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Newslinks for 10/8/2011

‘Wide Receiver’ CI: ‘It had nothing to do with Bush or even DOJ’
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "The truth is that the first two AUSA's assigned to this case declined to prosecute it because ATF, ASAC, SAC and above, lied to him and told him that the guns were being followed on the other side of the border. ..." ...

Calvary Scout Jamie J. Kiklis & the Need for National Right‑to‑Carry Reciprocity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Kiklis knows first hand that a pistol can save lives. After his honorable discharge from the military due to his combat wounds he came home to New Hampshire and applied for and received from his local Chief of Police a New Hampshire Carry License. In December of 2008 he went to visit his girlfriend in Massachusetts. Being so accustomed to carrying a sidearm from both his military experience and living in New Hampshire, he forgot that he had his handgun with him and crossed the border into Massachusetts."

"He had pulled to the side of the road to text his girlfriend ... to inform her that he was lost and going to be late. This war hero with a valid New Hampshire Carry License then encountered the police in Massachusetts. ..." ...

The Terrifying and True Harold Fish Story
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The prosecution of Harold Fish reignited the debate over self-defense laws in America. For those not familiar with the story, Mr. Fish was convicted in Coconino County, Arizona of 2nd degree murder despite staying on site and rendering aid after being forced to shoot a violent attacker." ...

"Despite the opinion of the deputy that processed the crime scene and a mountain of evidence that proved Mr. Fish acted in self-defense, Coconino County authorities bowed to political pressure and pursued a baseless murder charge. ..."

"Thankfully, Mr. Fish won his appeal and is currently a free man. His story, however, shows how laws in America put law-abiding citizens at a disadvantage when forced to use self defense." ...

NRA-ILA Grassroots News Minute 10/07/11 (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Mike Hughes – Latest Contestant Eliminated from “Top Shot” (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cam Edwards talks to Mike Hughes, the latest contestant eliminated from 'Top Shot' on History Channel." ...

Shots fired in wolf war by Idaho archer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Environmentalist arguments that wolves do not pose a potential threat to humans took another hit when bowhunter Rene Anderson took what she is convinced was a defensive action and fatally shot a wolf that had moved aggressively to within ten feet of her on a remote ridge near Headquarters, Idaho." ...

Why Obama’s Flacks Bullied a CBS Reporter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama’s press office bullies are in high gear, a sure sign that there are legs to the story about Attorney General Eric Holder’s potential perjury before the House Judiciary Committee."

"CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson is doggedly pursuing the case, reporting that Holder knew about the Fast and Furious operation well before he said he did under oath last May, when he testified to the panel he’d just learned of it 'over the last few weeks.' In fact, it appears, he was told about Fast and Furious in 2010." ...

Deputy AG received detailed Fast and Furious briefing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Documents recently turned over by the Justice Department to Congressional investigators indicate that then-Deputy Attorney General Gary Grindler received a detailed briefing on Fast and Furious more than a year and a half ago."

"'Deputy Attorney General' is the Justice Department's No. 2 figure, directly under Attorney General Eric Holder."

"Grindler moved from Deputy Attorney General to a spot as Holder's chief of staff last January."

"The briefing Grindler attended was on March 12, 2010, six months into ATF's Operation Fast and Furious ..."

"In handwritten notes about Fast and Furious that are not all legible, Grindler writes about 'seizures in Mexico' and 'links to cartel.' ..." ...

Six Arizona Sheriffs Say Enough Is Enough (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sheriffs from six Arizona counties held a press conference outside the Arizona State Capitol today. They said it was time for an independent investigation into Operation Fast and Furious." ...

Sipsey Street Exclusive: "In at the beginning." The State Department & the Gunwalker Scandal. Part 2. The 90% Myth. "I have not backed off" an AWB.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is 24 March 2009. Earlier that day as reported in 'In at the Beginning,' Part 1, Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, Deputy Attorney General David Ogden and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano held a press conference."

"That same day, Newsweek's Michael Isikoff asks the question: Why is Attorney General Eric Holder backing away from an assault weapons ban?" ...

What a day. Eric Holder promoted to Field Marshal and ordered to hold Stalingrad at all costs.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Any scandal defense is like a military defense in depth, with successive lines, hedgehogs and mutually supporting fires. Avatar is quite correct. The winter campaign fight for Holder's Ridge will be desperate and designed to distract from the strategic positions behind it: the Homeland Security Line, the FBI hedgehog, the State Department schwerpunkt and the White House command and control center."

"Question: Do y'all understand who is turning over these documents that are so damning to Holder and his henchmen? The White House, of course. And why would they be doing that? To make you think that Holder's Ridge is the key position in the over-all battle. It is not." ...

Holder on offense as CBS reveals more damaging evidence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorney General Eric Holder today took the offensive in a battle of words with members of Congress and the press over what he knew and when he knew it regarding Operation Fast and Furious, and used the opportunity to press for more gun control initiatives." ...

Feds Say Medical Marijuana Patients Can't Purchase Guns (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal agencies are cracking down on fire-arms sales, especially when those guns land in the hands of marijuana users. Officials with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Fire-Arms and Explosives say they'd rather be safe then sorry about who's able to purchase firearms."

"It began when some people started using their medical marijuana cards as ID to buy guns. The ATF felt the need to re-state its laws to all gun dealers. They say is illegal to sell firearms and ammunition to people who are under the influence1 of marijuana." ...

Submitter's Note:1 Actually what the Form 4473 asks is "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana ..." [emphasis added].

Why is Eric Holder Still AG? (audio available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RUSH: Since it's Open Line Friday -- Snerdley, stop screening a call for second. I want you to listen to this because have an effect on your future screening because I'm putting out a call there to liberal seminar callers. You liberal seminar callers who use Friday as your golden opportunity to get on the most listened to show in the country, maybe you call in here and tell me why Eric Holder is still attorney general when it clearly appears he was not forthcoming about the amount of information he was in fact provided about Fast and Furious. Why are you silent about this? Two hundred people are dead! You cringe at the loss of a single life (except in the womb). Where are you? A border agent is dead." ...

MT: Second Amendment, Up in Smoke
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The federal government says it will deny Second Amendment rights to about 26,000 Montanans. Some people are upset about it, but that probably won’t last long. After all, these lost freedoms only apply to medical marijuana cardholders." ...

CA: It's Politics: End of the week legislative update
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"By Friday, more than 300 bill still awaited Governor Jerry Brown's signature ..." ...

"A few notable bills remain in limbo:"

"AB 144 - Assemblyman Anthony Portantino's, D-Pasadena, ban on the open carry of unloaded firearms caused a stir earlier this year when open carry social groups planned Pasadena outings with their holstered pistols to demonstrate Second Amendment rights." ...

OH: Police, Bar Owners Deal With New Concealed Carry Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Area law enforcement officials and bar owners are concerned about changes in Ohio's concealed carry laws. The Courier reports Findlay Police Chief Greg Horne says any mix of guns and alcohol is a poor combination. The new regulations allow people to carry firearms into bars, but not to consume alcohol when they are carrying a gun." ...

Submitter's Note: So does which Doug want to confiscate, my booze or my guns? Since my home has lots of guns and gallons of booze and "any mix of guns and alcohol is a poor combination" he must want to take one of them. Fair warning though, if you come, pack a lunch.

Police Expose
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Date: 10-08-11
Host: Ian Punnett
Guests: Norm Stamper"

"Norm Stamper, former chief of the Seattle Police force, joins Ian to expose a troubling culture of racism, sexism, and homophobia that is still pervasive within the 21st century police force, and reveal the dangers and temptations that cops face, and the split-second life-and-death decisions." ...

Submitter's Note: Attention all you insomniacs!
Tonight, Saturday, on the nationally syndicated overnight radio program "Coast to Coast AM" ... For those unfamiliar with the program, click on "Stations" on the link to find local radio stations and frequencies.

WA: Citizen's site allows public to access Seattle cops' videos
Submitted by: none

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... "When Seattle police arrested Rachner for refusing to show his identification three years ago, they picked the wrong guy in more than one way. Though SPD told Rachner there were no dash cam videos in his case, he knew they would exonerate him and he refused to give up his search for that evidence."

"'I didn't choose to get into this,' he said. 'I got prosecuted and I was out thousands of dollars, and so I had to get these videotapes to clear my name.'"

"The city ultimately dropped charges of obstruction against Rachner, but he's now suing the department, claiming wrongful arrest, malicious prosecution and intentionally concealing video evidence to hide officer misconduct." ...

WA: Yakima Tribal Cop Facing Prison in Bizarre Kidnapping Case
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... "The Yakima Herald-Republic has the convoluted tale of Hernandez, which came to an end yesterday with a jury acquitting him of kidnapping charges but convicting him of felony harassment and reckless endangerment, making prison a certainty."

"Hernandez, a former Yakima Tribal Police Officer, came to his estranged wife's house on Sept. 18, 2009, to collect his mail and feed his dog, as he'd been doing regularly since he moved out weeks beforehand."

"But while he was there, he found 23-year-old Steven Perez in bed with his ex-wife. That's when things got ugly."

"Hernandez, who was in full uniform at the time, kicked the door in, pulled his gun, and handcuffed Perez, leaving him naked and bound on the floor." ...

DC: Auto Owners Beware -- D.C. Cops Throw Drivers in Jail for Expired Tags, AAA Cries Foul
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"In a city that hosts its fair share of murders and terror plots, Washington, D.C., police are cracking down on another threat to the nation's capital -- expired vehicle registrations."

"To the frustration of forgetful drivers, Metropolitan Police Department officers are throwing people in jail for letting their tag renewals lapse. The practice provoked somewhat of a backlash last year after a local mother from Maryland was jailed for what in many places would be a routine traffic offense punishable by fine. But the department continues to reserve and exercise the right to throw drivers in the clink for missing the DMV deadline, no matter where they're from." ...

IN: Birds of a feather flock together
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I’m not a lawyer, of course; never played one on stage or screen, either. But read Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s brilliantly written majority decision in the landmark 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller. The Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms unequivocally applies to the individual citizen."

"Therefore, a plaintiff sung a city administration for violating one of the new state gun laws, ought to provide an intriguing spectacle. I, for one, hope he manages to bleed the buggers dry." ...

OH: Ohio's Fall Turkey Hunting Season Opens October 8
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fall wild turkey hunting opens in 48 Ohio counties on Saturday, October 8,according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife. The season continues through Sunday, November 27." ...

WA: Man arrested at Sea-Tac after gun found in his carry-on
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"A man was arrested at Sea-Tac Airport on Wednesday for allegedly trying to get a loaded handgun past a security checkpoint." ...

"Since January, TSA agents nationwide have found more than 800 firearms in carry-on bags at airports across the country." ...

KABA Note: Pay attention! Every permit holder who screws up gives more fodder to the antis (to say nothing of ruining your whole day).

PA: Tea Party to hold Second Amendment rally in Waterford
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Tea Party will hold a Second Amendment rally Saturday from 1 to 4:30 p.m. in Waterford."

"The rally will be at the borough's Waterford Square." ...

Canada: Alberta farmer who shot thief sentenced to 90 days in jail
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"A central Alberta farmer who shot an ATV thief who crept onto his property was sentenced Friday to 90 days in jail."

"The case of Brian Russell Knight had become a cause celebre among property rights activists, sparked debate about vigilante justice, and even drew comments from former Premier Ed Stelmach who said he understood why Knight’s neighbours rallied behind him and set up a trust fund to aid his legal defence." ...

"'The judge took note of the use of the firearm in the commission of the offence. One of the major factors was that the shotgun was used. Mr. Knight clearly has the right to defend his property, but when you shoot somebody that is running away from you, criminal liability is going to be attached.'" ...

A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. — BARRY GOLDWATER (1964)

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