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Newslinks for 10/6/2017

KS: Be responsible
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Drive responsibly without drinking alcohol, phoning, texting, anger or other distractions. If you own a gun, use that responsibly too, as in self-defense, not drive-by shootings, drug dealings, road rage, protest marches, etc. Use gun locks, so children cannot kill themselves or other children accidentally.

Ed.: We do not support making protests gun-free zones.

CA: Chico shooting range supports NRA's call for tighter restrictions on bump stocks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Down Range, an indoor training center and gun store in Chico, agrees with the National Rifle Association's call for tighter restrictions on bump stocks.

Twelve of the rifles the gunman in the Las Vegas mass shooting had in his 32nd-floor hotel room were each modified with a bump stock, an attachment that enables a semiautomatic rifle to fire faster as long as the shooter's finger is on the trigger.

NC: NC man destroys AR-15 with ax; speaks out about gun violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After 58 people were killed during a mass shooting in Las Vegas, an eastern North Carolina man decided to take a stand by destroying his AR-15 with an ax.

The man named Aaron said he felt like it was time to put his words into action and do something about gun violence.

So, he destroyed his AR-15 and put the whole thing on Facebook.

NJ: We need stricter gun control in the United States
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Stephen Paddock was found with 23 guns in his Mandalay Bay hotel room after he shot and killed 59 people in Las Vegas on Sunday. An additional 19 guns were found in his Mesquite, Nev. home. Omar Mateen, whose name was on two federal watch lists for being a known ISIS supporter, easily purchased two handguns within a week before murdering 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

The guns that were legally obtained by these men took the lives of many.

Ed.: Someone should tell her the M16 pictured is already banned.

DC: Washington DC Carry Permits Soon To Be “Shall Issue”
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Good news for everyone who wants to get a Washington DC carry permit – DC permits are going to be “shall issue” soon!

The Washington DC government has decided not to appeal a reversal of their “may issue” law after the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against them.

Actually, I'm betting that they didn't do so out of pressure from other may-issue states, such as New York, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, Hawaii, and Maryland. If the U.S. Supreme Court had a chance to rule on the case, it's quite likely that those other may-issue states would have had their laws overturned. That's OK, the days of “may-issue” are numbered anyhow.

Today in Conservative Media: Liberals Need to Stop Lying About Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The gun control debate continued to dominate conservative discourse on Thursday. In a column at his blog the Resurgent, Erick Erickson attacked the mainstream press for “lies” about guns spread in the wake of the shooting:

NRA slams liberal hypocrisy, urges honest discussion in Las Vegas massacre
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Fox News' interviews with LaPierre and Cox came after the NRA called for federal review of so-called "bump stocks" and suggested new rules might be needed for the device apparently used in the Las Vegas attack.

Ed.: Alternate title: NRA Unconditionally Surrenders Without Firing a Shot

U.S. Gun Laws Compared To Other Countries Will Make You Raging Mad
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United States just surpassed another record: now 59 deaths is the maximum number of Americans killed in a mass shooting. After the Pulse LGBTQ nightclub attack last year, the Aurora movie theater shooting, and even the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre, nothing has changed. If anything, gun laws at the state and local level have grown, with more concealed carry laws. Since we have no successful policies in the U.S. to consider, it's time to look abroad. American's gun laws compared to other countries will frustrate you — especially Australia's — because they show that swift and effective action can be taken.

From One Proud Gun Owner to Others: It’s Time to Reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the aftermath of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history in Las Vegas this past week, I’ve been struck by the clear resignation of a society faced with an increased threat of the violence that comes from more mass shootings. Like so many other parents of young children, I’ve long worried that If gun control legislation couldn’t be moved forward by the Sandy Hook tragedy, then the massacre of dozens of country music fans on the Las Vegas strip certainly isn’t going to move the needle on gun safety either.

Leftists do what they always do, try to take away rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some wounded still hover between life and death. The dead are not yet buried. Americans mourn the dead and injured of the Las Vegas shootings. We wonder how such an event could happen.

And leftists do what they always do; use a crisis to try to take away the rights of the more than 318 million Americans who didn’t harm anyone.

Make no mistake; leftists want to take away the American peoples’ Second Amendment rights. Ignore their denials; occasionally leftists, like Senator Diane Feinstein, admit their goal. They don’t want you to have guns for hunting, for target shooting, for other legal uses, or for self-defense.

AZ: Legislators and NRA enable domestic terrorism
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rineer is apparently unaware of or simply ignores the introductory words of the Second Amendment, a condition to the right to bear arms: “A well-regulated militia being necessary…..” Few people would repeal the Second Amendment or object to guns intended for self-defense or hunting, but assault weapons, armor-piercing bullets, high capacity magazines, and accessories to create a machinegun are clearly intended only for killing. Lily-livered legislators and the NRA enable domestic terrorism.

WI: Constitutional carry bill receiving mixed responses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A bill that would allow constitutional carry is upsetting Democrats and getting a so-so response from the leader of the state Assembly.

The bill was OK’d by a GOP-run Senate committee in mid-September and could get a vote this fall. The bill would allow people to carry concealed guns without first getting a license, green-light the carrying of those weapons on school grounds in certain situations and permit the carrying of tasers without licenses or training, among other things.

The amended version would also add permit requirements for concealed carrying in school zones to ensure parents who pick up and drop off their kids while carrying aren’t breaking the law.

Jimmy Kimmel: Here’s What the Founders Really Thought About Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With Jon Stewart off the air, it seems the left has found a new progressive comedian it can look to for all the big cultural and public policy debates.

After spending September lobbying on air to keep Obamacare, Jimmy Kimmel went on a rant this week on the “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” TV show about the horrific mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas on Sunday. He made a fairly sweeping attack on widespread gun ownership in America and generally suggested that gun control will fix the problem of gun violence.

IL: The Second Amendment doesn't have to hold us hostage
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In your editorial “How Congress can pursue a reasonable gun debate,” you wrote: “The Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the Second Amendment guarantees individuals the right to own guns for self-defense.” You also said,“It’s safe to say repealing the Second Amendment isn’t on the horizon.”

Repealing the Second Amendment isn’t necessary. Supreme Court decisions can be reversed. This has occurred many times.

NRA-Backed Gun Laws Have Found Success In State Legislatures Across The U.S
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Journalist Mike Spies says the NRA's push to allow guns on college campuses, daycare centers and bars is part of an effort to "normalize gun carrying as much as possible in American public life."

Stephen Paddock: Another Mass Shooter on Psychiatric Meds
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The mainstream media and the Left are often quick to blame guns and gun manufacturers following mass shootings, but they seem to turn a blind eye to one thing that many mass shooters have in common, including the Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock: the use of psychiatric drugs.

According to data obtained from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, this past summer Paddock had been prescribed an anti-anxiety medication called Diazepam (originally marketed as Valium), side effects of which include aggressive and psychotic behavior, hostility, confusion, decreased inhibitions, and suicidal thoughts.

Nancy Sinatra Calls For NRA Members To Be Executed By Firing Squad
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In response to last weekend's mass shooting in Las Vegas, ‘These Boots Are Made For Walkin’” singer Nancy Sinatra on Wednesday openly called for the roughly 5 million members of the National Rifle Association to be executed, thus proving why many Americans adamantly cling to their right to own firearms for self-defense.

In a now-deleted tweet dripping with sanctimonious hypocrisy, the eldest daughter of O’ Blue Eyes blasted out on Twitter:

Treat ‘Bump Stocks’ Like Machine Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Fully automatic weapons are heavily regulated. This product exploits a loophole in the law. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has confirmed that the Las Vegas shooter possessed twelve “bump stocks.” This is a piece of technology that makes an easily available semiautomatic rifle fire almost as quickly as a fully automatic weapon. True full-auto weapons spray bullets continuously when the trigger is held down, and they are hard to get. It’s been illegal to sell new fully automatic guns to civilians since 1986, which has limited the supply and driven the price into the five figures. Further, anyone purchasing a fully automatic weapon needs the approval of the federal government and is entered into a registry.

IN: Sentiment builds to ban gun-modifying device
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When mass shootings occur, lawmakers who would do almost anything to avoid the wrath of the gun lobby deny that anything they might do could make a difference. In a newer dodge, they suggest it is in bad taste even to discuss possible solutions until public shock at the latest killing has faded.

But the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history this week has revealed a hole in firearms-related law egregious enough to transcend the usual political stonewalling.

Congress, which has failed to enact even the mildest gun limitations in recent years, may be preparing to limit or ban the sale of bump stocks.

Americans Are More Divided On Gun Control Than Gay Marriage Or Abortion
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The horror in Las Vegas has brought gun control back to the fore. But, as in the wake of the Pulse massacre, Americans are polarized about what to do. Progressives want stricter access to firearms. Conservatives, though, fight gun laws tooth-and-nail. Some even maintain open-carry laws would stop mass shootings and other gun violence.)

But where are most Americans?

FiveThirtyEight did a deep-dive on Pew Research polls on gun control. It turns out it’s almost the most polarizing issue in America today. The only question dividing Americans more is whether we should build a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. (Ugh)

MO: Demand for 'bump stocks' soars locally, but few dealers carry them
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Few Springfield firearms dealers carry "bump stock" rifle accessories. But that hasn't stopped people from wanting to buy them.

"We've had a lot of calls asking for those products, but there's nothing around," said Nick Newman, owner of Cherokee Firearms. "I've had some pass through here before, and we mounted one for a customer, but we don't sell it now."

The rifle stocks allow a semiautomatic rifle, which fires once for every pull of the trigger, to fire more like a machine gun. Nevada authorities have said 12 of the devices were found on guns used by the Las Vegas massacre shooter.

WA: Learn From This Guy’s Tragic Mistake, Man Sentenced in Death Of Neighbor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The resident shot at a fleeing car thief but hit a 61 year old woman as she was getting ready for bed in her nearby home instead.

According to his defense attorney, the tools of the shooter’s deceased father were in the vehicle. That’s the reason the resident got his .40-caliber Glock and fired at the fleeing thief. He said he fired between 10 and 15 shots.

DC: D. C. will not appeal concealed carry gun ruling to Supreme Court
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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District officials will not appeal a court order blocking enforcement of the city’s restrictions on carrying concealed guns in public, setting the stage for what could be a marked increase in firearms on the streets of the nation’s capital.

The city’s decision not to risk appeal to the Supreme Court comes as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia is expected to issue an order as soon as Friday enforcing a ruling that struck down the District’s requirement that people seeking licenses to carry concealed weapons must demonstrate a “good reason” — such as a credible fear of violence — for carrying a gun in public.

Here is 1 correlation between state gun laws and mass shootings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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High-capacity magazines, such as those found in the Las Vegas shooter’s hotel room, raise the number of bullets that a firearm can shoot before reloading. The increase can vary, but is often from 10 bullets to 30. In the case of the Nevada shooting, the firearms used in the shooting had magazines that could carry upwards of 100 bullets. The Las Vegas shooter appears to have modified at least one of his semi-automatic weapons to operate more like an automatic weapon. Bump fire stocks, such as the one the Las Vegas shooter apparently used, simulate automatic fire, but don’t actually alter the firearm and so are legal under current federal law.

IL: Over Half of U.S. Police Departments Expected to Pilot Blocksafe’s Smartgun Tech Following Las Vegas Massacre
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This week, Kevin Barnes, Chairman and CEO of Blocksafe Foundation, has confirmed that the Chicago Police Department will be piloting smartgun tech in a targeted effort to increase gun safety and decrease gun violence.

Following the recent tragedy of the shootings in Las Vegas, police departments are now turning to advances in technology to prevent such tragedies in the future. One such technology is smartguns based on advanced blockchain technology.

As an individual, I believe, very strongly, that handguns should be banned and that there should be stringent, effective control of other firearms. However, as a judge, I know full well that the question of whether handguns can be sold is a political one, not an issue of products liability law, and that this is a matter for the legislatures, not the courts. The unconventional theories advanced in this case (and others) are totally without merit, a misuse of products liability laws. — Judge Buchmeyer, Patterson v. Gesellschaft, 1206 F.Supp. 1206, 1216 (N.D. Tex. 1985)

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