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Newslinks for 11/12/2024

Best Affordable Rifle-Scope Combos for Deer
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Many hunters buy their rifle and then search for the right scope to have mounted and boresighted. Those looking to save a few bucks (dollars, not antlered deer) ought to take a hard look at a few of the many scoped centerfire rifle combinations on the market. These are some of the most affordable guns paired with entry-level optics, but we wouldn’t hesitate to take any of these rigs out to bag a whitetail this season. Neither should you.

Dem Meltdown over Trump Return; Agenda Includes CCW Reciprocity
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Less than one week after trouncing Kamala Harris in the presidential election, Donald Trump is already being threatened with massive interference from Democrat governors and others whose statements literally confirm the existence of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS).

Perhaps much of this angst concerns the seventh tenet of Trump’s “Agenda 47,” announced in February 2023. That particular agenda item is the president-elect’s promise to “sign concealed carry reciprocity legislation, fully secure the border, dramatically increase interior enforcement, and wage war on the cartels.”

Don't Settle for Less Than the Best Ammo for 1911 45 ACP
Submitted by: David Williamson

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I rarely concealed carry my 1911; it's still typically close by and is my home defense pistol.

I still argue shotguns are the better home defense weapon due to the lower chance of over-penetration.

Speer Ammunition Review: Reach for what the Pros Use
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Speer Ammunition is considered by many shooters as the gold-standard when it comes to high-quality self-defense handgun ammunition and rifle cartridges. Developed in the wake of the 1986 Miami Shootout, the Speer Gold Dot hollow point is the duty ammo of choice for numerous federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies as well as responsible civilians.

Nov. 11 Also Washington Statehood Day; Article I, Sec 24 is Strong RKBA Provision
Submitted by: David Williamson

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While the nation celebrates Veterans Day on Nov. 11, in the Pacific Northwest the date is also recognized as the date when Washington achieved statehood, and within its state constitution is one of the strongest right-to-bear-arms provisions in any state.

TX: Alleged Intruder Shot Multiple Times After Following Woman Home
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An alleged intruder was shot multiple times by a DeSoto, Texas, homeowner after reportedly following her home and trying to make entry through her garage door.

Focus Daily News reported the incident occurred Friday just prior to 8 a.m. The woman called 911 in a panic after arming herself with a gun and explained that the suspect was in her backyard and trying to make entry through the garage.

Flat Tire Turned Machete Attack, Takes a Bad Day to Worse
Submitted by: David Williamson

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We’ve all had that day, where a car that won’t start or a sudden flat tire turns a normal morning into one filled with stress and aggravation. It’s how we deal with that added stress and aggravation that can make our day get better or get much worse. For Michael Lope Montes De Oca in Hialeah, Florida, it started out bad, he made it worse, and then, it got much, much worse…like bullets to the torso worse.

Trump Reaffirms Push for National Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In a decisive message released this weekend, President-elect Donald Trump reaffirmed his commitment to protecting Second Amendment rights, announcing his intent to implement national concealed carry reciprocity once he takes office.

Handloading the.270 Winchester
Submitted by: David Williamson

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I have been dreaming of an antelope hunt for 40 years, but one thing or another stopped me from committing. I don’t know why, as I am surrounded by the speed goats every time I leave the house. After not getting drawn this year, I decided to go outside Arizona and booked a hunt in eastern New Mexico. As you read this, I will either be enjoying the sweet taste of Pronghorn or the bitter taste of unfilled tag soup.

MD: Motorcyclist Fatally Shoots Man Charging with Hammer in Maryland Road Rage Confrontation
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A road rage incident turned deadly on November 7, 2024, when a 22-year-old motorcyclist reportedly shot and killed a 51-year-old man who allegedly attacked him with a hammer. The confrontation took place near East Furnace Branch Road and Margate Drive around 8:20 p.m., prompting a swift response from the Anne Arundel County Police Department.

Illinois Assault Weapons Ban Overturned by Trump Judge
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A Trump-nominated judge issued a permanent ban last week on enforcing Illinois’ odious assault weapons ownership and registration scheme implemented in January 2023. The excuse for the ban was the Highland Park parade shooting on July 4, 2022. Its real purpose was defiance of the Supreme Court’s ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, aka Bruen.

Maryland man wanted after arsenal of weapons found, including 3D-printed ‘ghost guns’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Authorities in Maryland are searching for a man facing several weapons charges after a colorful arsenal of firearms, including illegal “ghost guns,” was found in his home.

MD: Gift Cards For Guns Program Hosted By Prince George's Police Department, Area Churches
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Individuals who turn in firearms through the Gift Cards for Guns program will receive compensation for their participation.

Chicago shootings: At least 18 shot, 3 killed, in citywide weekend violence, CPD says
Submitted by: David Williamson

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At least 18 people have been shot, three fatally, in gun violence across Chicago so far this weekend, police said. Here's how the news is developing.

If you have 10,000 regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. —Winston Churchill

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