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Newslinks for 11/16/2024

Women Should Strap Up Or At A Minimum Get Their Gun License
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As the Second Amendment of the United States constitution guarantees that “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” women can and should explore the options guaranteed to them by this nation.

As we are in precarious political times, and with women’s rights and protections increasingly under attack, women should gather every tool available to protect themselves and their communities.

NSSF Makes the Right Request on Office of Gun Violence Prevention
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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President Joe Biden announced the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention with great fanfare. He was also surprisingly transparent about what the office was there for, namely pushing gun control to various states. Sure, it might offer some non-gun control thoughts on reducing violent crime, but the goal was always going to be to push their agenda.

TX: New security plan could allow some Southlake school employees to carry guns next fall
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A group of school employees in Southlake could be carrying guns to work as early as next fall as part of a plan to improve security in the district.

The proposal up for consideration Monday before the Carroll ISD school board would allow up to 10 employees "to make arrests and exercise the authority given to peace officers" under Texas law but only to the extent needed to prevent "serious bodily injury or death of students, faculty or visitors."

TX: Is “Uber with guns” a good idea?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rideshare company BlackWolf is opening operations in Dallas starting next year, with plans of expanding to Austin and Dallas. The company is widely nicknamed “Uber with guns” because it hires drivers who are licensed to carry weapons, whereas other rideshares prohibit guns in their cars. Is this actually a good thing?

The company was started by Kerry KingBrown of Atlanta, Georgia in 2023. KingBrown quickly became a minor TikTok sensation, saying that he created the company after a private security client of his said something like it was needed to combat human trafficking. He has since amassed over a million followers on TikTok, and commenters constantly ask where the company will expand next. The idea is clearly very popular.

ID: Idaho Elk Hunter Survives Grizzly Encounter
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An elk hunter in Eastern Idaho is lucky to have survived a confrontation with an adult grizzly bear after he was forced to use his hunting rifle to defend his life.

The grave encounter unfolded around 3 PM on October 26 while 27-year-old Dylyn Carter hunted cow elk in a heavily timbered area north of Kilgore near Mule Meadows on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest. Not having much success that Saturday, Carter decided to pack it up and hike back to his truck when the grizzly appeared suddenly in quarters too close for comfort.

DC: 'No questions asked'. Prince George's County PD to give money for guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gift cards for guns is a yearly event in Prince George's County where you can get money on the spot for handing over guns to police officers.

The Prince George's County Police Department will be setting up Saturday outside the First Baptist Church of Glenarden International in Upper Marlboro -- in Parking Lot B -- for the program. The gun buyback will last from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The program includes $175 for automatics and semi-automatics, $125 for handguns, and $75 for shotguns and rifles. Money will be handed out on Visa prepaid gift cards.

During the Nov. 2023 gun buyback event, Prince George's Police collected 213 guns.

MD: Motorcyclist Fatally Shoots Armed Aggressor in Road Rage Incident: Maryland Police Investigate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The confrontation began around 8:20 p.m. near East Furnace Branch Road and Margate Drive when Guhse, driving a vehicle, reportedly tailgated the motorcyclist and drove erratically. Witnesses and investigators say Guhse pulled alongside the motorcyclist, shouted at him, and nearly caused a collision, forcing the motorcyclist to pull off the road.

Both parties stopped on East Furnace Branch Road, where the situation took a deadly turn. According to police, Guhse exited his vehicle wielding a hammer and charged toward the 22-year-old motorcyclist. In response, the motorcyclist drew a legally owned handgun and fired at Guhse. Officers found Guhse lying in the roadway with gunshot wounds; he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Unpacking Court Mistakes in 2nd Amendment Cases: How Courts are Twisting Your Gun Rights!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In his paper, he argues that these cases are crucial for American gun rights moving forward. His recent scholarly paper “Dangerous, but not Unusual: Mistakes Commonly Made by Courts in Post-Bruen Litigation” (embedded below) highlights the core mistakes that could seriously impact the future of lawful firearm ownership. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key points he raises:

IA: Iowa Supreme Court upholds gun rights limits for past mental health patients
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Iowa's law limiting the gun rights of people who have been involuntarily committed for mental health concerns is constitutional, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled Friday.

It's the first major gun rights case to come before the court since 2022, when Iowa adopted a constitutional amendment specifically protecting the right to bear arms and requiring courts to hold laws limiting that right to the highest legal standard.

Known as strict scrutiny, the standard holds that any law infringing on a "fundamental right" must be narrowly tailored to meet a "compelling" government interest.

WA: Thousands of gun sales on hold in Washington state amid weeks-long court system outage
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Thousands of gun sales are on hold across Washington state due to a court computer system outage preventing background checks from being completed.

Two weeks into the outage, Second Amendment advocates are threatening to sue.

“In 10 years of operation … this is unprecedented for me at any level, state or federal,” Daniel Mitchell, who owns a gun store in Vancouver, told Fox News Digital.

“We’ve never seen a shutdown that’s gone this long.”

NSSF Urges Trump to Disband White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The NSSF is calling on President-elect Donald Trump to dismantle the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, established under President Joe Biden. The NSSF argues the office, funded by taxpayers, focuses on limiting Second Amendment rights rather than addressing criminal misuse of firearms.

The organization claims the Biden administration’s office, supervised by Vice President Kamala Harris, diverted resources to gun control agendas rather than public safety. It accuses the office of employing former gun control advocates, including Stefanie Feldman, director, and Rob Wilcox, former lobbyist for Everytown for Gun Safety—a group that advocates for banning classes of firearms and imposing restrictions on the firearm industry.

President-Elect Trump: Disband White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention Immediately
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, is urging President-elect Donald Trump to take decisive action to disband the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and put an end to government-funded efforts to infringe upon the Constitutionally-guaranteed Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.

This office, installed under President Joe Biden, never addressed criminal misuse of firearms. Instead, it squandered taxpayer dollars and employed former gun control lobbyists to minimize the American rights to keep and bear arms and propose policies to harass and damage the American firearm and ammunition industry.

NY: New York’s Body Armor Ban Challenged in Court
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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New York’s Anti-Constitution Attorney General, Letitia James is being reminded yet again that her job is to uphold the Constitution, not manipulate it to her liking.

In Heeter v. James, a case out of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York, Judge John Sinatra has just granted standing for a challenge to New York State’s ban on body armor. Sinatra decided that the challenge could proceed.

Somewhere along the line, Democrat politicians in New York State, have not only decided that they don’t want the good people of New York to be able to defend themselves with a gun, they’ve also decided that they should be completely vulnerable by declaring a ban on body armor.

GA: Acquitted of murder, teen aims to mentor on dangers of bad influences, guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Yeshua Mathis said he got caught up with the wrong friends.

One minute, they were planning a harmless prank. But then things quickly spiraled into a deadly situation on Feb. 20, 2023, and Mathis found himself in the middle of it all.

SilencerCo SCO-15 Ambi Receiver Set: Review
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The venerable AR-15 platform has come a long ways since its inception in the mid-1950’s. While the first few decades worth of growth within the platform were driven by military necessity through the M-16, the massive sales boom following the sunset of the “assault weapons” ban in 2004 saw a huge influx of R&D dollars. While there are innumerable variations of the AR-15 now, I’d argue that only a handful of these iterative advancements have been truly transformative. One such improvement would be ambidextrous controls, as found in the SilencerCo SCO-15 receiver set.

The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money. — Alexis de Tocqueville

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