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Newslinks for 10/24/2001

Animal rights activists get hunting licenses for protest
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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MONROE -- Kathy Woods of Tacoma never expected to buy a hunting license, much less tote a shotgun to a popular duck hunting area.

Of course, she never took aim at any ducks. And, as it turned out, there were practically no ducks to aim at.

Woods was among about half a dozen protesters who fired at random to scare ducks away from real hunters Saturday morning at the Crescent Lake Wildlife Area south of town.

Australia: Toy Guns Recalled (although there have been no reported injuries)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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TOY guns which fire projectiles with enough force to blind children have been recalled from sale.

"Few things could be more horrific than a child losing an eye," he said.

The Reject Shop has removed all these items from its stores, but there are still thousands in NSW homes.

While there have been no known injuries caused by the toys in NSW, the potential that some child could be injured is unacceptable.

"The guns were discovered after routine government checks of toy stores."

Firefighter shoots foot at hay ride (with "prohibited" gun)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The firefighters were supposed to shoot shotguns loaded with blanks as the hay ride went past, according to Fire Chief Mark Lauer.

About 11pm, Fireman Rowe attempted to sit down at his station along the trail when a .22 revolver he was carrying went off.

He was supposed to have a shotgun loaded with blanks; other guns are prohibited.

No charges have been filed, and state police Cpl. Luke Spaseff had no comment.

IRS Agent Attacks Citizen; Charges REFUSED by Police, FBI, & U.S. Attorney
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Davis [the IRS agent] then grabbed the chair and hit Nicholson [the taxpayer] in the groin and legs."

"they tried to report the incident to the U.S. attorney's office, as well as the FBI, but both Justice Department entities declined to take their report."

"if I would have assaulted the IRS agent, I would be sitting in jail right now," Nicholson said, "but because the IRS agent is the one who assaulted me, [the police] only took a statement and let him go."

We Have Free Will
Submitted by: serinde

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6th Letter on page

"Man's inhumanity to man is of man's making and has nothing to do with God and his power over the universe.

He will not protect us from one another. We must do that.

When we face enemies, we must deal with them and not involve God in what man has brought upon himself."

Justice Breyer speaks against Literal Interpretation of Constitution
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Subtly jabbing at his conservative colleagues, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer said those who favor a literal interpretation of the Constitution aren't necessarily following the framers' wishes.

Sleep With One Eye Open: Your Gov't Is Protecting You
Submitted by: American Sons of Liberty

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"My question to Mr. Ridge, Attorney General Ashcroft, and President Bush is, if it is truly "Homeland Security" you seek, why have we yet to see a moratorium on infringing gun laws? Why do states like California continue to pass and sign unnoticed laws that further infringe on the second and fourteenth amendments of the citizens of that state?" --Gene Whitehead, Founder/Chairman, American Sons of Liberty

Tennessee gun sales, permits up since Sept.11
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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The number of people applying for permits to carry firearms in Tennessee increased by 48.5% in the 30 days after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks against the nation.

Gun sales also have gone up since Sept. 11. In the week after the attack, area gun dealers reported a rise in firearm sales, with some selling 30% to 40% above average.

Run on Guns in New York, Across Country
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Police, lawyers and local gun ranges say they have received almost double the normal number of calls daily from people wanting to buy a gun, get a firearms license or take shooting lessons since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Darren Leung, co-owner of the Westside Rifle and Pistol Range on West 20th Street in Manhattan said, "Now we're getting more and more calls every day from people who want to know how to go about getting a gun."

Civil libertarians worry that new security laws will trample on rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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While America is engaged in a war to preserve and defend freedom, civil libertarians say recent votes in Congress leave a bit less freedom for which to fight.

Bills hastily passed recently may do little to curb terrorism on American soil, they say, and do much to open the door to further government intrusion into the private lives of honest Americans.

“The legislation gives the government sweeping new power to infringe on the freedom and privacy of everybody.”

Gorbachev: Anti-Terror Coalition should be Coalition for New World Order
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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MOSCOW — The U.S.-led international coalition against terror must become a coalition for a new and fair world order if it is to succeed, former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said in an interview. The U.N. Security Council, he added, should take the initiative in developing corresponding programs.

Congress Balks at Giving President Emergency Powers
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Congressional negotiators balked at a White House proposal that would give the president new powers to keep the government open if Congress could not meet because of a crisis. Scholars say it would be controversial, if not unconstitutional, for Congress to delegate its spending authority to the president.

"We were willing to give some short-term authority, but the Bush proposal was very different from what had been discussed on the phone."

Support for National ID Grows
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Ellison, the chairman and chief executive officer of Oracle, said last week that he had met recently with Attorney General John Ashcroft and officials at the CIA and FBI in Washington DC, to discuss the idea.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), has endorsed it; tech executives have jumped on board and some prominent civil libertarians have said the idea is worth pursuing.

The idea of a national ID card has been debated since the 1930s.

Reader's Soapbox: Bill of Rights Should Be Cherished
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"There are those within our own government who would use the current state of affairs to pass laws that infringe upon our long cherished civil liberties.

These proposed laws are not new ideas, recently conceived as a means to prevent other horrific acts against our nation. They are the same ideas that have been put forward in the past, only to be defeated. Now some would use the current situation as a pretext for finally achieving their goals." --RUSS KEVIN CHILDERS

Time to embrace Big Brother
Submitted by: Kevin

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Allow me to repeat myself: Despite being a strong supporter of civil liberties, I'm not afraid of Big Brother. Technology has pretty much caught up with author George Orwell's dark vision of Big Brother, the insidious, all-seeing eye of continuous electronic government surveillance depicted in his classic novel 1984.

Ohio Concealed-carry Gun Bill Clears Hurdle
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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A revamped bill that would allow most Ohioans to carry hidden guns cleared one hurdle with its approval by a House subcommittee. The bill — which still faces a potential veto by Gov. Bob Taft — was passed on a 4-1 vote.

The bill would require sheriffs to issue gun permits. Among the requirements, Ohioans must complete a criminal background check and a safety training course. The bill would leave areas such as schools and courthouses off-limits.

New Mexico Supreme Court Ruling A Victory for Gun Safety Litigation
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The New Mexico Supreme Court has denied review of a July 27 decision by the New Mexico Court of Appeals, which ruled that Bryco Arms, a major handgun maker located in Southern California, and B.L. Jennings, Inc., its Nevada distributor, each have a duty to make the handguns they make and sell safe from foreseeable misuse by minors. The October 19 Supreme Court ruling clears the way for the case to go to trial.

Targeting N.C.'s "ludicrous" "gun-show loophole"
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Closing the gun-show loophole, regulating the small arms industry, and standardizing global small arms traffic are essential if we seriously want to combat terrorism and disarm those who would trespass against us. The question remains, will the NRA help mobilize legislation that serves to benefit the greater good?" --Catherine Granicz, member of Million Mom March/North Carolinians against Gun Violence of WNC

Shooting case at [gun-prohibited] State Fair's midway probed (TX)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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A woman was released from the hospital Sunday after being shot in the back through her moterized cart at the fair's midway.

Police are trying to determine how someone got a gun into the State Fair of Texas when security has been tightened.

"Our officers worked extremely hard this year to make this a safe fair," Deputy Chief Mona Neal said.

"Our officers did everything they could to make this safe," he repeated, and then added, "...we can't prevent everything."

Canada: Government to refund gun fees in effort to encourage compliance
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Canada's federal government is refunding firearms registration fees to those who have already paid them and offering free registration to those who haven't in efforts to get more guns registered.

"The government of Canada is committed to making the firearm registration process more convenient and user-friendly," Justice Minister Anne McLellan said.

'Too soft' gun policy might get tougher (Genesee County)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Beginning Nov. 12, the county prosecutor's office will begin referring more gun cases for federal prosecution under a plan called the "Flint Gun Project".

Taking more cases through federal courts should result in stiffer prison sentences, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert W. Haviland said. Crimes that might only lead to probation in state courts can result in upwards of 10 years in prison when tried on the federal level.

Action: Departing Clintonista Torpedoing Daisy Air Rifles
Submitted by: John G. Lankford

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U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Chairman Ann Brown, one of the remaining holdovers from the Clinton Administration, has chosen to step down from her position, but not before attempting a last-minute attack on air rifles. Her spurious "defect" claim is so broad that it could not only affect virtually every air rifle, but it could also be used in future reckless lawsuits against firearm manufacturers—exactly what some consider to be the true goal of Brown's effort.

By calling attention to a well-regulated militia for the security of the Nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our Founding Fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the second amendment, will ever be a major danger to our Nation, the amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic military-civilian relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of the country. For that reason I believe the second amendment will always be important. --JOHN F. KENNEDY

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