A gun with a couple of bodies on it? Let the cops destroy the evidence for you and pay you money for the privilege!

OR: Trade guns for gift certificates, Saturday in Portland
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As crime prevention month enters its third week in Portland, organizers hope a gun turn-in event set for Saturday draws scores to the Memorial Coliseum parking lot."

"Working or non-working firearms will be accepted at the turn-in, no questions asked, said Julie Wheeler, a volunteer with Ceasefire Oregon Education Foundation." ...

MI: Detroit police officer charged for faking court dates for pay
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"A Detroit police officer, accused of wrongfully being reimbursed for going to court on days he didn’t go, has been charged, according to the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office." ...

PA: Woman finds handgun in Grant Street magazine bin
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"A woman trying to grab a magazine found a little more than she expected Wednesday when she reached into a bin on the Grant Street side of the Allegheny County Courthouse and found a silver handgun."

"Deputy Sheriff Michael Bello, who was working in the area with his K-9 partner Nico, removed the gun and deputies watched surveillance footage of the area to find a possible suspect."

"Deputies spotted 25-year-old Tyrone Burse, of East Liberty, nearby and arrested him." ...

CO: CO School Tries To Kill New Gun Business, Then Lies About It (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ryan Lynch of Littleton, CO wanted to sell ‘high end’ and collectible guns from his home – which also happened to be a few blocks from Columbine Hills Elementary School. To open the new business, he needed a zoning variance from the Jefferson County Board of Adjustment, something that’s normally be a routine process. So when he appeared for his appointed meeting before the board to make his case for the variance, no one showed up to oppose the idea…except Steve Bell."
"When the board opened the floor for public comment, only one person rose to speak: Jeffco Schools Chief Operating Officer Steve Bell." ...

FL: Worry about criminals, not gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Re the Oct. 7 letter, 'Florida gun laws send us back to Wild West':"

"First off, I have a concealed weapons permit. I was scrutinized by the FBI, took a lengthy gun class and was instructed on the laws regarding the use of a gun. I carry it everywhere, on me, not in my purse like an idiot."

"You'll never see it. If you do, it's because there is a direct threat to my life. That will be the only time. I know better than to get into heated arguments when I am carrying my gun. You see, I have a brain; I use it." ...

MS: Local Friends of NRA banquet a success
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In spite of dismal economic conditions nationwide, the local (Hattiesburg area) Friends of NRA banquet held this past Tuesday was quite a success."

"That means at least two things: First, the leaders did a good job of getting the word out and selling tickets. Secondly, and even more importantly, it means that citizens are concerned and want to hang onto their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms." ...

WI: UW-Rock County, UW-Whitewater following UW System's rules on guns
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"UW-Rock County and UW-Whitewater officials are ready for Wisconsin's new concealed-carry law."

"The two campuses have adopted the UW System's policy that continues to ban guns from university buildings and events on or off campus."

"The rules mean any student, employee or visitor with a license to carry a firearm or other weapon can keep it in his or her personal vehicle." ...

CA: Protestors argue for right to bear arms after passed bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It is difficult for many to understand why open carry of firearms, even unloaded guns, is deemed necessary. Gun owners and pro-gun activists often point to the unfairness of California laws when it comes to obtaining a concealed carry permit, claiming that citizens in one county may obtain permits while a qualified citizen in a neighboring county cannot. They say the system is flawed and unreasonable. The only way that they can exercise their rights is by openly carrying their firearm in public or in their vehicle." ...

That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of The United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms... — Samuel Adams, Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at 86-87 (Pierce & Hale, eds., Boston, 1850).

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