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Newslinks for 10/28/2001

Sheriff John Whetsel joins Task Force for Homeland Security
Submitted by: serinde

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Oklahoma County is playing its own small part in the nation's war on terrorism.

The county's Emergency Management Department is set to publish a brochure informing citizens of ways to prepare for terrorist attacks and what to do in case one happens, said department director David Van Nostrand.

Topics include how to create a family emergency plan, how to prepare an emergency kit and what to do during and after different types of attacks.

Cop who shot grandfather in the back in drugless "drug" raid is exonerated
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Federal and Los Angeles County officials have decided not to prosecute an El Monte police officer who fatally shot a 65-year-old man in the back during a 1999 narcotics raid in Compton."

No drugs were found, nor was there any proof that the elderly man was going for a gun in this house with no drugs.

Quote of the day: "A police officer does not need to wait to see a gun to defend themselves." (sic)
--El Monte, California city attorney, Eugene P. Ramirez

Cochran Scoffs at LAPD Version of Halloween Party Slaying
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Attorney Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. on Thursday accused the Los Angeles Police Department and its civilian overseers of twisting evidence to support a police officer's version of events in the fatal shooting of an actor who allegedly pointed a replica handgun at the officer during a Halloween party last year."

Cochran is curious "how Lee was shot three times in the back and once in the back of the head, while still pointing a gun at Officer Tarriel Hopper."

Bush signs anti-terrorism bill (U.S.)
Submitted by: serinde

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President Bush signed an anti-terrorism bill that gives police unprecedented ability to search, seize, detain or eavesdrop in their pursuit of possible terrorists. Attorney General John Ashcroft immediately ordered federal prosecutors to put their new powers to work.

Senate bill targets noncommercial plane safety (U.S.)
Submitted by: serinde

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In an effort to cut off terrorists' access to another weapon, the Senate has agreed to more stringent screening for charter planes and other noncommercial aircraft.

Passengers and crew would have to be screened - by metal detector, X-ray or other means - before boarding, and planes would be searched before takeoff. The legislation would also require background checks on any foreigner who wants to buy, lease or charter a plane.

Military guards at airports to be replaced by civilians (U.S.)
Submitted by: serinde

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The military troops standing guard at airports across the nation in response to the Sept. 11 attacks should soon be replaced by civilians, the Pentagon's top official for homeland security said Friday.

"At some point, we work ourselves out of a job, because we much prefer to have the state and local people in emergency services be able to take care of most of these things rather than take dedicated resources of the department," [Army Secretary Thomas] White said.

Some congregations take steps to increase security (TX)
Submitted by: serinde

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Some Tarrant County houses of worship are throwing away mysterious mail, adding a police presence and barring backpacks in sanctuaries since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the anthrax exposures that followed.

But the biggest security change at many religious institutions has been an increased awareness of possible risks.

[Security guards are mentioned, but concealed handgun licensees (CHLs) are not.]

Off-duty police officer, suspected robber shoot each other
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Fabian Mejia, a three-year veteran of the Calexico Police Department, was off-duty and using a corner pay phone shortly after midnight when a 19-year-old gunman demanded money from him.

After the men shot each other, the suspect got in a car and left as Mejia called 911. Both men were wounded but were expected to survive.

Brazill wordless at deposition targeting weapons distributor
Submitted by: Kevin

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Nathaniel Brazill refused to answer questions Friday during a deposition scheduled in a civil case against a South Florida gun distributor because he did not want to incriminate himself...

Brazill took the gun from the home of a family friend, Elmore McCray, who also was sued. McCray and Pam Grunow previously reached a $300,000 insurance settlement. The Hypoloxo Pawn Shop, where McCray bought the gun, reached a $275,000 insurance settlement with Grunow.

3 firefighters cleared in flag case (FL)
Submitted by: Kevin

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Three Miami-Dade firefighters have been cleared of allegations that they refused to ride on a truck with an American flag on it, but say they don't feel safe returning to work.

The departmental investigation determined that the men did not refuse to ride on trucks with American flags and that they did not refuse to go on calls.

Anti-Terror bill: A missed opportunity to tighten Gun laws?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A "leading gun control group" said the anti-terrorism legislation signed into law Friday is good as far as it goes, but it should have done more to tighten the nation's gun laws.

Michael Barnes, president of the Brady campaign, criticized Congress for failing to address "weak federal firearm laws that terrorists exploit to stockpile their deadly weapons."

Barnes wants Congress pass a law that would allow federal law enforcement agencies keep a permanent record of every firearm sale.

Police Chiefs discuss improving security against Terrorism (Int'l)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The annual meeting of the International Association of Chiefs of Police has taken on new significance, with U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller among the speakers and workshops looking at security at the Salt Lake City Olympics in February and lessons learned from those at "ground zero" on Sept. 11.

Japan: "Armed" Robber run-off by Senior Citizen
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An elderly woman fought off an overweight bandit who broke into a trucking company's office here Saturday afternoon after she realized that the robber was packing a toy gun.

She screamed at him, "I have no money to give you," and then knocked away the toy gun, sending the robber fleeing without having stolen anything. Kobayashi was alone in the office when the incident occurred.

NRA Board To Pass Resolution on CARA: Opposed Member (U.S.)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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National Rifle Association (NRA) Board of Directors member Dr. David Oliver Friday night declared the Board will need to pass a resolution supporting, opposing, or taking a neutral stance on CARA next weekend.

Oliver also for the first time listed himself as personally opposed to CARA, joining a number of directors who have publicly announced opposition, but added, "I want to try to hear all the facts, before I lock my decision in concrete."

Report by Sierra Times Staff

Neal Knox: Gun Destruction Still In Bill (U.S.)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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At the first meeting of the House-Senate conferees on S.1438, the Defense Authorization bill, Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) offered some exceptions to the privately owned former U.S. military guns that could be destroyed.

But those exceptions are too narrow, according to members who have seen the proposed amendment. The entire Sec.1062 must be eliminated, and hopefully will be when the conferees again meet, tentatively Tuesday.

Proposed restrictions on BB guns that look like handguns (MO)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Acting Aldermanic President James Shrewsbury also proposed Friday that the city bar anyone under 21 from possessing or buying a BB gun small enough to be concealed unless the buyer shows proof of a parent's permission.

Shrewsbury proposed the ordinance because police say the guns are becoming more and more prevalent and sometimes are used in crimes. "They're used as a weapon of intimidation," Shrewsbury said. "It's becoming a serious problem."

FBI Seeking to Wiretap Internet
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation is seeking to broaden considerably its ability to tap into Internet traffic in its quest to root out terrorists, going beyond even the new measures afforded in anti-terror legislation signed by President Bush Friday, according to lawyers familiar with the FBI’s plans.

U.S. Supports Disarming the People at UN Conference (Int'l)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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A new draft resolution of the 1st Committee (Disarmament & Int'l Security), supported by the U.S., would have the General Assembly convene a conference no later than 2006 to review progress made in implementing the Programme of Action adopted at the one United Nations Conference aimed at "eliminating the illicit small arms trade".

FLI finds the involvement of the U.S. in these action to disarm the world irresponsible in light of today's threats against civilians by terrorist organizations.

Tanya Metaksa: Emerson Ruling Both Good and Bad for Gun Rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Although the group formerly called Handgun Control, Inc. has tried to spin Judge Garwood’s decision as a triumph for gun control, the Fifth Circuit’s decision in Emerson shines like a beacon for the Bill of Rights. We hope this decision turns the twenty-first century into the century of rediscovering the Second Amendment."

Cheney: "Homeland Security" NOT temporary, but a Permanent way of Life
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) said Thursday that homeland security is not a temporary measure for the current crisis, but "will become permanent in American life... I think of it as the new normalcy."

"Many of the steps we have now been forced to take will become permanent in American life. They represent an understanding of the world as it is, and dangers we must guard against perhaps for decades to come," Cheney said.

Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"we may well build a prison for ourselves with something called homeland security while doing nothing to combat the root causes of terrorism."

"We have promoted a foolish and very expensive domestic war on drugs for more than 30 years. It has done no good whatsoever. I doubt our Republic can survive a 30-year period of trying to figure out how to win this guerilla war against terrorism. Hopefully, we will all seek the answers in these trying times with an open mind and understanding."

American Crazy Quilt: Posse Comitatus
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The purpose of the Act was to prohibit the use of the Army in civilian law enforcement, because American tradition dictates the separation of the military and civilian authority. The misuse of the military by the civilian authority has always been the real basis for Posse Comitatus.

Americans had better get concerned about the use of military for domestic police purposes, the growing power of federal bureaucracies, and the unconstitutional misbehavior of Congress and the executive branch.

Americans for Gun Safety Links "gun show loophole" to "Holmeland Security"
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Americans for Gun Safety (John McCain)announces the release of an ad calling on Congress to close the gun show loophole and pointing to the connection between the loophole and foreign terrorists operating in the U.S.

Americans for Gun Safety adds Grant to Wale's CeaseFire Fund
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Americans for Gun Safety (John McCain) announces that it is providing a grant to the Tom Wales Endowment Fund, saying "the fund will be a perfect living monument to Tom's passionate work on behalf of sensible gun laws."

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. —CHARLES A. BEARD

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