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Newslinks for 11/19/2024

Meet One of the Country’s Worst Sheriffs
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Mecklenburg County Sheriff Garry McFadden uses racially offensive language, fires longtime staff for little or no reason, delays firearm permits and promotes himself and his own interests rather than his staff.

Gallup: Handgun Ban Support Near All-Time Low; More Dems Favor Restrictions
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A new Gallup survey confirms what the firearms community essentially already knew: public support for banning handguns is near the all-time low, and Democrats support stricter gun control more than any other group.

According to Gallup, “89% of Democrats supporting stricter gun laws compared with 56% of independents and 25% of Republicans.”

Taurus Deputy: Single Action Sizzle in .45 Colt
Submitted by: David Williamson

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West of the 98th Meridian where the line which bisected Kansas and ran out to the Sierras, was labeled the Great American Desert in geography books well into the 20th Century.

The primary story told of these times is the tale of the cowboy. He preferred the term drover but history has labeled him differently.

Concealed Carrier Shoots Man in Self-Defense After Attempting to Flee Road Rage Pursuers in Urbana, IL
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On Saturday, November 16, 2024, a road rage incident escalated into a shooting at the intersection of Busey Avenue and Park Street. Urbana police responded to the scene at approximately 4:30 PM after receiving reports of a shooting with injuries.

Florida officials who banned guns prior to hurricane may soon pay for their ‘error’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The five-member Okeechobee, Florida, city council and Police Chief Donald Hagan may each be forced to pay $5,000 personally — without using taxpayer dollars — for violating Florida’s powerful preemption statute, which allows only the state legislature to regulate firearms.

Trump Victory Breathes New Life Into Massie’s National Constitutional Carry Act
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Efforts in the past to clarify, simplify, and expand the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the citizens’ right to keep and bear arms across the country have failed. But H.R. 9534 — the National Constitutional Carry Act — introduced by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) in September, now has an excellent chance of passage, thanks to the trifecta won by Republicans earlier this month.

At least 12 shot, 2 fatally, in weekend gun violence across Chicago, police say
Submitted by: David Williamson

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At least 12 people have been shot, two fatally, in gun violence across Chicago so far this weekend.

Best Lead-Free Hunting Ammunition: Is Copper the New Lead?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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There are many benefits to switching to lead-free ammunition. Whether you live in California and it’s required for hunting, or you just want something cleaner with less barrel fouling, copper and monolithic bullets are the way to go.

66-Year-Old Texas Man Shot to Death While Selling iPhone via Facebook Marketplace
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Sixty-six-year-old Ahmad Alkhalaf was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas, at a gas station while meeting a 19-year-old woman to sell an iPhone via Facebook marketplace.

Hawkins: GOP Needs to Secure Hearing Protection Act to Protect Environment
Submitted by: David Williamson

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With Republicans holding the House, Senate, and White House, now is the time to pass a Hearing Protection Act to protect the environment.

A Hearing Protection Act would remove suppressors from the purview of the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA), ending the cumbersome process for acquiring one and ending the requirement that the devices be registered with the ATF.

Country Music Star Jay Allen Embraces Concealed Carry After Life-Changing Event | E12 | USA Carry Podcast
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Welcome to Episode 12 of the USA Carry Podcast! This week, we’re joined by special guests Jay Allen, a country music singer and philanthropist, and Trevor Greer, a Marine veteran. In this episode, Jay shares a harrowing personal experience that pushed him to prioritize self-defense: being robbed at gunpoint in a Nashville grocery store.

WA resumes firearm background checks after security concerns cause 2-week delay
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Background checks for firearm sales in Washington have resumed after system security concerns caused a two-week delay. The restoration of the online resources necessary for the Washington State Patrol (WSP) to resume the checks comes a few days after KOMO News learned WSP was being threatened with a lawsuit from the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) over the agency’s inability to perform background checks.

Ignorant Analysis Of Illinois AWB Ruling Proves Who The Real “Jackass” Is
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Anytime a court rules in favor of Second Amendment rights, you can be sure there will be a naysayer out there somewhere convinced the judges were wrong, and the guns in question should, indeed, be banned.

2024 Holiday Gift Guide
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Everyone on your gift list will appreciate something in our 2024 Holiday Gift Guide. Whether you're stuffing stockings or making a statement, we've got worthy gift ideas for every budget. Pour a cup of hot cider, kick back, and prepare to complete your shopping without leaving the house.

6.8 SPC vs 5.56: Upping the Lethality of the M4 Carbine
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The lethality of the 5.56 NATO/223 Remington rifle cartridge has been a topic of heated debate since its adoption by the US military during the Vietnam War. When fired from a 20 inch barrel, the terminal performance of the 5.56 is quite impressive, however problems arise when a shorter barrel length is used.

When law and morality contradict each other the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his sense of morality or losing his respect for the law. — Frederick Bastiat

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