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Newslinks for 10/3/2005

False Predictions: The Credibility Of The Left Is Shot.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Would you trust someone who constantly told you that the sky was falling? How many times will you come when someone cries wolf?"

"And, given enough time in all fairness (years and years), since those predictions proved to be hysteria and nothing ever but political hyperbole, would you be so inclined to listen to them next time? And the next?" ...

"I like to read Professor Dr. John Lott, and his recent comments point to the so-called assault weapons ban, which was so highly touted by the likes of Dianne Feinstein, Bill Clinton, Hilary ... Gun crime didn’t change from before the ten year ban nor after for that matter. In short, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report disproves the hysterical claims about crime surge following the sunset ..." ...

Family self defense: is it a good idea?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s a debate erupting down in Florida over the state’s new 'Fight Force with Force' provisions. Under old law, home dwellers were not legally allowed to fire a weapon on a home intruder unless the dwellers had first tried (and failed) to flee. Under the new provisions, residents are allowed to fire upon an assailant immediately if they believe their lives are in immediate danger. The Brady Campaign, a gun control lobby, has responded by running a series of controversial ads in British newspapers ..."

"What interests me here is the implication of this law for families. I don’t own a gun. ... What’s stopped me? A fear that ... I’ll one day do something stupid that puts my children’s lives in danger." ...

VA: Henrico murder case dismissed -- Judge rules defendant acted in self-defense during Aug. shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A charge of murder against Donald Arman Terrien, who shot and killed Richard Jason Gooding on Aug. 14, was thrown out of court Thursday when the judge ruled Terrien acted in self-defense." ...

"Defense attorney William T. Linka argued that the shooting was self defense. McAteer was fearful of Gooding and asked Terrien to call for police help, he said. When Terrien tried to do so, he was attacked from behind and had to physically defend himself at his own front door. ..." ...

"'I think this is strictly a self-defense case,' [Judge] Yoffy said. He said Terrien 'almost retreats' and then is attacked, fires a warning shot and is pummeled by his attacker. 'Mr. Terrien had a right to defend himself. I'm going to dismiss it.'" ...

FL: Florida eases rules on gun use for self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State. But avoid unnecessary arguments with locals. Starting today, they may be more inclined to shoot you — or at least, in essence, that is the message from one national gun-control organization as a Florida law goes into effect empowering people who feel threatened in the street or anywhere else to use force, including a firearm, to protect themselves."

"Before, if possible, they were supposed to back down or run away."

"'It’s unlike any supposed self-defense statute in America,' said Peter Hamm, communications director for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. 'It empowers people who are on edge and have violent tendencies to presume a situation is dangerous to them that may not be.'" ...

FL: Gun enthusiasts back new Fla. law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners said Saturday they support Florida's 'stand your ground' law, which took effect that day."

"But others worry that people could use the law to justify shootings that aren't actually committed in self-defense."

"'It's a good law, but you've got to use common sense,' said Allen Thomas, 51 ... who was attending the Fort Myers Gun Show at the Lee Civic Center. 'Just because you're mad at somebody doesn't mean you go out and shoot him.'"

"The law allows Floridians who feel their lives are in danger to use deadly force without first trying to retreat. The measure has prompted anti-gun violence advocates to start a campaign to warn tourists to avoid conflict with Florida residents during their visits here." ...

FL: New 'Castle Doctrine' law is deadly and wrong
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 3 million Florida gun owners woke up Saturday to find their self defense rights have been 'Super Sized' by Marion Hammer, the NRA lobbyist for Florida, and state Rep. Dennis Baxley of Ocala."

"This new law has nothing to do with self-defense. It's simply an attempt to protect those who misuse firearms that would be illegal under current law, that will now be completely legal with Hammer's new Castle Doctrine law and to increase the number of people carrying guns."

"I made Rep. Dennis Baxley of Ocala upset when I called his bill a right-to-commit-murder bill. I stand by that statement and this is why." ...

FL: Self-defense law won't stir trigger-mania
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Are you talking to me?"

"Are YOU talking to ME?"

"Do you remember this scene from Taxi Driver?"

"Robert DeNiro confronts himself in the mirror with gun drawn. He is a man tired of retreating, a man ready to stand his ground."

"Now imagine that character cruising International Drive in his taxi, arguing with a drunk tourist about the fare, blasting him full of holes, claiming that under Florida's new 'Stand Your Ground' law, he felt threatened." ...

"If someone was not going to open fire before this weekend, he will not open fire after this weekend."

"And if there is some crazed DeNiro character out there, a change in statutory language won't factor into whether he pulls the trigger."

FL: Deadly force law catches eyes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new Florida law that kicks in today is getting national attention but drawing yawns from its supporters at home who say little will change."

"Deadly force can be used without fear of prosecution if victims fear for life and limb. No longer must Floridians make efforts to avoid or escape danger before using deadly force."

"It's called the stand-your-ground law, and it was passed by the Legislature in April - at the behest of the National Rifle Association - and signed enthusiastically by Gov. Jeb Bush the same month."

"Now, as it's becoming law, gun-control advocates are launching a campaign to inform visitors and others of what it considers a dangerous situation." ...

Submitter's Note: Of course the Brady Bunch considered Florida's 1987 'shall-issue' law a "dangerous situation".

UK: Directions: Gun-law warning for Florida tourists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You might have thought that, after the recent hurricanes, Florida would want to reassure tourists arriving in the state that they will be safe and secure. But a new gun law, which came into force yesterday, will do little to promote this cause."

"The law allows residents to use deadly force not only to protect their homes (the castle doctrine), but also if they feel threatened with 'death or bodily harm' in their car or in a public place. Opponents predict that the 'shoot first' law will provide a defence for people who resort to guns to settle arguments in car parks, queues, restaurants and bars." ...

FL: Guns-at-work push sparks heated debate
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Florida businesses could soon face criminal charges if they try to stop employees from bringing guns to work in their cars, thrusting the state into a growing national debate pitting individual freedom against job safety."

"Backed by the National Rifle Association, two state lawmakers have filed bills that would allow workers to have guns at work, as long as the weapons remain locked in their vehicles." ...

"In an effort to blunt opposition from businesses, Baxley and Senate sponsor Durell Peaden, R-Crestview, included provisions that would shield companies from lawsuits should an employee commit a crime with the gun kept in a car on company property." ...

FL: Florida SB-206, HB-129, and HB-125 Update (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SB-206 & HB-129 have been introduced in Florida and are Supported by NRA and Unified Sportsmen of Florida. SB-206, by Senator Durell Peaden (R-2) (Identical HB-129), 'prohibits specified persons, employers, and business entities from establishing, maintaining, or enforcing any policy or rule that prohibits a person from parking motor vehicle on property set aside for such purpose when secured firearm or firearms are being lawfully transported and stored in the motor vehicle; and provides for specified immunity from liability for businesses.' SB-206 amends 790.25, 27.53." ...

MO: Lake St. Louis considers limits on fake guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposal to limit the use of fake guns in Lake Saint Louis appears to be the first measure in Missouri to address what one official has called a major safety issue for gun owners and police."

"The ordinance would bar the use of imitation, replica and inoperable firearms 'in a manner that would cause affront or alarm to a reasonable person.' The Lake Saint Louis Board of Aldermen is expected to approve the legislation Monday night."

"Currently, it is against the law to point a fake gun at another person or use a fake gun to commit a felony, police say. The ordinance would allow police to charge individuals who use these weapons in a way that falls short of pointing it at someone but still causes alarm." ...

MD: Middle-School Students Arrested for Pellet Gun Attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Germantown boys face weapons and assault charges after going on a shooting spree with a plastic pellet gun Friday afternoon at their middle school."

"Montgomery County police say a 13-year-old and a 14-year-old-both from Germantown-took turns firing the pistol at their classmates at Kingsview Middle School on Kingsview Road during class."

"One shot a 14-year-old girl in the leg, then handed the gun to his classmate who shot a 13-year-old boy in the leg. ..."

"Police say a school officer arrested the two shooters, who have been charged with first degree assault, carrying a deadly weapon on school property, and other offenses. ..." ...

"Their victims were treated by the school nurse for welts."

LA: A city gone mad: New Orleans after Katrina, through the eyes of a policeman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nothing in Sean Kevany's previous life prepared him for the chaos of the streets of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and the breaching of the levees. Not his military training, his combat experience nor his prior experiences as a New Orleans police officer gave him any tools to cope with the 'world gone wrong' in the aftermath of the disaster."

"'Everyone was in survival mode, even the police officers,' Kevany says." ...

"Now at almost 48 hours on the job with no break, Kevany witnessed something he could barely believe. 'It looked like officers were taking looted goods from the criminals and keeping it for themselves.' And, they were doing it in the face of cameras that would spread the images for the world to see." ...

Submitter's Note: What a tragedy when the courage and tenacity of men like Officer Kevany is tarnished by thugs with badges.

FL: 'Weak hand' tips balance -- If UCF police officer hadn't pulled his gun . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What caused University of Central Florida Police Officer Mario Jenkins to pull his gun before a football game outside the Florida Citrus Bowl?"

"That's the main question that needs to be answered to understand the events that resulted in Jenkins being shot to death last Saturday by an Orlando officer in a horrific case of mistaken identity."

"A series of photographs that emerged this week shed some light on a portion of the events that led to that shooting."

"The most shocking photo shows Jenkins in plainclothes, holding his pistol behind the head of a young man. At this point, the public can only speculate about what Jenkins was thinking and doing." ...

CO: Hero of two years ago frustrated by police inaction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At one time, they all called him a hero. And given what he did, the label fit."

"It is not every day that you stare down, wrestle with and dodge the shots fired at you by three armed thugs in your own living room." ...

"The next day, both he and his girlfriend gave interviews to police. It was pretty much the last time he had meaningful contact with them."

"In the two years that have passed, Gary Etter says he has seen at least one of the intruders ... It was the same man he saw not long after inside a fast-food restaurant."

"He called the police at least five times that night, he said, even copying the man's license plate. He tried relaying the information to the detective working the case ..." ...

UK: Ex-policeman jailed for 15 months
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A FORMER police officer has been jailed for 15 months after threatening his wife with a loaded air pistol when he found out she was having an affair."

"Stuart Harris fired the gun at a clock in the couple's home and told his wife Lisa that he wanted to kill her, Ipswich Crown Court heard yesterday."

"The 38-year-old, who is thought to have formerly served with Suffolk police, admitted a single charge of possessing a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence."

"Sentencing Harris to a 15-month prison sentence, Judge Peter Thompson told him: ..."

"'You are a trained pistol shooting expert. You're well aware of the importance of safety in handling firearms.'" ...

India: Jawan shoots 3 colleagues, self in Jammu
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A soldier shot dead three of his colleagues — including a Junior Commissioned Officer — with his service rifle today in Rajouri district. Before he could be overpowered, he killed himself.

Angered over the rejection of his leave and the following verbal duel with his seniors in an Army camp at Mendhar in Rajouri, Santosh Kumar of 9 Bihar Regiment took this extreme step, the sources said. Another officer, who was injured, has been shifted to Srinagar Hospital.

Santosh Kumar had returned from leave in Jharkhand in July. An inquiry has been ordered to find out details leading to the incident.

SC: Rare rifle helps old battle come alive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Ferguson rifle, one of the world's rarest firearms, is going back on public view at Kings Mountain National Military Park this week for the first time in nearly 40 years."

"It's an important reappearance."

"The last time I saw the rifle was in the 1960s before someone stole it from a glass case at the park's old visitor's center." ...

"He dropped that one on me from out of nowhere. Only about 200 rifles were ever made. They were used in America at the Battle of Brandywine (Pa.) by a rifle company under Ferguson's command. But the company broke up after he was wounded, and the rifles were abandoned, lost or taken for souvenirs." ...

WI: The recruitment of new hunters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ignorant politicians and dwindling open spaces are not the only threats to America's hunting traditions."

"Are we doing enough to encourage newcomers to try the shooting sports?"

"Part of a nationwide Families Afield campaign sponsored by the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance (USSA), the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), Assembly Bill 677 will aid in recruitment of new hunters into the sport. The initiative hopes to stop an alarming downward trend in the numbers of new sportsmen going into the field each year in Wisconsin as well as nationwide."

"How ironic that the Badger state is losing hunters. Remember when the schools would close on opening day of deer season?" ...

CT: Program sending message on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The billboard just down Barnum Avenue from Frank D'Andrea's gun store offers an ominous warning to some possible customers."

"'Buy a gun for a criminal,' reads one side featuring a semi-automatic gun. 'Go to federal prison' notes the other side. Underneath it reads 'It's a crime to purchase a firearm for a convicted felon.'"

"The placement was no accident, said U.S. Attorney Kevin J. O'Connor. The billboard is just another facet of O'Connor's Project Safe Neighborhoods program aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of convicted felons."

"'We scouted out suitable locations,' he said. 'We wanted to place it near a large gun dealer to get our message out that we will go after you if you & purchase a firearm for a criminal.'" ...

AZ: Right to bear arms is right to freedom (letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regarding 'Purpose of 'bearing arms' is ignored' (Letters, Friday):"

The writer says, 'ask yourself whether your gun is necessary to maintain a militia.'"

"First, when the Second Amendment was written and added to the U.S. Constitution, we had just gained our freedom from another country and the founding fathers wanted to be sure we wouldn't be overtaken by anyone using force. Furthermore, 'militia' meant every able-bodied male."

"Secondly, the courts have held that the 'right of the people'" refers to individual 'unalienable' rights; all the rights listed in the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution have been ruled to be referring to individual rights." ...

CO: Safety first
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Skye Dobberstein isn't sure if she'll ever hunt, but that didn't stop her from taking a hunter-education course recently."

"More than 1,100 people of all ages completed hunter education courses in Larimer County last year, and nearly 17,000 did in Colorado. While most complete the course to obtain a hunting license in the state, some take the course for reasons unrelated to hunting."

"And many of those classes are full this time of year as people prepare for next month's deer and elk rifle seasons, the most popular hunting seasons, involving the bulk of the more than 300,000 hunters in the state."

"'I took the course just to become more aware of gun safety ...' said Dobberstein ..." ...

CA: Civilian patrols target wider circle, though poll finds opposition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the sun set, Roy Wood looked out of place patrolling a dirt road a few steps north of a rusty fence that separates the United States from Mexico. The clean-shaven English-as-a-second-language instructor wore a T-shirt tucked in clean blue jeans, a pistol strapped to a belt."

"Many of the hundreds who make up the self-appointed civilian patrols monitoring the border to deter smuggling of people and drugs are unemployed or underemployed ex-military men who have long resented Mexicans who come to the United States illegally and, in their view, compete for jobs, crowd hospitals and schools and threaten English as the nation's dominant language." ...

Australia: Pistols, machete used in pub hold-up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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THREE men armed with pistols and a machete have robbed a pub in western Sydney.

The trio entered a hotel on Parramatta Road, Granville about 9.35pm yesterday and ordered patrons and staff to lie on the floor.

They emptied all the tills in the front bar area, and then fled, police said.

Nobody was injured during the hold-up.

All three are described as being of Pacific Islander appearance and aged in their late teens to early 20s.

Dominican Republic: Dominican Republic Takes on Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tania Diaz sits on the floor of her family's one-bedroom shack, lowering her head to hide her eyes. The tall, thin 5-year-old was struck by a stray bullet that left her blind one in a series of random incidents of gun violence that has forced this Caribbean nation to reconsider its casual attitude toward firearms."

"President Leonel Fernandez has called for a debate on the issue in a country where men walk around with pistols strapped to their belts and women regularly carry revolvers in their purses."

"The obstacles are many: overcoming a cultural acceptance of gun possession, tracking down an unknown number of firearms smuggled in from neighboring Haiti and rooting out corrupt police officers who facilitate the illegal arms trade." ...

Gun bans don't disarm criminals, gun bans attract them. — WALTER MONDALE

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