Could Dems’ Kavanaugh Debacle Become Midterm Disaster?
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David Williamson
Website: http://constitutionnetwork.com
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The spectacle that was the confirmation process for Brett Kavanaugh to ascend to the U.S. Supreme Court may not be finished, with New York Congressman Jerry Nadler already hinting about impeachment if Democrats take control of the House of Representatives, according to The Hill, and now many people are wondering whether all of this trash talk could rile up Republicans so much that the anticipated “blue wave” becomes a disastrous riptide. |
Kavanaugh and the "Cold Civil War"
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David Williamson
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In the years leading up to the Civil War, the divisions between North and South became so irreconcilable that members of Congress would arrive on the chamber floor armed with pistols. At one point, Massachusetts senator Charles Sumner was brutally beaten with a cane as he sat in his chair in the Senate. It wasn't just that emotions ran high. It was that both sides began to see the other as aliens – citizens of a different country. |
Does the I-1639 Gun Initiative Criminalize Self-Defense?
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David Williamson
Website: http://constitutionnetwork.com
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I-1639 seems to be getting traction in the state of Washington, with numerous local governments passing their own versions ahead of the vote. Though this may create the appearance of momentum, gun-rights activists are nonetheless stalwart in their opposition, which they believe threatens basic rights. “They took four bills that went to the Legislature and didn’t pass, combined them all together, and added a bunch other stuff, so it became this omnibus, anti-gun rights bill,” Alan Gottlieb with the 2nd Amendment Foundation told The Jason Rantz Show. |
Head vs. Holster: The Importance of a Solid Self-Defense Mindset
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David Williamson
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I saw a statement on social media to the effect of “personal defense begins in your head, not your holster,” and wish I could remember whom to credit for this piece of wisdom. I wish I had thought it up because it says so much about what it takes to stay safe in today’s world. As gunwriters, we spend most of our time talking about defensive firearms. And firearms are a big part of the personal-defense picture. But, they are in truth only a part of the bigger picture. |
Why California’s Gun Ban For People With ‘Mental Illness’ Is A Bad Idea
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David Williamson
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Aurora movie theater shooter James Holmes was in treatment for schizophrenia when he opened fire and killed 12 people. Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza “struggled with basic emotions,” and as a child wrote a disturbing short story about a grandma who wanted to taxidermy a little boy to place on her mantel. He later killed 28 people. So it doesn’t seem like a stretch to claim that many of America’s most notorious mass shooters suffer from severe mental illness — and that perhaps with a little more oversight we could have stopped them from accessing weapons. |
Progressive Activist Says Taylor Swift Will Energize Voters
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David Williamson
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Progressive activist Igor Volsky said on Monday that Taylor Swift has the potential to energize voters after she broke her silence regarding her political beliefs. "I think Taylor Swift speaks to a certain group of voters, and maybe energizes certain people to go out to the polls, and so I think that's a good thing, getting people involved in politics, and you know, good for her," Volsky, director of Guns Down America, told Hill.TV's Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton on "Rising." |
Noir: The Chicago You Never See
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David Williamson
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THE THIRD EPISODE of Season 7 of NRATV’s “NOIR” opens with a monologue admonishing America for Chicago’s sins. “This issue has been a silent issue far too long in this country,” the speaker intones. “Every day, you read a headline about a young man or young woman getting killed, and then you think about our history when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. ... What did we learn? We turned our back on common-sense gun laws in America.”
Resistance to sudden violence, for the preservation not only of my person, my limbs, and life, but of my property, is an indisputable right of nature which I have never surrendered to the public by the compact of society, and which perhaps, I could not surrender if I would. — JOHN ADAMS |