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Newslinks for 10/23/2000

California: Give Thumbprint before you can buy a gun??
Submitted by: California Commies

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"LOS ANGELES--City Councilman Mike Feuer said Wednesday that he would ask the City Council to require fingerprinting for anyone applying to buy a gun."

"No date is set for the proposal to be reviewed but Feuer said he expects strong support from law enforcement."

"If put into law, the councilman's proposal would require gun buyers to leave a thumbprint in addition to showing proper identification and filling out a form, he said."

UK: Police take guns on routine street patrol
Submitted by: UK

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UK: "POLICE carrying handguns in clearly visible holsters have been used on foot patrols in parts of a city in an operation that marks a significant extension of the arming of British officers."
You mean GUNS might help deter CRIME? Hmmm. What a novel idea! Now let's see if they really care about the lives of the people who fill the socialist machine with money over there...

Clintoon lashes out against gun lobby
Submitted by: Clintoon

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"He challenged sport shooters and hunters to 'vote for the other guy,' referring to GOP presidential nominee George W. Bush, if they have 'missed a day' of indulging in their pastime because of handgun restrictions."

"If you didn't, they're lying to you, and you should get even," Clinton said. "They're wrong, we're right, you've got to fight."
People actually listen to this moron? If so, it's only because they don't understand the issue.

Gun shops fret about inventory
Submitted by: Grrrrrrr!

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"I've never been more concerned with not surviving," Boucher said. "I opened my first gun shop 21 years ago, and it may be time to get out."

"I think the new law has nothing to do with handgun safety and everything to do with reducing the numbers being sold," he said. "I don't foresee a future here. I don't see things very rosy, and there's nothing I can do."

Gun-Carrying Councilman
Submitted by: California morons

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On the CA councilman who packs heat, there was a story berating him, last week in LA Times. Three readers wrote in, two of them have brains...

Gun-rights advocates rally at Glendale library
Submitted by: HILARIOUS!!!!

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This reporter quoted one of the protestors, calling him HENRY BOWMAN!!!


Heeee he heeeeeee

The War Against Boys -- very much on topic
Submitted by: WOW!!

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Considering the fact that today's boys will be tomorrow's freedom fighters, this is not only on topic for this website, it's downright scary.

If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country I never would lay down my arms, never! never! never! — William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (1708-1778) Speech, Nov. 18, 1777

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