CA: Police Employees in Trouble for Spoof Video [video]
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Opposing Views
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A least two employees of a California police department are being investigated after police uniforms and squad cars were used in a spoof video that has gone viral. The video was posted to YouTube in June and has garnered nearly a million hits. It shows five men dressed as police officers from the West Covina police department pulling over a man and pointing guns at him while taunting him. The guns were not real, nor were they real police officers. But they did have real uniforms and cars, and that did not sit well with West Covina City Manager Andrew Pasmant. He told the San Gabriel Valley Tribune that he ordered an investigation when he learned about the video in September. The two people being investigated are not police officers. |
DE: Kaeser’s Ray Tolson Chunks the Farthest
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Mark A. Taff
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On November 6th, the final shots of the 26th annual Punkin Chunkin World Championship were fired. The sky over Sussex County, Delaware was once again filled with airborne produce and the cheers of loyal fans. By the end of the day, the unofficial results were released. The Second Amendment Too’s shot of 4,329 feet had secured its first place victory in the Adult Air category … and by just four feet. |
Felons Finding It Easy to Regain Gun Rights
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Mark A. Taff
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Ohio’s Legislature confronted the matter when it passed a law this year fixing a technicality that threatened to invalidate the state’s restorations.
Ken Hanson, legislative chairman of the Buckeye Firearms Coalition, argued that felons should be able to reclaim their gun rights just as they can other civil rights.
“If it’s a constitutional right, you treat it with equal dignity with other rights,” he said.
But Toby Hoover, executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, contended that the public was safer without guns in the hands of people who have committed serious crimes. |
OK: Reserving the right to people watch
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Mark A. Taff
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The First Amendment guarantees freedom of the press, but not, in print, to call someone an ax-murdering, dope-dealing, child-stealing degenerate - unless, of course, it's true.
Freedom of religion does not extend to child abuse, bigamy or human sacrifice.
Even the right to bear arms, it is generally agreed, does not apply while robbing a bank.
This is not a commentary on Occupy Tulsa, gun rights advocates or anyone else. It is merely an observation on human behavior. |
AZ: 'Gun fight' lecture looks at battle over right to bear arms
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Mark A. Taff
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The author of a new book that examines the early history of gun rights and gun control in the United States and weaves together dramatic stories of Second Amendment advocates and gun control lobbyists will speak at the College of Law, Nov. 15.
“Gun Fight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America” is the title of the lecture and the book by Adam Winkler, a professor at UCLA School of Law. The lecture will begin at 4:30 p.m., in the Great Hall. It will be followed by a Q&A session with gun-law expert Alan Korwin, author of "The Arizona Gun Owner’s Guide," and a book signing.
CA: Down economy means an increase in gun and safe sales
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Mark A. Taff
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Many businesses are struggling to stay afloat in this economy, but one Bakersfield business says it's the economy that has their customers rushing in.
"A lot of people are worried about people breaking in and stealing stuff. They are worried about home invasions," Second Amendment Sports Assistant Manager, Jennifer McKenna said.
Because of that idea, safe and gun sales are up. Several people are buying guns for the first time. |
WI: Why I Support the Walker Recall, Even as I Have Concerns About Recalls
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Mark A. Taff
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While Walker, like the other Koch-Brothers-supported GOP gubernatorial candidates, campaigned on job creation, anyone paying attention had to know that a full-on wish-list of traditional conservative initiatives (union-busting, anti-abortion rules, concealed carry, tax breaks for the wealthy, cuts for education, corporation-friendly laws that hurt consumers, etc.) would ensue, not job creation (something not happening in significant numbers in Wisconsin). |
Gun Dean calls for Passage this week of H.R. 822
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Mark A. Taff
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"The House of Representatives this week should pass H.R. 822, the proposed National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011," gun law expert John M. Snyder said here today. He is the Gun Dean, according to Human Events.
"This bill, if enacted into law, would allow an individual with a permit to carry a concealed firearm issued by a state to carry in other states," he explained.
Conservative jurist shows that law trumps own beliefs
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Mark A. Taff
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A former official in the Nixon administration, a Reagan appointee to the bench and a Federalist Society favorite, Judge Silberman is one of the most respected and conservative jurists. He penned - to the delight of the right - the D.C. Circuit's 2007 decision that struck down the District of Columbia's gun laws, concluding that the Second Amendment recognized an individual right to keep and bear arms.
That this conservative luminary voted to uphold the constitutionality of the most controversial aspect of the president's health-care proposal is welcome news - and not simply because we agree with this result. |
WI: Small gun sales up in wake of conceal-carry
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Mark A. Taff
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Last week, Wisconsin rolled back the training requirements for a conceal-carry license.
So as sales go up and requirements go down, are buyers arming themselves with ammo before information?
Sales of small guns are up. That's what Dan Gussert, owner of Gus’s Guns in Suamico, said he and other gun dealers are seeing because of the Wisconsin’s new conceal-carry law.
"This is a small, .380 Ruger, very slim, small, about the size of a wallet.” |
VA: BOV prohibits concealed guns
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Mark A. Taff
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The Board of Visitors approved a regulation Friday banning firearms on Grounds, at the University Medical Center and at the College at Wise. The regulation is consistent with an already existing University policy prohibiting weapons, fireworks and explosives on University property.
The decision comes after Virginia Attorney General and University alumnus Ken Cuccinelli opined in July that the University’s “policy” banning weapons could not apply to those with concealed weapons permits. In the opinion, Cuccinelli acknowledged that a similar regulation at George Mason University carries the force of law with regard to concealed weapons. |
Calling on Congress to Fix Gun Checks -- as a Brother of a Virginia Tech Victim
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Mark A. Taff
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The simple answer is that this happens again and again because Washington refuses to do anything about loopholes in the law that put guns in the hands of killers.
We all watched as Tucson joined the list of well-known tragedies: Columbine... Fort Hood... Virginia Tech...
For me and my family, the sharp pain of Virginia Tech came back in an instant. My sister Reema was killed on April 16, 2007 along with 31 other people because a gap in Virginia's gun background check system allowed a young man with serious mental illness to buy guns. |
NC: Gunmen Rob Students in College Dorm Room in North Carolina
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Mark A. Taff
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Police in North Carolina were investigating Sunday after two students were robbed by several gunmen in a dorm room at Fayetteville State University.
WRAL-TV reported four to six men with guns knocked on a dorm room door at around 2:00am local time, university spokesman Jeff Womble said. When the two students answered, a physical altercation ensued.
Shots were fired, damaging some furniture in the room, but no one was struck. The two students were injured during the altercation, Womble said. |
Russia: Air Gun Ammo Disappears From City Stores
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Mark A. Taff
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Ammunition for air guns has disappeared from the city's specialized stores, apparently on verbal orders from a police force that has long frowned upon people buying — and often abusing — non-lethal firearms.
Although officially blamed on red tape, the disappearance of the ammunition is actually part of an Interior Ministry campaign to ban air guns across the country, Izvestia reported Friday.
Such an unofficial ban would amount to abuse of power, a pro-gun activist said. The ban also appears to have been ignored outside Moscow.
The Interior Ministry prohibited sales of air gun ammunition following the passage of new legislation on gun control this summer, Izvestia said. The bill requires re-licensing of all such firearms. |
WI: Signs of the times: Rock County tackles concealed carry complications
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Mark A. Taff
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Who knew it would be so complicated?
Wisconsin's concealed carry law allows local units of government to decide if concealed weapons will be allowed in the buildings under their care.
But if towns, cities or counties have rules more restrictive than the state's, they have to make sure they're legally covered. In most cases, the covering is plastic or aluminum signs reading, "No firearms or weapons in building."
Nick Osborne, Rock County assistant to the administrator, worked with the county's legal team to draft an ordinance regulating concealed weapons on county property.
"One of the first steps we took was to contact the department heads and ask them what they wanted," Osborne said. |
WI: More guns means more potential for problems
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Mark A. Taff
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I acknowledge that my perspective is limited. I have never felt the need to "pack heat" — not anywhere in Wisconsin, elsewhere in this country or any place I've traveled internationally. Perhaps I'm just fortunate that I haven't crossed into a darker world where self-defense is a daily concern.
Though maybe I'm just being naïve. Is anywhere truly safe? Isn't there always a chance that someone with fewer scruples — one of the proverbial bad guys — will use a gun to rob or otherwise harm me? And won't I wish I had a gun of my own then? |
IN: Student wants to carry guns at Purdue
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Mark A. Taff
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A Purdue University student wants to carry a gun to class and thinks other students should have that right too.
Student government senator Zach Briggs thinks carrying concealed weapons would make campus safer.
"Students, staff and faculty, if they have the proper state licensing, should be able to also be licensed by Purdue to carry a handgun, "Briggs said.
Briggs is working on a legislation for it in the student government. He said a concealed carrier could have stopped the Virginia Tech shooter in 2007. |
AL: Student stabbed inside Lakeside Dining bathroom
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Mark A. Taff
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A female UA student was injured Thursday night when she was stabbed by another female student at Lakeside Dining Hall just before midnight. UAPD and Tuscaloosa County Homicide investigators responded to the stabbing.
Following normal procedures, the Tuscaloosa County Metro Homicide Unit and UAPD are investigating the altercation between the two female students to determine whether charges will be brought, due to self-defense claims raised by one of the female students.” |
WA: Protesters fired up about Yakima gun show
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Mark A. Taff
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They come in all shapes and sizes, and they're loaded with debate.
"We want the laws changed," says one Yakima protester.
"Your average Joe citizen has the right to protect themselves," says a pro-gun supporter.
Whatever side your on, this local gun show is perfectly legal. People buy, sell and trade here, and they can do it with out a background check. Show director, Brian Kjensmo says they're following all state laws. |
FL: Gun proponents complain about new law
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Mark A. Taff
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A recent story about new a state gun law has not only been generating a lot of comments locally, but statewide, and mainly from gun proponents tired of government interference with their right to bear arms.
Written by a reporter for the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting, located at Florida International University in Miami, the story was about a Umatilla woman who said a neighbor target shooting on his property was frightening her horses. She thought the neighbor was violating previously established Lake County firearms and noise ordinances.
Ed.: The headline doesn't fit with the story. Maybe if 'complain' was 'comment'? |
OR: Safeguard state gun laws
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Mark A. Taff
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Before the end of 2011, Congress will vote on legislation that would essentially nationalize the permits that states issue for people to carry concealed weapons.
Lawmakers should reject this bill, which would curtail the rights of Oregon and other states that do not allow or that limit carry-permit reciprocity with other states.
The National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, sponsored by Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., was recently approved by the House Judiciary Committee by a 19-11 vote. Just one Republican, Rep. Dan Lungren of California, opposed the bill, demonstrating how deeply conservatives’ traditional reverence for states’ rights has eroded.
Ed.: Civil rights trump states' rights. |
Fast and Furious confusion
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Mark A. Taff
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Attorney General Eric Holder’s appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week did nothing to lift the cloud over the Justice Department caused by a deadly secret operation gone wrong. That ill-advised “Operation Fast and Furious” let Mexican drug criminals acquire thousands of lethal weapons from the United States.
The guns federal agents allowed to “walk” from Arizona into Mexico in 2009 and 2010 have been linked to the deaths of two U.S. government agents and hundreds of crimes in Mexico. The Mexican government says it was not informed of the apparent attempt by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Explosives to trace Mexican gun-running networks. |