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Newslinks for 11/13/2024

Grassroots Judicial Report—Nov. 13, 2024
Submitted by: David Williamson

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What’s New—Scotus has four conference days scheduled this month: Oakland Tactical v. Howell Township: Petition for Certiorari;Michigan: C.S. v. McCrumb: Case 24-1364: A case in Michigan of a student who wore a hat with text and a drawing of an AR-15 was stopped from wearing it by the school; Texas: Mock v. Garland: brief filed in US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Illinois: Harrel v. Raoul.

V-MAX Ammo: V-MAX Bullets Explained
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Hornady V-MAX line of ammunition was created for varmint control, as the bullet has a thin jacket and was designed to fragment on impact with a target, even at low velocities. For many years, your standard varmint ammo was pretty much whatever you had on hand, and this produced mixed results depending on what you were shooting.

Ministry of Defense Partners With SAF
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is pleased to announce a new campaign with Ministry of Defence where 10% from each set of Fighting Words Bracelets sold will support SAF’s legal efforts. Three bracelets are included in the set, each with a different slogan and come in black, gray and green.

Jon Stewart Slams Elon Musk's Trump Rally Appearance, Second Amendment Rhetoric: ‘Guns Don't Protect Our Free Speech'
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Jon Stewart used his opening segment on Monday night's episode of "The Daily Show" to break down Elon Musk's appearance at a Trump rally on Sunday in Butler, Pa. While the appearance was widely mocked online for Musk's enthusiasm - he literally jumped around the stage - the content of his speech was focused on the First and Second Amendments.

Maine 72-hour waiting period for gun purchases violates 2nd Amendment, lawsuit says
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun rights groups filed a lawsuit Tuesday that seeks to overturn the 72-hour waiting period law that Maine lawmakers passed after last year’s mass shooting in Lewiston. The Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine and Gun Owners of Maine had expressed their intent to sue after Gov. Janet Mills, a Democrat who previously opposed sweeping gun-control measures, let the waiting period bill become law in April without her signature.

OPINION: How Trump Can Restore American Justice in Just Days
Submitted by: David Williamson

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OPINION: Some Democrats still working at FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA and other powerful federal agencies cannot be pleased that Donald J. Trump was reelected president.

These are all behind-the-scenes players, who are not sharp enough to be known for their politics. They’re likely thinking about how they can impact or even subvert whatever orders are going to come from their new Republican leadership. In my humble opinion, they should resign – immediately – or face massive losses.

WA Gun Buyers, Retailers Furious over State Background Check Breakdown
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In a major disruption to the entire state court computer system in Washington, the State Patrol has been unable to conduct background checks for firearms purchases since Nov. 1, and may not be back online until Monday, Nov. 18, TGM has learned.

Solid Copper Hollow Point Ammo: SCHP Bullets Explained
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The solid copper hollow point bullet (SCHP) can be used in both rifle and pistol ammunition. All-copper pistol bullets have the familiar large hollow opening at the end, but rifle versions have a wider range of options. The different types of rifle ammo are for different sized game, and the hollow point in copper can expand in a variety of useful ways, depending on the intended target. A deer-hunting ammo, for example, will be much different than a varmint ammo.

Jury Acquits Suspect of Double Homicide, Finding he Acted in Self-Defense
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On Oct. 29, a Baltimore jury found 21-year-old defendant not guilty in a double homicide case before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Althea M. Handy. Darius Daye, faced charges of first-degree murder and firearm use in a felony violent crime for an incident on the 5200 block of Fairlawn Avenue on Jan. 4.


Several indicted on federal firearm charges, including Savannah man acquitted on murder
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Several people have been indicted on federal firearm charges, including a Savannah man that was acquitted on murder charges two years ago. The indictments include felony charges for illegal firearm possessions- with three of them being from our viewing area.


Savage Arms 1911 Gov’t Style 9mm 5″ 1:10″ Bbl Black Nitride Semi-Auto Pistol 67204 Review
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Savage Arms 1911 Gov-T Style 9mm semi-auto pistol is a highly-regarded firearm that has been a staple in the firearms community for decades. Known for its reliability, accuracy, and durability, this pistol has earned a reputation as one of the best in its class. In this review, we will delve into the features, performance, and pros and cons of this exceptional pistol.


Federal district court strikes down Illinois MSR, high-cap mag bans
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois on Nov. 8 struck down provisions of the Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA) that prohibit “assault weapons” and “large-capacity magazines” in an NRA-supported case, Barnett v. Raoul.


The ‘Second Amendment won’ with Trump’s election victory, gun rights advocate says
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Aidan Johnston, the director of federal affairs for Gun Owners of America, speaks to Fox News Digital about Donald Trump’s election victory.

7th Circuit Judges Fumble The Law in IL Gun Ban Case: Ignoring Basic 2nd Amendment Rights
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In a recent oral argument in Viramontes v. Cook County before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, an intense debate unfolded over Cook County’s “assault weapon” ban. This ban is part of a larger legal battle challenging the restrictions on semi-automatic rifles. Mark Smith, host of Four Boxes Diner, offered a deep dive into the complexities of this case, exposing judicial reasoning that seemed both uninformed and dismissive of Second Amendment rights.

Can the Republican Senate protect the 2nd Amendment?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Donald Trump needs to protect the Second Amendment with Senate leadership choices who won’t negotiate our rights away. Trump has already put forward a plan that, in the words of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., should earn him a space on Mount Rushmore. But there is another problem with our ever persistent RINOs who insist on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Although the First Amendment is being shored up, we have to be concerned with the prospects of the Second, simply because all of our rights are mutually supportive.

I have carried a revolver; lots of us do, but they are the most innocent things in the world. — MARK TWAIN

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