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Newslinks for 11/19/2011

Vanderboegh reports call between ATF’s Newell and ‘Wide Receiver’ CI
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"In another in a series of exclusives reported on the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog, online journalist Mike Vanderboegh has obtained a transcript and recording of a telephone conversation between 'Operation Wide Receiver' confidential informant Mike Detty and then-Special Agent in Charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Phoenix Field Division, William Newell, a central figure in the 'Fast and Furious' government gunwalking scandal." ...

Submitter's note: Includes exclusive audio of the call.

Gunshots freaking out the urbanites?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They’re still talking about the perceived Obama administration draft proposal to push recreational shooters off federal lands ... but there is a serious aspect of this story that belongs in the spotlight."

"The rationale, as reported by Washington Whispers columnist Paul Bedard, that the draft proposal was a response to 'a social conflict issue' rather than a genuine safety issue, must be addressed, because this lies at the heart of the gun prohibition movement. ..."

"If, as alleged by [BLM] natural resource specialist Frank Jenks, people from the city 'freak out' when they hear the sound of gunfire on public land, there is a simple solution. They can get over it, or just stay off public land." ...

No wonder these mayors are against gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Founded in 2006 with 15 mayors at its core, including former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, Mayors Against Illegal Guns has become a powerful voice in the gun prohibition movement, while hardly uttering a squeak about some of its own members who have run afoul of the law."

"It might be argued that Nickels violated state law when he unsuccessfully imposed a ban on legally-carried firearms in Seattle city park facilities, after being advised by State Attorney General Rob McKenna that the ban was illegal. It took a court challenge led by the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation and [CCRKBA], and the [NRA], to make it official ..."

"But what Nickels did is insignificant compared to other members of the organization, ..." ...

MidwayUSA Makes History with Shooting Gallery TV
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MidwayUSA, a catalog and Internet retailer offering Just About Everything for Shooting, Reloading, Gunsmithing and Hunting, recently hosted Michael Bane and crew from the Shooting Gallery TV show as they filmed segments for the 2012 season in front of a studio audience."

"On November 9th and 10th, MidwayUSA made company history when they hosted over 150 Customers who were invited to take part of a studio audience for the 2012 season of Shooting Gallery." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Just Sit There
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is there anything better than a fine cigar? Sex, obviously. Since Sam and I split up, cigars it is. ... I buy my smokes from a tony cigar shop in a chi-chi part of town. The guys sheltering in the tobacco-infused enclave hunker down in enormous leather chairs and don't say boo to a goose. ... So there I was, kicking back and talking OK lecturing about armed self-defense when a tall black man walks in and says 'Hey how you niggers doin’ sitting in here smoking your cigars?'" ...

"... OMG was the OFWG owner pissed off. He stood up and told his uninvited guest to 'hit the bricks.'"

"... The next thing I knew both men were standing by the open door screaming at each other, trading F-bombs like dueling drill sergeants." ...

Ask Foghorn: Best Shotgun for New 3-Gun Competitors?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "3-Gun competitions are about being fast and accurate with three different kinds of guns. Rifles and pistols are relatively easy, shooting fast and easy to reload. Shotguns in comparison are the 'brakes' of the competition and that levels the playing field for new competitors. Let me explain…"

"First things first, go re-read my Competition Shooting 101: 3-Gun article. There’s tons of information in there to give you some context for what we’re talking about." ...

Glow Ammo: “Cold” Tracers Turn Pistols into Laser Guns (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are problems with modern tracer rounds, the biggest is that they rely on the friction from flying through the air to heat up the element which glows and makes it visible. Not only does a 'hot' tracer such as that have a tendency to start fires, but it can easily be seen by enemy troops ... Glow Ammo claims to fix all of those issues, using a 'cold' tracer substance placed on the back of the bullet that is visible only to the shooter and others on their side of the firing line. Ammo is available and seems to be shipping, but at about $1 a round it’s still spendy stuff." ...

Submitter's Note: As the grizzled MCPO told me: "Tracers work both ways."

Friendly fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"All states but one issue permits to people to carry concealed guns. A bill in Congress would require those states to recognize similar permits issued by all other states. This is dangerous. Why? Because the standards for getting permits in some states, Utah included, are too lax." ...

Submitter's Note: So where's the "blood in the streets"? Why haven't we heard about massive outbreaks of road rage shootings by permit holders? Or innocent passers-by accidentally shot by permit holders defending themselves? Surely if Utah's requirements are so lax the media must have dozens of such stories ready to trot out. [insert crickets chirping here]

Congress dances with the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Today, some members of Congress want each new law proposed to pass a Founding Fathers’ test: If it isn’t in the Constitution, it should not become law."

"Given that, it’s hard to understand how the House of Representatives managed to pass, 272-154, a bill that would allow any individual with a license to carry a concealed weapon to take that weapon into any other state that permits concealed weapons ... regardless of whether the state visited has more stringent regulations for a concealed-carry permit." ...

Submitter's Note: Dude, have you read the Constitution? The 'full faith and credit clause'? The Second Amendment? You are seriously trying to say that there's nothing in the Constitution about this issue?

Rep. Engel slams GOP for endangering citizens
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17) slammed the House Republican Majority for passing a bill which would force all 50 states to accept concealed handgun carry permits issued in other states, regardless of whether or not the permit violates state law. The bill would override individual state laws and create serious difficulty for law enforcement." ...

KABA Note: We would never accuse a Congresscritter of incompetence, therefore he must just be lying.
"force all 50 states" - nope, 45 states; because IL has no permit system and VT, AK, AZ and WY have 'Constitutional carry'.
"override individual state laws" - nope, every law that applies to native permit-holders applies to visitiing permit holders.

I could go on, but I was never into beating dead horses.

NRA campaigns to arm dangerous people are reckless
Submitted by: fms

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... "When the NRA talks about the right of Americans to carry firearms, one of the usual arguments is self-defense. Should a threatening person break into your family’s house at night, you have every right to use your licensed gun to protect yourself, the reasoning goes. Yet as the NRA presents itself as a defender of public safety, it undermines its own argument by taking perplexing, indefensible stances that promote the rights of scary people to own guns. Consider its more recent lobbying campaigns:"

"• Promoting the federal law approved yesterday by the House that would override state policies on concealed guns, so a violent offender permitted to carry a hidden gun in a lax state such as Florida also could do so here. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) asked President Obama to issue a veto threat." ...

Submitter's Note: Editorial by New Jersey Star Ledger. Not a gun friendly paper in a not gun friendly state. Fortunately logic prevailed and the House passed the bill

NE: Self-defense: Teen hunter kills mountain lion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission says a 15-year-old deer hunter shot and killed a mountain lion that was only 10 feet from him."

"The boy, of Wayne, shot the cougar Saturday near Creighton in northeast Nebraska. Officials say he was hunting a shelterbelt in Knox County and spotted the mountain lion 10 feet away before shooting it." ...

IN: Police identify man shot during attempted robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 20-year-old Maryland man has been identified as the suspect shot by a convenience store clerk during an attempted armed robbery Thursday morning, Jeffersonville Police Department Detective Todd Hollis said Friday." ...

"Shortly before 4 a.m. Thursday, two men with their faces covered by bandanas and hats attempted to rob the Q-Mart at Allison Lane and Middle Road. The clerk exchanged gunfire with the suspects. A firearm was recovered from Wilson. Hollis said they believe the clerk acted in self-defense and no charges will be filed." ...

TX: Homeowner foils NW Harris County break-in
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A father shot and wounded a man who had seized his teenage daughter on her way to school early Friday morning and then tried to break into the family's home in northwest Harris County." ...


SSI Exclusive: ATF & the Washington Post conspired to violate the Tiarht Amendment. "Big Dog" talks to "Mad Dawg" about Sari Horwitz & Wide Receiver.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In these paragraphs, Grimaldi and Horwitz admit up front that their sources have violated federal law, called the Tiahrt Amendment. We now know who at least one of those federal sources that the Washington Post used for that story was -- William 'Gunwalker Bill' Newell, Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Division."

"In a recording of a telephone conversation obtained by Sipsey Street Irregulars, Newell, who refers to himself as 'the big dog' in Phoenix is overheard talking to a [FFL], Mike Detty, owner of Mad Dawg Global Marketing and a confidential informant for the Tuscon ATF office, about a variety of subjects, including the Washington Post story and Operation Wide Receiver, in which Detty played an integral part." ...

Mexico Asks U.S. to Extradite Alleged Gunrunners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mexico’s government has requested the extradition of six U.S. citizens for weapons trafficking, including three people linked to a botched federal gun-tracking operation, Attorney General Marisela Morales said."

"'We’re going to get to the bottom of this and we’re going to punish ... whomever is responsible for these (crimes),' Morales told the lower house of Mexico’s Congress in reference to the 'Fast and Furious' program ..."

"She said two extradition proceedings are underway against U.S. citizens suspected of smuggling weapons to Mexico."

"One of the requests involves three people believed to have acquired 'a large number of weapons' under the Fast and Furious program ..." ...

Submitter's Note: How about going after the Criminal Masterminds who initiated and supported the whole program?

51 congressmen to Eric Holder: You must resign immediately
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The surge in congressional calls for Attorney General Eric Holder’s immediate resignation has reached a new milestone: More than 50 members of Congress are now demanding Holder step down in the wake of Operation Fast and Furious."

"The number of congressmen calling for Holder’s immediate resignation is now 51. New additions to that list include Republican Reps. Todd Akin and Blaine Luetkemeyer of Missouri, Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia, Steven Palazzo of Mississippi and Jeff Duncan of South Carolina."

"Rep. Westmoreland said Operation Fast and Furious was a disgrace to the American people and that Holder needs to resign immediately." ...

Gun-carry reciprocity act is long overdue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the Second Amendment at long last recognized by the Supreme Court as protecting the individual right of all U.S. citizens to keep and bear arms, the House of Representatives has voted to protect gun owners from being deprived of this fundamental liberty simply because they choose to travel from one state to another."

"On Wednesday, a strong, bipartisan majority in the House passed the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act. The legislation, which now heads to the Senate, would allow a resident of a state that allows concealed carry to possess a firearm while visiting another state that may not necessarily be as protective of firearms rights." ...

Should gun permits cross state lines?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Say you're a Utah gun owner with a concealed-carry permit issued in your home state. Should you be able to pack your weapon when you visit California?"

"Backers of the National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act think so."

"The bill passed the house this week with a bi-partisan vote of 272 to 154. Should the measure make it into law, it would allow anyone who's been issued a permit to carry that concealed weapon in another state – as long as they abide by the laws of that state." ...

Fleischmann, DesJarlais vote in favor of concealed weapons bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tennessee Reps. Chuck Fleischmann and Scott DesJarlais released statements after voting in favor of a bill that would require states to recognize concealed-weapon carry permits issued by other state governments across the country."

"The GOP-controlled House passed HR 822, the "National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011," in a 272-154 vote Wednesday. The bill would grant reciprocity to all states except Illinois and the District of Columbia, which ban concealed-weapons." ...

Concealed carry bill gains momentum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Truck drivers are closely monitoring a bill aimed at unifying states’ concealed carry laws."

"The bill, HR822, the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011, passed the House by a vote of 272-154 on Wednesday ..."

"The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association has been supportive of efforts like HR822, which would require states that 'currently permit people to carry concealed firearms to recognize other states’ valid concealed carry permits.'"

"'This bill will go a long ways toward ensuring the safety of truckers when they are out on the road,' said Ryan Bowley, director of legislative affairs for OOIDA. ..."

"As the economy struggles, more truckers are becoming victims of violent crimes ..." ...

An Honest Look at Mitt Romney
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It turns out that Romney hasn’t been all that much friendlier to those committed to protecting the Second Amendment than he has been to the unborn and the champions of states’ rights."

"While campaigning for the governorship of Massachusetts in 2002, Romney both acknowledged his state's strict gun laws and expressed his belief in them. ..."

"And lest one object that Romney was just governing a specific state in accordance with the prevailing sensibilities of the majority of its residents, we would be well served to recall that during his Senate campaign, he endorsed 'the Brady Bill'— a federal piece of legislation ..." ...

The Gingrich surge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the last several weeks the hottest political news in the country is 'the Gingrich surge'--Newt Gingrich's meteoric rise to the top of the pack in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination. ..." ...

"But Gingrich has more baggage to get through on his path to the nomination. He jumped on the global warming bandwagon with Hillary Clinton. He pushed for the passage of NAFTA along with Bill Clinton. And his record on the Second Amendment is a mixed bag that is highly troublesome for many gun owners."

"However, the Gingrich baggage is not nearly as troublesome as that of Romney ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Then, of course there's Ron Paul who's only 'baggage' consists of having voted the Constitution for his entire career.

KS: Arpke to again challenge Brungardt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Salina Republican Rep. Tom Arpke, who came within 208 votes in 2008 of unseating longtime Salina Sen. Pete Brungardt in the primary, announced Thursday that he will again seek Brungardt's 24th District Senate seat in 2012." ...

"Arpke said that he and Brungardt, 64, who first was elected to the Senate in 2000, differ 'on several key issues.' He said Brungardt doesn't score well on Second Amendment issues, such as concealed carry; Arpke is pro-life while Brungardt is pro-choice; and Arpke believes he's more fiscally conservative than Brungardt." ...

Bureau of Land Management: Shooting Okay Again on Public Lands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My last article was about the Bureau of Land Management’s plan to curtail shooting on public lands, curiously, I received a comment alleging this was all a 'tempest in a teapot.' If so, why would the Bureau of Land Management decide to revise their draft guidelines on public land usage to include 'input and recommendations' from conservation and hunting organizations?" ...

OH: Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board to skip public hearing on Statehouse gun rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gongwer News Service reported recently that the agency that oversees Capitol Square moved Monday to avoid a public hearing on gun regulations."

"On October 20, the unelected CSRAB voted to prohibit concealed guns on the property surrounding the Statehouse." ...

"According to The Dispatch, much of the impetus for the change stemmed from the Ohio Second Amendment Rally which was held last year in conjunction with a rally that occurred a week later in Washington, D.C. The article says the board wanted to bar attendees at the Second Amendment March from 'packing heat,' but was told by the attorney general's office that no policy existed for a ban." ...

WI: Sheriff advocated for weapons ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "During the Nov. 2 executive committee meeting, Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald spoke on why he supported the proposed county ordinance that would have banned all weapons, including those by concealed carry permit holders, in all county buildings, including the Government Center and the highway department buildings. He explained that emotions can run high, particularly in the human services field when a person learns in a domestic case that he is being divorced or his children are being temporarily removed from his custody."

"Fitzgerald explained that by banning weapons, no one would react spontaneously, in a violent manner, due to highly emotional issues and pull a gun." ...

H/t to David Codrea who has some rather acerbic commentary . . .

VA: 'They're Crazy,' Cuccinelli Says of GMU Officials
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) was certain Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli had sold them out."

"'His opinion on the GMU ban went against us,' said VCDL Vice President Jim Snyder in his introduction of Cuccinelli at Thursday night’s membership meeting in the Mason Governmental Center."

Cuccinelli soon allayed the group's fears: 'As Attorney General I cannot undercut my client by going out and saying something like, 'You're idiots for doing this.' But the case is over, and I can now say I think they’re crazy.'" ...

CA: Gun Rights Crusaders Target State Over Definition of "Assault Weapon"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The term 'assault weapon' has always rankled Second Amendment absolutists. ..."

"In this state it's also 'unconstitutionally vague' according to a lawsuit filed this week by a band of gun rights crusaders."

"The plaintiffs in the case, filed Thursday in Oakland, are the Calguns Foundation, the Second Amendment Foundation, and Brendan John Richards. The latter is an Iraq vet who managed to get himself arrested and his guns impounded -- twice. The former are two litigious firearms aficionado groups who have made a cottage industry out of suing cities and states (you may recall the Second Amendment Foundation successfully forcing Muni to accept advertising in which people brandish firearms)." ...

TX: Dash-Cam Video Shows Sam Houston State Police Beating Student (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Aman Abdulaziz had a goal at Sam Houston State University. The 19-year-old was majoring in history and planned to be a lawyer."

"But all of that changed when he had an encounter with SHSU Campus Police. ..." ...

"Police accused him of having marijuana in his pocket."

"This was all caught on a police dashboard camera."

"'The largest police officer who assaulted me the most,' he said. 'He came up to me and started kicking me in the face with his shoes.'"

"After the dust settled, you hear an officer brag about physically assaulting the college freshman." ...

"Abdulaziz says he's angry because after this run-in, 'he' was charged with assaulting an officer." ...

TN: Officer faces lawsuit, TBI review for alleged 'excessive force'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Dickson police officer is facing both a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation review and a civil lawsuit for alleged 'excessive and unnecessary force' for two separate incidents in the last 12 months."

"The TBI is reviewing the actions of Dickson Police Patrol Officer Seth Goodwin during an Oct. 18 arrest of Ryan Veler and Lillie Victoria Dial. Dickson County Sheriff’s Deputy James Akers’ actions during the arrest are also under review." ...

CA: Ex-cop convicted of 12 counts in women's DUI stops (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former San Diego police officer accused of trying to elicit sex from seven women he pulled over in the Gaslamp District was convicted of eight felony counts and four misdemeanors Thursday."

"Jurors found Anthony Arevalos, 41, guilty of multiple counts of asking for a bribe, and assault and battery by a police officer."

"However, Arevalos was acquitted of other serious charges, including sexual battery by restraint charges, and while he was found guilty of false imprisonment, those counts were reduced to misdemeanors." ...

VA: Poquoson Officer Faces [Child] Rape Charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Virginia State Police arrested a Poquoson police officer Thursday for the rape and sexual assault of a minor after they were contacted by Social Services last month to conduct an investigation."

"It was reported to the Department of Social Service Oct. 4 that 29-year-old Steven McGee, who has been employed by the City of Poquoson for three years as a police officer, raped a female juvenile, according to a press release from the Virginia State Police. The victim described the details of her abuse when she was interviewed by a nurse ..."

"According to the press release, the victim was able to describe in detail several occasions when and where the rapes had occurred. ..." ...

NJ: NJ police officer accused of firing shots into grave
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Authorities believe an off-duty police detective in New Jersey fired four shots into a grave to celebrate the life of a former teacher and coach."

"Phillipsburg Police Detective James Stettner II is charged with shooting his gun within 300 feet of a residence." ...

NY: Long Island Professor Accidentally Shoots Self in Leg Outside Class -- The professor was safeguarding his gun before class before it accidentally went off.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Long Island professor accidentally shot himself in the leg while attempting to safeguard his gun before class Thursday morning, police said."

"The licensed handgun went off in the hallway of a building at Long Island University ..." ...

"No other faculty or staff were present at the time, and the professor, who is also a retired New York City law enforcement officer, received help from students waiting to begin class." ...

KABA Note: Another one of those magic guns that go off by themselves.

Canada: Officer charged with assault after 16-year-old pepper sprayed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A city police officer faces a weapon and assault charge for allegedly pepper spraying a 16-year-old girl while investigating a domestic incident in early October."

"The officer responded to the dispute Oct. 7 in Lakefield when the girl was assaulted and sprayed, police said."

"As a result of an internal investigation into the incident, police arrested Const. Ivan Gordie Taylor, a 37-year-old, eight-year veteran of the force, Thursday and charged him with assault and assault with a weapon." ...

OH: OSU students form pro-campus carry group as string of robberies continues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Last week, we reported that seven Ohio State students had been victimized in violent robberies, six at gunpoint."

"... some OSU students have decided they've had enough:"
"For the thousands of Buckeyes on OSU campus at all times, the threat of crime may be the last thing on their minds. ..."

"But should it be the last thing on their minds? OSU student and engineering major Mike Newbern doesn’t think so."

"'There have been four incidents in the last two weeks within three blocks of campus,' he said. '... [I]t's important for us to restore the rights of staff, students and faculty so that they can protect themselves while on campus.'"

"He is talking about restoring conceal carry rights to those on campus ..." ...

WV: Picketers turn out for right to carry arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About a dozen gun enthusiasts picketed Friday afternoon in front of Blue Ridge Community and Technical College, but their real target was Berkeley County Prosecutor Pamela Games-Neely."

"Friday's picketers, all of whom wore guns, openly and concealed, belong to the West Virginia Citizens Defense League, a legislative lobbying group. They contend that the Second Amendment and West Virginia law gives them the right to carry guns on college and university campuses." ...

IN: On target on gun question at Purdue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But even as proponents of the measure argued that the presence of guns would actually make the campus safer in case random, Virginia Tech-styled violence broke out, we'd have to side with university officials on this one. There is, after all, a university police department more prepared to deal with most situations better than random gun owners."

"Does that mean 18- to 21-year-olds can't be trusted to responsibly tote a legally licensed gun? You might get an argument from those in the military." ...

IN: PSG should not support concealed carry on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment is awesome and it’s great that we have the right to responsibly own a gun. Guns are sexy. I love them. Yay guns!"

"Keeping a gun at home, a store or a farm is acceptable, but lethal firearms in an academic environment will bring nothing but trouble. Purdue student government wanted to pass a resolution that will allow students to carry firearms as long as they are concealed, providing students have gone through the process of getting a permit. The plan failed and rightly so." ...

NH: Praise for factual article on weapons permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I would compliment Maryalice Gill on her quite factual article 'Weapons permit rate 'steady,' which discussed the statistics and process of Concealed Carry Weapons permits in Bedford and New Hampshire. Her article well describes the relatively simple process for obtaining a resident CCW permit in Bedford and almost all New Hampshire towns. I might note that while the permit rate is rather steady in Bedford, that gun sales and ownership have significantly increased nationwide since 2008, likely over fears that the current administration would act to increase gun restrictions. Indeed, the current administration has worked to do so through executive actions and policies that don’t require legislative voting ..." ...

The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers" delegated directly to the citizen, and `is excepted out of the general powers of government.' A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power." [Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)]

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