Gunmakers' shield law a bad idea
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"Congress bulletproofed the gun industry Thursday, as the House joined the Senate in passing legislation giving gunmakers and gun dealers immunity from civil damages lawsuits unless there was a criminal court conviction for a knowingly broken law." ...
"Accountability and liability are key protections not only for gun victims but for gun owners. The Second Amendment was not intended as a shield for recklessness, any more than the First Amendment was intended to shield irresponsible libel or convey a right to yell 'fire!' in a crowded theater. In immunizing an industry, this law puts Americans at greater risk - and damages the cause of legitimate gun ownership." |
Bill Frist: Another Victory Over The Trial Lawyers
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"Local U.S. firearm manufacturers have spent $200 million in legal fees to defend themselves against these lawsuits ... these frivolous lawsuits."
"To put that in perspective, that’s MORE than the ENTIRE INDUSTRY made in TOTAL PROFITS in 1999."
"Fact is, this is an honest industry run by honest hard-working Americans."
"In many small communities, gun manufacturers are the biggest employer in town. ..."
"I’ve toured these factories; I’ve spoken with these employees."
"As once chapter of the United Steelworkers of America put it a few months back: 'We are just one defeat away from bankruptcy.'"
"Well, thanks to this legislation, they don’t need to worry anymore." |
Frustrated, but not deterred
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The armor-piercing bullets from the pistol killed her husband and gravely wounded her son and catapulted Carolyn McCarthy from obscurity into Congress. For the past eight years, her very presence has reminded her colleagues of the perils of gun violence, and her voice has been among the most forceful in favor of gun control." ...
"'There are no two ways about it. This particular Congress, more so than ever, is pro-gun,' McCarthy says."
"It's frustrating, she admits, and that makes her mad. Her anger propels her to push back harder, even though it brings back the pain of Dec. 7, 1993, when Colin Ferguson opened fire on the 5:33 p.m. Long Island Rail Road train to Hicksville. He killed six people and wounded another 19 and was convicted in 1995." |
Bill to Shield Gun Makers Is Approved
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Congress on Thursday sent President Bush a bill long sought by the National Rifle Assn. that shields gun makers and sellers from lawsuits arising from misuse of their weapons."
"Bush supports the bill, and once he signs it, lawyers are expected to seek dismissal of about a dozen cases filed across the country against firearm makers by cities and crime victims — including one arising out of the 1999 shooting at a San Fernando Valley Jewish community center." "Gun control groups vow to challenge the measure's constitutionality." |
Wayne LaPierre: Remember New Orleans
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D. Finlayson
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"And we've got a good slogan that you're going to hear from one end of the country to the other. And that slogan is: Remember New Orleans ..."
"The next time anyone says to you: 'Are you just afraid or paranoid?' Look them straight in the eye and say: Remember New Orleans."
"If they ask you, 'Why does anyone need to own a gun?' Remember New Orleans."
"If they say to you, 'Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine?' Look them straight in the eye and say: Remember New Orleans."
"What's wrong with a 15-day waiting period? Remember New Orleans."
"What makes you think the government would ever confiscate your gun? Remember New Orleans."
"Is the second amendment relevant in the 21st Century? Remember New Orleans." |
Rights for sale
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D. Finlayson
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"You know, this one really infuriates me. And whether you're a committed proponent of gun control or a responsible and legal gun owner, it should infuriate you too."
"...It's about our elected officials selling their votes to an inexcusably powerful lobby, and in so doing, selectively exempting a lucrative industry from being responsible to every American citizen for its unique product..."
"That's just it, though. In the manner intended. The firearms industry doesn't make cars, or refrigerators, or crown molding. The firearms industry makes and sells a product whose very purpose is to destroy, injure, and kill."
ISRA: Congress Slams Back Door on Gun Control
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The officers and board of directors of the ISRA heartily applaud the U.S. House of Representatives for demonstrating the courage to pass S. 397 on along to the President for signature. By doing so, Congress has brought to a halt the rampage of bully-boy tactics employed buy a small, yet well-connected group of individuals bent on destroying the nation’s recreational firearms industry."
"With the passage of S. 397, our courts will no longer be carnival side-shows where gun-hating activist attorneys push the envelope of legal reason by attempting to shift the blame for murder and mayhem from the criminal element and on to the law-abiding firearm manufacturers. With the passage of S.397, the nation's firearm makers can depart the procedural treadmill of the courtroom and return to their plants to create jobs and contribute to the nation's industrial output." |
NY Times: Congress Passes New Legal Shield for Gun Industry
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"The gun liability bill has for years been the No. 1 legislative priority of the National Rifle Association, which has lobbied lawmakers intensely for it. Its final passage, by a vote of 283 to 144, with considerable Democratic support, reflected the changing politics of gun control, an issue many Democrats began shying away from after Al Gore, who promoted it, was defeated in the 2000 presidential race." |
FL: Orlando: Gun protest targets OIA
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D. Finlayson
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"Workers for a gun-control group protesting a new law that they say could put Florida tourists in harm's way got a mixed reaction at Orlando International Airport on Thursday."
"At least one visitor admonished workers for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence for what she called a manipulation of the truth."
"'It burns me up that they twist stuff around to misinform the public,' said Tamryn Hunter ..."
"There were one or two people who were clearly supporters of the law," said Brady spokesman Peter Hamm, who added that the group handed out about 400 leaflets on its first day. 'I think that it's been pretty positive in the sense that people are glad to have the information.'"
OH: Ohioans For Concealed carry - Editorial: No 'Right' To Carry Concealed
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D. Finlayson
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"Thoughtful men may argue that Ohio’s current licensing scheme for concealed carry under HB12 is simply another form of gun control, as it regulates who is allowed to carry a firearm in public and who is not."
"...we have no 'right' to carry a concealed weapon. That is not now, nor has it ever been, the law in this state, nor in most others. The right to keep and bear arms protected by the Bill of Rights has never been read to include carrying concealed weapons..."
"It would seem that over time we, as gun owners, as citizens, have allowed the state and federal governments to whittle away at our rights."
LA: Probe into deaths of pets (Video)
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Louisiana is looking into the alleged killing of pets left behind by Hurricane Katrina evacuees. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports (Oct 20)
This is a CNN video reporting about pets allegedly being killed by Louisana's LEOs. They allegedly used animals for target practice after disarming and evacuating their owners. |
NY: Mike blasts GOP gun vote
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The GOP-led Congress yesterday gave the gun industry a free pass from lawsuits by crime victims - sparking a nasty broadside from fellow Republican Mayor Bloomberg."
"A new law, which President Bush has vowed to sign, bars victims or local governments from suing gunmakers over crimes committed with the weapons they sell." ...
"Granting the gun industry immunity will make it easier for criminals to get firearms and put our law enforcement officers at greater risk..." |
LA: Our constitutional right to bear arms
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News Director
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"In the Oct. 14 issue of The Advocate, Col. Greg Phares of the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office stated that public safety was more important than constitutional rights in refusing to allow people to keep their guns in the FEMA housing facility in Baker."
"That is a very disturbing statement coming from a high-ranking law enforcement officer. Quite frankly, there is absolutely nothing that is more important than our constitutional rights. The entire reason for the existence of the Constitution is to guarantee certain rights to the American people no matter what the situation. I am surprised that Col. Phares does not understand this." |
Brazil: Reporters on the Job
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"Four times as many Brazilians are fatally shot as Americans. That's just one of the statistics discussed as Brazilians vote Sunday on a national gun ban. Correspondent Andrew Downie says that guns are so ubiquitous in Brazil that it's common to see one pulled on the swankiest streets of Rio. Yet, he's never been assaulted or threatened with a gun in the six years he's lived in Brazil." "As a Scotsman, however, he was shaken by a recent University of California report that the murder rate in his home country now exceeds that of the US and Israel. And a UN report described Scotland as 'the most violent country in the developed world.'" |
CA: Families Blast Gun-act Vote
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D. Finlayson
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"Families of the victims of a 1999 San Fernando Valley shooting rampage denounced Congress on Thursday as it approved sweeping legislation that protects the gun industry from nearly all lawsuits - including theirs."
"The House passed, 283-114, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, aimed at dismissing suits that seek to hold firearms manufacturers and distributors responsible for gun crimes. The Senate passed an identical version in July. President George W. Bush has vowed to sign it." |
IL: Law Enforcement Agencies, Safety Advocates Urge Lawmakers to Uphold Governor’s Key Gun Control Vetoes
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D. Finlayson
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"CHICAGO - Illinois State Police (ISP) Director Larry G. Trent,... the Illinois General Assembly, the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police and gun safety advocates seeking to uphold Governor Rod R. Blagojevich’s vetoes of Senate Bill 57, Senate Bill 2104 and House Bill 340."
"During the Spring 2005 Legislative Session, the NRA supported Senate Bill 57, which tied the gun show loophole legislation...together with a bill that would mandate the destruction of all records of attempts to purchase guns."
"SB 2104 would have overridden local laws concerning the transportation of firearms."
"The Governor also vetoed HB 340 because it would have eliminated the waiting-period for gun owners trading in firearms ..."
MA: Senate approves antigang measure
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"The state Senate yesterday unanimously passed sweeping antigang legislation that includes $11 million for youth violence prevention, a statewide witness protection program, and stricter gun possession and witness intimidation laws." ...
"The bill would crack down on community guns, a term used to refer to gang members sharing weapons to commit crimes. It would also increase penalties for the use of grand jury transcripts to intimidate witnesses." |
IL: Police officials back Blagojevich's vetoes of gun measures
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"Illinois State Police Director Larry Trent and gun-control advocates urged lawmakers Friday not to override vetoes of legislation they say would make gun-control laws weaker."
"The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police and anti-violence organizations joined Trent in backing Gov. Rod Blagojevich's decision to veto gun bills. The measures would require destruction of gun-purchase records, prohibit local governments from enacting firearms-transportation rules that are tougher than state law, and eliminate the waiting period for obtaining guns when a person is trading in a firearm." |
MN: Rochester settles with man accidentally shot by police
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"A man accidentally shot by a Rochester police officer who thought he was reaching for a stun-gun will receive $900,000 in a settlement reached in U.S. District Court."
"On Sept. 2, 2002, two Rochester police officers were responding to a call involving Christofar Atak, a refugee from Sudan, who had been drinking and jumped in front of a police car."
"Investigators said during a struggle an officer thought he was pulling the trigger of his Taser against Atak's back — but instead of a Taser, it was his .40-caliber Glock handgun." |
UK: Drinking Blamed for Big Rise in Violence
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D. Finlayson
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"VIOLENT crime recorded by the police rose by 6 per cent in the three months to the end of June, with much of it fuelled by binge drinking, according to figures published yesterday."
"...But the figures will make ministers nervous that with the relaxation of licensing laws next month violent crime will rise still further."
“It beggars belief that the Government’s only response is to unleash 24-hour drinking on our town and city centres. We must call time on yob behaviour.”
------- Submitters Note: Lets see... handguns, long guns, swords, knives, and now a pint or two??
MI: State needs gun education, not looser laws
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"...Michigan is gearing up to help put those now unregulated and lawsuit-protected firearms to work."
"House Bill 5143, sponsored by Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge, would allow citizens of Michigan to use deadly force against persons who are breaking into their homes or had reason to believe that an unlawful or forcible entry or unlawful and forcible act was occurring or had occurred."
"It's the 'reason to believe' aspect of this bill that should raise some red flags for Michigan residents." |
LA: Sheriff's Office wants ID of park residents
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"The East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office is expected to obtain by today the identities of more than 2,000 evacuees living in 573 travel trailers on Groom Road near Baker, after submitting to the Federal Emergency Management Agency a public records request Wednesday afternoon." ...
"We simply want to know who is in the trailer site so we can see if there are any warrants out on these individuals, any registered sex offenders or any other individuals who would be of particular concern to law enforcement, especially those with a past criminal history."
CA: San Francisco Measures Voters to decide on banning guns, military recruitment
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"From banning firearms and keeping firehouses open, to opposing military recruitment in public schools, San Francisco voters will decide on a variety of measures on election day that keep true to the spirit of San Francisco politics." ...
"...Proposition H would make it illegal for city residents to possess handguns and would ban the manufacture, distribution, sale and transfer of firearms and ammunition within the city."
"The National Rifle Association has spoken out against the measure, though local opponents say the group is not part of the official opposition." |
NC: Charlotte Police Chief Misleads On Open Carry (GRNC)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"GRNC has been keeping you apprised of a developing situation in Charlotte in which the police chief is attempting to coerce the city council to pass an ordinance baring open carry in the city. On Oct. 10th they sent the motion back to the City Manager for 3 to 4 weeks of further study, likely designed to avoid a controversial issue until after the election."
"Supposedly, the call arose out of four 911 calls from concerned citizens regarding people carrying holstered handguns in plain view in the uptown area. On Wednesday, Oct. 19, the Charlotte Observer made a startling revelation; THERE WERE NO SUCH CALLS. No citizens were upset; these were internal police calls, not 911 calls." ... |
NY: Good Sense on Guns
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D. Finlayson
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"The House's vote yesterday to approve the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act is a victory for proponents of sensible crime policy."
"The gun-control lobby was apoplectic, and with good reason. The measure cuts off their last avenue for imposing gun control and threatens to refocus attention on the awkward question of whether gun control actually works."
"It is no accident that legislators across the country have been reaching the reasoned conclusion that gun control is, at best, frivolous public policy. We've had long experience with it now and there's no sign that it works." |