WA: Appeals court upholds decision voiding Seattle's gun ban
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "In a unanimous ruling, three judges of the Washington State Court of Appeals for Division 1 ruled that Judge Catherine Shaffer was correct in her Feb. 2010 decision that the city exceeded its authority in banning firearms from parks. ..."
"The Second Amendment Foundation, the National Rifle Association, and several individuals, including a gay rights activist and a Department of Corrections worker, sued the City of Seattle and former Mayor Greg Nickels in October 2009 to block the ban."
"'We told former Mayor Greg Nickels he was wrong,' Second Amendment Foundation Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb said Monday, 'and we have reminded the city under Mayor Mike McGinn that it was wrong ...'" ...
Ed.: Story has a link to the decision. |
Bold or Dumb? "Anonymous" Hackers Challenge Mexican Drug Cartel
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Computer hackers usually take-on large companies; a reasonably tame enemy to have. But now one group is going up against people who are anything but tame -- the Mexican drug cartels. The high-profile international hacker group that calls itself Anonymous has released a video in which it demands that the Zetas drug cartel release a member of its group who it kidnapped. If it does not release the person by November 5, the hackers say they will release the names of the cartel's allies in police departments and the media, as well as addresses and photos of the cartel's properties. Drug cartels usually don't take kindly to threats. |
SC: South Carolina Sheriff: Time For Citizens To Arm Themselves
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Spartanburg County, South Carolina Sheriff Chuck Wright held a news conference on Monday in which he urged citizens to buy and carry guns: "Our form of justice is not making it. I'm really aggravated. Carry a concealed weapon. That'll fix it." Sheriff Wright's news conference addressed an incident in which a woman was attacked in a park over the weekend. Investigators said 46-year-old Walter Lance grabbed a woman who was walking her dog in Milliken Park in Spartanburg on Sunday afternoon. They said Lance choked the woman, made her take off her clothing and tried to rape her. Lance is in custody and was denied bond on Monday. |
WA: Seattle gun ban is illegal, Appeals Court rules.
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The state Court of Appeals affirmed Monday that Seattle's gun ban in parks is illegal, more than a year after a King County judge sided with gun-rights advocates and the city appealed.
In 2008, then-Mayor Greg Nickels enacted a rule that banned guns and "dangerous weapons" from city parks, community centers and other city properties. In 2009, the city added another rule that banned guns from parks where kids are "likely to be present." The rules followed a shooting at the Northwest Folklife festival that injured three people.
They prompted a lawsuit by a group of gun-rights advocates who had concealed weapons permits. In February of last year, King County Superior Court Judge Catherine Shaffer ruled that state law prohibits cities
The Gun Guitar: Ted Nugent's Next Instrument?
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Rocker Ted Nugent loves two things -- guns and music. So he would probably kill (no pun intended) to get his hands on one of these gun guitars. Problems though for the "Motor City Madman" -- there are only 17 of them in the world and they are actually supposed to be symbols of peace. According to a report from GulfNews.com, the United Nation's Office on Drugs and Crime commissioned the instruments as part of its worldwide peace program. Made from old AK-47s, they symbolize the alleged healing power of music. "There is one such guitar in Berlin, one at the Unesco office in New York and one each in Brazil, Argentina and Vienna," said Colombian musician Cesar Lopez, who was given one of the guitars. |
SC: Sheriff: Time For Citizens To Arm Themselves
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Sheriff Chuck Wright opened his news conference by saying, "Our form of justice is not making it."
He said, "Carry a concealed weapon. That'll fix it."
Wright said Lance had been charged numerous times with crimes against women, and other crimes such as resisting arrest and escape. Wright said Lance had been on probation for a federal gun charge. |
Little-Known Gun Stories For Catholics, by a Catholic
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Mark A. Taff
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The Catholic Church celebrates patron saints ranging from the obvious to the obscure, from doctors to undertakers. Why not add a patron saint for responsible handgun heroes?
John M. Snyder, former Jesuit seminarian and gun rights activist, tells the story of that question with simplicity, detail, and persistence, beginning with the tale of the Passionist Patron Saint of Youth, who saved an 1860 Italian town from marauding rapists and thieves--by shooting a lizard.
Saint Gabriel Possenti’s fascinating story ends in Chapter One. |
Justice Stevens & Mrs. Obama Reminding Us our 2A Rights are One Liberal SCOTUS Judge Away from Destruction
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Mark A. Taff
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In case any reader of our weekly Grassroots Alert has not decided how to vote in the 2012 presidential election, retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens and First Lady Michelle Obama have volunteered to help him make up his mind.
Recently, Time magazine asked Stevens what he would fix about the American judicial system. Stevens’ response: “I would make all my dissents into majority opinions.” Fair enough, since he’s entitled to think he is right, even when a majority of his former colleagues and a larger majority of the American citizenry disagree. |
HI: West Oahu Hawaii Firing Range Resolution Moving Forward – Help Needed
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Mark A. Taff
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Councilman Tom Berg’s resolution urging the City of Honolulu to open a shooting range in Kalaeloa is moving forward.
The location for the proposed range is on property that will be turned over to the city from the US Navy, which was previously home to a military shooting range at Naval Air Station Barber’s Point.
Following the base’s closure, the area has been largely undeveloped, and Councilman Berg has proposed restoring the former shooting range for public use. |
WI: With concealed carry, no encounter will seem casual
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Mark A. Taff
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As you can see, it's easy to get overly paranoid about this new law. Wisconsin becoming the 49th state to allow concealed carry suggests it doesn't mean we're headed toward becoming the new wild, wild Midwest.
Frankly, it's more about perception than anything else.
I've traveled to many of the states that allow concealed carry - you probably have, too - and can attest to the fact the law doesn't contribute to any greater or lesser sense of public safety.
Most times, you don't even think about it. |
Concealed carry: Kahr Arms CM9
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Mark A. Taff
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A few months ago I was looking for an intermediate-sized pistol for concealed carry. My old Colt Light Weight Commander .45 is too big for many situations and a handy little S&W .380 Bodyguard is very comfortable to carry, but too small a caliber to be truly comforting... I prefer a caliber that starts with the numeral “4.”
Fondling a number of pistols at the 2011 ILEETA conference, I liked the handling qualities of the Kahr polymer-framed pistols. In particular, their lower-priced “CW” series allows a full, three-fingered grip and their “double-action-only” trigger is about the best of the breed. So, I bought a CW40, a nice combination of small size and a nearly .45 power level. |
Gun control widely disfavored in recent poll
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Mark A. Taff
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If anyone in the Obama campaign is considering using gun control as an issue in next year’s campaign, the Republican Party should encourage them with a sizable donation. The latest national-issues poll from the Gallup organization confirms what Barack Obama’s two unsuccessful predecessors found out the hard way — a strong majority of American voters do not favor gun control and will prove it with their votes.
The Gallup survey reflects not a sudden spike in support for firearms rights, but rather the culmination of a generational effort by the National Rifle Association and other organizations to reacquaint Americans with the Constitution. |
WY: Casper aims at gun ban
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Mark A. Taff
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The Casper City Council has pulled the trigger on a proposed ordinance prohibiting carrying firearms in local government meetings, setting up a showdown with gun rights advocates.
“The proposal we have, is that weapons, open carry weapons, be banned from government meetings,” said Casper Police Chief Chris Walsh to the council at its work session last week, adding later, “This just mirrors what was already set in place in state statute for concealed weapons.” |
TX: Women packing more heat than ever
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Mark A. Taff
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More and more ladies are packing heat, and they're proud of it. A new Gallup Poll shows 43 percent of women own guns - an all time high.
"We're contributing to that 43 percent," says Dawn Rader. She founded the Pistol Packin' Mamas club in Longview, where ladies can learn about owning and shooting guns.
She says, "For every woman that comes to our class there's a different reason why she's been there. We've got some that have been a victim of crime."
She says, the main reason is self defense. |
DC: Learning to shoot a gun
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Mark A. Taff
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At the same time as I trudge through the Washington, D.C. bureaucracy in my attempt to get a legal handgun for self defense, I need to learn how to safely operate and shoot a gun.
I have no experience with guns. Although my father had a handgun while I was growing up -- Baltimore is less safe than D.C. -- he hid it from us and never talked about it. I only know that he had it because as a kid, I found a revolver under the driver’s car seat. He told me never to touch it, and that was the end of the discussion.
Ed.: Part of the 'Emily Gets Her Gun' series. |
FL: Miami Police Officer Arrested at Gunpoint for Driving 120 MPH
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Miami police officer Fausto Lopez was recently arrested by Florida state trooper D.J. Watts for going 120 MPH on the Florida Turnpike. After a seven-minute chase, Watts, with gun drawn, yelled for Lopez to put his hands out the window (video below). “Oh yeah, I’m serious!” she shouted. Moments later, Lopez was standing on the side of a busy Florida highway wearing handcuffs. “Oh my God, I cannot believe this!” Lopez said once he was secured in the back of the trooper’s car. “I cannot believe this at all. I didn’t know you were stopping me, officer. … I never saw you." “How do you not see a car with blue lights in the dark?” Watts asked. |
FL: What every gun owner needs to know about self-defense
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Mark A. Taff
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In previous articles, I have discussed that many people who carry guns are mostly not trained to use them in self defense, or even know how to be proficient and competent in their use. Not only do they not know how to use their gun, they have no idea of the laws surrounding the possession and use of their firearm. This is due, in my view, to the lack of requirements to possess and carry a concealed firearm or to use one in their own home for personal protection in case of a break-in or worse. If you are not competent in the use of your own gun, you should not be carrying one. Not knowing the laws surrounding the use of lethal forces is equally lacking. |
Would you repeal all gun control if it meant smaller government and less corrupt
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Mark A. Taff
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Would you repeal nearly all 20,000 gun laws if it meant getting a handle on the budgets and curtailing shortfalls? Would you look at the repeal of gun control if it meant tax revenues went further with no need for increases?
In the fifties, it was alright to carry a concealed handgun.
In the fifties, there were fewer gun laws, less gun control ideation, and, not amazingly, a different sort of societal values system in viewing criminal violence and penology. |
WA: SAF victory over Seattle gun ban affirms state preemption
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Mark A. Taff
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Earlier Monday, following the announcement by the Washington State District 1 Court of Appeals that the Second Amendment Foundation had prevailed for a second time in its challenge of Seattle’s illegal gun ban in parks facilities, SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb was in a content but philosophical mood.
SAF and its co-plaintiffs — the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the National Rifle Association, Washington Arms Collectors and five individual citizens — won the first round in King County Superior Court early in 2010. |
WI: Pro-Second Amendment Advancements in Madison Wisconsin
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Mark A. Taff
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Wisconsin Assembly Bill 69 and Senate Bill 79 commonly known as the “Castle Doctrine,” would provide essential protections for law abiding citizens who defend themselves and their families from a criminal looking to do them harm. “Castle Doctrine” establishes the presumption that an individual who forcibly enters ones home, business or occupied motor vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, and allows force, including deadly force, against that person.
This bill also eliminates any “duty to retreat” so that law abiding citizens no longer must turn their back on a criminal and try to run when attacked. |
WI: Assembly to take up 'castle doctrine' bill
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Mark A. Taff
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People who shoot intruders in their homes, businesses or vehicles would get powerful new legal protections under a bill scheduled to come before the Assembly on Tuesday.
In the proposal, courts in criminal cases and civil lawsuits would presume in most cases that property owners using deadly force had acted reasonably against anyone unlawfully inside their residence, whether they were armed or threatening or not. The proposal is sometimes known as "castle doctrine" legislation, a reference to the saying that one's home is one's castle. |