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Newslinks for 10/29/2011

Poll Reflects Positive Change In Public Attitude Toward 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'The pendulum has definitely been swinging in favor of expanded gun rights,' SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb said. 'For too long, people were fooled by hysteria and misinformation from gun prohibitionists and their cheerleaders in the press. But their alarmist rhetoric has failed the test of time and now Americans by greater percentages than we’ve seen in generations are realizing that gun rights are important to our security as a nation and to public safety in our own neighborhoods.'"

How much evidence of Mexican involvement in ‘Wide Receiver’ is needed?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "What evidence does Steller need to admit that 'coordinating' is precisely the 'appropriate word'? Do internal ATF emails discussing just that count? ..." ...

Ashley Spurlin: Top Shot is Rigged
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Top Shot tsuris continues. During last Tuesday’s episode Jake Zweig Tweeted that the show was more fiction than fact: 'No I called BS on the whole show being completely fake….. when Mike came back the whole house tried to leave!!!!!!!!' And now Season Two competitor and Bronze Star recipient Ashley Spurlin [above center] has commented about Top Shot on TTAG, and it ain’t pretty. Full text after the jump. Bottom line: 'The show is a complete farce and I would never have set foot in that house if I knew what I knew now.' Sour grapes? Show biz? Scandal? We report, you deride. But keep this in mind: if Top Shot is rigged, chances are it’s breaking the law on prize competitions . . ." ...

Open Carry Shuts Down Occupy Atlanta When Nothing Else Could
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We’ve all seen the sympathetic saturation media coverage of the Occupy 'movement' these last few weeks. What started as ten or twenty slackers protesting Wall Street, capitalism and people they non-specifically identify at 'the 1%' has slowly grown and spread to various cities across the country and overseas. ... [I]t's been mostly harmless, if you overlook inconveniences such as petty theft, public defecation and the occasional rape here and there. Complaints from neighboring businesses and residents haven't been enough to prompt otherwise-supportive, linguine-spined mayors to shut the squatters' settlements down in most cities. Until, that is, someone showed up with a legally carried gun…" ...

Gun Preview: Thompson Center Fire Storm Flintlock
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A long, skinny brown box arrived today, courtesy of our fearless leader’s connections with Thompson Center. When I opened the package, my curious eyes were greeted with the spectacle of a stainless steel, synthetic-stocked, fiber-optic-sighted flintlock. ..."

Gear Review: Apex Tactical 45 M&P Hard Sear
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nothing pisses me off more than getting a new pistol shipped from the factory with a crappy trigger. To wit, my new S&W M&P45c. I picked this gun up because the Sheriff's Office I work for mandates we carry a .40 or .45. Unfortunately, when I moved back to Montana, I only had 9's, 10's and 357's. The M&P fits me perfectly and fills a dual niche of duty carry and concealed carry. It sports graceful good looks that make my Glocks envious, all in a nice 'man-sized' caliber (as my sergeant would call it.) Despite everything I like about this gun, the stock trigger was gritty, came with an advertised 7 lb. pull weight and had no noticeable reset. Obviously this would never do." ...

TTAG Project: 1,000 Yard Rifle for $500 Update
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve had a couple people ask me where the 1,000 yard rifle for $500 project went. Truth be told, it’s been done for months. The only problem is that the USMC has been tying up the range at Quantico and I haven’t had a chance to put the finishing touches on my article. In the meantime, have an updated picture of the rifle. At the top is what version 1.0 looked like, a Mossberg 100 ATR with some added goodies. Make the jump for the latest incarnation." ...

Jason Steiner: Get a Grip
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here’s a quick exercise for taking a good thumbs-forward grip with a semi-auto pistol. It offers a great deal of control, which might explain why it’s currently the standard grip for top practical shooters. Fortunately, it’s also easy for novices to learn. It might feel a little awkward at first, so start practicing with no gun at all, just to get a accustomed to it . . ." ...

Ask Foghorn: Best Gun for a First Time Firearms Owner?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A few days ago RF let slip that he’s writing a book on self defense. As luck would have it I’m writing a book as well, and the subject is exactly what you asked about. I want it to be a small (cheap) book that you could hand a new shooter and they would be able to learn everything they needed to know to safely own and fire guns without having to go search the internet, including everything from firearms safety to selecting your first firearm. Which is where your question comes in — by answering it here I not only answer another one of our reader’s questions but I also knock a chapter off the list of things to do. So let’s get started!" ...

Gear Review: Konuspot 20-60 x 70mm Spotting Scope
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m nearly blind without the help of corrective spectacles. I’ve been that way my entire life, and consider myself interested in optics more than your average American. I was never any good at shooting open sights as a kid, so I needed a scope to be on the same level as the other young boppers. Something about bringing far away objects within arm’s reach really appeals to me."

"As such, it was quite a pleasure to pick up a big brown box filled with brand spanking new optics at the UPS depot. ..." ...

Congress' end run around gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed Americans' right to own and bear arms, but both of those rulings stopped well short of permitting anyone to carry a gun anytime and anywhere."

"Some members of Congress, however, are pushing that way. A House bill would effectively override state restrictions on concealed firearms and allow anyone with a permit from one state to carry in any other that permits concealed weapons."

"In other words, a concealed-carry permit holder could remain armed in any state but Illinois."

"The immediate aim is an end run on states that have enacted gun control legislation that doesn't meet the approval of the National Rifle Association." ...

WI: Soglin’s approach to concealed-carry challenge is professional, thorough
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Madison Mayor Paul Soglin has fought gun-control battles in the past, often on principle but not always with success."

"His experience shows as he responds now to Wisconsin’s new concealed-carry law, which goes into effect Nov. 1."

"Soglin and city staffers have developed guidelines and restrictions for the possession of firearms in city buildings, on city property and on city buses." ...

Book Review: "Gunfight"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 'Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America,' the constitutional law professor Adam Winkler tries to find a middle way to sober the debate between gun rights and gun control, with remarkable storytelling. 'Gun rights and gun control are not only compatible; they have lived together since the birth of America,' he writes."

"In an effort to reveal that secret history of America, he tells stories about both pro-gun extremism and gun control advocacy." ...

St. Louis dangerous for the unarmed and unprepared
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bit less than a year ago, we discussed St. Louis gaining the distinction of being 'the most dangerous city' in the nation, in terms of violent crime. Three recent developments perhaps indicate, at least anecdotally, that the situation is not improving, and that to neglect personal security preparations for oneself and loved ones remains even more irresponsibly foolhardy here than in most other cities." ...

Three Reasons Not to Home Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Home Carry—carrying a gun at home—is patently ridiculous. Make that dangerous. When you Home Carry you carry a gun at home. At home! A gun! A gun that fires bullets! That could hurt someone! A gun could hurt someone! Sure the risk may be small that your home carry gun would shoot you or your loved ones. But it could happen. You could drop it. Someone could take it from you and use it against you. What about suicide? A kid could take your gun from your holster and BAM! shoot themselves. ... Clearly, Home Carry’s just not worth it. But try telling that to a gun rights advocate. You need more rhetorical firepower. So here are three good reasons not to home carry . . ." ...

NY: Fatal shooting ‘self-defense’
Submitted by: GunPolitiicsNY

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"One man was fatally shot and another wounded when gunfire erupted in a Harlem apartment building yesterday."

"Police are investigating the possibility that the shooter was a robbery victim who wrested a firearm from one of his attackers, then fired in self-defense." ...

Smoking Gun? Most Gunwalker Guns Targets of Ban Efforts, but Not Wanted by Cartels
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Why would the White House, Senate-confirmed cabinet-level appointees, and other administration appointees conduct such a high-risk operation?"

"Perhaps the answer exists in the 'smoking guns' themselves." ...

"The point, of course, is that it isn’t remotely cost-effective for cartels to buy these weapons in the U.S."

"Yet the AK- and AR-pattern weapons that are most bitterly opposed by gun-grabbing groups and politicians in the United States are the most common weapons purchased by Operation Fast and Furious."

"This curious trend continues with Operation Fast and Furious’ proclivity to purchase the FN Five-seveN pistol." ...

Hillary Clinton:‘No Evidence’ DOJ Sought Required License to Send Guns to Mexico in ‘Fast and Furious’
Submitted by: none

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"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified in the House Foreign Relations Committee Thursday that there was 'no record' that the Justice Department had given the State Department a 'head up' about Operation Fast and Furious, in which guns were allowed to flow from the United States to drug traffickers in Mexico, and that the State Department had found 'no evidence' that DOJ had applied for a license or waiver to send guns to a foreign country, which a member of the committee told her would have been required under U.S. law." ...

Did ‘Big Sis’ lay some big eggs before House Judiciary?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Under intense questioning Wednesday by Congressmen Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy during a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Homeland Security Secretary seemed to weave, dodge, protest and perhaps demonstrate some ignorance about Operation Fast and Furious."

"Later, when interviewed by Lou Dobbs on Fox News’ business channel, both Issa and Gowdy expressed their frustration and disappointment at Napolitano’s performance. Issa chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has been holding hearings on Fast and Furious." ...

ATF gunwalker update: Eric Holder to testify on Fast and Furious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CBS News has learned Attorney General Eric Holder has agreed to appear before the House Judiciary Committee regarding 'Fast and Furious.' The hearing will take place Dec. 8th."

"Judiciary Committee member and head of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) had requested that Holder appear, in part to dig deeper into when-he-knew-what about ATF's so-called 'gunwalking' operation Fast and Furious." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh.

SSI Exclusive: ATF contempt and lies for Issa & Grassley. The "Giddy Omelet Man" brags he's still running Phoenix Group VII! "I'm not going anywhere!"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Sipsey Street Irregulars has learned that David Voth never was reassigned as the above ATF press release said in August. In fact, he's still in Phoenix, according my sources, still running Group VII and still, at least nominally running 'Fast and Furious.' In addition, William Newell is still in Phoenix as well." ...

"As soon as Barborini retired, Voth was put back in charge, He never left Phoenix. Sources say that when Voth was 're-assigned' to the Branch Chief job at HQ, 'his first concern was that it not knock him off of the career ladder. Unreal isn't it? The guy completely fell asleep at the wheel and wants to promote higher up the ranks.'" ...

Cummings Keeps Pushing It Was All A Local Problem Meme
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee keeps trying to push the meme that Operation Fast and Furious was a local operation out of the ATF's Phoenix Field Division that went horribly wrong. In a letter today to Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), he pushed to have former ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson appear at the same hearing as Attorney General Eric Holder." ...

A Follow-Up On Rep. Joe Walsh's Call For Holder To Resign (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a bit of a follow-up to my post on Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) becoming the fourth Congressman to call on Eric Holder to resign as Attorney General, here is Cam Edwards interview with Walsh from NRA News."

Holder's days as attorney general may be numbered as resignation calls double overnight
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"Attorney General Eric Holder’s tenure in the Obama administration may be coming to an end. At least eight members of Congress have now called on Holder to resign over the growing Operation Fast and Furious scandal." ...

Submitter's Note: Wow! Eight congress critters, be still my heart!

Unsatisfactory Fast & Furious answers fuel cover-up beliefs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Testimony this week relating to Operation Fast and Furious from two members of the Obama cabinet before two different House committees has left more questions than answers for members of Congress who are trying to get to the bottom of this case."

"Instead of getting closer to learning who knew what and when they knew it, Congressmen Darrell Issa, Jason Chaffetz, Trey Gowdy and Connie Mack appear more convinced than ever that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton don’t seem to know much about anything, or at least want it to appear that way." ...

WV: McKinley speaks on jobs and budget
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Rep. David B. McKinley, R-W.Va., was in Wood County Friday for the National Rifle Association's annual dinner." ...

"'As a long-time NRA member and a strong believer in the U.S. Constitution and the protection of our individual rights, I am glad to join the NRA in Parkersburg for this annual dinner. It is my pledge to stand strong to protect our Second Amendment Constitutional rights in our nation's Capitol and I will never waiver from my strong convictions to uphold our constitutional rights and our personal freedoms.'"

AL: Cain energizes Montgomery crowd
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hundreds of people arrived early to see presidential candidate Herman Cain in downtown Montgomery on Friday and cheered loudest when the former business executive talked about taking on illegal immigration and 'Obamacare,' and his support for Israel." ...

"In Montgomery, Cain spoke of his support for the Second Amendment and people’s right to protect themselves, their family, and their property." ...

Herman Cain on the Second Amendment and ‘Emily Gets Her Gun’ series
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Herman Cain is a gun owner and strong supporter of the right to keep and bear arms."

"I plan to ask all the GOP presidential candidates about their commitment to the issue for my series, 'Emily Gets Her Gun,' but here's what the front-runner in both of the most recent polls from CBS/New York Times and Fox News had to say." ...

NJ: Bloomfield Candidates Speak out at Forum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The forum, sponsored by the Bloomfield Neighborhood Association Committee and moderated by Michelle Bobrow, a representative of the Maplewood-South Orange League of Women Voters, showcased the six candidates vying for council seats representing the three wards in the township." ...

"[Sue Ann] Penna came under fire for statements in support of gun control that she had made in a series of Youtube videos called 'Common Sense with Sue Ann Penna.' She explained that, while she supports Second Amendment rights, she does not believe that everyone should have the right to own a gun." ...

OH: Columbus: Vote anti-gun Coleman out of office on Nov. 8
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Voters in Columbus will have the opportunity to kick anti-gun Mayor Michael Coleman to the curb on Nov. 8. Mayor Coleman has consistently worked against the Second Amendment and the Constitution during his long term as mayor."

"In 2005, Coleman and his city council enacted the unenforceable assault weapons ban. The National Rifle Association had planned to bring the NRA's Annual Meetings to Columbus in 2007. However, upon the passage of this bad law, Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA, came to Columbus and pulled the event from the city, which would have drawn in excess of 65,000 people and likely would have poured upwards of $25 million dollars into the Ohio economy. ..." ...

GA: Candidates make push for Senate seat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The event was billed as a candidate forum, but it quickly shaped up as a battle among the participants to stand out in a crowded field for a single vacant state Senate seat."

"Seven of nine District 28 candidates participated in the Thursday night forum ..." ...

"Ed Stone, 44, Republican, an attorney from Senoia, sought early to establish himself as the law and order, gun rights, small government and anti-immigration candidate."

"Stone has been an attorney for 10 years and was previously a police office for 12 years ..."

"He boasts of being a founder of, an organization for Second Amendment rights. He claims endorsements from Seabaugh and the president of the Georgia Sheriffs Association." ...

OH: Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine forms task force on gun violence
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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... "DeWine said in a telephone interview Friday that the Violent Crimes with Guns Advisory Group has begun to examine crime statistics to create a profile of likely gun offenders."

"The task force is comprised primarily of prosecutors and law enforcement officers from around the state. The group will focus on repeat gun offenders but is not expected to address the supply of guns." ...

WI: New Concealed Carry Rules (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Concealed Carry restrictions. Just days before the new law goes into effect, the State has limited certain places people can carry a gun. Governor Walker's administration released guidelines Friday concerning the Capitol. Now, other state buildings May [sic] have signs reading 'No Guns Allowed'."

"The State says the new guidelines are designed with safety in mind, while trying to allow guns in as many public places, as possible." ...

OH: Upland Game Hunting Season Begins November 4
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The season for three of Ohio's most popular game species — ring-necked pheasant, cottontail rabbit, and bobwhite quail — begins Friday, November 4, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife."

"'The state's cottontail population has been very good for the last several years, and this year should provide some excellent opportunities for sportsmen,' said Nathan Stricker, project leader with the division's Olentangy Wildlife Research Station. 'Statewide, rabbit numbers have increased over last year.'" ...

TX: Texas store owner won't teach gun class to liberals, Muslims (video available)
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"In a radio ad for concealed handgun training, a Texas Hill Country store owner promises to teach you how to 'be a victor, not a victim,' unless you are an Obama supporter or a Muslim."

"'If you are a socialist liberal and/or voted for the current campaigner-in-chief, please do not take this class. You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as under the law,' said Crockett Keller in the advertisement. 'Also, if you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class. Once again, with no shame, I am Crockett Keller… thank you and God bless America.'" ...

Some of the worst abuses of government force in recent years were precipitated by technical and victimless gun-law violations. For example, the BATF claimed that the Branch Davidians possessed machine guns without paying the required federal tax and filling in the proper registration forms. So a tax case worth less than $10,000 led to a 76-man helicopter, machine gun, and grenade assault on a home in which 2/3 of the occupants were women and children. — Dave Kopel and Dr. Michael S. Brown, Prohibition Fever,

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