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Newslinks for 10/23/2001

Anti-gun Media Bias at the Tulsa Gun Show
Submitted by: Sidmystic

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"Visitors to the gun show couldn't articulate precisely how personal firearms might protect them from a major terrorist attack. But the general sentiment was that, however illogical, it gave them a sense of security."

--Notice the multiple quotes of Michael D. Barnes of Brady Land. The "reporter", Lois Romano, offers no opposing viewpoints.

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"Congressman" Urges "Sniper Rifle" Ban (.50cal)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Rep. Rod Blagojevich (D-IL) and a candidate for Governor, plans to reintroduce legislation to ban private ownership of the military's most powerful rifle, a .50-caliber "sniper weapon" that can "fire a bullet more than 4 miles, piercing tank armor, concrete bunkers and bulletproof glass," according to reports Monday.

He says there's "no reason for civilians to own rifles that are ideal tools for assassination and terrorism."

Here's where you can contact Rep. Blagojevich

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Self-preservation becomes an issue in wake of attacks
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Terrorist attacks on the United States helped boost attendance at the Fort Myers Gun & Knife Show this weekend as weapons enthusiasts shored up their supplies and strangers to firearms bought their first guns, organizers said."

"Event organizer Bob Smith said about 3,000 to 4,000 customers attended the quarterly gun show in Fort Myers, compared with an average attendance of 2,000."

House prepares for battle over Aviation Security Bill
Submitted by: serinde

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House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, R-Sugar Land, has largely deferred to top Republican and Democratic leaders after the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes. But he is reasserting himself to fend off the creation of a 28,000-person government work force to scrutinize passengers' bags.

"To have Tom DeLay delay an airport security bill is immoral, is wrong, and ... a grave error. People want us to take action, and they want us to do it now." Rep. Nita M. Lowey, D-N.Y.

Pilots Need to Carry Firearms
Submitted by: serinde

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Letters to the editor.

"Arming pilots with guns is the quickest and most efficient way to defend the cockpits of our airliners now while other security measures, such as improved cockpit doors, are developed." James Mateos Jr., commercial airline pilot, Grapevine

"What we ask is that those pilots who elect to carry and qualify to use guns be provided with a last-ditch means to protect the cockpit." J.A. Danahey, Grapevine

Community made Safer
Submitted by: serinde

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YUKON, OK -- The Yukon SAVE program - Student Anti-Violence Education - offers students a way to learn about making their school and community a safer place.

The program, founded by a police officer, teaches leadership and team building through classes, a student organization offering services to their community, and a Junior Police Academy.

"Novel" Security Measures (airlines)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Everyone knows it is a bad idea to try and board a plane carrying a box cutter, a flight manual written in Arabic, or a sack full of mysterious white powder. But with ultra-tightened airport security, a book could also prevent you from boarding that plane."

Locals Arming for WAR
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Some customers are people who said they’d been thinking about a gun purchase and decided to go ahead and buy one after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, he said."

"A lot of people have been calling up and seeing if there’s anything they can do to volunteer..."

"The sheriff’s department does have a reserve program for volunteers who take 150 hours of training. This allows them to operate as a deputy sheriff under the supervision of a certified deputy, Schirard said."

The Austin American-Statesman: "Wrong ruling on Second Amendment"
Submitted by: Jo Atkins

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A very inflamatory, anti-private-firearms-ownership editorial, calling the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals "new-minted radicals" who took a "radical step in its recent ruling favoring private ownership of firearms" in the "particularly distasteful case of U.S. vs Emerson."

Here's where you can send a Letter to the Editor

Petition: Americans in Good Standing
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"“Americans in Good Standing” is a committee of concerned Americans taking a proactive response to airline terrorism.

Our Single Purpose: To ask Congress to draft, introduce and pass The Americans in Good Standing Act. Once passed this act would approve the qualifying and training of frequent travelers on a volunteer basis and cockpit crew on a mandatory basis to use and carry appropriate weapons on aircraft."

The Baltimore Sun: "Both sides see victory in court's gun ruling"
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The gun lobby, "headed by the National Rifle Association", is pointing to the 2-1 decision as affirmation of its view that the Second Amendment bestows the right on a personal basis rather than only collectively."

"The gun-control organizations are touting the part of the decision that underscores the validity of laws that put restraints on the right to bear arms."

U.N. and NATO – New World Order Partners
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The U.N. is a threat to our national sovereignty and political liberties. NATO is not – or at least that's what some Bush apologists would like you to believe....

Consider: In this succinct 14-article treaty, the most frequently quoted phrase – one which repeats 11 times – is "The United Nations," the supposed nemesis of NATO's designers. In fact, the Treaty is very clear, the U.N. is the boss.

California group calls to Combat Vulnerability
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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A CA gun owners group is encouraging a jittery public to respond to terrorist and criminal threats by embracing the deterrent power of firearms. -- The 70,000-strong California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA) has erected billboards across Central and So. CA saying,

"Society is safe when criminals don't know who is armed."

The slogan is, in part, a poke at CA's restrictive rules covering concealed weapons, rules that give local police wide powers to block concealed-weapons permits.

Death gives "CeaseFire" renewed life
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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More than a week has passed since Wales, 49, an assistant U.S. attorney and president of the anti-gun-violence group Washington CeaseFire, was shot to death through the basement window of his Queen Anne home.

The shooting was four blocks from Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske's house, in an area where homes are close together and a stone's throw from a street humming with restaurants and people.

Hunter shoots self after fall from tree
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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A 22-year-old man deer hunting near Gorman with three friends shot himself in the face and hand when he fell out of a tree Saturday morning, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

KABA NOTE: While unfortunate, this hunter clearly violated the basic rules of gun safety.

Palestine: Arafat Bans Armed Groups
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat outlawed the group that assinated an Israeli minister last week and banned several other armed organizations including the military wings of Muslim extremist parties Hamas and Islamic Jihad, according to Palestinian security sources.

Columbine victims' families sue maker of anti-depressant
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Families of five Columbine High School shooting victims are suing the maker of an anti-depressant that one of the student gunmen was taking when he opened fire. Since they can't blame the guns, blame the dope they fed their own kids.

John Lott: "Don't Go Postal on Airport Security"
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Many airlines are losing tens of millions of dollars each day. If they are to survive, people's fear of flying must be dealt with quickly. An airline safety bill that creates one government agency to operate security has passed the Senate and is moving to the House. That solution would eliminate competition that could create innovative ways to protect passengers."

"A Bullet is Forever"
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Now that Bay Area residents are stocking up on guns, can we expect an increase in homicides, accidental killings and suicide?" -- "reporter" Justin Berton certainly thinks so.

America needs fewer laws, not more prisons. — JAMES BOVARD

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