Mayor ends ‘Occupy Atlanta’ when Second Amendment exercised with First
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "... As strongly as some may disagree with the methods and message of the protestors, a government with the power to prohibit them is much more to be feared. The issues of legality as far as OA went appeared to center on turning a public space into a squatter’s camp in violation of access and use rules and the ensuing problems that caused. But to be clear, the over-reaction of Mayor Reed’s government to a man lawfully exercising his rights is what shut things down, not the man." ... |
Democrats cling to their guns
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gun ownership is on the rise in some surprising places. As much as President Obama would have us believe that only small-town yokels 'cling to guns or religion,' a Gallup poll released Wednesday suggests many of the firearms that have been flying off the shelves in the past two years were purchased by Democrats and women. The Second Amendment has truly gone mainstream." ... |
Brady Campaign: We Must All Work to Stop Gun Violence
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Opposing Views
Website: http://www.opposingviews.com
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... "To honor the 80 Americans who lose their lives to gunfire every day and the families, and communities like Carson City, that suffer so grievously, let us do what we can to stop the toll of gun violence. Stop it in our neighborhoods, our schools and communities. Let’s just commit to stop it."
"I implore you to consider doing just one thing to stop the toll of gun violence." ... -------
KABA Note: Okay, I pledge do one thing to stop the toll of gun violence: I pledge to carry every day. |
WI: DOA to release status on guns in Capitol
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Before the concealed carry law goes into effect next week, officials at the state Capitol are hoping to clarify whether citizens will be allowed to bring handguns into the building."
"The Department of Administration is scheduled to release their findings on Gov. Scott Walker’s new policy plan Friday morning. The policy would allow citizens to carry concealed weapons inside the offices of legislators as well as other parts of the Capitol." ... |
NY: Many State Democrats Push Against House Gun Rights Bill
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"By a vote of 19-11, the House Judiciary Committee advanced a bill this week that would allow people with concealed firearms permits to carry their weapons across state lines, regardless of the state's gun laws." ...
"Many Democrats in the House of Representatives have pushed back against the legislation, to no avail."
"New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has jumped into the fray, urging Senate leadership to reject the measure which he says would increase the threat of gun violence and weapons trafficking." ... |
Second Amendment / Equal Protection Clause Victory for Legal Alien Gun Owners
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rickk schwartz
Website: http://www.weprotectyourkids.com
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"A pre-2009 Washington state law, under which Yasin Ibrahim was convicted, required aliens to get a license . (A new statute sets up a different licensing scheme for alien gun owners, but that statute wasn’t involved in this case.) Ibrahim was prosecuted under the old law, for having an unlicensed gun. Today’s State v. Ibrahim (Wash. Ct. App.) holds that the old law violated the Equal Protection Clause by unconstitutionally discriminating against noncitizens. And in the process the court says that the law did this 'by denying [legal aliens'] Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.'" ... |
Second Amendment Protects Felon Whose Convictions Were 30 Years Ago
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rickk schwartz
Website: http://www.weprotectyourkids.com
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"So held a North Carolina trial court in Johnston v. State (Oct. 24, 2011). Richard Johnston had been convicted of 'felonious receipt of stolen property and conspiracy to commit grand larceny' in 1978, and pled no contest 'to fraudulent setting fire, conspiracy, false statement to procure, and conspiracy to receive, receiving, conspiracy to commit larceny and accessory before the fact' in 1981. (The underlying crimes occurred in 1976, and 'did not involve either violence or the use of a firearm.') Since then, Johnston has apparently led a law-abiding life, setting aside 'routine traffic citations and two hunting citations, one of which was dismissed'; he is now 69 years old." ... |
CA: Judge Won't Prevent Cops from Arresting Gun Lovers Who Tote Assault Weapon Replicas
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Haynie, a Pleasanton resident, and Richards claimed they were wrongly arrested and the duo teamed up with Calguns Foundation and the Second Amendment Foundation in a lawsuit demanding California Attorney General Kamala Harris and the Department of Justice start issuing bulletins that help police distinguish guns with 'bullet buttons' from illegal assault rifles."
"But U.S. District Judge Susan Illston refused to issue such an order, saying the defendants had no real reason to believe they were in danger of being arrested again in the future for possessing the weapons." ... -------
Submitter's Note: So despite what the opening paragraph says, they were not seeking "to interfere with cops' discretion when it comes to making firearms arrests" but rather to have the CA AG provide information to police departments across the state so they can properly enforce the law. |
UT: Intoxication charge dismissed against Utah County teacher
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"A public intoxication charge was dismissed Thursday against a Utah County special needs preschool teacher who was accused of being under the influence of alcohol while on the job." ...
"Hoffman was informed of the accusation and agreed to take a Breathalyzer test, which did not show any signs of impairment ..." ...
"Pleasant Grove Police Lt. Mike Roberts has said that although Hoffman didn’t appear drunk, she was cited 'because she had special-needs children under her direct care,' and under Utah law, intoxication is 'just the consumption of alcohol as a danger to yourself or others.'" ... -------
KABA Note: So pass a Breathalyzer and get arrested anyway? |
FL: More citizens exercising 2nd Ammendment rights (video story)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Marlene Walters is a new gun owner. 'In the last six months I wanted to be active learning how to shoot to protect myself,' said Walters She is not alone. According to a Gallup poll released this week almost 50 percent of Americans own or have access to a gun. That's the highest it's been in 18 years." ... -------
Submitter's Note: The reporter actually takes a couple of shots, and looks reasonably competent. |
VA: Pro-gun group to rally at Virginia Tech
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A pro-gun group plans to demonstrate Nov. 17 on the campus of Virginia Tech, where a 2007 massacre by a troubled student left 33 people dead, The Roanoke Times and other news organizations report."
"The Virginia Citizens Defense League announced its plans in a message sent to members and e-mail subscribers, the Times reports."
"The plans are part of an effort by the group to demonstrate at more than a dozen public colleges and universities across Virginia ..." ... |
UK: Now you CAN fight back against burglars: Law change protects anyone using violence to defend home
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John Fansler
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"Homeowners who fight to defend their property will have the full backing of the law for the first time."
"In an historic move, Justice Secretary Ken Clarke yesterday announced a major strengthening of the rights of victims standing up to intruders in their property."
"It means anyone who reacts ‘instinctively’ to defend their home and possessions will be protected if they use reasonable force." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Does this mean they will release the people already in jail for protecting themselves? |
No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at discretion. — James Burgh, Political Disquisitions: Or, an Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses [London, 1774-1775]. |