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Newslinks for 10/9/2000

'Big Brother' Could Soon Ride Along in Back Seat
Submitted by: Big Brother

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"A New York highway agency is tracking cars that have electronic tollbooth tags for the latest on travel speeds and traffic jams."

"...transportation officials want to monitor drivers talking on cell phones..."

" that "sniffs" passing cars to identify which radio stations motorists have chosen."

"...raise fear of a new threat to privacy: the idea that drivers could soon be leaving electronic footsteps whenever they leave home."

Meet Libertarian candidate Harry Browne
Submitted by: Jeff Stewart

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Meet Libertarian candidate Harry Browne
'I am running for president because I want you to be free'

This is the first of a five-part WorldNetDaily series running all this week on those third-party presidential candidates that will appear on most state's ballots Nov. 7. They are: Harry Browne, Patrick Buchanan, John Hagelin, Ralph Nader and Howard Phillips. Today's report profiles Libertarian Party presidential candidate Harry Browne.

Manhunt continues for shooting suspect
Submitted by: Ron

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Here's the Jefferson City Tribune take on the incident in Vin Suprynowicz' article in KABA titled "He said,'If you come on my land, I'll kill you'" Garry Watson was a Brave citizen fed up with being trampled by the U.S. Government, and fought back. With that kind of courage, we could win back our freedoms much faster. Instead of ending his life, he could've become a modern day Robin Hood and taken out a few more gestapo thugs. Perhaps the revolution starts with these types of incidents?

The faces behind the gun debate
Submitted by: Both Sides

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Powerful stories from each side of the fence...

The tares we know
Submitted by: Secession

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"One more time on "secession". The idea of an independent "homeland" is indeed a worthy and romantic one. But I must say, that even though I have learned much about and gained much appreciation for those who fought for such an entity in the past, I can no longer see such a reality unfolding in our time."

"Secede? Secede from and to what, from those who’s only desire is to rule the planet with their statist ideology to an area that they will lust after and connive for until..."

Justice Department: Gunshot wounds fell almost 40 percent from 1993 to 1997
Submitted by: YES!!

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"A report by the department's Bureau of Justice Statistics expanded on the widely publicized decline in gun homicides during the mid-1990s."
This is why all the gun grabbers are using suicide statistics so widely now...they're scrambling to inflate numbers as much as possible to help turn people's attention away from the obvious fact: if gun crimes are plummeting, we don't need more laws.

Children train as Russia's tax police
Submitted by: What?!!

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"AT a newly opened school in Moscow the children are...taught hand-to-hand combat and how to strip a machine gun."

"Set up last month, the Third Moscow Cadet Corps of Tax Police school is training the next generation of the elite tax corps. Best know for storming company offices, Russia's tax police wear black ski masks and carry Kalashnikov rifles. But the children at the school are convinced that they will be serving the public good."

Hunters approach extinction, thanks to federal gun laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Dan Gardener of the Ottawa Citizen tells how the Canadian government is making hunting with firearms so difficult for its citizens that some may just give up the sport.

Women Warriors

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Women Warriors: Locked, loaded, and ready for battle.

By Jennifer Mamich, director of external affairs, Independence Institute

New Zealanders must register all guns by 2010
Submitted by: New Zealand

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" laws would also mean all guns had to be registered by 2010. At present gun owners must be registered but not their firearms, so police do not know how many weapons an owner has."

"What I'm looking at is going ahead with the licensing of gun owners over a 10-year period. So when their re-registration comes up they will have to license their guns," Hawkins said.

"Gun owners who were not registered would face stiffer penalties."
Don't do it!

Man wielding butcher knife abducts, robs five women
Submitted by: Ohio

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In Ohio: "A man with a butcher knife has abducted four women in eight days as they headed toward their cars in downtown parking lots, ordering them to drive around and give him money."
But in Ohio, even though the Constitution says you have a right to keep and bear arms and to defending your life, liberty and property, if you do so, you are considered a felon.

Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. — Thomas Paine, Thoughts on Defensive War (1775).

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