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Newslinks for 11/17/2007

Looking for a Few Good Thugs: WOG's BATFU Recruiting Presentation
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"What with Ryan presenting BATFU personnel recruiting videos, and not wanting to be left out, WarOnGuns has prepared the following public service message in the hopes of assisting the agency in finding the right kind of employees to best exemplify its mission." ...

New Book: The Great New Orleans Gun Grab
Submitted by: Gordon Hutchinson

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"August 29, 2005, was a day no American will ever forget. When Hurricane Katrina ... slammed into the city of New Orleans ..."

"As the city filled and drowned, it ... became a place that would reveal to Americans whether their Constitution had any more value than the frayed, fragile, brown parchment on which it is written."

"... In what proved to be the greatest real-life test case of the Second Amendment in American history, America failed miserably."

"The Great New Orleans Gun Grab tells the story of New Orleans residents who legally defied mandatory evacuation orders to protect their property, and who were subsequently beaten, harassed and robbed of their guns by the very civil authority that was funded and charged to protect them."

Force Science News #82
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Three studies that will explore certain subtleties of force encounters in hopes of improving safety on the street are underway at the Force Science Research Center at MSU-Mankato."

"One is expected to provide insights into a phenomenon that has not previously been analyzed in detail, says FSRC's executive director, Dr. Bill Lewinski. That's how-and how fast-wounded suspects fall down once they've been shot." ...

"... [W]hen suspects collapse after being shot, they sometimes fall through an officer's continuing field of fire. 'This can result in wounds in the top of the head and other locations that in retrospect may look suspicious and may be misinterpreted as 'execution' shots that were delivered after the subject was down.'" ...

The 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment might be going on trial at the Supreme Court. It seems that Congress passed a law banning guns in Washington D.C. (though you'd never know it by the violent crime rates.)" ...

"...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. You can't get much more clear than that. But leave it to a bunch of political hacks to try. District of Columbia Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 is that act that was struck down in a 2 to 1 ruling in the D.C. circuit court. The provision in question made it illegal to own side arms in the District of Columbia." ...

Nicki F: Defending home and self
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A case in Texas could help decide whether self defense extends to the protection of others and their property as well as one's own. A 70 year old man killed two vermin who were robbing his neighbor's home. He did what he thought was right, stopping a crime in progress. Is taking accountability for others' property as well as your own 'stretching the limits of the self-defense law,' as one 'expert' claims."

"You're supposed to be able to defend your own life and property, but stand idly by as your neighbor gets victimized? That's what the politician who authored the 'Castle Doctrine' bill says." ...

MI: Store Clerk Shoots Alleged Robber
Submitted by: Vested

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"A teenage clerk at a Clinton Township party store allegedly shot a man during a robbery Thursday."

"It happened around 7:30 p.m. at Nick's Short Stop party store ..."

"'I just want people to understand we are the victims and I hope he is OK,' store owner John Acho said."

"Acho said he wants to make sure people know his nephew was acting in self-defense."

"Police said the robber had a knife." ...

"... the clerk fired several shots at the 22-year-old robber, hitting him once in the chest and once in the arm." ...

"This is the second robbery of the store since Acho purchased it a month ago."

"The Macomb County prosecutor office will decide whether charges will be filed against the clerk."

OH: Store owner shoots robber in the head
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A store owner shot a robbery suspect in the head at 7:15 p.m. Thursday at the Northfield Food Mart ..."

"The robber later identified as Roddy Prophet ... walked into the store and demanded money, according to witnesses. A clerk ran from the store and the owner retreated toward the door as the robber grabbed the money."

"Police said when Prophet started toward the door the owner shot twice striking him once in the head. Prophet ran from the store and collapsed in a parking lot two blocks away."

"He was flown to MetroHealth Medical Center where he is listed in critical condition."

"Police said the owner has a concealed carry permit."

"The city prosecutor will determine if any charges will be filed in the case."

Soccer Moms Attending In-Home 'Taser Parties' (video)
Submitted by: Brent Greer

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CNN's Kiran Chetry interviews a woman who hosts and sponsors Taser parties for women.

Submitter's Note: Apparently Longaberger, Pampered Chef, Tupperware and "unmentionables" parties are passe.

CA: Rare robbery case brings cries of racism
Submitted by: none

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"Three young black men break into a white man's home in rural Northern California. The homeowner shoots two of them to death — but it's the surviving black man who is charged with murder."

"In a case that has brought cries of racism from civil rights groups, Renato Hughes Jr., 22, was charged by prosecutors in this overwhelmingly white county under a rarely invoked legal doctrine that could make him responsible for the bloodshed."

"'It was pandemonium' inside the house that night, District Attorney Jon Hopkins said. Hughes was responsible for 'setting the whole thing in motion by his actions and the actions of his accomplices.'" ...

Who's really looking out for your kids safety?
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"Today our neighbor made chocolate rice krispie treats using the JPFO's new Goody Guns (Pictured above with our upcoming new caps). It was my son's 8 year old birthday; I went to have lunch with him and brought him one of each shape (thankfully he attends a school that does not have a zero tolerance against anything that involves firearms). The kids already read through the Gran'pa Jack booklets."

"I am not at all surprised that VPC's Josh Sugarmann and others have blasted this idea of educating children about firearms safety. This is the same group that have labeled NRA's Eddie Eagle Program as Joe Camel with Feathers. So what is their solution or plan to educate kids on firearm safety...Fear and Ignorance." ...

OR: Should teachers have right to bear arms?
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"More than 75 school district employees in the Eugene, Bethel and Springfield school districts have concealed handgun permits, but it is unclear how many, if any, carry their weapons to school."

"The lawsuit of Shirley Katz, a Medford teacher who wants to carry a 9mm Glock on the South Medford High School campus, has garnered national attention, and last week a Jackson County judge denied Katz’s request to carry her gun to school." ...

KABA Note: By asking "Should teachers have right to bear arms?" the editors show their underlying belief that bearing arms is a privilege to be granted or witheld by governmental whim.

Giuliani touts conservative credentials
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a speech to the Federalist Society Friday, Rudy Giuliani sought to reassure the nation's most influential conservative lawyers and legal scholars that he is one of them."

"'It's an honor to speak to a group of people who share my viewpoint,' Giuliani said at the start of an address that would touch on nearly every hot issue on the conservative checklist." ...

"'He said all the right things,' said Harvard student Robert Porter afterward. 'But I think to those who have followed his political career the things he said sounded insincere.'" ...

"He praised the recent D.C. Circuit ruling that the Second Amendment protects the rights of individuals, not just militias, to bear arms." ...

Mike Huckabee: Pro-Life, Pro-Family Republican Presidential Nominee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The battle for the Republican nomination in the upcoming 2008 presidential election has become a bitterly contested struggle centered largely around the authentic conservative identities of the candidates involved. Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee's strong record on issues of life and family, and his reputation as an avid hunter and strong supporter of second amendment rights, are both widely praised and largely uncontested by most conservatives." ...

NY: Fred Fires Away On Rudy's Home Turf
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fred Thompson rolled onto Republican rival Rudy Giuliani's turf yesterday and rapped the ex-mayor's record on social issues as out of step with conservative voters."

"Following a Midtown fund-raiser, Thompson said Giuliani's pro-abortion, pro-gun control and pro-illegal-immigration positions as mayor are wrong for the GOP." ...

"He said he has consistently supported the Second Amendment right to bear arms while Giuliani backed gun-licensing restrictions as mayor."

"'Rudy has supported a variety of gun-control bills. I do not think it makes America safer to make it more difficult to prevent law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves,' Thompson said." ...

PA: Rendell to personally push gun bills before Pa. House panel
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Gov. Ed Rendell, hoping to inject fresh drama into the stalled debate over gun control in Pennsylvania, plans to personally address a House committee considering several bills he says are crucial to reducing gun violence."

"An appearance by a sitting governor before a committee is so rare that some of the longest serving legislators and staff members could not remember another such time. At Rendell's request, Rep. Thomas Caltagirone, D-Berks, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, will bring up three bills for a vote Tuesday after members listen to the governor." ...

KABA Note: What a perfect opportunity to nail the governor down on precisely how these new laws will prevent criminals from murdering people.

Cohens v. Virginia, "which is destined to unite and assimilate the principles of natural justice", 1821
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"...It is most true that this Court will not take jurisdiction if it should not: but it is equally true, that it must take jurisdiction if it should. The judiciary cannot, as the legislature may, avoid a measure because it approaches the confines of the constitution. We cannot pass it by because it is doubtful. With whatever doubts, with whatever difficulties, a case may be attended, we must decide it, if it be brought before us. We have no more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which is given, than to usurp that which is not given. The one or the other would be treason to the constitution. Questions may occur which we would gladly avoid; but we cannot avoid them.."

Marbury v. Madison, U.S. Supreme Court, "The very essence of civil liberty certainly consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of the laws", 1803
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"...That the people have an original right to establish, for their future govern-ment, such principles as, in their opinion, shall most conduce to their own happiness, is the basis on which the whole American fabric has been erected. The exercise of this original right is a very great exertion; nor can it, nor ought it, to be frequently repeated. The principles, therefore, so established, are deemed fundamental. And as the authority from which they proceed is supreme, and can seldom act, they are designed to be permanent..."

"...How immoral to impose it on them, if they were to be used as the instruments, and the knowing instruments, for violating what they swear to support! ..."


Decorated Army general delayed by TSA's No-Fly list
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Retired Major General Vernon Lewis, Jr. has served in two wars, was a Brigade Commander and holds a top-secret security clearance. However ... the Transportation Security Administration keeps confusing him with a terrorist."

"'My credentials are impeccable,' said Lewis. who has been decorated four times for valor and received the Army's highest medal for service, the Distinguished Service Medal. 'It burns me up to be treated like a terrorist.'" ...

"He tried to get off the list by calling his Congressional representatives and by taking part in the TSA's Traveler Redress Program." ...

"The TSA sent him a letter back in May 2006 saying he had been cleared off the list. However, the next time he tried to fly, he was stopped again." ...

David Codrea: We're the Only Ones Brutally Expensive Enough
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor Daley could buy 5,000 new cop cars or 7,000 blue light security cameras for the money rogue cops have cost the city the last five years. It’s a staggering number that you haven't heard, until now. Mark Suppelsa investigates the cost of police brutality."
"What costs? It all comes from the slave work force, but still, I'm wondering what the effect on crime would be if that $111 MILLION had gone toward arming the Citizens of Chicago as opposed to paying for the sins of Daley's thug 'Only Ones' who have disarmed them under threat of even more vicious brutality."

"Sodomized with a screwdriver. Good Lord, what kind of sick mad dog perverts relish their own brutality this way?" ...

General Would Deploy Troops Domestically
Submitted by: clell

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"The commander of USNORTHCOM says he's prepared to obey any order from the president to deploy U.S. troops on American soil in response to a domestic emergency."

"'If he were to choose to declare a national emergency, then clearly we at USNORTHCOM would be able to operate in that environment, in response to direct orders from the secretary of defense,' Gen. Victor E. 'Gene' Renuart told WND at his Peterson Air Force Base headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colo."

"'But, I'm not sure that would ever be a routine event, and certainly it would be a minority event,' he added in an interview conducted during a simulation of a multi-pronged terrorist attack." ...

Submitter's Note: We need military personnel who would rebel and resist any and all illegal orders.

FL: Fla. Sheriff Gets Prison for Corruption
Submitted by: jac

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"The former head of the largest sheriff's office in Florida was sentenced to a year and a day in prison Friday after pleading guilty to federal corruption charges."

"Ex-Broward County Sheriff Ken Jenne, 60, had pleaded guilty in September to tax evasion and mail fraud conspiracy charges involving a series of questionable transactions, including getting money and favors from Broward Sheriff's Office vendors and payments made on his behalf for a Mercedes-Benz convertible." ...

"... Jenne, a former state senator and long one of Broward County's leading Democratic politicians, sought a lenient sentence involving no prison time. ..." ...

NC: Stiff Sentencing in 'Operation Tarnished Badge' Continues
Submitted by: jac

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"A federal judge continued to hand out stiff sentences to Robeson County deputies, who were rounded up in a five-year investigation that has implicated 20 law-enforcement agents, including the former sheriff."

"U.S. District Judge Terrence Boyle gave the maximum recommended sentences to Paul Pittman and Billy Hunt of six months in prison and three years of supervised parole."

"The former deputies were accused of doing personal and campaign work for then-Sheriff Glen Maynor while they were county employees. ..."

"Boyle rejected a recommended sentence for Joey Smith, saying it was too lenient. Smith has admitted to conspiring to misappropriate around $4,000 in federal drug-enforcement money." ...

UK: Police shot diabetic in coma with Taser - because they thought he was suicide bomber
Submitted by: none

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"A diabetic in a coma and in need of urgent medical attention was shot with a stun gun by police who feared he was a suicide bomber." ...

"... he fell into a diabetic coma on the top deck of a bus in his home town of Leeds. He says he was the only passenger on board." ...

"It appears armed police had been called to the bus and shot him twice with a Taser gun after he failed to respond to their orders."

"Yesterday, after discovering the two police officers involved would not be prosecuted, he spoke out ..." ...

"'Senior officers also told me after the incident that the policemen who came on the bus had been told not to use weapons on me if I did not respond.'"

"'I think they just saw it as an opportunity to try out their toys.'" ...

NY: Bath Rod & Gun Club to host Pearl Harbor ceremony
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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The Bath Rod & Gun Club will host its 27th annual Pearl Harbor Day commemoration ceremony at 2 p.m. Dec. 2 at the club on Telegraph Road in Bath.

The ceremony will be attended by Pearl Harbor survivors and their families, color guards from local American Legion posts, law enforcement officers and a guest speaker.

Refreshments will immediately follow the ceremony inside the club.

NY: Gun Laws Confront Legal Challenges
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Laws that prohibit gun possession may be unconstitutional in Washington, D.C., but they are not unconstitutional in Brooklyn. And that is bad news for Rashawn Handsome."

"Handsome was arrested when police showed up at his Wyckoff Gardens apartment with a search warrant and found three guns in a sneaker box. He had no permit to own or carry them, but because statutes on weapons possession in a home are different from other laws on weapons, Handsome was charged with a misdemeanor instead of a more serious felony. With the class A misdemeanor charge, he faces a one-year sentence." ...

UT: Utah speeds up gun-permit process
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state agency that issues concealed gun permits has caught up with a backlog of more than 10,000 applicants - all clamoring for what gun rights supporters call the most sought-after weapon permit in America."

"Nearly half of the 28,000 permits issued this year will go to out-of-state residents. Utah has issued more than 100,000 concealed gun permits since the program began in the early 1990s."

"Ed McConkie, chief of the Bureau of Criminal Identification told the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee Wednesday some rule changes, including one that allows the BCI to keep the fees it collects for concealed weapon permits, has allowed the agency to catch up on its backlog of background checks." ...

PA: Gun Edit Misfired
Submitted by: Anon

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"YOUR editorial 'Calling All Gun Laws' was both distasteful and specious."

"Bad enough to use the tragic death of Officer Cassidy to sing the siren song of gun control. But then to shamelessly shill for firearms legislation that you admit would've had little effect on how Lewis came by the gun used to kill Cassidy, borders on malfeasance."

"Since the gun used by Lewis was reported stolen by its owner in Ohio, how would mandatory reporting of lost or stolen firearms legislation in pennsylvania have helped? So-called one-gun-a-month legislation is likewise a solution in search of a problem as most crime guns are stolen, not straw-purchased - a fact you conveniently fail to mention." ...

PA: It's the ammo, stupid!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"IT'S both frustrating and interesting that with all the combined political, social and law-enforcement talented minds working on the violence and gun issues in town, not one has thought to look at one area of this problem that is so obvious to many . . ."

"If you can't go after the guns effectively (with the NRA ready to throw the Second Amendment at anyone who dares rear their head on this) - go after the bullets!"

"Most owners of illegal guns will tell you they buy their guns on the street and their ammo in stores - legally!"

"There is no background check for bullets. There is no age requirement or limit on the amount of ammo any person can purchase." ...

Submitter's Note: I believe that in IL you need a FOID to buy ammo. It doesn't seem to have stopped (or even slowed) gun crime there . . .

It doesn't require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires to people's minds. — Samuel Adams American Patriot

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