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Newslinks for 10/27/2011

SAF Says New Gallup Data Shows Americans Value Their Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'American citizens have become increasingly aware that they are the true 'first responders' when a crime happens in their presence,' noted SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. 'The public's attitude about gun ownership has changed dramatically in the last decade, and especially since the Supreme Court's Heller ruling in 2008 and our victory in the 2010 McDonald ruling, affirming the Second Amendment protects an individual civil right."

"'The public has also realized that all the doom and gloom rhetoric from gun prohibitionists about more crime and violence associated with increased gun ownership has been wrong,' he continued. ..." ...

De León Mexican ‘gun flow’ meeting confirms predictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "There was a surprise at the meeting: ATF was a no-show. A correspondent and activist who attended, who has asked to be identified in this report only as 'Threeper George S.,' recorded closing statements for the meeting (click on sidebar media player) as well as his own questioning of Sen. de León about Gunwalker after the meeting had adjourned, where the Senator stated ATF 'backed out last minute,' and that the decision came not from the 5th floor (ATF HQ senior executive level), but from the Department of Justice—that in itself is a newsworthy revelation, as it shows command decisions for ATF appearances are being carefully managed and directed by higher authorities." ...

'Gun control' advocates suddenly embrace state sovereignty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "This is not to say that there are not legitimate state-sovereignty objections to H.R. 822. Chief among those would be that in asserting the bill's claim of Constitutional authority, it perpetuates the rampant abuse of the interstate commerce clause (H.R. 2900, on the other hand, cites the Second Amendment as its Constitutional authority for federal protection of the right to carry a defensive firearm)--the same clause, by the way, that the federal government cites as providing the legitimacy for trampling the Firearms Freedom Act laws passed in several states."

"As it happens, though, there is nothing inconsistent in supporting both state sovereignty and federal enforcement of the 'bear' in 'right to keep and bear arms'. ..." ...

Tell the White House to Support H.R. 822 – National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Long Island Firearms, New York’s foremost online firearms enthusiast community, submitted an online petition within The White House’s website to support HR 822." ...

Submitter's Note: This is a new petition, since the White House moved the bar on the last one, so please go and sign. Note that you have to register to be able to sign, and they seem to be trying to make it as much of a PITA as possible, but please be patient and persevere!

Gallup: Most Americans support gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An overwhelming majority of Americans support handgun ownership, and there is increased opposition to a ban on so-called 'assault weapons,' according to the results of the annual Gallup Crime poll, conducted Oct. 6-9."

"Gallup released the results of its annual Crime poll Wednesday, which can be viewed here, and the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation was quick to react." ...

Gallup Poll: Record Low 26% Support for Handgun Ban
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"If you're wondering why President Obama is not pushing gun control, it could be because support for such efforts is at its lowest point ever."

"A Gallup poll released on Wednesday shows that just 26% of people favor a ban on handguns. To put that in perspective, the first time Gallup asked that question in 1959, 60% were in favor of a ban. But since 1975 the majority of Americans have supported guns; the current 73% is the highest ever." ...

Gallup: Gun control drops to lowest level of support ever
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"If you wonder why Democrats stopped talking about gun control, well, wonder no longer. Wonder no longer, either, about why Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats never followed up on their talk about re-enacting the so-called 'assault rifle' ban. Gallup’s top line result is stunning, but not as much as its demographic breakdown is:" ...

Submitter's Note: Glad to see more Americans moving to pro-freedom and away from the notion of 'authorized users'.

Gun rights grouped alarmed by White House action
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This one has been around a long time, but I never gave it much credence. While there are those who debate our Constitution's intent in regard to guaranteeing the right to bear arms, I felt our government would never give away that right."

"Well, there are those now who apparently are exploring just that."

"The Obama administration is seeking advice and consent for Senate ratification of an international small arms treaty [CIFTA] that supports the inclusion of small arms in the U.N. Register of Conventional Arms."

"Inclusion in the treaty would essentially put the gun rights of U.S. citizens in the hands of the United Nations, which isn't big on individual ownership of firearms." ...

A Brief Inquiry into the Nature and Value of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is no Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment simply tells us that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Unlike the First Amendment's prohibition against Congress making laws abridging certain rights we hold dear, the Second Amendment is an outright prohibition on all branches of our federal government from infringing on our right to defend ourselves."

"For a right to be infringed, it must already exist. The right to self-preservation is among the inalienable Jefferson spoke of in the Declaration of Independence. ..." ...

Ask Foghorn: Optics for Handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... If a scope can handle the recoil of a centerfire cartridge I would think it would be able to handle a shotgun or magnum handgun. I think most handgun scopes would have relatively long eye relief but should be pretty strong if The Lord Humongous can use one on a Python to take out the radiator of a fleeing tanker. Would it be possible (or desirable?) to use a handgun scope with a scout mount on a centerfire?"
"Lord Humongous actually used a Model 29, but you’re close. As for the rest of your question, you’d be surprised just how much recoil a handgun has." ...

“Don’t worry honey, I won’t get any unburnt powder on your new purse.”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Few of us shoot as often as we’d like, let alone as often as we should. I certainly don’t. Time’s always a problem ... Gun ranges tend to be located in two types of areas; they're either 1) in sketchy, industrial parts of town that may or may not require body armor to negotiate, or 2) out in the exurban sprawl where land is cheap, zoning is easy and the corn is high. Wouldn't it be nice, though, if working on your dot torture drill was as easy and convenient as going to your local mall? Sure, you'd have to dodge those geriatric, velour-suited mallwalkers but that's a small price to pay for cutting your drive time in half, right? A recent trend in commercial real estate just might make that possible…" ...

Gear Review: Lucid HD7 Red Dot Sight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this economy everyone’s looking to save a buck. For gun people this concept tends to manifest itself more prominently when it comes to accessories we strap on our toys. Optics tend to be the priciest of all and can subtract money from our bank accounts faster than Eric Holder can say, 'I only learned of it a few weeks ago.' For those of us that don't have the cash flow to go out and buy a $1400 ACOG or a $560 EoTech, the land of quality optics tends to be just out of reach. ... Nick has shown us that cheap optics isn’t always synonymous with crappy optics, but it’s still hard to find something that can give you the features of an EoTech at the price point of a Bushnell. Or is it?" ...

Your Handgun. Don’t Leave Home Without It
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I first became a police officer I could not wait to get my hands on my new department issued gun. Once I received it, it was very rare that we would separate. Then one day I left my trusty gun at home. 'It’s ok,' I thought, 'I’ll carry it next time.' I got in my personal vehicle and drove away. Then, over time, not having my gun happened a second time, then a third and so on, until finally, I stopped carrying it."

"The complacency of not having my gun turned into normalcy for me. I mean, how many times have I been out in my lifetime and had to draw my gun? After all, nothing is going to happen to me, right? ..." ...

Only in America: Las Vegas to open 'ultra gun lounge' where guests are trained by 'gun girls'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Las Vegas is well known as a destination where – if such things are to your liking – you can indulge in a few days of heavy gambling and partying."

"But now it seems that visitors to Sin City will be able to try their hand at another, rather more dangerous pastime – shooting automatic weapons."

"Before the year is out, America’s most notorious city will see the doors open on a club where guests will be allowed – and encouraged – to fire high-powered rifles." ...

NIMBY! While We're Transfixed with Occupy Wall Street, the NRA is About to Occupy New York and Brooklyn
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Yo! There's legislation pending that would enable hundreds, possibly thousands, of people in Brooklyn restaurants, concerts, on Brooklyn's streets and in our malls to be legally packing a handgun. A concealed handgun, as in, in her purse, or his jeans pocket." ...

KABA Note: Well heck, make up your minds! In CA the antis just passed a ban on open carry, now the shrill New Yorker comes out against concealed carry. Is it possible that they don't want any carry?

WI: Should Guns be Allowed in Lambeau Field?
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Green Bay Packers fans are among the most passionate fans of any sports franchise. But would you want the football-crazed 'cheesehead' sitting next to you at Lambeau Field to be carrying a gun?"

"Despite a new Wisconsin law, that's not something you'll have to worry about."

"On November 1, Wisconsin's concealed carry law goes into effect that will allow people with permits to carry guns. Individual businesses will still be allowed to ban guns on their premises. One such location will be Lambeau Field." ...

UT: Idling beyond 2 minutes outlawed in Salt Lake City
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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... "Mayor Ralph Becker and the City Council agreed on that premise Tuesday, passing a new law that outlaws idling beyond two minutes but exempts drive-through business windows — considered the biggest air-polluting culprits — provided the merchants post anti-idling signs." ...

Submitter's note: Not gun related, but it is a good reminder of how far the anti gun left wing politicians will go to micromanage your life. Forcing businesses to buy dumb signs reminds me of the endless hoops strapped to gun sellers.

Janet Napolitano Was "Recalcitrant" And A "Reluctant Witness" (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an interview with Lou Dobbs on Fox Business, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) characterized Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano as recalcitrant and a reluctant witness. She testified before the House Judiciary Committee where she was grilled about Operation Fast and Furious by a number of Republican members of the committee." ...

Issa, Gowdy & Chaffetz grill Napolitano. (video stories)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Grassley, Issa expand investigation to Texas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Charles Grassley and Congressman Darrell Issa have expanded their investigation of gunrunning to Mexico by asking Attorney General Eric Holder to provide detailed information relating to the murder of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata earlier this year." ...

Is DoJ proposal a reaction to Fast & Furious probes?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposal by the Obama/Holder Justice Department to allow agency officials to lie about the existence of so-called 'sensitive information' seems curiously timed as momentum builds for a full accounting by the Obama administration on Operation Fast and Furious." ...

Rep. Joe Walsh to Eric Holder: ‘Resign immediately and take responsibility’ for Operation Fast and Furious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'I ask that the attorney general resign immediately and take responsibility for implicating the United States as an accessory to the violent crimes committed by these Mexican cartels, using his appointed position as the chief law enforcement officer to attack the Second Amendment of the Constitution, and for the role he played in the subsequent cover-up of the failed Fast and Furious operation,' Walsh said according to a press release." ...

Rep. Joe Walsh to Eric Holder: You better resign immediately, buddy
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"It was faint at first, but it grows ever louder, this cry for Attorney General Eric Holder to resign. Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) today became the fourth Congressman to explicitly call for Holder to take responsibility for the lethally reckless Operation Fast and Furious and to voluntarily leave his post because of his presumed authorization of the program. Walsh’s behest follows similar requests from Reps. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho), Blake Farenthold (R-Tex.) and Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.)." ...

VA: VACDL Plans Pro-Gun Rally on Virginia Tech Campus, November 17th
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Virginia Tech was the site of one of the bloodiest school shootings in the history of the United States. On that day a single gunman killed 33 people and injured 25 more before he took his own life. Many of us on this site believe the vast majority of those deaths could have been prevented by a single legally armed citizen and their firearm, but thanks to gun-free school laws and policies every victim was unarmed and defenseless. The Virginia Civil Defense League, Virginia’s firearms owner rights protection group, just announced their plans to hold a protest on November 17th on the Virginia Tech campus to promote the legalization of concealed firearms on campus (with the proper permits, of course). ..." ...

WV: Victory for Gun Owners: Criminal Charges Against Joshua Beck Dismissed!
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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... "If Berkeley County Prosecuting Attorney Pamela Games-Neely had stopped after agreeing to dismiss the charges against Joshua Beck, her political future would be far more secure today than it is in the wake of what she did after dismissing these charges."

"At 3:15 PM yesterday afternoon, Ms. Neely [e-mailed] an unknown number of Berkeley County elected officials and members of the Legislature to urge them to change state law to include colleges and universities in the school carry ban ... Adding insult to injury, Ms. Neely resorted to an over-the-top, factually-devoid, emotion-laden appeal that would make you think it might have been written by Sarah Brady rather than an elected prosecuting attorney in West Virginia (my extensive commentary appears in brackets):" ...

VA: Gun law hurts campus safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With regards to the article entitled 'Concealed carry group to visit tech' by Josh Higgins (Collegiate Times Oct. 20), I would like to formally announce that the Libertarians at Virginia Tech will be sponsoring the Virginia Citizens Defense League and their protest."

"We are proud and excited to host an organization who has passionately and tirelessly worked to protect the Second Amendment rights of Virginians. I can neither speak on behalf of the VCDL (the opinions that follow are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of VCDL), nor can I give out any details until the protest approval is finalized. Currently, students, faculty and staff are not allowed to carry a firearm on campus under any circumstances. ..." ...

WV: Felony charges in gun case dismissed
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"Felony charges filed against a Martinsburg man arrested twice this month for allegedly carrying a concealed firearm onto the campuses of Blue Ridge Community and Technical College have been dismissed, but new misdemeanor charges based on a different section of the state code have been filed in their place." ...

"The statute Beck was charged under Wednesday states that any person charged with the care, custody and control of real property may prohibit the carrying of any firearm or deadly weapon, whether or not it's carried openly or concealed, on property under their domain." ...

HR 822 - What It Does And Doesn't Do (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With HR 822 having passed out of the House Judiciary Committee on a 19-11 vote, it is important to understand what it does and doesn't do. Mayor Bloomberg and his Illegal Mayors are leading the charge against it from the anti-gun side. Moreover, there are some pro-gun activists such as the National Association for Gun Rights that claim it is a stealth bill for more Federal control. Finally, there is the false accusation in some quarters that the NRA-ILA was coming down on bloggers about the bill." ...

McCarthy, Schneiderman Push Back On Conceal Carry
Submitted by: GunPOliticsNY

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"Democratic New York electeds are becoming increasnigly alarmed by a bill in Congress that they say strip the rights of states to regulate conceal and carry laws."

"The measure passed the House Judiciary Committee this morning, but its fate in the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate remains unclear." ...

House gives green light to strengthen gun rights laws (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a vote of 19 to 11, the House Judiciary Committee advanced a bill this week that would allow people with concealed firearms permits to carry their weapons across state lines, regardless of the state's gun laws."

"'It completely compromises the right of New York or any other state to define who can carry a concealed weapon,' said Rep. Jerry Nadler."

"Many democrats in the House have pushed back against the legislation to no avail. New York's Attorney General has jumped into the fray, urging Senate leadership to reject the measure which he says would increase the threat of gun violence and weapons trafficking." ...

Obama's New "Attack" Website Lies About Gun Record
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Let's leave aside for the moment the disturbing notion of a president of the United States setting up a web site so that his supporters can 'report' on the statements and activities of his opponents. When it comes to firearms issues, it's this site that is misrepresenting President Obama's record on guns."

"The site says 'Public figures have made outlandish claims that President Obama is planning to use a United Nations treaty to take away legal firearms from gun owners in the US.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Nothing 'outlandish' about it; aside from the proposed Small Arms Treaty, Obama supports CIFTA which (read the definitions carefully) would require a gov't license to so much as load (defined as 'assembling') a weapon.

NC: Make Garner NC Politicians Take a Stand on Your Right To Self Defense in Parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Did you hear the one about the city council that refused to take a stand on an abridgment of your rights and put off the vote until after the next election?"

"Well, we wish we were telling you a joke, but unfortunately this is all too serious. The city of Garner is planning to do just this under the guise of studying the issue." ...

CA: Judge Won't Interfere With Cops' Gun Savvy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two gun owners cannot force the California attorney general to prevent law-enforcement agencies from arresting people in possession of assault-weapon lookalikes, a federal judge ruled."

"Mark Haynie and Brendan Richards were each arrested for allegedly owning assault weapons in 2009 and 2010. Haynie's rifle had a 'bullet button,' which makes the rifle's magazine detachable, and could not be identified under California penal code as an actual banned assault weapon. ... Richards spent six days in jail after his arrest after the Department of Justice found none of his firearms were assault weapons. Haynie and Richards were joined by the Calguns Foundation and Second Amendment Foundation in a consolidated lawsuit ..." ...

AZ: Former YPD officer indicted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Yuma police officer has been indicted by a Yuma County grand jury on two felony charges, according to the Yuma Police Department."

"A criminal investigation revealed that former Sgt. Torrin Fannin used his position and the victim’s need for police services against her by demanding sexual acts in exchange for continued police assistance, according to YPD." ...

HI: Cop Accused Of Rape Says Sex With Suspect Was Consensual
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"KITV 4 News has learned the Honolulu Police Department has placed a Kailua patrol officer on leave without pay after he was accused of sexually assaulting a female suspect while he was on duty and in uniform."

"The officer, who's been with HPD for four years, is accused of raping a 47-year-old woman in the second-floor parking structure next to the Kailua Longs Drugs store."

"Sources familiar with the case said the officer told co-workers they had consensual sex and that he admitted to friends he failed a lie detector test administered by HPD after the incident." ...

MD: Inside City Hall: $290,000 meted out for police cases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Board of Estimates today agreed to pay $245,000 to a helicopter pilot who said he was punished for speaking out about waste and safety shortcomings at the Police Department’s aviation unit and $45,000 to a man who said he was attacked by police officers." ...

"In a separate case, Rodney Hueston received $45,000 to settle his suit against two officers who broke his arm when they arrested him at Crazy John’s restaurant in East Baltimore in late 2009."

"He alleged that the officers assaulted him because he parked his car too close to a fire hydrant. The police charged him with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and possession of an open container of alcohol. All charges were later dropped." ...

Submitter's Note: Pretty sad when the story of police officers committing assault and battery is a few paragraphs buried in another story.

FL: Man who sued Orlando police over incident at Roxy settles lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A South Florida man who sued the city of Orlando and several police officers after being tased at a local nightclub settled his civil rights lawsuit this week, court records show." ...

"According to the lawsuit, Sosa was pushed from behind was he was leaving the club."

"He turned and grabbed the person behind him, the suit said, but when he realized it was a police officer, he 'immediately' let go and apologized."

"Sosa met up with a group of friends who gathered around the exit and were getting ready to leave, when two officers fired a taser into his back, the suit said." ...

CA: Antioch settles police misconduct suit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Antioch agreed to pay $360,000 to settle a class-action lawsuit brought by a group of African American renters who said police targeted them for special patrols and pressured landlords to evict them from federally subsidized Section 8 housing, the city said Wednesday."

"The renters, who filed suit in 2008 in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, said city officials had reacted to a near-doubling of the black population in five years by forming a police squad known as the Community Action Team, which searched their homes illegally and warned landlords they could be held responsible for tenants' misconduct." ...

NY: Town To Install Bullet-Tracking Technology Near Bellport Train Station (podcast available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The high tech crime fighting tool known as ShotSpotter is coming to North Bellport."

"The town is planning to install 16 sensors in the area of the Bellport train station. The devices are designed to help police pinpoint where and when gunshots are fired." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: I can't wait to move to this town so when I'm shot, the cops will know which direction the bullet came from.

OH: Headline: "Guns in bars cause no problems, local law officials say they have seen no real issues"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lorain Morning Journal reporter Bill Delaney has done what few in the media are going to be willing to do - compare the claims of what opponents said would happen when Ohio's restaurant carry law went into effect with the reality that is being experienced so far." ...

OR: Gun turn-in pits Ceasefire against collectors with cash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Only 43 people turned in unwanted guns Saturday at Ceasefire Oregon’s latest community collection event, in the Veterans Memorial Coliseum parking lot."

"Last winter, Portland police collected 152 guns at a similar event, and earlier turn-ins yielded even more."

"Event organizers and Portland police, who help coordinate the turn-in, were at a loss to explain the drop. Maybe, they said, publicity for the event did not reach as many people."

"Among those it did reach were about two dozen gun collectors who lined up at the parking lot’s two entrances, hoping to convince people driving in to sell them their guns rather than hand them over to police for destruction. ..." ...

GA: Commissioners discuss range, county line
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Haralson County Commission Chairman Allen Poole responded last week to a paid advertisement criticizing him and two other county commissioners for allegedly attempting to deny second amendment rights to bear arms by shutting down the West Georgia Youth Firing Range."

"Poole told a commission work session that 'Three board members can’t abolish second amendment rights.' Poole says he has been a gun owner for 25 years." ...

I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908 [by an Indian extremist opposed to Gandhi's agreement with Smuts], whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defend me, I told him it was his duty to defend me even by using violence. Hence it was that I took part in the Boer War, the so-called Zulu Rebellion and [World War I]. Hence also do I advocate training in arms for those who believe in the method of violence. I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. — Mohandas K. Gandhi, Young India, August 11, 1920 from Fischer, Louis ed.,The Essential Gandhi, 1962

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