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Newslinks for 11/12/2011

Random Thoughts for Veteran's Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mention the word 'veteran' and what do you think of? Chances are you think of a man that has seen combat in some capacity. Guadalcanal, Normandy, Bastogne, The Frozen Chosin, Pork Chop Hill, Khe Sanh, Hill 867, Ia Drang, Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq…all of these places evoke a mental image of men in combat. Hostile fire, incoming, ambushes, patrols; these are the things that veterans did. And it’s right to think so. Let’s face it; we need men to go into the dark, dirty, dangerous places and do dark, dirty, dangerous things to insure the safety of our nation. We should celebrate our warriors because they are the ones that pay for bad politics. However, there are other people, people who are every bit as dedicated, professional, and willing to face danger, even if they never enter a combat zone. You won’t see movies made about them. There will never be an epic entitled 'Supplying Private Ryan' or an action movie about 'Blackhawk Down for Maintenance' But those men and women that work long, tedious, hours to keep the birds flying, the mail flowing, and the paperwork filed deserve our thanks too. And, if the shit really, in truly, catastrophically hits the fan, they will be required to pick up a rifle and fight the battle that needs fighting." ...

‘Conservative’ case for Mitt Romney no case at all
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... Because elections are typically decided by a few percentage points, and a critical mass of gun owners simply will not hold their noses and vote for the guy. In spite of the cajoling, in spite of having future Supreme Court nominees held over our heads, in spite of accusations that those who refuse to chip in to procure the campaign whore du jour being pimped by devoid- of- principle party apologists will bear responsibility for whatever politically transmitted disease follows." ...

Showdown looming on national concealed carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Next Tuesday, Nov. 15, the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on legislation that would require all states to honor the concealed carry licenses or permits issued by other states, and the bill – H.R. 822 – is taking fire from certain corners on both sides."

"This legislation should not be controversial at all in the wake of the landmark Supreme Court ruling in McDonald v. City of Chicago, the case brought against the Windy City’s handgun ban by the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation, but quite the opposite is true." ...

Nation needs right-to-carry reciprocity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As elected officials in Congress, we take seriously our oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the liberties and rights afforded to American citizens. This includes the Second Amendment, and we believe the bureaucratic, piecemeal right-to-carry reciprocity system in our nation threatens the ability of law-abiding American citizens to exercise this vital constitutional right." ...

Why should anyone ever believe anything said by Mayors Against Illegal Guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In other words, once a mayor joins MAIG, he or she is assumed not only to still be a member until they hear otherwise, but he or she is assumed to actively endorse every policy initiative the group's leadership is currently pursuing. We may never know the actual numbers of mayors actively in favor of MAIG's current infringement of the day at any given time."

"... there are very likely many mayors who see the name of the group, and think, 'Who could be opposed to reining in illegal guns?' and join, despite not having any interest whatsoever in MAIG's radical policies. This, in fact, seems to have been borne out, many times. MAIG, though, will present them as enthusiastic supporters of that agenda." ...

Gear Review: the N8² Tactical Pro IWB Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Finding the perfect holster for your carry weapon is the Holy Grail of personal defense. I would go so far as to say that many CHL holders spend a lifetime looking for, and not finding, a holster that is so comfortable, so reliable, and so effortless to use, that they simply give up and take what they can find. On that count, color me incredibly lucky, for I have read the Gradus ad Parnassum, taken up my quest, and found my Grail. I suspect that for many of you, the N8² Tactical Pro IWB Holster will be your Holy Grail of Holsters, too." ...

FNH 3-Gun Championship 2011 Day 1, Stage 7, 8 and 9 (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The FNH 3-Gun Championship, the crowning event of the 3-Gun Nation series, is well underway in Glengary, West Virginia. They’ve got some neat stages and some interesting set guns, like the Barrett MRAD and an FNH less-lethal launcher of some sort, and a prize table that includes tens of thousands of dollars and around 100 FN SCARs and stripped receivers. With 250 competitors (including the best in the business) they’ve divided up the stages so you shoot three per day either in the morning or the afternoon. I thought it might be interesting to take you guys through the stages for the match and give you all a peek at what the 'big boys' in 3-Gun are up against." ...

Gear Review: Timney Trigger – Ruger 10/22 Part 2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hopefully RF has my trophy for 'Most Articles About a Trigger' boxed up and ready to mail. New readers, or those who missed the first three can catch up by reading my preview, subsequent oh shit moment, and first full review of the Ruger 10/22 trigger from Timney manufacturing. When we left off in early October, Timney had my old trigger and was fixing it up right to correct a known issue with the disconnector spring. I got a trigger group back about two weeks after I sent it off. Notice that I said I got 'a trigger group' back. My defective unit had a blue trigger shoe. My new one is red. Do I care? Not one bit." ...

Gun Review: Umarex/Colt AR 15 – 22 Part 2 (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My work-mandated personality profile indicates that I have a severe issue with making promises. According to the head doctors, if I promise to do something, it plagues me until I get it done. Quite the advantage for all those pesky TPS reports, but a real PITA when I promise our readers that I’ll follow up on something and then can’t make it to the range for a few days. If you’ll remember from my Part 1, I wanted to follow up on three things. Those would be bolt cycling speed, subsonic ammo compatibility, and accuracy with a nice optic aboard. Two of three are complete. We’ll save rapid fire gun porn for a later date if necessary ... However, I’ll substitute the bolt cycling for some choice nuggets on full teardown and cleaning." ...

The Shape of Things to Come (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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AG On The Firing Line For Gunrunning
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If it hadn’t been for Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), Attorney General Eric Holder would have had an easy time testifying for the first time before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the deadly 'Operation Fast and Furious' scheme to run guns to Mexican drug cartels."

"On Nov. 8, AFP covered the three-hour hearing at the Dirksen Building, where Holder held firm to his fragile sounding explanation of his allegedly limited span of knowledge of a scheme in which straw buyers—under the auspices of the [ATF]—purchased firearms and transferred them to Mexico." ...

Obama: 'Impossible' to Stop Gun Trafficking South
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. President Barack Obama said his administration has no plans to implement new controls on arms sales, despite acknowledging the severity of the problem of illegal arms trafficking and the difficulty in slowing that traffic south, a Mexican news outlet reported."

";It is impossible to stop all arms traffic from north to south,; Obama was quoted by El Informador online as saying in a press conference reportedly given to electronic media." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh who asks "Now he tells us?"

Grassley stays on point about falsehoods from Justice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Iowa Senator Charles Grassley, ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, is 'sticking to his story' that Justice Department officials have changed their stories, and this week's testimony by Attorney General Eric Holder, and recent revelations in the Fast and Furious scandal prove it."

"In a statement to the Judiciary Committee’s executive business meeting Thursday, he reiterated complaints voiced earlier in the week, and discussed by this column, that the Justice Department knew information it offered earlier this year about the gun trafficking sting operation was false." ...

Attorney General Eric Holder "sorry" for Terry family loss
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ten months after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was gunned down by Mexican drug cartel suspects in Arizona, his family has received a letter from Attorney General Eric Holder saying he is 'sorry' for their loss."

"Holder's Department of Justice oversees the [ATF] which pursued a controversial 'gunwalking' strategy linked to Terry's murder."

"Two assault rifles that ATF allegedly let 'walk' into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, to try to get to the 'big fish,' were found at Terry's murder scene." ...

Family of Murdered Border Agent Breaks Silence, Lashes Out at Holder (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died almost one year ago. Despite almost daily headlines about the ongoing scandal in the Obama administration, his devastated parents have said nothing publicly about the U.S. program that helped provide the weapons that killed their son."

"Until now."

"In separate interviews, Josephine and Kent Terry lashed out Thursday at those they blame for Brian's murder -- Attorney General Eric Holder, his top assistant Lanny Breuer, former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, and those ATF officials who approved, executed and supervised Operation Fast and Furious." ...

Presidential Candidate Profile: Jon Huntsman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"He doesn't spend much time in Iowa, instead, putting all his hope in a victory in New Hampshire. So you may not know a lot about Jon Huntsman. As the former ambassador to China, he can speak fluent Mandarin Chinese and has spent a lifetime in public service." ...

"If Huntsman is to win New Hampshire, he must take on another governor who is counting on capturing the state as well. In recent television interviews, Huntsman is challenging Mitt Romney by questioning potential flip-flops."

"'If you look at our records, I'm pro-life. I have been forever. I'm pro-second amendment. I have been forever. I delivered tax cuts historically sized for our state. He raised taxes. ... The differences are many,' Huntsman said." ...

Let’s honor our veterans by protecting their Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This Friday, as we honor the courage and sacrifice of our U.S. military veterans, we should also be mindful of a terrible injustice that too many of them are forced to endure when they come home from the field of battle: the loss of their Second Amendment rights."

"Today there are roughly 114,000 veterans and veterans’ family members who have had their ability to purchase a firearm in the U.S. stripped away. These are men and women who not only swore an oath to support the Constitution, but who risked their lives, lost their limbs and suffered the immense pain of separation from their families, all to defend our constitutional rights. How can this happen?" ...

Stupid US Attorney Trick #43: Slipping viruses into discovery material. A public service announcement of SSI and the R. A. Bear Detective Agency.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this computer age, discovery consists of CD-Roms packed full of files, some of them correctly labeled, some not. Names of snitches are almost all redacted, but names of subjects of investigation ... are often deliberately misspelled so they cannot be easily found in a search. ... But the latest dirty shyster shitbag trick that federal LEOs and US Attorneys resort to is the virus inserted into files."

"This happened in the Freisen case, I am told, but it bounced back on the government when it turned out that Freisen and his attorney never opened a federal discovery file on their own computers but rather handed them off to an IT guy with a stand-alone cheap computer used only for opening fed files that might contain booby traps." ...

FL: Miami Cop Thomas Vokaty Disciplined for Retaliatory Stop of FHP Trooper
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"​The apparent ongoing fight between City of Miami Police officers and Florida Highway Patrol troopers is both sickening and pathetic. These are people paid with taxpayer money to protect Dade County. Not get into to pissing matches."

"The MPD has declared that no such rivalry exists, but just yesterday the department disciplined one of their own for what appears to be an apparent retaliatory stop against an FHP trooper. At least they're trying to quell the tension." ...

Submitter's Note: Didn't these people ever leave the kindergarten playground?

NY: 3 Officers to Face Discipline for Detaining City Officials at Parade
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Police Department will discipline three officers for an episode in which a city councilman and another city official were detained and handcuffed after the West Indian American Day Parade in September, according to the New York Civil Liberties Union."

"The department’s Internal Affairs Bureau found that there was 'sufficient evidence to partially substantiate' the complaints by the councilman, Jumaane D. Williams, and the city official, Kirsten John Foy, according to letters that the two men received from the bureau’s chief, Charles V. Campisi." ...

Submitter's Note: That's what you get for roughing up important colored folks. Next time stick to hoi polloi who can't fight back politically.

WV: Mason County Sheriff Arrested
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Mason County Sheriff David Anthony is charged with wanton endangerment after a weekend incident at his home. "

"State Police arrested Anthony Thursday night along Route 35 in Putnam County after obtaining a warrant for his arrest."

"State Police Sgt. Edward Starcher says Anthony stands accused of firing a pistol at a 13-year-old relative at his home Saturday night, Nov. 5."

"Starcher said evidence indicates Anthony had been drinking at the time. ..." ...

WV: Mason County Sheriff Arrested and Charged with Wanton Endangerment (follow-up)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Mason County Sheriff has made bond and has been released from jail after being arrested by West Virginia State Police late Thursday night."

"Sheriff David Anthony II, 42, was picked up along Route 35 in Putnam County about 11:15 p.m. and charged with felony wanton endangerment. He was then taken to the Western Regional where he spent the night." ...

"Sgt. Michael Baylous tells officers served a warrant concerning a previous incident where Anthony fired a weapon in a dangerous manner near a juvenile relative."

"State Police Sgt. Edward Starcher says the charges stem from the firing of a small-caliber handgun Nov. 5." ...

OH: Attorney General announces Third Quarter 2011 CHL statistics; Ohio Concealed Carry number tops quarter million
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the third quarter of 2011. At the end of September, we set another all-time record of approximately 253,113 Ohio residents licensed to carry concealed firearms. The total of persons with Ohio concealed handgun licenses has topped the quarter of a million mark for the first time. (See chart)" ...

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. — William Pitt

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