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Newslinks for 11/11/2011

Alan Gottlieb & Dr. John Lott This Week on ARMED AMERICAN RADIO
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AAR host Mark Walters brings a powerhouse lineup to the nations airwaves this Sunday, 11-13-2011 on the Armed American Radio Network."

"Joining Mark this week will be Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation along with Fox News Contributor, best selling author of More Guns, Less Crime, 3rd edition, the man who confounds the anti-gun establishment at every turn, Dr. John Lott." ...

In Defense Of: Stupid People Carrying Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I could argue that the incidences of negligent discharges and accidental shootings and crimes of passion and defensive gun uses gone wrong amongst the total population of Americans who legally own guns are so rare that they are statistically insignificant. You can easily and justifiably round that stat to zero."

"But I wont. Every human life is precious. Look at this tragedy. If we could save just ONE life. Yada yada yada. Lets go back to main proposition: untrained firearms owners are potentially dangerous mo fos. I repeat: that fact is both completely true (have you see what goes on at gun ranges where people do train?) and irrelevant. ..." ...

TSA: We've Stopped 1,000 Guns So Far this Year
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"The head of the Transportation Safety Administration says his agents have stopped more than 1,000 guns from getting onto airplanes so far this year, and the numbers have been growing in recent months." ...

"'We have seen a slight increase in guns being brought to the checkpoint over the past few months,' said a TSA official. 'We dont keep stats on why passengers bring prohibited items to airports but, anecdotally, passengers typically say they forgot it was in their bag.'" ...

KABA Note: Attention permit holders: Please quit giving the antis ammo!

Is Chris Rock channeling NRA's Wayne LaPierre?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "What will be interesting to see, though, will be these 'progressives' reaction (if any) to Obama supporter Chris Rock making a substantially similar point, if rather more profanely. From Politico:"
"Theres a f art to the first term because youre always running for a second term the whole time. Its like Clintons first term. You cant really do your gangsta sh until your second term." ...
"Granted, Rock never mentioned gun laws. Still, Obama campaigned on a platform that included banning so-called 'assault weapons,' and closing the mythical 'gun show loophole'--for just a couple examples of some 'gangsta sh--' we know Obama would dearly love to add to his legacy." ...

The New York Times Tries to Hide from Anti-Gun Past
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Yesterday, Andrew Rosenthal of The New York Times blasted the National Rifle Association while seemingly attempting to reinvent the papers position on gun control."

"In his post, Mr. Rosenthal declared:"

"'I want to be clear: The New York Times editorial board does not oppose gun ownership. We believe the Second Amendment confers a communal right on Americans to own guns not an individual one. But thats actually a smaller point than you might think. All we really want are sensible restrictions based on public safety and common sense.'"

"Mr. Rosenthal, I want to be clear, too: The New York Times editorial board has a long history of attacking the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. ..." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Keep It Simple (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I know a lot of us like to customize our guns. I havent bought a gun I didnt add something to. And if I did buy one and leave it stock, the odds are that gun wont last long. I know Ill keep it if I do something to it to make it mine. It just gives me that personal touch that says 'This is mine, I made it so.' But its possible to take that too far. Some things you might do in the name of convenience can actually end up doing more harm than good. Now the race gun in the video obviously isn't going to get picked as an every day carry weapon by very many people unless they live in a steel target shoot house but even some of the small things you do to a gun can ruin an otherwise functional workhorse." ...

Armalite Adds SPR Mod 1 in 6.8mm and 7.6239
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Adding to their extensive list of modern sporting rifle AR platform offerings, Armalites announced two new mid-length SPR Mod 1 carbines. The idea is to give shooters the option of either a lighter weight round that still has enough punch for medium sized game (6.8mm) or the convenience of using worlds most available ammo (7.6239). The side and bottom rails of the quadrail system are detachable, for further weight reduction if you dont need all that doo-dad real estate. Make the jump for full press release, specs and another sexy pic" ...

MSNBC Analyst and Hard News Anchors Attack Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So far this month, two MSNBC personalities Alex Wagner and Craig Melvin have twice mocked or otherwise maligned the Second Amendment and the people who look to it as a bedrock guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms."

"In one instance, Wagner even called for us to 'get rid of the second Amendment' altogether and to bid adieu to 'the right to bear arms.'"

"If you're thinking that you've never heard of either Wagner or Melvin, that's okay, no one else has either; they're on MSNBC, for Pete's sake."

"... the two mental heavyweights each made some statements that are so ludicrous they must either flow from raw ignorance or an ideologically-driven arrogance that is unimaginable to the average American." ...

Gunning It
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I think the locked gun rack sort of misses the point. Whatever your thoughts on gun control, hunting or the Second Amendment, can't we all agree that four-year-olds don't need toy hunting rifles? Even the NRA's gun safety program, led by the oddly cheerful Eddie the Eagle, teaches kids to stay away from guns, not to play with them." ...

Townhall's Kate Pavlich: To Stop Gun Trafficking, "Get Rid Of The ATF"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Previously Media Matters has noted gun lobby efforts to falsely suggest that guns used by Mexican cartels come from anywhere but the United States, except for the guns involved in the failed [ATF] operation Fast and Furious. During a visit to the National Rifle Association's (NRA) radio program's Kate Pavlich took the argument a step further, suggesting that we just get rid of all federal law enforcement efforts to stop gun trafficking to Mexico."

"Riffing off NRA radio host Cam Cameron, Pavlich quipped that getting rid of the ATF and Department of Justice was the way to end gun trafficking to Mexico." ...

Gun Rights vs. States Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Evidently, the House is likely to pass a bill that would require states to respect concealed-carry permits issued in other states even if the travelers home state has very different criteria for awarding a permit."

"Concealed carry is a good idea, and so is reciprocity when states enact it voluntarily but this is a bad idea, as it goes beyond the proper functions of the federal government. The stated constitutional justifications for the law are to protect the Second Amendment (as applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment), to protect the right of interstate travel, and to protect interstate commerce, but none is even slightly convincing." ...

Submitter's Note: Well, how about the full faith and credit clause?

Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Survivors of Recent Mass Shootings To Urge Congress To Reform Gun Background Check System Next Week
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Mayors Against Illegal Guns co-chairs New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino and more than 50 survivors of recent mass shootings will urge Congress to reform the national background check system for gun purchases to prevent dangerous people from obtaining firearms in testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism and at a press conference next week." ...

Sen. Lautenberg, Rep. McCarthy Urge Pres. Obama to Issue Veto Threat of Bill that Would Invalidate Concealed Carry Gun Laws Across the Nation
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY-4) have called on President Barack Obama to issue a veto threat of legislation that was approved in the House Judiciary Committee that would allow gun owners to carry a concealed firearm across state lines even if they werent issued a permit by that state. The legislation (H.R. 822) is expected to be considered for a full vote in the House of Representatives next week." ...

On believing the tooth fairy more than Eric Holder. Vladimir and Estragon still await the Office of Inspector General Report on the Gunwalker Scandal.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vladimir: So, the newspaper says that Holder testified he was still waiting for the OIG report before he could say anything specific about what happened in the Gunwalker Scandal."

"Estragon: I didn't see that. I kept switching channels back and forth between ABC and NBC and they didn't report a thing."

"Vladimir: Of course not, but nevertheless Holder says the OIG Report is the big deal that we're all waiting for."

"Estragon: What's the date today?"

"Vladimir: The tenth of November."

"Estragon: And when did Holder order the OIG to start investigating?"

"Vladimir: The 28th of February."

"Estragon: More than eight months ago."

"Vladimir: Yup." ...

Submitter's Note: For those who didn't catch it, Vladimir and Estragon are the main characters in Beckett's 'Waiting for Godot'.

Grassley: Holder refusing to provide 11 witnesses for Fast and Furious interviews
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder is continuing to stonewall congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious. This time, Holder is refusing to provide 11 of the 12 witnesses Grassley and House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa have requested be made available for interviews." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh who suggests: "You want to know why Holder didn't fire anybody, just did a shell game with them? To keep them under control & silent."

All perjury is local. "It was not a national operation."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'It was not a national operation.'"

"We already have reporting from FOX and CBS that there were a number of gunwalking operations in a number of states. There is also the reporting by David Codrea and myself on the Tampa operation walking firearms to Honduras and more by David documenting gunwalking domestically in Indiana."

"Holder however testified that the gunwalking was 'local' and not 'national.' As a charter member of the Coalition of Willing Lilliputians commented yesterday ... If Holder can be proven a liar or even unaware of multiple locations or operations involving gunwalking ... Holder is 'seriously vulnerable.'"

"Indeed he is."

"'Seriously vulnerable' as in a demonstrated perjurer." ...

Holder Cites Lack of Gun Control on Mexican Drug Cartel Problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder (left), the United States is 'losing the battle' to stem the flow of illegal guns into Mexico. Holder contends that Congress is partially to blame for the fact that American guns are landing in the hands of Mexican drug cartels which are responsible for murdering tens of thousands of people because Congress refuses to pass stringent gun control. The irony of Holders assertions given the recent revelations regarding the ATFs and DOJs botched Project Gunrunner scandal has not gone unnoticed." ...

Fast and Furious was Never a Botched Operation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The BATFEEE [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives, And Everything Else] gunrunning fiasco that delivered thousands of U.S. firearms to Mexican drug cartels, operation Fast and Furious, is commonly referred to in the media as a 'botched' federal operation."

"Lets be clear about this."

"Fast and Furious was NOT 'botched.'"

"It did exactly what it was intended to do. It delivered thousands of untraced U.S. guns to criminals at the behest of the BATFEEE and with the knowledge and assumed approval of top Justice Department and other administration officials."

"Why? To set the stage for more gun control, of course." ...

Fast, Furious, Feeble...
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The old joke about the NCAA's somewhat selective enforcement of basketball rules went like this: 'The NCAA's so mad at Kentucky that they're giving Slippery Rock three more years of probation.' Translation: the NCAA was going to protect its own even if it sometimes meant the innocent were punished."

"Seems the Justice Department could work well with the NCAA, at least when it comes to Operation Fast and Furious. Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder played both fast and furious while testifying to the Senate Judicial Committee." ...

See, I Told You So: Fast and Furious was About Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RUSH: Here comes the See, I Told You So. I got this from Pajamas Media. ... 'Testifying before an intensely partisan Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder only deepened suspicions about the Department of Justices possible criminal involvement in [the operation Fast and Furious scheme]. ... Holder presented the improbable case that he was not responsible for -- or even aware of -- the plot.'"

"... This is the See, I Told You So. 'Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Feinstein argued that the plot ... justified more gun-control laws.' There you have it. That is exactly what the whole program was about in the first place. ..." ...

Eric Holder: Everyone to Blame for Fast & Furious, Except Me
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"This week, Attorney General Eric Holder told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he was not aware of the gunwalking tactics used in Operation Fast and Furious until early this year, and that he and senior Justice Department officials were initially unaware that a claim made by other department officials in a Feb. 4, 2011, letter to Congressthat 'A.T.F. makes every effort to interdict weapons that have been purchased illegally and prevent their transport into Mexico'was false." ...

VA: Repealing Virginia's 1-Gun Per Month Rule
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"A likely re-count not withstanding, Tuesdays elections in Virginia have given Republicans control of the State Senate. This could be monumental for Americas firearms industry and Second Amendment advocates in the Old Dominion as 10 gun bills that have already passed the GOP-led Assembly will now go before the Senate. Among the bills to be heard is a repeal of the states one-gun a month restriction."

"Despite the fact that Virginia is largely considered to be a pro-gun state, legislators have for years rationed the Second Amendment rights of its citizens with a law that limits handgun purchases to one a month in effect, treating a constitutionally protected right as nothing more than a privilege." ...

Rep. Joe Walsh Blasts Brady Campaign Over Concealed Guns
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"This week, Representative Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) sent a letter to the anti-gun Brady Campaigns acting President Dennis Henigan in response to a previous Brady Campaign release regarding the Congressmans statements from an October 3, 2011 letter. In this weeks letter, Rep. Walsh was very critical of Brady Campaigns release, saying 'In your response to my recent letter, you have once again drawn false and illogical conclusions from my statements.'" ...

Democratic Lawmakers Urge Obama to Veto Gun Measure
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Two lawmakers are calling on President Obama to issue a veto threat against gun legislation working its way through Congress that would make it easier for people to carry concealed handguns across state lines, signifying growing concern among Democrats that the measure may reach the presidents desk." [emphasis added] ...

WA: WA Democrat survey interesting for what it doesnt (dare) ask
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A survey mailed out this week by the Washington State Democratic Party asks most of the predictable questions about priorities most notably getting Democrats re-elected next year but it is significantly silent on one issue that Evergreen State gun owners can consider from two different perspectives."

"There is not one thing in this survey about crime, and particularly adding new gun laws." ...

OK: Occupy the imagination: Judy Eason-McIntyre takes aim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Judy Eason-McIntyre, a Tulsa Democrat often described as a liberal, hung out with Senator Steve Russell, an Oklahoma City Republican invariably characterized as a conservative, at the local H&H Gun Range recently."

"Although they often disagree on matters of policy, the pair have become friends. Both will leave office next year. Eason McIntyre is term-limited. Russell is leaving after one term in the Legislature."

"As she relates the story, Russell took Eason McIntyre to the popular target practice facility after she expressed interest in learning some shooting skills. She fired two different pistols during the session, one of the weapons being a loaner from Russells wife." ...

OH: Judge throws out concealed carry charge against Bartlett
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"'I thought it would turn out this way' is all William E. Bartlett had to say Wednesday afternoon after a judge threw out a concealed carry charge against him that took on a worldwide half-life when the arrest video went viral." ...

"The case gained notoriety after Ohioans for Concealed Carry (OCC) posted a police cruiser video of patrolman Daniel Harless berating and threatening Bartlett during the arrest. The video went viral, with more than 800,000 views to date on YouTube." ...

TN: Federal Lawsuit Says Red Bank Police Routinely Use N Word -- Says Those Who Sought Ouster Of Chief Sneed Face Retaliation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal lawsuit filed against the city of Red Bank claims that its police officers routinely use the N word."

"The 15-page complaint brought by former Red Bank Officer Stephen L. Satterwhite also says he and others within the police department who went to the Red Bank Commission to complain about former Police Chief Larry Sneed have suffered retaliation."

"The suit is also brought against current Police Chief Tim Christol and Lt. Jay Lamance."

"Filed by attorney Donna Mikel, it asks unspecified damages for suppression of certain rights and violation of due process of law." ...

OH: Ex-officer found guilty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Members of the audience sobbed in the back of the courtroom as Trumbull County Common Plea Judge Andrew Logan read the verdict Thursday night against former Warren Township police officer Andrew Tvaroch."

"Deliberating until about 8 p.m., the jury returned with a verdict finding Tvaroch, 37, of Carson-Salt Springs Road, guilty on one count of aggravated burglary and one count of abduction, stemming from a July 25, 2010, episode at the Howland home of his former girlfriend, Jacqueline Orr." ...

IN: Merrillville settles with man who accused police of violating rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Miller sued the town and two of its police officer after he was arrested in February 2008. Miller had been working for the former roller skating rink on Whitcomb Street and was at a nearby Speedway gas station watching teens. Miller said in his lawsuit that officer Curtis Minchuk asked him for his police identification and then, as Miller went to do so, Minchuk grabbed his arm and put Miller in a choke hold."

"Miller was charged with resisting law enforcement and battery on an officer. He was later acquitted of both charges."

IN: Lake County officer in alleged bar fight faces disciplinary action
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Lake County police officer could face additional consequences stemming from an alleged bar fight last weekend."

"The Lake County Sheriff's Merit Board is set to meet Thursday to hear a disciplinary charge against Officer Aaron P. Ramos, according to an agenda Sheriff John Buncich made public Thursday."

"The board typically doesn't vote on whether to discipline an officer until after an investigation that could take months."

"An affidavit filed in Lake Superior Court alleges the 37-year-old Ramos struck a bar security guard Sunday at Buddy & Pal's in Crown Point and a Crown Point police officer called to assist the bar staff."

"He also refused to take an alcohol test, the affidavit states." ...

LA: Man Claims NOPD Officer Covered Up Accident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One local golf pro says a piece of surveillance video clears his name ..." ...

"... Realizing the United States Post Office is located at the corner where the accident happened, he requested the video recording from any outside cameras on the day he was struck."

"One year after his accident, Headrick obtained the video, which he said proves the officers lied in a police report and to an insurance company." ...

"Deputy Chief Arlinda Westbrook put it in writing and Superintendent Ronal Serpas signed a letter addressed to Headrick which notes that Officer Carey 'was at fault' and Morales completed a 'supplemental report.'"

"However in that same paragraph, the NOPD said 'police misconduct could not be substantiated.'" ...

FL: New Video Of Troopers Speeding Shows Growing Inter-Agency War (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Recently released amateur video of two Florida Highway Patrol troopers apparently speeding down a highway appears to be the latest jab thrown at FHP."

"CBS4 News partners Univision say the video was shot by an unidentified police officer, allegedly last Thursday on the Florida Turnpike and given to the press."

"It appears to be a direct response to the video leaked last month of FHP Trooper Donna Watts pulling over and briefly detaining Miami Police officer Fausto Lopez at gunpoint for reckless driving while he sped to an off-duty job."

"Law enforcement sources say that incident caused major friction between the agencies, and the new video of the speeding troopers appears to be the latest in the slugfest." ...

WA: Deputy will be fired for pattern of misconduct
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"As he has many times before, King County Sheriffs Deputy Kevin Savage went in front of his bosses this week to answer allegations he'd crossed the line."

"Savage was informed a week earlier that his commanders were recommending termination for a long list of department violations."

"Now it's final."

"'The pattern of behavior and the lack of integrity are completely unacceptable for a member of this department,' said Chief Deputy Steve Strachan in an internal email. Strachan sent the e-mail to managers in the Sheriff's Office explaining why he'd decided to terminate Savage." ...

"Altogether Savage has been the target of 22 internal investigations and has had 30 findings of misconduct ..." ...

FL: Ex-Police Chief Talks About Traffic Stop Of Cop (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "'Its unusual for one officer to stop another, admittedly,' former Miami Police Chief Ken Harms told CBS4′s Natalia Zea."

"Harms said no officer should break traffic laws, unless they are responding to an emergency call and even then they should be careful."

"'Just because there's an off duty police officer, en route to an off duty job doesnt give him the right to violate Florida statutes. I think the highway patrol officer ought to be commended for her diligence in pursuing this matter,' said Harms."

"Despite the apparent high-speed pursuit and the reckless driving, which is offense in which an individual can arrested, Watts only ticketed Lopez for reckless driving and let him drive away." ...“It’s unusual for one officer to stop another, admittedly,” former Miami Police Chief Ken Harms told CBS4′s Natalia Zea.
Harms said no officer should break traffic laws, unless they are responding to an emergency call and even then they should be careful.


VA: Armed Protesters Gather at GMU
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) protested at George Mason University Wednesday. VCDL members and volunteers were visably and legally armed. Anti-gun advocates from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence counter-protested."

"The university has a ban on weapons for all students and faculty. However, those who aren't students or faculty may carry guns on campus, if they have the proper permit. The Constitution of Virginia protects the right of citizens to keep and bear arms from government infringement. An overview of Virginia's gun laws are posted by the Virginia State Police." ...

WA: Crying Wolf: Methow tale suggests balance, not bigotry is right approach
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A published report in the Methow Valley News about a female deer hunter and her encounter with wolves on a Chelan wilderness ridgeline is raising awareness that the predators are here to stay, and they just might have voracious appetites for venison."

"The story got the interest of the Seattle Times, and the Seattle-based Northwest Sportsman magazine. It involves 24-year-old Kari Hirschberger, who hiked into the back country in September to scout out high-country deer in preparation for the Sept. 15 High Cascades early buck hunt."

"According to the published account, she reached a spot high on a ridge and found no sign of deer, but encountered a pair of adult gray wolves." ...

NJ: New Jersey Second Amendment Society November 9th 2011 Meeting Results
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First of all, I would like to that the owners and staff of South Jersey Shooting Club for once again hosting a meeting of our Society."

"The people at SJSC, especially Art Barton and Dan Walker, have been tireless and loyal supporters of the NJ2AS since we started."

"Thanks to Anthony Colandro of Gun for Hire firearms training centers for the introduction to these wonderful people."

"I would also like to thank Chet Wilson of ShootNJ firearms training for donating some terrific prizes for the meeting. Chet and his crew, including Dawn and Grant have always been and continue to be there for us. We are very fortunate to have attracted such great friends and supporters." ...

CA: Is a hunting license required when geocaching?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Question: I was stopped by a game warden on a dirt road while out geocaching. He told me that if I am in a hunting zone when the season is open and I have a method of take (I always have a rifle with me), I must not only have a hunting license and tag for that zone, but I also have to show them to the game warden. All of this even though I said I was NOT hunting! Is this true?"

"If it is true, would this not deny everyone that uses the forest, and even land owners, their second amendment rights if they didnt have a hunting license?"

"I thought this was ruled on and settled years ago. ..." ...

NY: Deane Fisher of Marion named Wayne County SCOPE Patriot of the Year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Marion resident Deane Fisher was honored as the 2011 Patriot of the Year by the Wayne County S.C.O.P.E. Shooters Committee on Political Education at the organization's meeting on Nov. 9."

"Group chairman John Piczkur said S.C.O.P.E typically gives the award to a public figure, but this year it selected Fisher, who is a Vietnam War veteran and has served as the group"s treasurer since its inception on Sept. 12, 2001." ...

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. CHARLES A. BEARD

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