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Newslinks for 10/28/2000

Study This
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Second Amendment Committee
Bernadette Smith's Research...

Child development expert seeks to ban toy guns AND violent videos
Submitted by: Hmmm

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"A well-known London child development expert wants the province to go much further to develop laws to ban many video games -- not just toy guns -- played by children."

" would be illegal for retailers to sell toy guns such as BB guns and air rifles to anyone under age 18, if they resemble the real thing. The law would also include a ban on starter pistols or similar handguns that can be converted to fire live ammunition...."
Why not just ban kids? :-)

Man claims self-defense in the shooting death of a cop he says attacked him first
Submitted by: Wow!

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"He was attacking me," Cook said. "I wasn't attacking him."

"You can either be a bootlicker, you can do nothing, or you can defend yourself," he told assistant district attorney Dave Berry. "God's law says it's OK to defend yourself from injury."
Since I wasn't there, I can't really say for sure whose side I would choose, but I do know that if a cop attacked me without provacation, he'd be a dead man.

Regardless, this guy is toast. Cops are assumed right, just for being cops.

More tax money going to bulletproof police (so they can conduct no knock searches)
Submitted by: Hmmm

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"The U.S. House Wednesday night passed legislation that extends and doubles the funding limits for a two-year-old program that helps local and state police and sheriff's departments afford bulletproof vests for their officers.

The bill, unanimously passed by the U.S. Senate on Oct. 11, will now go to the president's desk for his signature.
President Clinton, who has called the program an "unqualified success," will sign it.
In some areas, citizens cannot own certain kinds of vests.

What does the Bible say about Self Defense with Guns?
Submitted by: Paul Williams

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MEMBERS OF ALL CHURCH DEMONINATIONS. Searching the bible for answers to the issue of protecting your family using a firearm? A quick read with chapter and verse in the bible speaking about self-protection. Your vote is needed in this election. One candidate is supporting the right judges to interpret the 2nd amendment as the bible sees your responsibility to protect your family.

Bush/Gore Reported Choices for Attorney General Frightening
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Regardless of who wins the presidency, freedom will remain threatened by Bush's or Gore's appointee to the Attorney General's position. Gore's choice of Jack Quinn, a former White House Counsel who participated in many of the Clinton/Gore coverups, is no surprise. However, Bush's choice of Missouri Senator John Danforth is particularly troubling. Danforth is the guy who presided over the latest, greatest, "Waco Whitewash" by covering up the murders of 80 innocent Americans at Waco.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German philosopher

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