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Newslinks for 10/3/2000

Houston woman works to prevent gun deaths
Submitted by: Lyndell Rottmann

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Uses suicide, domestic violence and victim death statistics to argue against self-defense with handguns. Advocates relying on technology, avoidance and ignorance for safety instead of studying proper gun usage. No mention of unreported defensive use of firearms.

Court Rejects Gunmakers' Appeal
Submitted by: Gun Lawsuit

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"Two gunmakers who challenged Congress' authority to ban the manufacture, sale and possession of semiautomatic assault weapons lost a Supreme Court appeal Monday."

"The court, without comment, rejected an appeal that said Congress exceeded its power to regulate interstate commerce when it outlawed such weapons in 1994."

Hunter, Shooter, Who's the Good Neighbor?
Submitted by: Karen Cardona

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State Farm Insurance company now discriminating against shooters.

"First Monday" event in Washington showed both sides
Submitted by: "First Monday"

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"For some, attending a candlelight vigil at Esther Short Park was an opportunity to spread the word about more gun control and safety."

"For others, it was a chance to rally for gun owners."

"But for all attending the Million Mom March demonstration ---- whether in protest or support ---- the vigil was a time to voice concern about children and guns."

Gun control advocates bring cause to Back Bay
Submitted by: "First Monday"

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The pro gun quote from an anti-gun article:

``We want to stress that these people's hearts are in the right place but they are totally misguided,' said Larry Savage, organizer of the pro-gun protesters. ``We favor education over fear. We need to teach our children what to do if they find a gun.'

Fed judge upholds state ban on shooting at human image
Submitted by: Target Practice?

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"A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit brought by gun owners who said a state law banning target practice on human images violates their rights."

"In a terse, two-page opinion issued Sept. 28, U.S. District Court Judge George O'Toole dismissed the challenge of the Massachusetts Gun Control Act of 1998, brought by the Gun Owners Action League and other pro-gun groups."
Clinton targets would sell like hotcakes...Reno and Hillary a close second and third.

Two boys suspended for gun possession may be expelled, officials say
Submitted by: Guns & School

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Three boys suspended for bringing a loaded gun on school property may not return to class anytime soon, school officials said.

" Anyone that brings a weapon to school property is in trouble, " said Richard Vought, superintendent of Lac Du Flambeau School District. " That' s the law, and the policy calls for an expulsion of no less than one year."

"The school board is scheduled to vote on the issue Wednesday."

Texas Law Gives Felons Gun Licenses
Submitted by: Texas

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REALLY nasty article against Bush and the Texas concealed carry law:

"More than 400 people were issued licenses to carry concealed guns in Texas despite prior convictions under a law Gov. George W. Bush, the Republican presidential nominee, signed in 1995, saying it would make the state ``a safer place.'
When it comes down to it, I'd rather have a few felons accidentally get guns and have 200,000 good guys have them than none of them at all...

Sixth-grader booked with gun at school
Submitted by: Kids & Schools

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The boy told deputies and school officials he brought the gun because he was having problems with other students.

"We were very surprised at what happened. This is very uncommon," said Robert Clouatre, Ascension Parish school superintendent. Clouatre said the system has experienced only one similar incident in the last 10 years.
Thank you, Media, for widely spreading the word about taking guns to school. Thank you, Hollywood, for glorifying gun misuse.

Gun Control Lobby Runs Out of Ammo
Submitted by: Hunter

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According to the Washington Times, the democrat leadership seems
to have finally realised that they have a losing issue in gun control.
Not that they're willing to give it up or anything.

Disgusting use of lies through imagery, bent on anti-gunism
Submitted by: Lying with Pictures

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"The LSU School of Social Work and the Alliance for Justice erected 60 crosses draped in children's clothing to represent the number of school-age children who die weekly from gun violence in the United States."
Where they get their numbers is a mystery, but they ain't gettin' 'em from REALITY. A coke dealing 15 year old shooting at somebody IS NOT a kid anymore. Yes, kids die, but nowhere NEAR that number...

Teen gang punk shoots little girl
Submitted by: "Kid"?

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"A Detroit teen was arraigned Monday in connection with a shooting Sunday at a Hmong New Year's celebration in Waterford where a child celebrating her third birthday was struck by a stray bullet."
Oriental gang A--hole deserves to do VERY hard time, like 20 years, no parole.

Breakout in the Buff -- Naked man flees police officers naked, gets shot in butt
Submitted by: Naked Robber

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"A bank robbery suspect being held in leg irons in a hospital allegedly grabbed a guard's gun, shot off his chains and fled in the nude, leading police on a car and foot chase that ended with officers shooting him in his buttocks."
They still haven't even charged the guy. Wonder if he's innocent and simply trying to get free...but not sitting down too well right about now...

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. — WINSTON CHURCHILL

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