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Newslinks for 10/31/2005

Gun makers aren't the problem here
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Let the record show that I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the National Rifle Association. So help me God."

"That said, let me add that I share the NRA's pleasure with the House of Representatives vote to shield gun manufacturers from lawsuits brought by municipalities and shooting victims. With the Senate having already passed identical legislation, the NRA's favorite president is almost certain to sign the measure into law."

"The shield is not all inclusive. It allows for lawsuits in cases involving defective weapons or criminal behavior by a gun dealer or manufacturer. I've known several gun dealers over the years and all of them have been solid, law-abiding citizens. ..." ...

Congress puts gun, food liability where it belongs divide for two
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It's unfortunate that personal responsibility has to be legislated instead of accepted as common sense."

"Congress did the right thing in granting gun manufacturers broad immunity from improper use of their guns and in telling restaurant patrons they are responsible for their own eating habits."

"The legislation does not let gun manufacturers off the hook if their guns are defective, nor restaurants if they serve bad food. If they're wrong, they may have to pay. That's the way it should be. But manufacturers and restaurants shouldn't pay for other people's judgment errors just because their food or guns were involved." ...

MA: Bill proposed to ban 'cop killer' handguns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A bill that aims to prohibit the sale and possession of 'cop-killer' handguns and rifles that will soon be on the market sparked criticism from gun advocates, who said at a hearing at the State House on Tuesday that banning firearms will not reduce the crime rate."

"The bill ... would ban the 0.05 BMG rifle as well as the .50-caliber rifle, a hunting collecting item that is used in competition."

"According to Sen. Stephen Brewer (D-Worcester), the 0.05 rifle should be banned in Massachusetts because of the threat it poses to the police forces." ...

"Nancy Robinson, president of the Massachusetts Million Moms March, testified in favor of the bill, claiming there are no legitimate civilian uses for any kind of gun." ...

KABA Note: Amazing! A Million Mommer who is actually up front about her organization's beliefs and goals. 'Sport' shooters please take note.

OH: Cincinnati urges court to let cities increase gun controls
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio's cities should be able to pass more-restrictive gun laws than those passed by the state Legislature, attorneys for Cincinnati argued before the state Supreme Court on Wednesday."

"'The whole purpose of local law is to take care of local needs,' attorney Charles Rubenstein told the court in one of its twice-a-year sessions outside of Columbus. 'What may be appropriate out on the farm is not appropriate in downtown Cincinnati.'"

"Cincinnati is seeking to re-establish an ordinance prohibiting semiautomatic weapons that have a magazine capacity of more than 10 rounds. State law sets a limit of 31 rounds." ...

NC: Sides spar over gun law's success
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In a little more than a month - Dec. 1, to be exact - North Carolina's concealed handgun law will be 10 years old. Both gun control advocates and gun rights supporters say that the law, which allows law-abiding citizens to obtain a permit to carry concealed handguns under certain circumstances, has been a success."

"However, they give different reasons for saying the law has worked well."

"Lisa Price, executive director of North Carolinians Against Gun Violence, said that is because her organization and other gun control advocates fought to make sure that certain restrictions and training requirements were included in the law." ...

FL: Bill seeks to limit gun confiscations
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Police shouldn't be allowed to confiscate guns from hurricane victims as they reportedly did in New Orleans, said a state lawmaker who has introduced legislation to make sure that doesn't happen in Florida."

"The National Rifle Association supports the bill from state Rep. Mitch Needleman, R-Melbourne, but Gov. Jeb Bush questioned it Friday." ...

FL: Bill Would Allow Guns In Emergencies
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Having won passage for a deadly force bill in the 2005 Legislature, the National Rifle Association is pushing another gun-related measure for next year's session that would guarantee gun owners could not have their arms confiscated during emergencies such as hurricanes."

"Rep. Mitch Needelman, R-Melbourne, has filed a bill (HB 285) that would block 'the seizure, taking or confiscation of firearms that are lawfully possessed' during a state of emergency."

"The NRA says the legislation is needed to protect gun rights, following reports that Louisiana authorities confiscated guns during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina." ...

OH: Schmidt obtains gun permit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Watch out Cincinnati, U.S. Rep. Jean Schmidt may be armed."

"Schmidt and her stockbroker husband, Peter, took a 12-hour concealed-carry class at a private hunting and shooting lodge this month and passed written and target-range tests to get concealed handgun licenses."

"'It was kind of like getting a driver's license,' Schmidt said, adding that she plans to pick up the actual license at the Clermont County Sheriff's Office this weekend."

"Schmidt, R-Miami Township, was a co-sponsor of a bill that passed the Ohio Legislature in January 2004, giving Ohioans the right to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense purposes." ...

NY: Spano's trigger-lock campaign called off target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, in a radio ad and campaign video for Westchester County Executive Andrew Spano, praises the Democratic incumbent for standing firm against the National Rifle Association and signing a bill that mandates trigger locks for firearms."

"'The NRA fought him viciously, but Andy Spano signed a bill saying trigger locks are necessary,' Spitzer says in the ad, which is being played on radio stations and can be seen on Spano's campaign Web site."

"But the ad is less than accurate, say local gun owners and some county legislators who point out that the bill Spano eventually signed in the spring of 2000 ... fell short of his goal of mandating trigger locks ..." ...

NH: Pistol-packers challenge police
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Police took Michael V. Pelletier’s loaded pistol while he browsed in a bookstore; David K. Ridley’s mistake was to change jackets in a mall parking lot, and Penny S. Dean’s encounter happened during a late-night constitutional on a city street."

"Because the New Hampshire Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms — no license needed, unless the weapon is concealed — all three got their guns back within minutes, but the confrontations caused them unease."

"'The bottom line is that this type of thing shouldn’t be happening in a state where (carrying a pistol) is perfectly allowed,' said Dean, a lawyer and consulting counsel to Gun Owners of New Hampshire, the gun-rights advocacy organization." ...

NH: No license needed to openly carry gun
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"'The streets are not running red with blood out here,' said Elbert I. Bicknell, who was in Arizona last week. He said he can walk into a store with his holstered gun on his hip and 'nobody even takes a second look at me.'"

"Bicknell is from Northwood, a Republican state representative, a retired state trooper and president of Gun Owners of New Hampshire." ...

MI: Ex-cop is given probation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Wayne County judge sentenced a former Detroit police officer on Wednesday to two years' probation for killing a man while driving drunk, ignoring pleas from the victim's family that Steven Compton receive prison time."

"Compton of Harper Woods pleaded guilty last month to a felony charge of causing a death while driving drunk in the January death of 19-year-old Marvin Shaina of Sterling Heights."

"Before his sentencing, the former officer, who had been suspended without pay since the accident, offered a tearful apology to Shaina's family ...'"

"Compton, 25, was forced to resign from the department as a condition of Judge Thomas Jackson's sentence." ...

CA: Self Defense Only For L.A.'s Elite (blog)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" reports another example of how the natural right of self defense is infringed by the city of Los Angeles. In this case it's LAPD chief William Bratton's application for a concealed carry weapon permit, which you can view here[.pdf file]."

"'Chief Bratton needed a permit because when he became Chief of LAPD he was not a sworn California peace officer legally entitled to carry a firearm. Bratton got a CCW, despite the fact that his 'good cause' justification for needing a CCW was completely inadequate under LAPD's current standards as applied to ordinary citizens.'" ...

SC: SLED arrests ex-officer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A former Moncks Corner police officer was arrested Friday on charges that he asked fellow officers to help plant drugs and guns in his ex-girlfriend's vehicle while he was working for the department, according to the State Law Enforcement Division."

"The charge of official misconduct of a police officer relates to several occasions between February and May when other police officers say that Jerry Ervin Reynolds, 58, asked about getting drugs or possibly a stolen gun, according to an arrest warrant affidavit. The plan was to put the drugs on the vehicle belonging to Nicole Kelly, with whom Reynolds has a son, the affidavit states."

"Town Police Chief Chad Caldwell said Reynolds resigned a week ago. ..." ...

MA: Gun expo educational, active
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"'Cool!' is how Danny Pagan-Soto of Holyoke described his first experience firing a gun - a .44-40-caliber rifle - at the Westfield Sportsman's Club yesterday."

"'I like it. I am thinking of joining (the club) because of today,' said Pagan-Soto, who along with his friends spent several hours at the club's Machine Gun Shoot and Firearms Expo yesterday on club grounds off Furrowtown Road."

"The event, featuring demonstrations, free handgun lessons and weapon rentals to try different types of firearms, is designed to give the public a historical perspective from Civil War times, represented by several cannon, to modern machine guns, rifles and handguns, said club president Angelo F. Roselli." ...

NY: Group Rallies Against Trafficking Of Guns Into NYC
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A group of local leaders is looking to crack down on gun trafficking."

"New York City residents joined several local leaders at a rally against gun violence Saturday ..."

"They chose the walkway of the George Washington Bridge to drive home the point, because the bridge is said to be one of the main ways illegal guns make it into the city."

"'Thousands of illegal guns every year are coming from the south to the north,' said Andy Pelosi of the group New Yorkers Against Gun Violence ..."

"'The gun manufacturers know it,' City Councilman Robert Jackson told the crowd. 'They sell them at a cheap price, so they know they'll wind up on the streets of Harlem, Bedford Stuyvesant, the South Bronx and other places like that.'" ...

PA: Looking down the barrel of a rifle
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It's easy to assume a rifle barrel is just a round piece of steel with a hole through it. That's a simple definition, but a rifle barrel is really a complex component of the firearm."

"In the beginning, it was just a barrel, and was little more than a round piece of brass or iron with a hole through it. After it was learned that spiral grooves in a bore (called rifling) made a significant impact on accuracy that the word 'rifle' came into existence." ...

Navy Rifle Cruises in Season-Opening Dual Meet
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Navy rifle team opened its 2005-06 season in strong fashion claiming two wins over MIT and Wentworth College, compiling a total of 4628 to MIT's 4341 and Wentworth's 4180. The Mids shot a 2316 in air rifle and 2302 in smallbore to cruise to the easy victory. Navy improves to 2-0 on the young season and has now won 16 consecutive dual meets."

"'I thought our team's inexperience really showed today,' said Navy head coach Bill Kelley. 'Our shooters that competed in the NCAA Tournament last year shot well, but our newcomers struggled. We know we can shoot better. No one is getting on the bus coming home satisfied with what we did today.'" ...

AZ: Ariz. women pick guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Judy Dutko, Jane Anne Hulen and Christy Foote believe the Second Amendment guarantees people the right to defend themselves. And they exercise that right in their daily lives."

"To abide by Arizona gun laws, these women have obtained concealed-weapon permits to be able to carry their guns in their purses, for example."

"In 2003, more than 13,500 women had concealed weapons permits, 20 percent of the total, according to a 2004 Arizona Republic review of concealed-weapon permit data maintained by the Arizona Department of Public Safety."

"And the state just made it easier to get a permit. On Aug. 12, a new law took effect that made a license for carrying a concealed weapon last longer and requires less training to get." ...

CO: CCHS rifle team aims high in win over West
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Pump, click, breathe, breathe — BANG!"

"The small black target doesn’t stand a chance, and neither did Pueblo West High School against Cañon City High School’s Rifle Team in a 1012-889 Tigers victory Thursday at CCHS." ...

MD: Navy Rifle Team Opens at MIT and Wentworth
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Navy rifle team, fresh off last year's fifth-place finish in the NCAA Championships, will open its 2005-06 season with a three-team match against MIT and Wentworth College on Saturday in Cambridge, Mass. The Mids are coming off an 11-0 record in 2004-05 and hope for the same results in 2005-06." ...

NY: Shooting offers competitive outlet
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"When most people are sipping coffee and reading the Sunday newspaper inside their warm homes, a group of men (and a few women) are at the Clinton Fish and Game Club each week to shoot sporting clays." ...

CO: Firearm classes improve safety
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Skye Dobberstein isn't sure if she'll ever hunt, but that didn't stop her from taking a hunter-education course recently."

"More than 1,100 people of all ages completed hunter education courses in Larimer County last year, and nearly 17,000 did in Colorado. While most complete the course to obtain a hunting license in the state, some take the course for reasons unrelated to hunting."

UK: Householder protection: Acpo: Householders' rights already protected
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) has rebuffed Tory MP Anne McIntosh's claim that the current property protection law does not afford homeowners enough rights to deal with intruders."

"She has launched a private member's bill that would allow householder's to use greater force against intruders."

"Mark Rowley, Acpo chair on householder's right to use force, said there is 'no evidence that a change in the law is required'."

"'Prosecution only occurs where there is evidence of gratuitous or excessive violence and the Acpo and the CPS [Crown Prosecution Service] guidance produced earlier this year clarified that position under the current law,' he said." ...

Submitter's Note: I wonder if Tony Martin would agree?

UK: Fighting for victims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the increase in violent crime, it is essential that we put the victim first. The property protection bill will do just that. If an individual chooses to break into another person's property, be it residential or commercial, they must be aware that that person has the right to use whatever force is necessary, albeit not grossly disproportionate, to protect both their lives and their property."

"At present, the law allows for reasonable force to be used in self-defence. This does not protect one's property or personal belongings. I believe that an individual should be allowed to use reasonable force against an intruder attempting to steal their possessions. ..." ...

Cayman: Cayman would not be a better or safer place with firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Richard Smith can perhaps be excused his woeful lack of knowledge of European history. He cannot however, be allowed to get away with his suggestion that Cayman would be a better or safer place, if everyone were allowed to carry firearms."

"Perhaps he would share with us his views on the number of children killed accidentally by guns in his home state ... Perhaps he would also like to explain why murder rates are so much lower in Canada with its strict gun control than in the USA."

"It seems that unless Cayman chooses to turn itself into a Texas clone it will, in future, be denied the pleasure of his visits. That sounds like an excellent deal to me."

"Geraint Jones"

Submitter's Note: In answer to Mr. Jones first question, 4 children (13 and under) died of accidental gunshots in Texas in 2002.

And perhaps Mr. Jones might like to explain why murder rates are so much lower in Switzerland (with its mandatory gun ownership) than in Canada with its strict gun control.

Canada: New shotgun a real blast
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Graham, the friendly guy at the Wholesale Sports gun counter, had left a message when I got home from work. Or whatever you call what I do."

"It was short and to the point."

"'Your shotgun's in,' No. 1 Son said, over the hissing of the rap music escaping from his headphones."

"My new Ruger Red Label 12-gauge had got high-centred in transit somewhere between here and Saskatoon. I'd sort of hoped I would have got it sooner and had a chance to burn a few cartridges."

"But now the day of reckoning had come as I took my firearm registration number over the telephone from New Brunswick and swiped the debit card. And the sleek over-and-under was finally mine." ...

Britain: attorney general prevents prosecution of police who killed Harry Stanley
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Britain’s Attorney General Lord Peter Goldsmith has prevented attempts to prosecute police marksmen who shot dead painter and decorator Harry Stanley in 1999."

"Goldsmith ... claimed there was insufficient evidence to bring criminal charges against the two officers ..." ...

"The Justice for Harry Stanley campaign said, 'The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Attorney General have illustrated very clearly that the police not only have the right to shoot to kill, but they will be afforded total immunity from prosecution. This is clearly the most serious attack not just on the Stanley family but a warning to all the other families whose loved ones are shot dead, while going about their everyday business.'" ...

When you sit down to negotiate on what you already have, you lose. —REP. MARIE PARENTE

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