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Newslinks for 11/16/2007

An American Devolution?
Submitted by: Randall Walker

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... "... The language contained in the Second Amendment is quite clear. It was put there for ever more obvious reasons, as what the Founders feared is taking place before our very eyes. Those that claim to want to govern well still want to govern. It is also clear that the modern politician has lost sight of the mission, which is to limit their actions to those tasks enumerated in the Constitution. Today, regulations and rules abound, stifling our prosperity and our future. The collective American 'gut feeling' tells us as much." ...

Responsible journalism--pinch me now!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I stumbled across this tutorial for editors today, and it's pretty obvious that every journalist in the country needs to read and understand everything it says. One example:"

"Copy editors should watch for loaded words and phrases, including these:"

"Arsenal. Many people own a variety of guns for a variety of reasons, including collector value, historical interest and even aesthetic appreciation. Labeling any gun collection an 'arsenal' is silly." ...

VA: An Over-reaction To The Tech Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"W. Gerald Massengill chaired the Virginia Tech Review Panel ... Mr. Massengill is also the former superintendent of the Virginia State Police. Thus, when he comes out in favor of ending the exemption on background checks in the sale or trade of firearms by unlicensed dealers, his is a voice that carries much resonance. We understand that."

"Nonetheless, we adjudge Mr. Massengill guilty of over-reaction, of throwing babies out with the bathwater. The horrific crimes of Seung-Hui Cho had absolutely nothing to do with the sale, purchase, or exchange of firearms at gun shows or auctions. Mr. Cho bought the guns he used with such deadly effect from a licensed gun dealer. ..." ...

Winchester Super X3 the Fastest Shotgun in the World!
Submitted by: clell

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"World record holding Xtreme Sport Shooter Patrick Flanigan fires 12 shells in just 1.442 seconds with the Winchester Super X3 Shotgun!"

"With just a few hours of familiarization time behind the trigger of his brand new Winchester Super X3 shotgun, Xtreme Sport Shooter Patrick Flanigan was able to fire a dozen Winchester AA 12 gauge shells in an astonishing 1.442 seconds, timed from first to last shot. The Winchester Super X3 used by Flanigan was not specially modified in any way other than having an extended magazine to allow for firing 12 shots."

Submitter's Note: Click on the video. Talk about a Home Defense Tool!

Paul Helmke: Col. Massengill's Common Sense
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Another prominent member of the nation's law enforcement community has spoken out for common-sense gun laws."

"Col. Gerald Massengill, now retired as a Virginia State Police Superintendent, chaired the Virginia Tech Review Panel that studied the worst mass shooting in modern American history. ..." ...

A Gun 'Supermarket' For Gangs: Connecticut Man Armed Thugs And Drug Dealers For Two Decades, Now Jail Bound (Brady Campaign)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Frank D'Andrea's Connecticut gun shop was 'a convenient, one-stop shopping place for violent and prolific narcotics traffickers, convicted felons and other prohibited persons,' federal law enforcement officials say."

"His store sold hundreds of guns to gangsters and drug traffickers and was cited for hundreds of legal violations. But weak gun laws allowed D'Andrea to stay in business for more than two decades, until he was finally arrested and pled guilty to violating federal gun law. He was sentenced to three and a half years in jail, to begin in January 2008." ...

KABA Note: The federal gun law he pled guilty to? Possession of an "unregistered destructive device" (a 12-gauge 'StreetSweeper' shotgun)

High court should keep gun-control laws intact
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Courts have ruled for more than a century that the Second Amendment allows reasonable restrictions on possession of firearms, but the federal appeals court for the District of Columbia has ruled that such measures are unconstitutional. Hawaii Attorney General Mark Bennett has properly joined three other state attorneys general in asking that the Supreme Court overturn the ruling to maintain public safety." ...

Supreme Court May Target Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The press took umbrage at a court's 'broad' interpretation of the Constitution, which recognized an individual right to keep and bear arms and shot down D.C.'s gun ban as unconstitutional. Will the Supreme Court uphold the right of self-defense?"

"The U.S. Supreme Court hasn't decided a Second Amendment case since United States v. Miller in 1939, and even then, it dodged the bullet. The Court didn't decide whether the Amendment protects an individual or a collective right to keep and bear arms." ...

"The Court will lock and load on the Amendment if it grants review in two cases on its docket this term involving Washington, D.C.’s draconian gun laws." ...

Court should confirm personal right to arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court has a chance to take direct aim and bring some judicial clarity to the Second Amendment but, thus far, has declined to do so."

"It ought to review an appellate court ruling to make clear that the Second Amendment provides a right for individuals to own firearms, not just a right for states and their militias."

"The nation's highest court was expected to announce Tuesday whether it would hear an appeal of a case involving a Washington, D.C. ban on the ownership of handguns except for current and retired police officers. But the Supreme Court was silent about taking the case when it announced its schedule this week." ...

A Shot At The 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bill Of Rights: What does 'the right to keep and bear arms' really mean? If the Supreme Court reviews the overturning of the draconian gun-control law in effect in the District of Columbia, we may finally have an answer."

"The debate over whether the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees an individual right to possess firearms for one's own defense or only when in service to the state as part of a 'well-regulated' militia may be finally settled if the Supremes later this month agree to hear an appeal of a lower court ruling striking down the D.C. ban." ...

Robert Levy: Unholster the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's been 68 years since the U.S. Supreme Court examined the right to keep and bear arms secured by the 2nd Amendment. It's been 31 years since the District of Columbia enacted its feckless ban on all functional firearms in the capital. It's been eight months since the second most important court in the country, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, declared the D.C. ban -- among the most restrictive in the nation -- unconstitutional. The obvious incongruity of those three events could be resolved soon."

"Later this month, the Supreme Court will decide whether to review the circuit court's blockbuster opinion ... If the high court takes the case, oral arguments likely will be held this spring ..." ...

ID: Supreme Court could affect local gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun laws are going under the microscope in Washington, D.C."

"An individual there recently challenged the city's 31-year ban and won in an appellate court, but now that decision is in front of the Supreme Court and could eventually affect gun owners a little closer to home." ...

"For a lot of Idahoans, especially those living in Greenleaf, they believe citizens should have the right to own a loaded weapon. In fact, it wasn't too long ago that they created it a city ordinance." ...

"But now that city requirement could be under fire."

"'Depending on how the Supreme Court ruled, it could take away that right,' said Goodfellow." ...

IN: Hammond woman fatally shoots alleged stalker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A northwest Indiana woman shot her alleged stalker to death."

"Police say 41-year-old Ryan Lee Bergner broke into the woman's home in Hammond Monday night. The 51-year-old woman called 9-1-1 and hid in a closet with a gun she had been given for protection. She says she shot him when he opened the closet door and started choking her."

"His family says Bergner was a good man. Neighbors say the woman's action is understandable." ...

OH: 'I Meant To Kill Him,' Robbery Victim Says
Submitted by: Clell Adams

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"The tables were turned on a gunman who tried to rob a convenience store in Cincinnati, police said."

"Police said the man tried to rob N & M Mini-Mart just before 11:30 a.m."

"Store owner Wade Nassar said the robber purchased some tissues for $1.80 and then pointed a gun at him and demanded cash ..."

"'He pulled the gun on me (and said), 'Give me the money or I'll shoot,' Nassar said."

"Instead, Nassar grabbed his own .22-caliber handgun and fired five or six shots at the robber, who fled the store unharmed."

"'How I missed this dude, I couldn't believe myself,' Nassar said. 'I meant to kill the dude. I meant to kill him, trust me. Anybody trying to stick me up, if I get the chance to shoot him, I shoot him on the spot.'" ...

LA: 4 Year Old Protects Mom
Submitted by: Clell Adams

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"A 4-year-old boy, trying to protect his mother, stabbed his mother's boyfriend in the head with a knife while the two adults were in an altercation, Alexandria Police reported." ...

"... the series of events began when the 28-year-old mother and her 40-year-old, live-in boyfriend started an oral argument that escalated into a physical confrontation."

"The woman told police that her boyfriend was restraining her on the bed, preventing her from getting up, when her son came into the room from behind them and swung a knife he was holding, striking the boyfriend in the head."

"... the boyfriend 'walked out of the bedroom and collapsed in the kitchen. A trail of blood was from the bedroom to the kitchen.'" ...

MO: Student Faces Expulsion For Rifle Incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A high school senior could be kicked out of school for leaving a rifle in his truck."

"There are strict rules about bringing weapons onto school property, but there is some leeway built into Missouri law."

"But the family of 18-year-old Steven Weeks is worried he won't get any."

"Weeks is an avid hunter. On Nov. 1, he went into the woods after school."

"'I decided I was going to go hunting before the football game, so I came home grabbed my .22 and an extra box of shells,' Weeks told KMBC's Dan Weinbaum."

"After hunting, Weeks came home, ate and then went to the football game at Smithville High School. He said he forgot he had an unloaded rifle on the passenger seat of his truck." ...

Swooning (Just a Bit) For Ron Paul
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm flirting with Ron and hoping Rudy doesn't find out."

"Call me a political hussy."

"I like Rudy and think he may be uniquely positioned to win. I also ... hold him in the highest regard. But the more I talk to Ron Paul, the more sense he makes to me. I've ended both my recent conversations with him more intrigued, even enamored, than when we began." ...

"Gun control: Paul and I agree that clipping and carving the Second Amendment isn't an option."

"NO WONDER the guy recently raised $4.2 million - all via online donations - in a single day."

"Of course, that alone doesn't make Ron Paul a contender, but at least Dr. No can give a straight answer to an honest question. That's more than we can say for many candidates." ...

Ron Paul Collecting Fans, Big Money
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Those who dismissed Rep. Ron Paul as a joke in the Republican presidential primary campaign aren't laughing so hard these days."

"The Texas libertarian's rise in the polls and in fundraising proves that a small but passionate number of Americans can be drawn to an advocate of unorthodox proposals such as returning to the gold standard and abolishing the income tax, CIA and Federal Reserve." ...

"Paul, 72, recently set a one-day, online GOP presidential fundraising record, and pulled slightly ahead of Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee in a New Hampshire poll ..." ...

"'Something is going on,' Paul said. 'It's all spontaneous,' he said, and reflects a hunger for smaller government, greater adherence to the Constitution ..."

Don't Believe the Hype (Ron Paul is Not Your Savior)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressman and presidential hopeful Ron Paul has always opposed the Iraq war, and that's really, really great. I'm happy for him. ... but right below the surface of the libertarian mask that Paul wears is an ultra nationalist, gun loving Christian conservative ..." ...

"I Loves My Guns"

"Paul calls himself a strict abider of the Constitution ... Unfortunately, I wonder how many people would be left if we adhered to this Texan's ideas surrounding the Second Amendment. Paul ... champions the cause to allow people to carry concealed firearms. ... Paul loves his guns and according to him the issue is not even up for debate. ... you quickly realize how fanatical this man is about the Second Amendment." ...

Submitter's Note: He sounds like a saviour to me.

IA: King: Giulani nomination would undermine GOP
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Steve King of Iowa warned today that the conservative underpinnings of the Republican party platform would be 'sacrificed' if Rudy Giuliani is the Republican presidential nominee."

"King, a leading conservative from western Iowa's heavily Republican 5th District, said that in addition he fears the nomination of Giuliani would spur a third-party candidate on the right who would 'sink' GOP chances of winning the White House." ...

"... the congressman said his concerns center on four issues key to conservatives: opposition to abortion and gay marriage, a strong stance against illegal immigration and Second Amendment gun rights." ...

OH: Upside down: Drunk drivers' names off-limits to media, but not CHL-holders'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to being discriminated against for exercising a civil, Constitutional, and human right, gun owners are in a class unto themselves." ...

"The latest examples of this discrimination against those who choose to exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms comes direct from Columbus, Ohio, where Senators continue to allow journalists to access the private information about law-abiding citizens who obtain concealed handgun licenseholders and publish it on the Internet. Meanwhile, this same body recently voted to shield the names of some public employees from view on the Internet, and the Ohio Supreme Court recently decided that the names of all Ohioans convicted of drunken driving are off-limits to newspapers." ...

Griffin V. U.S., U.S. Supreme Court, "thereupon left the house and returned within ten minutes with a gun", April 25, 1949
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"...Griffin made some remark to Hunter about taking Hunter's wife and baby around to Griffin's house; Hunter replied that he would kick petitioner's teeth down his throat; Griffin thereupon left the house and returned within ten minutes with a gun, and on his return shot Hunter who had made no move from the spot where he was standing. Griffin admitted that he saw nothing in Hunter's hand at the time he shot Hunter..."

"...His justification for the killing was self defense. . . . He seeks a new trial on the basis of that newly-discovered evidence. The first question is whether that evidence would be admissible at a new trial.

It is clear to me that it is admissible.

Allen v. U.S., U.S. Supreme Court, "It is a law of protection; it is a law of necessity . . . It is a law of self- defense", Dec. 4, 1893
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"...An altercation ensued, in which Allen shot Henson with a pistol, from which wound he died in a few minutes. According to the evidence of the Erne boys, Allen took the pistol out of his hip pocket, removed the scabbard..."

"...It is a law of protection; it is a law of necessity. . . . It is a law of self- defense. You are to execute it for the sake of society, for the protection of the members of society against the acts of violence of the wicked, which would destroy their rights to their property, jeopardize their liberties, and destroy their lives. It is all a law of self-defense. The necessity is so great, in contemplation of the law, that the individual can take human life..."

David Codrea: Sink Sullivan Now
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"A week ago, Ryan Horsley put out yet another call to oppose the confirmation of Michael J. Sullivan to the top slot at BATFU. I've also raised that flag, once in September and again last month."

"I have no idea when the full Senate will take up the vote, but the bottom line is, this guy is very bad news. Follow the links Ryan and I have provided and see for yourself. Actually, this link should give you all the reason--and motivation--you need to understand how dangerous this enforcement freak will be to our right to keep and bear arms."

"I'm asking all gun bloggers to join me in spreading the word and asking their readers to contact their senators with the message to VOTE NO ON SULLIVAN'S CONFIRMATION. ..." ...

Do you REALLY want Maximum Mike as head of the ATF?
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"I received a letter from firearms manufacturer, Len Savage of Historic Arms LLC; that Savage had sent to Acting ATF Director Michael J. Sullivan, commonly known as Maximum Mike. In the letter Savage informs Sullivan about the conduct that he was experiencing from BATFE Management. He also notes Sullivan's refusal to return his calls. ..."

"So what was Maximum Mike's response to Mr. Savage? Within 2 days he sent 2 ARMED ATF Inspectors to do an intense audit of his books and inventory. In fact in the ATF's frivolous claim that we harassed and intimidated them, they told the Judge: 'It should be noted that Inspectors are not Agents, they do not have arrest powers and they do not carry firearms'" ...

Help put the brakes on Sullivan confirmation.
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"Ryan Horsley, over at Red's Trading Post, has given plenty of reasons for gun owners to oppose the appointment of Michael Sullivan as head of the BATFE, so I'm not going to try to repeat them all. War on Guns has also been a big part of the endeavor to warn gun owners of what to expect from a Sullivan-led BATFE, and even I have had a bit to say on the matter."

"Hey, I'm not trying to claim that the 'right' choice to head the BATFE would suddenly give the agency the Constitutional legitimacy it lacks, but it does seem possible that someone could be found who does not derive personal satisfaction from the exercise of crushing bureaucratic power over one's fellow citizens. ... we have not found him in Michael Sullivan." ...

Red Pills: Mr. Patronage, 'Maximum Mike', Sullivan, as ATF Director will come for your Magnums
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"I have posted in Red Pills numerous times trying to warn the gun owners of America about Michael J. Sullivan and his pending confirmation as the Director of the ATF (Alchohol, Tobacco, and Firearms). You must contact your Senators and fill them in on what bad news Sullivan is for America’s gun owners, yes, you!"

"Back on November 6th I posted on how Sullivan is slipperier than a greased weasel. This post is a continuation along that theme based on two recent articles concerning Sully. The first article is a post in a new blog (with only 7 posts) entitled 'Boston Criminal'. I have no idea how reputable the site is so you may want to take what they say with a grain (or large dash) of salt. The other piece is in the Boston Magazine." ...

Warthog's Rant: BATFE's new Stormtrooper
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"Apparently the BATFE has a new leader and since Ted (Chappaquiddick Killer) Kennedy likes him, I must come forth to despise him. The US Attorney for the District of Massachusetts and a lifelong resident of that same state huh? Wonderful. So, when is he going to resign his position as US Attorney so he can take over the SS...I mean BATFE? You surely don't think it's right for him to do both do you? Wouldn't there be some potential conflict of interest there?" ...

A Keyboard and a .45: Deny Sullivan's Confirmation
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"David Codrea of 'The War on Guns', and Ryan Horsley of 'Red's Trading Post' have pointed out several good reasons to oppose Michael J. Sullivan's confirmation as head of the ATF."

"David recommends that we Sink Sullivan Now."

"And Ryan points out that it is - URGENT: Contact Senators to Deny Sullivan's Confirmation."

"It is very important that we do what we can to express our displeasure at this nomination. Michael Sullivan is a virulent gun grabber who would do his best to force Massachusetts style firearms laws upon the rest of us. Read what David and Ryan have to say, follow the links they provide that prove what type of man Sullivan really is, and if you he would be a disaster as permanent head of the ATF, then voice your opinion to your Senators." ...

Oppose Michael J. Sullivan as BATFE director
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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Dear Senator,

I writing to ask you to oppose the confirmation of acting BATFE director Michael J. Sullivan as director. This man has a very dubious history and would be an extremely ill fit as BATFE director. Recently the BATFE has changed from a tax and licensing agency to a government agency of gun control. As Michael J Sullivan has a anti-gun bias, making him director of BATFE would increase the abuses of the BATFE against legitimate gun and gun store owners.

A government agency should not have a unconstitutional agenda. With Micheal J Sullivan as director of the BATFE this is what BATFE would become.

Please vote against confirming Michael J. Sullivan as director of BATFE.

Thank you,
Chandler, AZ

JPFO: The ATF Could Become Even More Menacing
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"We would like to bring your attention to three links from a Red's Trading Post alert. Two we regard as comical - the other deadly serious about the future of gun ownership in America."

"Watch a video on ATF recruitment - and also go and see the site run by the Former ATF Agents Association - Now to get serious, go to - and read all about Michael Sullivan."

"After you have read the article ... you should reach for your copy of 'The Gang' and show it to every gun owner in your community before it is too late"

Ted Kennedy buddies with Michael Sullivan
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Acting ATF Director Michael J. Sullivan was praised again by his friends, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry. Ted couldn't have stated it clearer:

"We'll miss him in Massachusetts, but he'll be a strong leader at ATF, and I look forward to working with him on key issues on gun control," US Senator Edward M. Kennedy said in a statement.

Sullivan was earlier commended by his friends, today he was confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. His appointment now goes on to the Senate Floor.

Here is where you hold your Senators feet to the fire! Contact them and tell them you do not want a friend of Ted Kennedy's as the Director of the ATF!

Feds raid Liberty Dollar and seize and freeze everything
Submitted by: Clell Adams

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"The Liberty Dollar organization announced this morning, via the letter appended here, that federal agents today raised its offices in Evansville, Indiana, and confiscated all its property and equipment."

"This moves seems extraordinarily bold considering that Liberty Dollar's right to operate already was being litigated in federal court."

"Let's hope that Liberty Dollar soon can force the government to answer in federal court for today's action." ...

Submitter's Note: Tyranny In Action. I'm surprised no one was tasered.

Posters and Pamphets and Trigger Locks! Oh My!
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"Here is a video showing ATF Director of Industry Operations Jeanette Compton of the Atlanta Field Division, stressing the importance of having a poster up that states that handguns are dangerous around children. Compton then goes on to flex her muscle and tells gun dealers that if trigger locks are not present then she will consider it WILLFUL and revoke their license."

"DIO Compton, is much the same as our Director of Industry Operations Richard Van Loan, they have a God complex. Van Loan had declared us a threat to public safety for .4% clerical errors, Van Loan has also stated that he has ultimate authority over dealers...'when justice so requires.'" ...

Suicide Called Epidemic Among U.S. Veterans
Submitted by: AJ

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"The U.S. military is experiencing a 'suicide epidemic' with veterans killing themselves at the rate of 120 a week ..."

"At least 6,256 U.S. veterans committed suicide in 2005 ... with veterans overall more than twice as likely to take their own lives as the rest of the general population."

"While the suicide rate among the general population was 8.9 per 100,000, the level among veterans was between 18.7 and 20.8 per 100,000." ...

Submitter's Note: Maybe someone should let the NRA know that H.R. 2640 will cause a lot of deaths because many will not want to lose their Second Amendment rights if they get treatment. In fact many GI's may know that now, which is a very large factor behind this epidemic rate of suicides.

NJ: On tape: Girls handled cop's guns while he handled babes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hooters girls have now entered the fray between five Latino Hoboken police officers and their commanding officer, who they have accused in a civil lawsuit of being an 'unabashed white supremacist.'"

"According to Luis Zayas, the attorney representing the officers, a video recorded in 2005 shows Hooters restaurant hotties holding shotguns, sub-machine guns, and other SWAT team weaponry distributed to them by officers under the command of Lt. Angelo Andriani, the target of the lawsuit." ...

"Andriani is also caught on tape 'caressing' the breasts of a Hooters babe while wearing his Hoboken-issued commanding officer turtleneck, Zayas said." ...

PA: Confessed Child Molester [Former Police Officer] Charged With Sex Assault Day Before Sentencing
Submitted by: jac

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"A former police officer who confessed to sexually molesting 4-year-old twins has been charged a day before his scheduled sentencing with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old." ...

"Fernsler is a former North Londonderry Township patrolman and had served as a Skippack University police officer. He had performed at churches and day cares as a clown."

"Police said Fernsler confessed to molesting the twins at a Swatara Township home where he left his children for care. The 14-year-old girl told police she was accosted when she got off the school bus Tuesday. She escaped and called police."

CA: LAPD Shelves Muslim Mapping Plan
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"A police plan to map out Muslim communities, a proposal that civil rights groups sharply criticized as racial and religious profiling, has been shelved, a police spokeswoman said Wednesday."

"The LAPD planned to have its counterterrorism bureau identify Muslim enclaves to determine which might be likely to become isolated and susceptible to 'violent, ideologically based extremism.'" ...

"'There was a clear message from the Muslim community that they were not comfortable with it. So we listened,' said Mary Grady. She couldn't immediately say when the plan might resume." ...

Canada: Questions hang over taser death
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"Dazed and confused after more than 15 hours of travel, unable to communicate in English and scared because he couldn't find his mother, Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski was jolted by a taser just 24 seconds after being confronted by police in Vancouver International Airport."

"That allegation was made Thursday by a lawyer for Mr. Dziekanski's family who says video evidence will show that the RCMP took him down with a taser jolt moments after approaching him."

"'I've been in touch with witnesses. I have viewed a video ... From my observation, the interaction between the police and this individual, who didn't appear to me to be posing a danger to anybody at the time … was 24 seconds, roughly, before he was tasered,' Walter Kosteckyj said ..." ...

Canada: Taser Related Deaths in Canada
Submitted by: clell

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"In Canada, at least 18 people have died shortly after police officers shocked them with a Taser"

"The hand-held weapons are prohibited for civilian use but have been used by police forces since 1999. ..." ...

NY: Traditions in the Twin Tiers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Brian Standt of Elmira has a sleek Ruger .30-06 rifle that for years sat in his gun rack during the Southern Tier deer hunting season."

"That's because area hunters only had the option to hunt with shotguns and slugs, considered safer because of their shorter range."

"But starting Saturday, thanks to a change in state law, Standt and other hunters will be able to take their favorite rifles into the fields and woods in search of a venison dinner." ...

UK: Terror crackdown: Passengers forced to answer 53 questions BEFORE they travel
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"Travellers face price hikes and confusion after the Government unveiled plans to take up to 53 pieces of information from anyone entering or leaving Britain."

"For every journey, security officials will want credit card details, holiday contact numbers, travel plans, email addresses, car numbers and even any previous missed flights."

"The information, taken when a ticket is bought, will be shared among police, customs, immigration and the security services for at least 24 hours before a journey is due to take place."

"Anybody about whom the authorities are dubious can be turned away when they arrive at the airport or station with their baggage."

"Those with outstanding court fines, such as a speeding penalty, could also be barred from leaving the country, even if they pose no security risk." ...

UK: Gordon Brown reveals 'Fortress Britain' plan
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"Train passengers face routine airline-style bag checks and body searches as part of a new counter-terror crackdown announced by Gordon Brown."

"He conjured up visions of 'Fortress Britain' as he unveiled a succession of security measures at airports, railway stations, sports venues and other public places."

"There is also to be a huge 'hearts and minds' drive aimed at diverting young Muslims away from the influence of fanatics." ...

Those, who have the command of the arms in a country are masters of the state, and have it in their power to make what revolutions they please. [Thus,] there is no end to observations on the difference between the measures likely to be pursued by a minister backed by a standing army, and those of a court awed by the fear of an armed people. — Aristotle, as quoted by John Trenchard and Water Moyle, An Argument Shewing, That a Standing Army Is Inconsistent with a Free Government, and Absolutely Destructive to the Constitution of the English Monarchy [London, 1697].

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