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Newslinks for 11/15/2024

MI: Bill limiting where CPL holders can carry guns will change, Michigan Democrats say
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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A portion of a Michigan Senate bill that would significantly limit the places where individuals with concealed pistol licenses can carry their weapons won't advance in the state Legislature, a spokeswoman for Senate Democrats said Wednesday.

On Thursday, the Michigan Senate's Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety Committee is scheduled to consider a two-bill package that would alter state law to generally prohibit guns at the Michigan State Capitol, the Anderson House Office Building and the Binsfeld Senate Office Building in Lansing.

OH: Ohio Senate Passes Bill to Protect Security Teams at Houses of Worship and Non-Profits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Ohio Senate unanimously passed Senate Bill 32 on Wednesday, a measure designed to provide civil immunity to security teams and individuals who act in self-defense or to protect others at nonprofit organizations, including churches, synagogues, and mosques. Sponsored by State Senator Tim Schaffer (R-Lancaster), the bill ensures that off-duty officers and security team members who defend congregants or others will not be held liable unless their actions constitute willful misconduct.

WA: Second Amendment Foundation threatens lawsuit over WA firearm background check delays
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Washington State Patrol is being threatened with a lawsuit from the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) over the agency’s inability to do background checks for firearm sales.

The computer system at the state’s Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) went down on Nov. 1 and is still down, taking the Secure Automated Firearms E-Check (SAFE) system down.

That system is what WSP needs to complete a background check for someone to buy a firearm. SAF told KOMO News that if it is not promptly restored, they may file a lawsuit against the state.

NC: Mecklenburg Co. Sheriff's Office stripping sober gun owners of their Second Amendment right
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun owners who've taken steps to treat their addiction and are in active recovery are getting denied concealed carry permits by the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office and it's costing some of them thousands of dollars to fight the illegal denials in court.

A WCNC Charlotte investigation found the sheriff's department has a longstanding system in place that prevents people living in sobriety from legally concealing their guns when in public. Court records show MCSO has denied concealed carry permits in recent years for people whose health records last noted addiction as far back as 1991.

Analysis: How a Federal Judge Reinterpreted the ‘Military Arms’ Argument to Protect AR-15s
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After a federal appeals court wrote AR-15s and the magazines that typically come with them out of the Second Amendment, a federal judge has written them back in.

Last November, a Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals panel declined to enjoin Illinois’ ban on so-called assault weapons and large capacity magazines after ruling that each was too akin to military hardware to be counted as “arms” protected by the Second Amendment. Yet just last week, a US District Court judge under the Seventh Circuit’s jurisdiction struck down the exact same ban as unconstitutional.

In fact, he did so by relying on the circuit’s own words.

NSSF urges Trump to disband White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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NSSF, the Firearm Industry Trade Association, is urging President-elect Donald Trump to take decisive action to disband the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and put an end to government-funded efforts to infringe upon the Constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. This office, installed under President Joe Biden, never addressed criminal misuse of firearms. Instead, it squandered taxpayer dollars and employed former gun control lobbyists to minimize the American rights to keep and bear arms and propose policies to harass and damage the American firearm and ammunition industry.

Software Development Goes Full Brown Shirt On 3D Printing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Software makers have solidified their place as useful idiots for the anti-Second Amendment agenda by leading the charge when it comes to the development of programs that detect gun parts being made by 3D printers, block those prints and in some cases, automatically notify the authorities. Claiming that these advances are aimed at curbing the illegal printing of firearms and firearms parts, these companies have donned their brown shirts a bit too quickly and have not the first clue regarding the tradition and constitutionality of homemade guns in America.

PA: Handgun at Pittsburgh Airport Checkpoint – TSA Issues Warning
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After TSA identified the firearm in the X-ray machine, the security line was paused while airport police secured the bag and confiscated the firearm. This delay, which occurred during a high-traffic time, inconvenienced other travelers waiting in line. The firearm owner, a man from Allison Park, Pennsylvania, was informed of the serious consequences of bringing a loaded gun to airport security.

How Has the Bruen Decision Impacted the 2nd Amendment Litigation Landscape?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the post-Bruen legal landscape, courts have been grappling with how to interpret the Second Amendment under new guidelines set by the Supreme Court. Our friend Mark W. Smith, a prominent legal scholar, points out in his paper, ‘Dangerous, but not Unusual: Mistakes Commonly Made by Courts in Post-Bruen Litigation’ (embedded below) that many courts are still making key errors in applying Bruen’s principles.

Smith identifies common judicial missteps, highlighting how these mistakes complicate the fight for Second Amendment rights.

Mexico targets U.S. made Smith & Wesson gun. NAGR, Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Issa to hold press conference
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) is holding a press conference on November 19th at noon ET in front of the Supreme Court of the United States. In conjunction with Senator Ted Cruz and Rep. Darrel Issa, we are urging SCOTUS to throw out Mexico’s lawsuit against U.S. gun manufacturers.

The National Association for Gun Rights filed an amicus brief in May, asking the Supreme Court to take the lawsuit, and throw out the case on Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act grounds. The brief may be found here.

Supreme Court whiplash: What Trump's win means for guns and transgender care
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun control advocates had been cautiously optimistic the Supreme Court would uphold Biden administration rules to regulate otherwise untraceable “ghost guns.”

But despite the justices sounding in last month’s oral arguments as if they might side with the White House, the incoming Trump administration could rescind the requirement that guns made from kits must have serial numbers and owners must pass background checks.

“Obviously, we’re very worried because of the major public safety and public health concerns," Douglas Letter, chief legal officer at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said of how President-elect Donald Trump's victory could affect the case.

OH: Meet the Ohio pastor turning guns into garden tools
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Joel Shenk believes his hammer is an instrument of peace.

On an October day, he repeatedly smashed it down into an anvil at Toledo Mennonite Church, where he serves as a pastor. The red-hot metal on the receiving end once had a life as a weapon.

“It becomes in a way like Play-Doh,” he said, as he loaded a rifle barrel into the roaring forge. “And you can slowly shape it into a different form.”

My Favorite Walther, and How its Tied to the Berlin Wall
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While visiting Walther's state-of-the-art factory in Ulm, Germany earlier this year, I came across my favorite pistol that carries the company's iconic banner.

Walther has been around in one form or another, and one location or another, to the 1880s. Whenever you say the company's name in a conversation, the immediate Pavlovian response is typically PPK, PDP, P99, or P-38.

However, my favorite Walther is the seldom-seen, and almost unheard-of, P4 (also seen as "P38 IV").

FL: Report: Majority of trafficked guns in Caribbean are from the U.S., shipped from Florida
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new report from the U.S. government’s lead investigator on gun trafficking in the Caribbean area is confirming what region leaders have long said: Most of the firearms wreaking havoc in their vulnerable nations and being used in 90% of the homicides are coming from the United States. However, the report from the Government Accountability Office, which was requested by three high-ranking House and Senate Democrats, also shows the lack of political will on the parts of some Caribbean governments and shortcomings in the U.S. to tackle the problem.

H&R M16A1 vs. M16A2: Comparing Two Classic AR-15 Designs
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United States military has long used A# designations for service firearms, although many times it is not clear what changes from one model to the next. We recently received H&R reproductions of the M16A1 and M16A2 at the warehouse, and I thought this would be the perfect chance to overview the differences. I reviewed a Colt SP1 and Colt HBAR over the summer, which are slightly linked to the production of the A1 and A2, but these H&R retro rifles give a more accurate contrast.

NY: Staten Island D.A. McMahon, NYPD to host gun buyback event later this month
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Staten Island District Attorney Michael E. McMahon, in cooperation with the NYPD, will host a gun buyback event on Saturday, Nov. 23.

The event, part of the New York City Gun Buyback Program, will take place at Mt. Sinai United Christian Church, 15 Pike St. in Tompkinsville, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“One less illegal gun on our streets is a victory, and we look forward to taking many more dangerous weapons out of play next weekend,” McMahon posted on X, formerly Twitter.

MD: Not Guilty: But the Baltimore Legal System Tried in Self-Defense Case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If anyone has any doubts that their defensive actions will be questioned by law enforcement and the district attorney’s office depending on the jurisdiction they live in, look no further than the city of Baltimore. There, a security guard was charged and aggressively prosecuted for a double homicide that took place after he shot and killed two of three men who had entered the auto repair shop where he worked and shot one of his co-workers.

Republicans Pick Pro-Gun Senate Leader
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Things are moving fast as Republicans form the outlines of what the next administration and Congress will look like. One of the biggest developments was the party picking a new Senate Majority Leader.

And they landed on the one with the strongest pro-gun record.

We also got a new ruling against the Illinois “assault weapons” ban. A federal judge worked through the Seventh Circuit’s novel standard for judging AR-15s. Contributing Writer Jake Fogleman explains the path the judge took to ultimately block the law.

IL: Federal District Court Strikes Down IL’s “Assault Weapon” & “Large-Capacity Magazine” Bans in NRA-Supported Case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois struck down provisions of the Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA) that prohibit “assault weapons” and “large-capacity magazines” in an NRA-supported case, Barnett v. Raoul.

In a thorough, 168-page opinion, the district court applied the Supreme Court’s text-and-history test for Second Amendment challenges, as interpreted by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

Starting with the text, because the Supreme Court has stated that “common” arms are protected by the Second Amendment, but “dangerous and unusual” arms are not, the district court defined those terms.

MI: Proposed Michigan Senate bills would ban guns inside state Capitol
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two Michigan Senate bills that would ban CPL holders from carrying weapons into the Michigan State Capitol building and the House and Senate office buildings passed out of committee on Thursday.

The legislation's next step is to go to the House and Senate for a vote before heading to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's desk.

The committee meeting was open to public comment, and eventually, the discussion became heated—including one commenter using racial slurs to display his opposition.

How New Deer Hunters Think About Guns, Butchering, Old-School Hunters, and Their First Kill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Every second weekend December, I take a new hunter deer hunting. I hunt the same farms, in the same county, with the same landowners. Year after year, we stick to the same program, literally: Through the National Deer Association’s Field to Fork program, we go to the range, we learn about deer behavior, we hunt, we shoot mature does, and we butcher deer.

And yet, somehow, I learn something new every season. Not in the classroom, but from the hunters who trust me and other veteran hunters to show them the ropes. And while all the new hunters run through the same drills, they each take away something different from their experience.

MI: Michigan House OKs bills banning guns at polling places, providing more education on safe storage
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In party-line votes Wednesday, Michigan House Democrats concurred with the Senate on the final versions of two bills banning firearms from polling places. The legislation will now head to Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s desk.

Introduced by state Reps. Penelope Tsernoglou (D-East Lansing) and Stephanie Young (D-Detroit), House Bills 4127 and 4128 bar a person from having a firearm in a polling place, early voting site and within 100 feet of the entrance to these facilities.

The bills also prohibit individuals from carrying a firearm within 100 feet of an absentee voter drop in the 40 days leading up to any election.

GA: Georgia lawmaker proposes new gun safety policies after school shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Georgia state Senate Democrat wants to make it a crime for people to give children access to guns and require a 10-day waiting period for assault rifle purchases unless someone is licensed to carry weapons, two proposals highly unlikely to gain Republican support.

But some of the policies Sen. Emanuel Jones of Decatur proposed Wednesday, including tax credits for safe gun storage devices, could advance when the state legislature reconvenes in January. Jones hopes that by straying away from other stricter proposals favored by Democrats and focusing on measures that have already gained traction, he’ll be able to turn most of his recommendations into policies.

ME: Guns are no longer the third rail of Maine politics
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last Tuesday, 81 incumbent Democrats ran for reelection between the Maine House and Senate. Only three lost. That is a remarkable percentage and the campaign teams in both chambers deserve tremendous credit. Their messaging, ground game, and targeting were superb. Especially in a red-leaning year.

But underneath those numbers is something that should fundamentally change the way Maine legislates.

First, a little background. For decades, Maine has been a wasteland when it comes to regulating guns.

The prohibition is general. No clause in the Constitution could by any rule of construction be conceived to give to Congress a power to disarm the people. Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretense by a state legislature. But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power, either should attempt it, this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both. — William Rawle, A View of the Constitution 125-6 (2nd ed. 1829)

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