SAF Demands Answers for Gun Ban at FEMA Relief Center Outside Baton Rouge
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) today expressed shock and disbelief that authorities are continuing to target firearms held by private citizens who are now seeking refuge at a relief center outside Baker, Louisiana, a bedroom community near Baton Rouge."
"According to a report that aired on the Lehrer News Hour on Thursday, displaced New Orleans residents are being allowed to move into a compound called 'FEMA City,' where trailers and RVs have been assembled to provide temporary housing. Among the conditions for being allowed to move in - and the only one detailed by Baker Mayor Harold Rideau - is that no firearms are allowed. The compound was established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), hence its nickname." ... |
Harriet Miers a 'Pistol Packin' Mama'
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"If she's confirmed, Harriet Miers could turn out to be the High Court's first justice in a long time to pack heat."
"According to the Associated Press: 'Miers once owned a .45-caliber revolver, a gift from a brother ...'" ...
"'The same liberties that ensure a free society make the innocent vulnerable to those who prevent rights and privileges and commit senseless and cruel acts,' Miers wrote in Texas Lawyer when she was president of the state bar. 'Those precious liberties include free speech, freedom to assemble ... access to public places, the right to bear arms and freedom from constant surveillance.'"
"'We are not willing to sacrifice these rights because of the acts of maniacs,' she concluded." |
RFID On Your Next New Gun?
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... "With the debut of handheld scanners, criminals can snoop, more specifically, frisk innocent persons – consumers – who own an expensive watch, carry cash or who are in the habit of buying expensive clothes or other giveaway that makes them a possible, profitable target."
"Chips are embedded in products we buy, including clothing, tires, you name it."
"And that might include your Smith & Wesson .357 since the moment of sale!" ...
"These people will not avoid CCW citizens, they’ll target them for takeaway, multiple assailant, any stalking and striking game or other crime once they know who’s carrying. Where not knowing who’s armed is to the individual’s advantage, it’s neutralized by this technology ..." ... |
Joseph Farah: 'Michael & Me'
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"I have just seen the finest documentary ever made about the right to self-defense with firearms."
"It was produced by my friend and colleague Larry Elder, a WorldNetDaily columnist and an outstanding Los Angeles radio talk-show host."
"It's called 'Michael & Me,' and, as you might imagine, it emulates the style of Michael Moore's documentaries and turns the tables on the filmmaker responsible for 'Bowling for Columbine.'"
"This time it's Moore who is hunted down for an ambush interview the way he famously stalked Roger Smith ... in 'Roger & Me,' and an ailing Charlton Heston in 'Columbine.'"
"This time it's Elder scoring all the propaganda points – with the truth and facts, rather than distortions and cinematic gimmicks." ... |
PA: Police: Firefighter Shoots 3 Would-Be Robbers, Kills 1
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"A shootout in Philadelphia's Nicetown-Tioga section left one man dead, and two others hospitalized."
"Police said a firefighter shot at a group of suspected robbers in self-defense at his home on the 2800 block of North 18th Street."
"It happened late Thursday night, but many police officers and homicide detectives were still on the scene in North Philadelphia investigating and collecting evidence Friday morning."
"Neighbors told NBC 10 and police confirm that the home was targeted by robbers before. This time, the homeowner was ready for the robbers as he turned the tables on them." ... |
AZ: Right, and need, to carry
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"'No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms,' Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1776."
"So, the question to keep and bear arms is not the one that three local women ponder about because they said the Founding Fathers gave the answer in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."
"Judy Dutko, Jane Anne Hulen, and Christy Foote believe the Second Amendment guarantees people the right to defend themselves and, as a result, they exercise it in their daily life."
"To be in line with the Arizona gun laws, these women have obtained concealed weapon permits to be able to carry their guns in a purse, for example." ... |
KY: Violent Robbery
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A violent robbery sends the suspect to a hospital with gunshot wounds.
It happened at Noble's Grocery on Highway 52 in the Athol community.
State police say Paul Edward Hahn came into the store armed with a shotgun.
He demanded money from the clerk, Hazel McNight.
After McNight gave him one thousand dollars... Hahn left the store and was approached by the store owner, Eddie McNight.
Police say shots were exchanged and Hahn was struck twice.
He was flown to the U.K. Medical Center.
His condition is not known.
Police say warrants will be issued for Hahn's arrest.
Nobody else was injured. |
UK: Life for youth over stabbing murder
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"A 16-year-old youth has been given a life sentence for murdering a father stabbed to death after confronting bullies."
"Benjamin Durao, 35, was stabbed in the heart by Marcus Gabadan and collapsed after staggering back home to his wife and 13-year-old son."
"Sentencing Gabadan to be detained during Her Majesty's Pleasure, Old Bailey Judge James Stewart said it was wrong that a father could not protect his son."
"He said: 'It is a tragedy that a man cannot go out of his house in this day and age to remonstrate with a bully and not find himself dead. This was a gratuitous, unprovoked attack on a man who was trying to stop his son being bullied.'" ... |
WI: Principals to decide if Eddie Eagle books will be allowed in Unified schools
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Racine Unified School District principals will decide if the National Rifle Association's 'Eddie Eagle' coloring books will be used in their elementary schools, the district said Thursday."
"But to get the controversial coloring books - which were approved for Racine Police Department officers to use in gun-safety training classes by the City Council this week - an elementary principal would have to ask the Police Department to bring the books to their school. If that's done, the material would go before the district's curriculum committee, which would determine whether the books meet curriculum standards." ... |
GA: Pot, pistol found at Irwin County High
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"On October 6, the South Central Drug Task Force conducted a search for drugs at the Irwin County High School in conjunction with the Ocilla Police Department and the Irwin County Sheriff's Office."
"During this operation, K-9 Officers from the Georgia Department of Corrections used dogs trained to detect illegal drugs to make a sweep of the school campus. Investigators recovered a quantity of marijuana and a 9mm pistol."
"Following this seizure, three students were arrested and transported to the Ocilla Police Department. ... "
"The Ocilla Police Department has charged Bobby Merritt Jr., 17, with Possession of a Firearm on School Property." ... |
PA: 18-year-olds face charges after flashing pellet gun near school
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"Two North Hills High School students will face criminal charges after they flashed a pellet gun that looked like a semiautomatic weapon near the Seneca Valley High School athletic fields Wednesday, forcing the evacuation of players and spectators and a lockdown of some buildings."
"Jackson police were called ... when witnesses reported seeing a man get out of a car, brandish what looked like a 'semiautomatic pistol,' and then tuck it in his waistband before disappearing into the woods with another man." ...
"Officers ... found the students ... behind the school. One of the boys threw down the weapon, which turned out to be a pellet gun that "looked exactly like a semiautomatic pistol," according to police." ... |
FL: Two arrested for guns in Broward schools
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"For the second time in just as many days, a student was arrested for bringing a gun to school in Broward County."
"On Wednesday, deputies said a 12-year-old sixth-grader at Deerfield Beach Middle School slipped a .22-caliber pistol into his backpack and brought it to class. He was showing it to two of his friends when another classmate saw the commotion and told a school official."
"On Thursday, a 16-year-old boy brought a .38-caliber handgun to the Whiddon Rogers Education Center in Fort Lauderdale. When staffers asked him to show them the gun, he handed it over without an argument."
"The two arrests mean no fewer than four Broward students have taken guns to school in the past month." ... |
FL: Florida shoots itself in the foot, again
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Just when you think things can’t get any weirder or scarier in Florida, the state goes and ups the ante one more time."
"It’s actually kind of nice to be sitting here in Georgia, watching the fiesta of disfunction unfold to our south, but there are some drawbacks as well. Just look at our police reports each week and you'll see that plenty of criminals have been making their way north from the Sunshine State to bring their malfeasance across state lines. Who knows, with so many of Florida’s nutcases ending up in our police reports, anyway, maybe Georgia legislators will try to put greater restrictions on cross-border travel." ... |
FL: Florida law has some people up in arms
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"As a former Olympic and World Cup pistol shooter, Hector D'Lima believes in the right to bear arms. But when the Bath, Pa., sales manager was handed 'An Important Notice to Florida Visitors' as he arrived at Miami International Airport this week, he reacted with incredulity, not support: 'If this is true, it's an absurdity.'"
"The flier, sponsored by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, spotlights a new Florida law ..." ...
"Most states let citizens protect themselves with deadly force under some circumstances. But the Florida law ... says anyone can use deadly force, even in public, if he or she 'reasonably believes' such force is necessary to prevent 'imminent death or great bodily harm' to oneself or another ..." ... |
FL: Floridians chose not to be victims
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James A. Farmer
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... "Not surprisingly, I was offended, insulted and infuriarated when I read that anti-gun political elitists and victimologists were passing out their dishonest propaganda in Florida’s airports with an attempt to scare people! Why can’t these self-righteous people get a life and mind their own business? Do these elitists work for a living?"
"It’s obvious in this scenario they are a militant minority financed and supported not by honest working-class people and blue-collar workers. No way! They are probably financed and supported by powerful tax-excempt left-wing foundations who are subversive and disloyal to our constitional republic! And they don’t speak for the majority of Americans either, including women!" ... |
FL: At least aim before shooting
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"All 50 states need to do what Florida did and adopt a shoot-first law. What a marvelous idea it is to encourage citizens across the country to become vigilantes."
"That's just what we've been missing in our nation: vigilante justice."
"State budgets are tight. Resources are low. Why spend extra money on more troopers or deputies or police officers to keep us safe?"
"If shoot-first laws are enacted everywhere, we can keep ourselves safe. We can all enforce the law at gun point."
"Think of the efficiency. Feeling threatened or under attack? No need to call 911. Just pull out your gun, shoot first and then ask questions." ... |
FL: The NRA at work
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Sen. Durell Peaden Jr., R-Crestview, a physician before becoming a politician, knows how to read medical journals. But he neglected his homework before putting his name on the gun lobby's latest Tallahassee outrage."
"A North Carolina study reported in the May edition of the American Journal of Public Health found at least five times the risk of homicide at business premises where firearms were allowed as where they were banned." ... |
FL: State's self-defense law turns citizens into quick-draw artists
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"You gotta love our state ... when it comes to encouraging citizens to defend themselves by shooting potential assailants, we lead the nation."
"Not that there isn't a certain simplistic appeal to Florida's new 'Stand Your Ground' law ..."
"Most of us reserve at least token admiration for a Dirty Harry-style of justice in which the deadly force of good overcomes the deadly force of evil."
"The Protection of Persons and Property Bill (its original name) scratches that itchy trigger finger by tweaking Florida's already liberal gun laws."
"No longer does our state expect us to retreat, if possible, when threatened. Now we can pull out a gun and blast away if we feel someone intends to inflict great bodily harm." ... |
FL: Pro self-defense (first letter)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The 'Castle Doctrine' states that if a criminal breaks into your home or your occupied vehicle ... you may use any force, including deadly force, against him."
"In addition, the new law that Florida passed removes the 'duty to retreat' when you are outside your home and in a place you have a legal right to be."
"Lawful Floridians only want to be able to defend themselves without fear of their attacker's rights taking precedence over their own."
"Gun-control groups' predictions were similarly and unjustly dire 18 years ago when Florida adopted the nation's first 'right-to-carry' law, allowing lawful residents the right to carry firearms for protection. The anti-gun lobby's scare tactics were wrong then, and they are wrong now." ... |
OH: Conceal weapons, not the permits
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"Some proposed changes to Ohio's concealed-carry law would conceal more than a gun." ...
"The law also states that, while lists of concealed weapons permit holders are a public record, access is limited to the news media. Some newspapers responded by publishing the lists, mostly to point out the absurdity of the restriction." ...
"Aslanides proposes allowing people to opt out of the public records provision - if they swear under oath that they have reasonable cause to believe having their information made public could endanger them or a member of their family. He also proposes that reporters be allowed to know if someone had a permit only if they asked specifically about that person at the sheriff's department." ... |
MA: Bad Ballistics
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mAss Backwards (blog)
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"The smoking gun. It is the icon of investigative perfection, of irrefutable evidence connecting criminal to crime. Yet it is more than mere symbol: the reports and testimony of the Boston Police Department’s (BPD) ballistics unit have been critical to putting hundreds of people in prison since the lab opened 40 years ago, and dozens more every year."
"But the Phoenix has discovered that these firearms examiners — the officers who analyze bullets and cartridge casings to determine whether a particular gun was used for a particular crime — are ill-trained and inept. Compared with their counterparts in big cities like New York, smaller cities like Pittsburgh, or states like Illinois, Boston’s firearms examiners are amateurs, who would not qualify to work in those other jurisdictions." ... |
NC: Police to public: Stop the pistol packing
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NOTE: Use the following information to access this article: Site username: Newslinks@KeepAndBearArms.com Site password: newslinks1 Must have cookies turned on for it to work. -------
... "A new proposal would crack down on anyone who displays a handgun -- even if it's not pointed at anyone -- while walking on city streets or sidewalks. Violators could be charged with a misdemeanor."
"People with concealed weapon permits could continue keeping their guns [concealed]. Law enforcement officials could still display their weapons."
"Police will present the proposal to the Charlotte City Council Monday evening."
"But already, an N.C. gun-rights leader said he plans to 'oppose vociferously' such restrictions. Paul Valone, president of Grass Roots North Carolina, said the ordinance would be another example of bureaucrats trying to make 'criminals out of law-abiding citizens.'" ... |
IN: Science helps solve gun crimes
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"It seems simple. Release the safety, cock the gun, pull the trigger. Boom.
"And for a criminal, it may appear their link to a bullet ends the moment the shot flies from the pistol."
"But every round and casing that drops from a firearm is equal to the unique formation of fingerprints, police say, providing authorities with microscopic pieces in solving a crime scene puzzle."
"Enter the Integrated Ballistics Identification System, new technology in the South Bend Police crime lab that helps technicians match bullets and casings to firearms and firearms to crime scenes." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Except actual fingerprints can't be changed with a wire brush, nor can fake fingerprints be planted by a cunning thug who picked up some used brass at a gun range. |
FL: Deputy justified in killing
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"Patricia Fitch left the federal courthouse in Fort Myers in tears Thursday after jurors said a Lee County sheriff's deputy was justified in killing her son during a road-rage incident."
"Deliberations in the retrial of a lawsuit filed against sheriff's Cpl. Chad Edwards went on for three and a half hours over two days before the verdict was announced." ...
"Fitch died ... after he became enraged in traffic, got out of his van and began swinging a small metal bar against a Dodge Intrepid owned by Edwards." ...
"Edwards testified he made a split-second decision to shoot Fitch — who had smashed the car's left rear window — because he was about to swing again and feared Fitch might kill Flynn in the back seat." ... |
RI: Police drug raid in North Providence ends in apology
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"A police SWAT team paid a surprise visit to Paul Foley and his family late Wednesday evening, bursting through his front door, yelling and screaming at everyone in his house, and then apologizing for the disturbance."
"More than a few people would have been quite angry by such an invasion, but not Foley."
"He typed up his own news release. 'The North Providence Police have acknowledged their error and have vehemently apologized for it," he wrote. "They did no harm whatsoever to me or my family...,' and they they offered full restitution for damage to the property." ... -------
Submitter's Note: What if they had killed pets or a family member, as often happens in such 'mistakes'? |
TN: Veteran officer gets suspended for misconduct
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"A veteran Murfreesboro Police lieutenant accepted a 15-day suspension without pay and one year of probation recently for violating the department's general orders for job conduct."
"Patrol Lt. Carl Watkins received the suspension for his actions of driving private cars on duty twice. During one incident in June, he trailed a sergeant who felt threatened and asked for help from another officer, reported Capt. Michael Bowen. In the second incident in July, he ran stop signs and eluded two police officers."
"'In both of these incidents, Lt. Watkins' conduct created hazardous situations,' Bowen stated. 'His actions were inconsistent with what is expected from a supervisor in the Murfreesboro Police Department ...'" ... |
UK: 'My daughter was not protected'
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"The mother of murdered Harvey Nichols beauty consultant Clare Bernal says the police failed to protect her daughter."
"Patricia Bernal said the police and courts did not take the threat posed by her ex-boyfriend Michael Pech seriously enough, and said her daughter might still be alive if he had not been granted bail."
"Miss Bernal, 23, was shot by Czech-born Pech last month ..."
"Pech ... stalked Miss Bernal after the pair split up, then shot himself as terrified shoppers fled the building."
"At the time he had pleaded guilty to harassing his ex-lover and was just days away from being sentenced after being released on bail by the court, despite threatening to kill Miss Bernal as long ago as March." ... |
MI: House votes to place Second Amendment plaque on Capitol grounds
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"A plaque honoring the right to bear arms would be placed near the state Capitol under legislation approved Wednesday by the state House."
"The House voted 108-0 to send the Senate a bill that would require the Michigan Capitol Park Commission to place the plaque near the Capitol or in the adjacent mall area. The plaque would be installed once enough private money is collected for a foundation ..."
"The plaque, which was created by the Iosco County-based gun rights group Brass Roots, is made of more than 18,000 empty shells collected at a 1994 rally at the Capitol. It measures 4 feet by 6 feet and is inscribed with the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment and a similar provision in the state constitution." ... |
PA: Shotgun's stock should be right size
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"As far as some small game hunters think, a shotgun’s stock is little more than just a piece of wood."
"The conventional shotgun stock, especially in years back, was 14 inches or more long including a rubber pad of some type to cut down the recoil. This length of stock is basically too long for many small game shooters."
"So, while a stock may look simple, it is really quite complex. There’s more to a stock than meets the eye. Here’s what I mean."
"A stock can be designed for a variety of shooting types. Trap and skeet shooters are probably the most fussy about their stocks, but this doesn’t mean the rabbit and grouse hunter should simply accept a stock as it comes from the factory." ... |