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Newslinks for 10/28/2005

President Bush Signs Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
Submitted by: News Director

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"President George W. Bush today signed into law the National Rifle Association (NRA)-backed "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" (S. 397) ending politically motivated lawsuits designed to bankrupt law-abiding American firearm manufacturers and retailers. S. 397 passed both chambers in Congress with broad bipartisan support."

Bill Would Punish Frivolous-Lawsuit Filers
Submitted by: News Director

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"Lawyers could lose their licenses for a year for repeatedly filing frivolous lawsuits under a Republican bill headed for passage in the House."

"Supporters say such lawsuits, deemed baseless by a judge for flimsy facts or faulty interpretations of the law, are a waste of court time and often a bonanza for lawyers rather than a chance to recoup legitimate damages for clients." ...

"Opponents also say the bill protects big corporations with a provision that would require judges to order the plaintiffs in lawsuits found to be frivolous to pay 'reasonable' attorney fees of the defendants. ..."

MD: Females bear down in opener
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"With sleet and fog and temperatures in the 30s, yesterday wasn't a fit day out for man or beast. One hunter turned in his paperwork in the pre-dawn hours and headed home even before it was legal to shoot."

"So it was up to a wide-eyed, 8-year-old girl from Garrett County to lead the way on the first day of the black bear hunting season, a day on which 15 bears were taken."

"Sierra Stiles took down a 211-pound bear at 75 yards, coolly reloading her single-shot, .243-caliber rifle before placing a second bullet right next to the first in the bear's chest."

MD: Young Girl's Killing Of Bear Stirs Controversy
Submitted by: News Director

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"An 8-year-old girl this week killed the first black bear of the state's hunting season, but her feat has some questioning whether law should allow youth to hunt."

"Sierra Stiles' first kill landed her picture on USA Today's third page on Tuesday."

"WBAL-TV 11 News reporter John Sherman reported two schools of thought generated thereafter."

"First, it's a wholesome family activity and an early introduction to nature's cycle of life. Second, a child rewarded and encouraged to take a large animal's life by choice, not by necessity, is deeply disturbing."

MD: Poll - should the state impose a minimum age for hunting?
Submitted by: News Director

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Simple "yes" or "no" vote.

Gun bill a messy mix of law, politics
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In the controversy surrounding President Bush's judicial nominees, the administration and its Republican supporters have insisted that courts should stick to applying the law and leave policymaking to democratically elected legislatures. Law and politics -- the argument goes -- should not be mixed."

"The gun industry immunity bill headed for President Bush's desk, however, violates this principle by injecting politics into private lawsuits. Those who really care about the separation of law and politics should be outraged by this bill."

Seems to us to be the exact opposite. It prevents politics (read: radical, anti-freedom agenda) from being used to sue an industry out of existence.

Gun grabbers ignore pesky facts
Submitted by: News Director

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"It's hard to imagine that The New York Times' editorial page could misconstrue an issue involving guns, seeing as how the writers of the Gray Lady's editorials are so open-minded about the Second Amendment. (That, folks, would be sarcasm.)"

"An offering about legislation before the U.S. House that would protect gun manufacturers from nuisance lawsuits posited: 'This extraordinary shield, written to the diktat of the National Rifle Association, is so sweeping that it would have barred the D.C. sniper settlement and other valid negligence claims.'"

"Hmm. Sounds like an editorial written to the diktat of the Brady Center for the Prevention of Gun Violence, so sweeping are its flabbergasted expressions of outrage."

Taking dictation from the NRA
Submitted by: News Director

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"Have we already forgotten the fear that the D.C. snipers caused when they began picking off people at random on the streets around our nation's capital?"

"Have we forgotten that the sniper murders by John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo sent a new chill down the nation's spine?"

"Have we forgotten that the Bushmaster rifle that the snipers used had been taken from a Washington state gun store so sloppy in its record-keeping that it couldn't account for 238 weapons it had - 50 of which were tied to crimes?"

"The answer to all three questions, apparently, is yes. ..."

MS: Rifle team shoots down competition
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Ole Miss Rebel Rifle team defeated Xavier University and host school Tennessee Tech, in duel match competition over the weekend."

"The Rebels claimed the top two spots in spilt-squad shooting in the team aggregate scoring. Tennessee Tech finished third overall, and Xavier University finished fourth."

"The Ole Miss 'red' squad, which took home top overall honors (4622), also claimed first place in the team air rifle, with a score of 2319, and smallbore competitions, setting a new school record with a score of 2303. The “red” squad was led by senior Megan Sandage, who toped all individuals in air rifle, with a career-high of 588."

AK: UAF rifle squad hopes to regain NCAA championship
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Dan Jordan has taken over the helm of the University of Alaska Fairbanks rifle program and he has every intention of putting the Nanooks back at the top of the collegiate rifle world."

"After the Nanooks saw their string of six consecutive NCAA championships come to an end last March when UAF finished fourth, four points away from a record seventh national championship, Jordan says the Nanooks are heading into the 2005-06 season with a new attitude."

WY: Straight shooters
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Big game hunters can, and should, be perfectionists when it comes to shooting. Their ultimate quest is the moment when opportunity, equipment and preparation converge to propel a bullet through space for a quick, precise kill on a trophy animal."

"Opportunity and preparation mean little, however, if the equipment is wanting, so the firearms industry strives mightily to make sure shooters are well equipped."

"At least three Wyoming companies are doing their part. Long Range Rifle Company in Thermopolis, Cast Performance Bullet Company in Riverton and North Fork Technologies in Glenrock all market products and services that make firearm hunters more efficient."

MT: New shooting complex aims to please
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Work continues on the Great Falls Shooting Sports Complex, which some local sportsmen believe will become the best set of ranges in Montana."

"Two of eight proposed shooting ranges are already open."

"And shooters have ambitious plans for the 947-acre tract off Morony Dam Road."

OK: Hidden threats: Handgun permits sweep country
Submitted by: News Director

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"In Oklahoma, no permits go to applicants who have attempted suicide, committed felonies, stalked, assaulted or been found guilty of illegal drug use. People in mental disability treatment, those guilty of misdemeanors that show 'habitual criminal activity,' or with two or more public intoxication convictions need not apply."

"After completing training, Oklahoma applicants give $100, two photos, two sets of fingerprints and a completed application form to a sheriff."...

"But handgun permit holders in Texas were arrested more than 66 percent more often for weapon-related offenses than other adults in the state, according to Texas Department of Public Safety numbers."

Canada: Don't blame U.S. for gun crime, Canada told
Submitted by: News Director

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"Prime Minister Paul Martin incorrectly blamed the United States for gun crime in Canada by using an unsubstantiated figure to assert that 50 per cent of this country's gun crimes involve smuggled firearms, U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins said yesterday."

"Mr. Wilkins said that Canadian officials admitted in meetings with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice this week 'that that figure was just grabbed out of thin air.' ..."

"The figure, which others have used previously, is not based on any statistical study that could be traced by The Globe and Mail, and police forces and other authorities said yesterday it is not verifiable."

Cayman Islands: Cayman would not be a better or safer place with firearms (Letter)
Submitted by: News Director

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"Richard Smith can perhaps be excused his woeful lack of knowledge of European history. He cannot however, be allowed to get away with his suggestion that Cayman would be a better or safer place, if everyone were allowed to carry firearms."

"Perhaps he would share with us his views on the number of children killed accidentally by guns in his home state and those killed in 'self defence' who posed no real threat to their attackers. Perhaps he would also like to explain why murder rates are so much lower in Canada with its strict gun control than in the USA."

"It seems that unless Cayman chooses to turn itself into a Texas clone it will, in future, be denied the pleasure of his visits. ..."

Canada: Toy gun ban shot down
Submitted by: News Director

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"Mayor Stephen Mandel has shot down the idea of banning or restricting the sale of toy guns.

Instead, the mayor yesterday told a committee he would take it upon himself to write to school boards and ask them what they're doing about the problem.

"'I don't think that we're going to be successful in banning these guns,' Mandel said. 'The federal government spent billions just trying to register guns.'"

MA: Police officer said to have accidentally shot another
Submitted by: News Director

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"Two Boston police officers are on administrative duty and a third is on sick leave after an incident last week in which one officer accidentally shot another, a department spokesman said yesterday."

UK: Met chief backs gun policy
Submitted by: News Director

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"MET Commissioner Sir Ian Blair today defended his force's 'shoot to kill' policy."

"Sir Ian was forced to reiterate his backing of the policy at a meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority."

"At the meeting it was revealed that nearly 800 terror suspects have been reported to police since the July 21 failed suicide bomb attacks."

LA: St. Helena sheriff pleads innocent in car parts case
Submitted by: News Director

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"St. Helena Parish Sheriff Ronald 'Gun' Ficklin pleaded innocent Tuesday in a federal courtroom -- for the second time."

"After a Baton Rouge grand jury handed up a new indictment late last week in the Greensburg stolen-car-parts case, Ficklin now faces 21 counts."

"Adding up the charges and maximum prison times -- 128 years, though any actual sentence would be far less than that -- U.S. Magistrate Stephen Riedlinger remarked that 'you almost have to have a math degree.'"

WI: Parents ask: Is Memorial safe?
Submitted by: News Director

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"She wasn't scared as a freshman or as a sophomore or even at the beginning of this school year, but Kristen Fox, a junior at Madison Memorial High School, says she is now." ...

"When a gang fight broke out in a school hallway Monday, an announcement came over the public address system that only frightened her more, she said."

"Beyond that, there was no communication from the school's administration about the incident. All she heard were rumors, Fox said."

NJ: Good protection for gunmakers (Letter)
Submitted by: News Director

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"'Gift to the gun lobby' (Editorial, Oct. 24) represents an anti-gun attitude and a total disregard for citizens' Second Amendment rights."

"To compare firearms with some drug companies' lack of thorough testing of new drugs suggests that a further look be taken at The Record's investigative skills. Then Record Editorial Cartoonist Jimmy Margulies further fueled the fire with his poison pen."

The Best Government Money Can Buy
Submitted by: News Director

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"Congress once again has shown it is the best money can buy, particularly if the pay off comes from the National Rifle Association and is accompanied by the promise of votes from those who believe owning a firearm is among the most important things in life."

"With the House's decision to join the Senate in excluding the nation's gun manufacturers from liability in most firearm-related deaths, lawmakers have done something they refused to do for any other industry, including tobacco and asbestos. Never let it be said that today's politicians miss the lessons of history when it comes to what it takes to stay in office."

OH: Cincinnati wants to enact tougher gun control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Ohio’s cities should be able to pass more-restrictive gun laws than those passed by the state Legislature, attorneys for Cincinnati argued before the state Supreme Court on Wednesday." ...

"Cincinnati wants to re-establish an ordinance prohibiting semiautomatic weapons that have a magazine capacity of more than 10 rounds. State law sets a limit of 31 rounds."

Take the poll!
Submitted by: SayUncle

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With the NRA's success with regard to the gun immunity bill, what should be the focus of the gun lobby now?

It'd be nice if we could build a consensus on what we gun owners want.

(poll on the right side of the page)

IL: ISRA: Gov. Blagojevich Turns Department of Natural Resources Against Hunters and Sportsmen
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In a move that is sure to anger downstate hunters and sportsmen, Gov. Rod Blagojevich has directed lobbyists for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to pressure legislators to vote against overriding Blagojevich's veto of SB2104." ...

"'Just prior to today's vote, we became aware that the DNR lobbyists were working feverishly against the override,' commented ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson. 'We found this very unusual since SB2104 offers great benefit to the state's law-abiding hunters and sportsmen. With an election year coming up, Gov. Blagojevich may have shot himself in the foot but good. It will be interesting to see how he explains to downstate voters the reason why he had the DNR lobbying against a measure that would prevent hunters and sportsmen from having their hunting rifles, shotguns and vehicles confiscated for a violation of an obscure village ordinance.'"

OH: 'Everyman' candidate for Ohio Secretary of State weighs in on gun rights
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"Like Pete Draganic, Republican Colin Beach (who recently announced his candidacy for Secretary of State) is hoping Ohioans are so fed up that they'll make a decision to nominate someone who has never before served in public office to the state-wide Republican ticket in November 2006." ...

"Now it doesn't make much sense to allow our state and federal governments to regulate our gun ownership, when the purpose of that ownership is to form militias to fight against those government entities when they become oppressive. Even the slightest regulation should be looked at critically with this notion in mind. Since I believe we have this right to gun ownership, we also have the rights to use our guns for other purposes, be it hunting or sport, as long as that use doesn't interfere with the protected liberty or property rights of others."

WA: County commissioner pleads guilty in skunk shooting, avoids jail
Submitted by: News Director

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"The stink from a skunk shooting at the Benton County Courthouse has been lifted by a plea agreement."

"County Commissioner Max E. Benitz Jr. was fined $268 dollars Wednesday after pleading guilty to discharging a firearm in public, a gross misdemeanor under municipal ordinances."

"Yakima County District Judge Donald W. Engel, who heard the case to avoid a conflict of interest, also agreed to spare Benitz from going to jail and to allow the conviction to be removed from his record if he stays out of trouble for one year."

CA: One family's effort to make guns safer
Submitted by: News Director

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"Congress has just passed legislation providing special protection from liability lawsuits for the gun industry. This may seem like a win for people concerned about ridiculous legal claims and outrageous financial awards as well as for the gun industry. One often hears the complaint of 'too many frivolous lawsuits.' It fits in with the mythic suspicion of trial lawyers and is sometimes true. But a tragic incident many years ago has given me a different perspective on this issue. I now believe that when human life is involved, the matter is never frivolous."

Canada: London's police chief warns of more violence spilling out of Toronto after gunfire erupts near a day care and library
Submitted by: News Director

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"London can expect more violence -- such as a shooting spree early yesterday near a day-care centre and strip club -- as Toronto cracks down on gun crime, London police Chief Murray Faulkner warned yesterday."

"I suspect . . . we're going to find many of these people are from the GTA area. As they tighten the noose in the Toronto area, it disperses those individuals to our area."

"London's latest gun violence started at 2:30 a.m. yesterday."

PA: Cops confiscate Mariano's guns
Submitted by: News Director

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"The Philadelphia Police Department is revoking City Councilman Rick Mariano's permit to carry a concealed weapon in the wake of his indictment on federal corruption charges."

"And, at the request of Mariano's family, all 10 firearms that Mariano possessed were recently confiscated from his home in Juniata Park, according to Inspector William Colarulo."

IL: Senate overrides governor's veto of gun transportation bill
Submitted by: News Director

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"The Illinois Senate is backing a statewide standard for transporting firearms despite the governor's and law enforcement objections."

"The Senate voted 38-to-20 today to override the governor's veto of a measure that trumps local laws restricting how guns can be transported through communities."

Soldiers sentenced for smuggling arms
Submitted by: News Director

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"Two soldiers and an uncle of one of them were sentenced to between six months and five years in prison on federal charges of conspiring to import machine guns from Iraq and aiding and abetting the possession of a machine gun, federal prosecutors said."

"Sgt. Nigel Brown, 31, and Sgt. Beau Uran, 25, were arrested after Brown’s uncle, Guy Anthony Brown, sold to an undercover federal agent machine guns the soldiers smuggled back from Iraq. The weapons had been hidden in the re-welded bases of oxygen tanks and shipped back to Fort Campbell in Kentucky."

Canada: Edmonton police use 18-year-old's murder to warn of easy handguns on streets
Submitted by: News Director

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"The day after a young man turned himself in following the random shooting of an 18-year-old girl celebrating her birthday, police acknowledged handguns are widely available on the streets of Alberta's capital."

"'It's readily known to the police service that it is not hard to obtain firearms involving criminal activity,' said Det. Dan Collins, lead investigator in the killing of Sara Easton."

"Given the availability of a weapon, it just makes it that much easier for someone to fire a weapon."

UK: Anti-gun violence demand rapper tears down film posters
Submitted by: News Director

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"Posters promoting rapper 50 Cent's new film have been accused of promoting gun violence in the U.S."

"Activists have demanded that the billboards, advertising new film, Get Rich or Die Tryin', be taken down because they glorify crime."

"The posters show 50 Cent, real name Curtis Jackson, holding a gun in one hand and a microphone in the other."

VA: Daily News Poll
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Should the state forbid carrying firearms to local school board meetings that are not held on school property?"

So far "No" is the overwhelming winner

"Smart" guns and "safety" locks aren't meant to protect children. They're meant to kill gun owners. —VICTOR MILAN

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