'Gunwalking,' gun rights advocacy and 'treason'
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"Last Friday, Bill Hemmer of FOX News, interviewing Representative Paul Gosar (R-AZ), passed along a viewer's emailed question asking if the 'Project Gunwalker' scandal rises ... to the level of 'treason.' Rep. Gosar, although in favor of aggressivley investigating this atrocity, seemed unwilling to go quite that far ..."
"Chris Brown, writing for Media Matters ... clearly finds even the question highly objectionable, and indeed 'irresponsible':" ...
"Brown then goes on to illustrate ... the ridiculousness of the treason question, by quoting one Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of treason ... Interestingly, the definition of treason Brown apparently thought not worth looking at is the one in the U.S. Constit |
Deer Hunting is Good: Millions of Meals Donated to Needy
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Opposing Views
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"When you're passing the turkey and stuffing around the Thanksgiving dinner table, here's a story to tell--one that would not be possible without the thoughtfulness and generosity of hunters."
"A new study commissioned by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and conducted by Mile Creek Communications reveals that last year 11 million meals were provided to the less fortunate through donations of venison by hunters. Nearly 2.8 million pounds of game meat made its way to shelters, food banks and church kitchens and onto the plates of those in need." ... |
Smith & Wesson Prez: Self-Reliance Fueling Industry Growth
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"Handgun sales are alive and well and continuing to outpace long gun sales, with no sign that the trend will revert to historical precedence. Credit the liberalization of concealed carry laws. But don’t take my word for it. Here’s Smith & Wesson’s Firearms Division President P. James Debney [above, right] on the current and prospective state of play via twst.com: 'If you take the primary indicator, which is NICS, the background checks performed through the FBI when a consumer purchases a firearm, that number has had very strong year-over-year growth that has continued even after the surge period that occurred in late 2008 and into 2009, reflecting strong growth in the firearms industry . . .'" ... |
New York Times: Gun Owners Am Stupid
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"The New York Times is on an anti-gun jihad. (Again. Still.) Yesterday, the Gray Lady revealed the shocking news that people who’ve paid their debt to society are reclaiming their gun rights. The money shot: 'That question — whether the restorations pose a risk to public safety — has received little study, in part because data can be hard to come by.' A dearth that does'’t give the Times a moment's pause for thought. Today, the Business Day section feels free to conflate, confabulate and kvetch about firearms confiscated by the TSA—without troubling with the facts of the matter. ..." ... |
Gun Review: German Sport Guns (“GSG”) 522 SD
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"Unless you live under a rock like that guy in the GEICO commercials, you will have noticed the recent trend by gun manufacturers to offer replicas of military long guns chambered in .22 LR. These guns have flown off the shelves for two reasons. First, the economic double whammy of skyrocketing ammo prices and a never-ending recession has left many shooters feeling the need to lower costs by switching to .22LR. Second, it gives shooters the opportunity to train on a weapon that looks and feels like its big-brother AR, AK, Sig, or H&K. ... [T]hey also look pretty darn cool! One of the more interesting designs on the market is the 522 by German Sport Guns ('GSG'), a close rendition of the venerable Heckler & Koch MP5. ..." ... |
Course Review: G4S ITI Competition Pistol II (videos available)
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"3-Gun is my chosen competition style, requiring the use of a rifle, a pistol and a shotgun at some point during the day. It challenges every aspect of your shooting abilities and if any one of those is deficient then your score will suffer. Pistol shooting has always been my weak spot, so when I was offered the opportunity to take a pistol course designed around competition shooting I jumped at the opportunity." ... |
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"So…I just finished teaching a class with a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum revolver as my teaching gun…and out of 21 students, only one was using a revolver instead of a semiautomatic pistol. He was 78 years old. This told me something." ... |
Carrying concealed weapons just keeps getting easier
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... "The sweeping changes are part of a little-known but dramatic expansion of user-friendly gun laws across the country. Rough estimates put the number of concealed carry permit holders at between 4 and 7 million nationwide."
"In just the past three years, 22 states have weakened or eliminated laws regulating the possession of concealed weapons, according to the Legal Community Against Violence, a public-interest law firm in San Francisco that supports more restrictive gun laws." ... -------
Submitter's Note: And what LCAV ignores is that as the number of permit holders has risen, crime has dropped. QED. |
MSNBC's Alex Wagner Grouses That Americans Are Too Pro-Gun, As Opposed to 'Intelligent' Brits
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"Brand new MSNBC host and Second Amendment critic Alex Wagner devoted a segment of her November 15 Now with Alex Wagner program to express her exasperation at the fact that she's far left of the American public on the issue of gun control. Wagner prefaced a panel discussion with footage of an ABC News interview with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was critically injured in a January shooting." ...
"After Newsmax's Jedediah Bila -- the panel's token conservative -- noted that gun control disarms law abiding citizens and held up Washington, D.C.'s stringent gun laws as evidence thereof, Wagner turned to colleague Martin Bashir to help her out:" ... |
NRA Builds Concealed Carry Efforts On Cult Of Victimhood
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"To hear the spokesmen of the National Rifle Association tell it, American gun owners [[rights]] are constantly under siege. In their world, even President Obama's lack of action on gun violence prevention measures indicates that he's on the verge of destroying the Second Amendment. The United Nations is waiting right behind him with plots for gun confiscation. And of course, 'jack-booted thugs' are everywhere."
"In a lengthy report, the Center for Public Integrity details how gun activists across the country are using similar tactics, creating a cult of victimhood:" ... -------
Submitter's Note: Let me make sure I have this right; the people who say they "don't want to get shot over a parking space" are accusing us of paranoia and victimhood? |
A Question of Guns
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"... Well over 3,000 people have been murdered in Detroit in the last decade, almost all of them shot to death."
"The newspaper looked at these killings and explored ways to try to stop them. They wrote about neighborhood groups and citizens who go patrolling with the police."
"Mayor Dave Bing said it was a problem of our young people getting 'caught up in this violent culture,' and said we needed to stop showing disrespect for each other. ..."
"Which may be true, but isn’t really very much of a practical solution. What was almost unbelievable to me, however, was that there was no mention of doing something about the real problem: Guns. Disrespect doesn‘t kill people. Guns kill people." ... |
OH: No shame: Cleveland Plain Dealer's latest round of anti-gun rights editorials void of journalistic integrity
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"Just when it seemed like the Ohio establishment media can't sink any lower, the crazed ravings of Chris Evans of The Cleveland Plain Dealer remind us of how far they will go to destroy the private ownership of firearms. The editorials in question should also shatter any notion held by the general public that the establishment media plays fair when it comes to the gun issue."
"Taken individually, each editorial is best described as a poorly argued, one-sided anti-gun rant devoid of logical foundation, proper research or any semblance of journalistic standards, or journalistic integrity. Together, they expose Chris Evans and the editors at The Plain Dealer as little more than exploitative tabloid hacks ..." ... |
The View From Canada -- Taking, and Restoring, the Rights of Felons
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"In Canada, we take a different approach to collateral consequences of criminal conviction."
"Most laws that denied civil rights to people convicted of crime have been repealed or declared unconstitutional by the courts. ..." ...
"At the same time, there is strong support in Canada — at both a popular and a judicial level — for collateral consequences that are targeted to the crime, including lifetime bans on the possession of firearms for many violent crimes or serious drug offenses."
"These laws are part of a broader federal gun control policy that requires all gun owners to be licensed and all guns to be registered. ..." ... |
Few Felons Should Have Guns
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"Laws that strip felons of their right to vote after they have served their sentences are bad public policy. I see no public interest in denying individuals their voting rights. Such policies can encourage discriminatory criminal justice policies and worsen the mistrust many minority communities feel toward law enforcement."
"In contrast, there is a clear public interest in restricting the ability of felons to possess firearms. Michael Luo’s investigative report in The Times clearly demonstrates the harmful effects of allowing felons to have guns. As Luo reports, research has shown that denying handgun purchases to people convicted of serious misdemeanors reduces the risk of committing new violent crimes by 20 to 30 percent. ..." ... |
Misinterpreting the Right to Bear Arms
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"Michael Luo’s report in The Times does much to expose how the sensible case for ordinary gun ownership can so easily go astray. In general, a strong case can be made for allowing ordinary citizens to carry guns after a modest background check. These guns could be used defensively and thus in some cases could easily prevent crimes that lawless individuals might otherwise commit."
"Even the most modest background check, however, would normally rule out allowing individuals with unstable personal histories, let alone criminal records, from carrying guns, given the added risk that they pose to society. Why some jurisdictions restore felons’ rights to carry guns is unclear, given the manifest risks that they pose on everyone else." ... |
Not All Convicts Are Created Equal
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"My view is that the routine revocation of rights for those convicted of any felony is an ancient mistake. Today, with the incredible increase in felonies caused by political grandstanding instead of the public interest, the rule no longer makes sense." ... |
Big Consequences, Even for Small Crimes
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"The federal government and most states have created long-term consequences for individuals convicted of a felony, typically including the loss of the Second Amendment right to bear a firearm." ...
"The consequences may strike many as plausible for the worst offenses, but these draconian effects can also be applied after far less serious crimes. Should an 18-year-old convicted of stealing a $300 bicycle be denied public financing? What about a professional license ... Even if the individual had never had any previous contact with the criminal justice system, and never did again? The revocation and restoration of rights — not just the right to bear arms — is inconsistent from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and from case to case." ... |
OH: Mom with Ohio concealed handgun license fires gun to ward off sex offender's violent attack
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"The Akron Beacon-Journal is reporting that another Ohio concealed handgun license-holder was able to defend herself when attacked by a violent predator." ...
"According to the article, the man confronted Bennett in the parking lot about 4:30 p.m. ..." ..."Bennett struck the man with her elbow, then was wrestled down across the front seat of the SUV. While lying on her back, with her assailant atop her, Bennett arched her spine, opened the SUV console with her right hand and pulled out her firearm."
"'I said, 'I got a gun. Don't make me use it,' she recalled. ..."
"While the man tried holding her arm, she fired a shot out of the open passenger door. The assailant had enough. He ran off. Bennett was not injured." ... |
SSI Exclusive: They knew. Everybody knew. This one email proves it.
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"'They should probably hire a media expert anyway to assist them in explaining the 2000 firearms and the possible connection in the murder of the Border Patrol Agent.' -- Glenn W. Cook, 17 December 2010." ... "And [Deputy Chief of Special Prosecutions] Cook writes this off-handed threat to Phoenix only two days after the murder of Brian Terry! How does he know the number of weapons? How does he know that this stems from the way Phoenix 'conducted their straw purchase cases'?"
"What, then, are we to conclude from this? Well, I'll tell you."
"They knew." ... |
Facts are Stubborn Things, U.S. Guns in Mexico
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... "The definition of a 'U.S. source gun' used in these often cited statistics was not created by the ATF and is overly broad. It includes guns manufactured in the United States even if never sold by a federally licensed gun dealer in the United States. Such weapons may have been legally exported to foreign governments or stolen before falling into the wrong hands. That cannot be properly blamed on Americans exercising their Second Amendment freedoms." ... |
Email shows internal Justice Department dispute, refusal to provide evidence
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"Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars has posted an exclusive analysis of a Dec. 17, 2010 email from Glen Cook, Deputy Chief of the Special Prosecutions unit of the Criminal Division, Department of Justice, Southern District of Texas in Houston, documenting awareness of a connection between gunwalking and the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry within days of that incident ..." ... |
Sarah Palin: "Fire Eric Holder"
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"Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has joined a growing number of people calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to step down in the wake of Operation Fast and Furious, an ATF-led gun-running operation which resulted in more than 2500 guns being smuggled to Mexican drug gangs, and led to the deaths of two, possibly three U.S. agents and more than 200 Mexicans."
"Palin posted an op-ed on her Facebook page on Thursday, Nov. 10. ..." ... |
Grassley follow-up rips Holder’s data on Mexican crime gun traces
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"Monday’s blistering verbal broadside at Attorney General Eric Holder from Senator Charles Grassley was followed up Tuesday morning when the Iowa Republican set the record straight on recovered crime guns in Mexico, not only rebutting Holder’s testimony but also that of his subordinate, Lanny Breuer." ... |
HR 822 Passes First Hurdle
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"HR 822, the National Right-To-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011, passed a hurdle today when the House approved H. Res. 463 by a vote of 271 to 153. House Resolution 463 provides the rule under which the debate will be conducted, any amendments that can be considered, and other procedural issues. All bills have a rule before they are considered for final passage." ... |
House to vote on bill allowing those with concealed weapons permits to cross state lines
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"The House takes up its first pro-gun bill of the year with a measure giving people with concealed weapon permits in one state the right to carry a concealed weapon in other states."
"The National Rifle Association-backed bill would apply to 49 states that issue some sort of concealed carry permit. Illinois and the District of Columbia prohibit the concealed carrying of weapons." ...
"The legislation has some 245 sponsors in the House and is expected to pass easily when it comes up for a vote Wednesday. The outcome is less certain in the Democratic-controlled Senate. There currently is no parallel Senate bill, although two years ago Republicans nearly succeeded in attaching similar legislation to a larger spending bill." ... |
Rules panel rejects Johnson's workaround on concealed carry
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"A proposal to circumvent Illinois’ ban on carrying concealed weapons failed in the rules committee of the U.S. House Monday night."
"U.S. Rep. Tim Johnson, R-Urbana, and four other Illinois Republicans offered an amendment to the National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act that is scheduled to be voted on by the full House on Tuesday."
"The amendment would supersede Illinois’ ban on carrying concealed weapons by allowing Illinoisans to obtain a concealed-carry permit in another state — provided that state’s background checks and safety-training requirements are met — and use the permit in Illinois." ... |
House Vote Coming Soon on CCW Reciprocity Bill
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"The House of Representatives is expected to take up concealed carry reciprocity legislation tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 15). H.R. 822, sponsored by Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL), will allow many people who possess a concealed carry permit in one state to carry in other states as well."
"While well-intentioned, there are several concerns with this legislation. In an effort to address these issues, Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) introduced separate legislation (H.R. 2900), which has the support of GOA." ... |
Have concealed-carry permit, will travel
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"If congressional gun-rights stalwarts get their way, a firearms owner with a concealed-weapons permit issued in Utah could be allowed to carry that gun in New York — regardless of the gun laws in the Empire State.1"
"But as the House prepares to vote on a bill Wednesday that would allow that and please a core GOP constituency, critics are throwing another core Republican belief back at the party: states’ rights." ... -------
Submitter's Note:1 No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it remains a lie. Every law that applies to New York permit holders will apply to visitors as Dave Workman pointed out here. |
IL: Gun Owners of America 'Proud' To Endorse Congressman Walsh
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"Earlier this week, the nation’s second-largest Second Amendment organization announced its endorsement of Congressman Joe Walsh (R-McHenry). In announcing the endorsement, Gun Owners of America Vice Chairman Tim Macy said, 'Congressman Walsh is a leader on Second Amendment issues, plain and simple. When it comes to defending the right to keep and bear arms, Joe Walsh is at the forefront of the battle and was the clear choice in our decision to endorse.' The Gun Owners of American has been described by Congressman Ron Paul (T-TX) as, 'the only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington.'" ... |
AR: Beth Anne Rankin: 'I might be packing!'
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"It's early, but I'd nominate this for the stupidest news release of the season so far. Republican Beth Anne Rankin, a Republican candidate for 4th District Congress, used Dave Elswick's platform on Radio K-NUT to announce she has a concealed carry permit. But don't ask her if she's packing. She's not going to divulge sensitive info like that."
"Rankin, to date, has had to compete with opponent Tom Cotton's flogging of his Army experience in the Middle East, so I guess she had to do something to prove her somethinghood." ... |
Senate subcommittee to discuss banning private gun sales, other infringements
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... "Perhaps in preparation for this hearing, the always dependably anti-gun New York Times ran an article Sunday highlighting the supposed danger of allowing states to determine when a former law-breaker has once again earned full rights of citizenship, and can thus exercise his Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms."
"Mr. Codrea's answer to that, often quoted here, is that 'anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian.'" ... |
Tucson shootings come up at Senate gun law hearing
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"A bill requiring more criminal background checks on would-be gun buyers and punishing states that don’t report criminal background information to a federal database split lawmakers and witnesses at a U.S. Senate committee hearing Tuesday, with some applauding the law as a reasonable attempt to close existing legal loopholes and others worrying it imposes a burden on gun owner rights." ... -------
KABA Note: Except that the Tucson shooter had not been convicted of a crime nor adjudicated a danger to himself or others, so 'improved' reporting would not have stopped him! this is the dirty secret of the antis; they know their laws have 'loopholes', they know people like Rep. Giffords will be shot and they plan on using tragedies like this to further their agenda. |
MI: Bill: Allow guns in car at work
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"Business owners could lose their right to restrict the possession of firearms on their private workplace property."
"A recent state house bill would make it legal to conceal a gun in one's car at work, no matter what the boss says."
"Such issues are typically the focus of gun rights and gun control groups, but this one has caught employers' attention."
"'On the face of it, it seems like a second amendment issue, a guns rights issue, but when you really get down to it, it is a bill that would take away employers' rights,' said Delaney Newberry, director of human resource policy at the Michigan Manufacturers Association." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Let's look at it like this: "On the face of it, it seems like a first amendment issue, a religious freedom issue, but when you really get down to it, a bill prohibiting employers from banning Bibles in their parking lots would take away employers' rights". Who here thinks that argument would fly? |
OH: Schulman joins Strickland at firing range
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"A city official has made peace with the same gun-rights group that had tagged him 'idiot of the day' for his comments about state gun laws."
"City Council President Allen Schulman had made the remarks following a much publicized case last summer involving a Canton traffic stop."
"Schulman joined former Gov. Ted Strickland Monday afternoon at the indoor range of the Black Wing Shooting Center in Delaware. The event was coordinated and hosted by Ohioans for Concealed Carry, a volunteer organization." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Info on the "Canton traffic stop" can be found here. |
FL: Gun proponents complain about new law
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"A recent story about new a state gun law has not only been generating a lot of comments locally, but statewide, and mainly from gun proponents tired of government interference with their right to bear arms." ... |
OH: Should students be allowed to have concealed carry weapons on campus?
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"For the thousands of Buckeyes on OSU campus at all times, the threat of crime may be the last thing on their minds. Finals week, Thanksgiving break and scheduling classes approach in the distance as fall quarter rapidly draws to an end."
"But should it be the last thing on their minds? OSU student and engineering major Mike Newbern doesn’t think so."
"'There have been four incidents in the last two weeks within three blocks of campus,' he said. 'The important thing to understand is that bad guys are not going to stop getting guns, which is why it’s important for us to restore the rights of staff, students and faculty so that they can protect themselves while on campus.'" ... |
MO: Does Missouri Allow Convicted Felons to Possess Guns?
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"In a 4,650-word, front-page treatise in yesterday's New York Times, author Michael Luo lays bare a significant trend: each year, thousands of felons across the country have their gun rights reinstated following prison sentences, despite a federal law that strips away the right to bear arms for anyone convicted of a felony."
"The explanation is simple. When it comes to the Second Amendment, state law trumps federal law. ..."
"The Times report did not name every single state that permits felons to reapply for gun ownership. So where does Missouri stand in this heat-packing debate?"
"Perhaps surprisingly, Missouri is more restrictive than other states when it comes to keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. ..." ... |
Email shows internal Justice Department dispute on Gunwalker/Terry connection
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David Codrea
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"Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars has posted an exclusive analysis of a Dec. 17, 2010 email from Glen Cook, Deputy Chief of the Special Prosecutions unit of the Criminal Division, Department of Justice, Southern District of Texas in Houston, documenting awareness of a connection between gunwalking and the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry within days of that incident, and advising the Phoenix division 'hire a media consultant' to deal with the fallout. It further shows the ATF office in Phoenix 'refused to provide...evidence' effectively crippling a related Texas weapons seizure investigation."
Submitter's Note: Includes copy of email. |
To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm . . . is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege. [Wilson v. State, 33 Ark. 557, at 560, 34 Am. Rep. 52, at 54 (1878)] |