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Newslinks for 10/31/2000

Gore’s Privileged Gun Class
Submitted by: Riverheart

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"If 'pro-gun' means respecting the fundamental human right to self-defense, Gore is an energetic opponent. Gore may claim that he won't confiscate hunting rifles, but he certainly does want to make it illegal for people who don't work for the government to protect themselves in public places."

Mr. Dave Kopel has written an excellent article on Mr. Gore's double standards with regard to gun control. Police and government employees can have guns - you cannot.

Hunter can't hold his fire on big buck
Submitted by: Goron

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Guy shot a 16 pt. buck when and where he wasn't supposed to. "Too nice to pass up," he said.
Funny thought, most appreciated after you read the story: "I saw Dianne Feinstein walking along the street, all alone, no bodyguards, and it was just too perfect. I just couldn't pass up the shot. You never know if you'll ever get such a clean shot at such a trophy ever again, so sometimes, you just gotta go for it..." :-)

Okay. Crass and uncouth, but I couldn't resist!

Gore lies to gun owners in Wisconsin
Submitted by: Goron

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...Gore singled out someone in the crowd who held up a sign reading "Hunters for Gore."

"I appreciate you bringing that sign," he said. "I want you to know that Joe Lieberman and I are in favor of common-sense gun-safety measures to get handguns out of the hands of children and criminals and stalkers -- people who shouldn't have them. But there is not a single thing in our agenda that affects a single hunter or sportsman. Anybody who tells you otherwise is engaged in a smear campaign."

Texas cop busted playing cop in Louisiana
Submitted by: Hmmm

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Hmmm. There are some interesting messages in here, including what it feels like -- as a CITIZEN -- to be unable to defend yourself in another state. This cop got one helluva lesson, I'd say.

Carnahan’s widow will campaign
Submitted by: Riverheart

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"The widow of Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan will announce Monday that she will actively campaign for and accept an appointment to fill in for her husband should his name get the most votes in the Senate race, NBC News has learned."

Missouri gun owners, get out there and vote!

Resident Shoots Intruder
Submitted by: 17monkeys

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The intruder just got out of jail, and (not mentioned in this account) was in for breaking in to this same home.

Jamaican War Zone

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An island of intoxicative beauty? Try again, mon. By Dave Kopel,

“Enveloped in lush foliage, skirted by exquisite beaches, and caressed by the sea, Jamaica is an island of intoxicative beauty. But splendid scenery isn't the island's only asset — Jamaica is alive with music, art, and culture as well.”

NRA Candidate Endorsements
Submitted by: Ron Dotson

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NRA Finally(!) Publishes Candidate Ratings. It's about time...

A House Divided
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"An elephant, says the popular bit of folklore, never forgets. This November, gun owners will be turning in large numbers to Republicans in the desperate hope that their candidates will, like their mascot, have long memories. While there is a precedent for expecting some legislative sympathy—if for no other reason than payback—a Republican sweep will not ensure the restoration of our right to keep and bear arms."

"Get used to it. More gun control is on the way no matter who wins."

Gun replicas lead to 600 airline passengers being evacuated
Submitted by: Hysteria

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"...triggered the evacuation of 600 American Airlines passengers yesterday after a security guard saw two 'guns' inside a bag, but detained the wrong traveler, Massport officials said."

"After state police and three K-9 unit dogs scoured Logan International Airport's Terminal B, a Texas man returning from a funeral in Maine told police he was carrying two heirloom gun replicas in a carry-on bag, according to spokesman Phil Orlandella. 'They were rendered useless,' said Orlandella."

You do not examine legislation in light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in light of the wrongs it would do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered. —LYNDON B. JOHNSON

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