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Newslinks for 11/2/2011

Appeals Court Upholds Second Amendment Foundation Victory In Lawsuit V. Seattle Parks Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington State Court of Appeals for Division 1 today unanimously upheld a 2010 King County Superior Court ruling against the City of Seattle’s ban on firearms in city parks in a lawsuit originally brought by the Second Amendment Foundation, other gun rights groups and five individual plaintiffs."

"SAF Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb said he had always been confident that the Appeals Court would rule 'in favor of the law and against the attempt by Seattle to dance around it.'" ...

Emails, notes give insight into Gunwalker communications
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"A Sipsey Street Irregulars/Gun Rights Examiner exclusive report"

"Email correspondence and handwritten notes obtained today by Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars and this correspondent provide details on information and strategy being shared between top level officials of the Department of Justice and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, including between Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer and then-ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson." ...

Codrea & Vanderboegh Exclusive: Documents detail early knowledge by Lanny Breuer and subordinates of "gunwalking."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Whether the strategy to fold the Wide Receiver prosecutions into the larger Project Deliverance was actually implemented is unclear at this writing. What is clear is that the Jason Weinstein, Lanny Breuer and their subordinates were so convinced of the risk of 'embarrassing ATF' with charges of gunwalking that they were willing to hide the one case within another."

"And the date was 30 April 2010."

Napolitano and Clinton ‘Gunwalker’ reactions simply not credible
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Take a moment and go through the list of publicized developments that took place before the Secretary’s epiphany of enlightenment, chronicled here by bloggers operating out of their homes, and ask yourself if it seems credible that the head of Homeland Security, with the awesome power and see-all surveillance of the federal government at her disposal, just did not have a clue about Gunwalker. If that’s truly the case, we are entrusting nothing less than the domestic safeguarding of the Republic to an incompetent." ...

Gallup Poll Shows Gun Grabbers on Dustbin of History (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recent Gallup Survey shows gun grabbers are on the wrong side of history. Americans support gun rights." ...

Safer Streets 2012: Best Area of Agreement on Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "There is an area of agreement between gun owners and the rest of the electorate. First of all, it is not about guns, it is about the armed citizen, a distinctly different concept. It is about latitude in the freedom to act in time of grave danger, the authority to act, the public policy to act, and the meaning of official support of our values system."

"On this, there is no negotiation, there is only education and understanding. I think of the armed citizen in freedom as most Americans think of the human being who cannot be owned by another human being. It is beyond question, the second amendment being just as absolute as the freedom from being owned. ..." ...

Gun Review: Steyr TMP/SPP Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun people are some of the most generous hobbyists you’ll ever meet. They’ll put their favorite rifle or pistol in your hands, loaded with a magazine full of their own ammunition, step back and watch the lead fly. I make a point of returning the favor and paying it forward when I can. For my part I’ve introduced beginning shooters to the joys of the AK-74, the Mosin-Nagant, and whatever gun I happen to be testing for TTAG. Yesterday, thanks to this firearms fraternity, I shot my first machine pistol . . ." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Focus on Shot Placement (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The MSM coverage of this Quebec cow killing has focused on its necessity, or lack thereof. 'Police officers who shot two cows that escaped on their way to the slaughterhouse say they had to kill them because they were a threat to the public,' the AP reports. 'Gatineau police spokesman Pierre Lanthier said Monday the cows charged police. ...' For our purposes, set aside the idea of the cops waiting for a shotgun or rifle (as they did) and notice how many shots were required to send Elmer to the great meat processing factory in the sky. Of course, there's a few key differences between a bovine that's [temporarily] escaped from the slaughterhouse and Mr. Bad Guy. For one thing, bad guys are way harder to shoot . . ." ...

Question of the Day: Who Needs Firearms Training? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Everyone, obviously. But how much firearms training does someone need for effective concealed carry? I reckon thirty seconds. Give them a Smith & Wesson 642 with the following instructions: 'Open it this way, put the bullets in here (pointy end forward), close it like this, don’t point it at anyone you don’t want to shoot, put the gun in your pocket or a safe. Don't shoot anyone unless they are in the process of trying to kill you. When you're ready to shoot get as close to the bad guy as possible, point the gun at them and pull the trigger. Stop pulling when they stop attacking you. Afterwards call 911, tell them someone’s been shot and STFU. Muzzle tov.[sic]' ..." ...

Cowboy Assault Rifle Teaser: Happy Quad-Rails To You
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our beloved jefe Farago has been waiting a long time for his over-the-top Cowboy Assault Rifle project (not pictured) to come to fruition. What a long, strange trip it’s been, starting with an unintentional 'Paratrooper' version of the Model 1894C complete with a folding walnut stock. After months of radio silence (during which my own 1894C was customized, modernized, and shot like I stole it) Marlin sent Farago an impeccably perfect replacement." ...

MSNBC's Melvin Worries Rape Victims Might 'Presume' Guilt If They Shoot Would-be Rapists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For today's 'Gut Check' segment on MSNBC's 2 p.m. Eastern NewsNation program, substitute host Craig Melvin interviewed a South Carolina sheriff who is urging women in his county to carry a concealed handgun for protection against would-be rapists."

"During his Skype interview with Chuck Wright, Melvin worried about the poor dead would-be rapists being checked into the Spartanburg County morgue without the benefit of a trial (emphasis mine, video follows page break):" ...

MSNBC Host: Why Should People Have Guns When We Have Cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Yesterday, Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright of South Carolina told women during a news conference to obtain their concealed weapons permit in order to better protect themselves from rapists and criminals in the area." ...

"... [U]nsurprisingly MSNBC fill-in host Craig Melvin seems to be more worried about the fate of potential rapists, rather than the safety of women. During an interview with Sheriff Wright today, Melvin suggested law enforcement should be the only necessary protection for women and society against criminals. ..." ...

WI: Where sanity still lives: Madison spots that don’t allow concealed carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Concealed carry comes to Wisconsin today, and Second Amendment fans should be excited that for a scant $50 permit, they can now protect themselves by shooting people in Madison streets. However, they might be bummed to find out that Madison has a bunch of safe havens for those who feel more comfortable when they know people around them aren’t armed. The A.V. Club checked on a few Madison landmarks to give the gun-averse a primer." ...

IL: Oak Park Exploring New Gun Rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than a year after the the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its long-standing ban on handguns, Oak Park officials are looking for new ways to limit potential firearm owners."

"This time, they'll approach gun ownership as a public health issue."

"Why? Because organizations as varied as the American Public Health Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics have for years said that the gun-associated violence is a public health epidemic in the United States." ...

SC: Sheriff tells citizens to “Get a firearm” to make community safer (video of press conference)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How can citizens protect themselves from violent offenders? According to one sheriff in Spartanburg, South Carolina, the answer is simple: Arm yourselves. ..." ...

MN: Understandable impulse to help victim led to mugger's death (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is still a lot we don't know about the shooting near the Cub store in south Minneapolis, in which a passerby with a permit to carry a gun killed a mugger who had just pistol-whipped a woman. But we now know that Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman does not plan to press charges against the man ..."

"For that, I'm glad."

"Freeman didn't release a lot of information about the incident because, technically, it is still being investigated. What he did say is that the man with the gun approached Darren Evanovich, who was rifling through the purse he had just stolen. He asked Evanovich to hand over the purse, but instead Evanovich pulled out his gun and pointed it at him."

"The man shot him dead." ...

Sen. Feinstein: Lax gun control is real ‘problem’ with Fast and Furious
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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... "'My concern, Mr. Chairman, is there’s been a lot said about Fast and Furious, and perhaps mistakes were made, but I think this hunt for blame doesn’t really speak about the problem,' Feinstein said during the Tuesday hearing. 'And the problem is, anybody can walk in and buy anything, .50-caliber weapons, sniper weapons, buy them in large amounts, and send them down to Mexico. So, the question really becomes, what do we do about this?'"

"'I've been here 18 years,' Feinstein continued. 'I've watched the BATF get beaten up at every turn on the road. And, candidly, it's just not right.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Her disconnect from reality is more than stunning.

Editor's Note: I actually have to agree with her (never thought that would happen): After 18(plus) years of getting caught and beaten up for malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance, perjury before Congress, violations of local, state and federal laws, violations of international treaties, violations of the rights of FFLs, firearms manufacturers, firearms owners, and abuse and civil rights violations of their own employees, the fact that they have not yet been disbanded and the criminal elements of the agency imprisoned, candidly, is just not right.

So Is Asst AG Lanny Breuer The Next Fall Guy? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I think a pattern is developing in which mid-level officials are taking the hit in order to protect Holder and eventually President Obama. First you had former US Attorney for the District of Arizona Dennis Burke and Acting ATF Director Ken Melson take blame and now you have Assistant AG Lanny Breuer do the same thing. At the rate this is going, the Administration is going to run out of successively more important fall guys. However, it won't be for a lack of trying on their part." ...

ATF Death Watch 112: More F&F Guns Come Back Over the Border
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While the number of those calling for AG Holder’s head over the Fast and Furious gun running scandal-that-just-won’t-die continues to multiply, real world consequences continue to be felt back in flyover country. Pinal County, Arizona, to be specific. That’s where reports a Sinaloa Cartel associate was picked up with $2 million worth of heroin. And as a TTAG source has reported, two of the guns seized during the bust have been traced back to the group of 2,000 rifles and pistols in the ATF-enabled F&F cache originally sent down Mexico way…" ...

ATF Death Watch 111: Will the Real Gunwalker Scandal Please Stand Up?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Washington, Gunwalker is all about scalps. Who’s going to lose their job for green lighting the ATF’s plan to allow U.S. gun stores to sell some 2000 firearms to Mexican gun smugglers (a program that contributed to the death of two federal law enforcement officers and at least a dozen Mexicans)? U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder? DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano? President Barack Obama? With all the focus on the inside-the-beltway fallout from the ATF’s black bag job, it’s easy to lose sight of the real scandal, which continues unabated . . ." ...

Bombshells and deflections in Fast & Furious investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun California Sen. Dianne Feinstein's attempt to run interference for the Justice Department and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives during Tuesday’s discussion of Operation Fast and Furious before a Senate subcommittee rings hollow in the face of new disclosures about who knew what and when, and how the DoJ feared bad publicity about 'gunwalking.'" ...


Admission of 'Gunwalker' knowledge moves up another level in DoJ
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday, Sharyl Attkisson's superb coverage of the 'Project Gunwalker' scandal for CBS News continued with the revelation that Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer now admits to having known about the atrocity long before any senior Department of 'Justice' officials had so far been willing to acknowledge such awareness:" ...

17 Congressmen Call For Eric Holder's Resignation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nine more members of Congress called on Attorney General Eric Holder to resign over his handling of Operation Fast and Furious, more than doubling the number on record calling for his ouster. A total of 17 members of Congress have now called for Holder to step down and many more are giving verbal support to the call. Your faxes,, phone calls and letters to Congress are working and we need to step up the heat." ...

Exclusive: Rep. Gowdy rips stalling tactics of DoJ on Fast & Furious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'At some point we’re going to have to get more than a steady stream of 'I don't knows' and running out the clock in hopes that we will go in another direction.'"

"So said Congressman Trey Gowdy in an exclusive interview with this column and Gun Week regarding the lack of cooperation that Congress has gotten from the Department of Justice in its probe of Operation Fast and Furious, the horribly mishandled Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gun sting." ...

Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer Blames Second Amendment For ATF/DOJ Gun Walking Mistakes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing today on Capitol Hill, Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, who is facing pressure surrounding his role in the Obama Justice Department’s Operation Fast and Furious, asked for more gun control and blamed law abiding gun shop owners for violence in Mexico."

"Breuer declared that nearly 70 percent of guns found in Mexico come from the United States, a figure that has been disproven by the National Rifle Association,, PolitiFact and by Senator Charles Grassley’s office multiple times. ..." ...

WI: Wisconsin HAers: don’t forget to apply for your concealed carry license today!
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"So far, Scott Walker has given Wisconsin residents a lot to be thankful for, but this one, in my opinion, is the biggest."

"As of today, November 1st, 2011, citizens of the State of Wisconsin can now apply for their concealed carry license at the website for the Wisconsin Department of Justice!"

"Here’s a quick lowdown on what you need to do:" ...

Catholic Bishops in Wisconsin: Keep Guns Out of Churches
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"On Tuesday Wisconsin's Right-to-Carry law went into effect, which means this Sunday will be the first day that parishioners will be allowed to bring guns into churches. However Catholic bishops in the state are asking that people leave their weapons at home."

"Reuters reports that the archbishop of Milwaukee and the bishops from Madison, La Crosse, Green Bay and Superior issued a joint statement in which they said guns do not belong in church."

"'Intuitively, we understand that acts of violence, destruction, and murder are antithetical to the message and person of Jesus Christ and have no rightful place in our society, especially sacred places.'" ...

KABA Note: So they're not letting cops into church any more? Cops after all, carry guns . . .

Wisconsin Right-to-Carry Gun Law Takes Effect
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"139 years ago in a short-sighted miscarriage of justice, the right of law-abiding Wisconsin citizens to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense was stripped away. After more than a decade-long struggle to secure the Right-to-Carry in the Badger State, residents will be submitting their applications beginning today and within a few days the first Concealed Carry permits will be issued." ...

Video: Stephen Colbert Says Allow Concealed Guns In Wisconsin Capitol (video available)
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"On the 'Colbert Report,' host Stephen Colbert saluted Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) for advocating concealed weapons in the state Capitol, which Colbert called 'bringing a new freedom to America’s dairy land.'"

"Damn straight,' Colbert said. 'We have a right to bear arms in this country, and, like it or not, Wisconsin is still part of this country. But just because guns may be allowed in the Capitol, doesn’t mean you’ll see gunfire.'" ...

Let's grin and bear it on concealed carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Concealed carry started Tuesday in Wisconsin. Here are some last-minute questions and answers from readers just like you, except that I made them up." ...

WI: Concealed carry applications roll in
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state Department of Justice moved quickly on Tuesday to review the first wave of applications from those wishing to carry concealed weapons in Wisconsin."

"As of about 4pm, the agency had issued about 120 licenses out of the roughly 150 applications received so far at the Department’s Capitol office. Of those applications received Monday, 90 licenses had already been printed and prepared for mailing." ...

OH: Ohio pols begin to weigh in on Republican presidential candidates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although it appears Ohio Republicans will not get to vote in a presidential primary until it is already decided (the primary has been moved ... to near the back of the line in June 2012), GOP political figures in the Buckeye State have begun to weigh in on who they believe should be the nominee to face Obama."

"The Dayton Daily News is reporting that NRA Board of Directors member and former Ohio Treasurer and Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has endorsed Texas Governor Rick 'gun control means using both hands' Perry for President. Blackwell, who is the first African-American to be elected to statewide executive office in Ohio, also earned the Republican nomination for governor in 2006." ...

Republican presidential candidates seek to educate primary voters on Romney's flip-flops on gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Republican presidential candidates with documented pro-Second Amendment rights records as governors are seeking to make sure that primary voters are aware that former governor Mitt Romney's record on the issue looks more like Barack Obama's or Hillary Clinton's than that of a supposedly pro-gun conservative."

"One of the flip-flop issues consistently mentioned about Romney?"

"His record on gun rights." ...

Gun-Free Presidential Debates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The lamestream media told you:"

"Look — over here – look, it’s economic policy, and jobs, and not enough jobs, and economic policy, and the debt, and the deficit, and government waste, and jobs and economics, and, and, and…"

"The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:"

"Not a single presidential candidate in any debate so far has mentioned guns. The Second Amendment — the number one issue for huge numbers of Americans, has been hidden from view, avoided, virtually censored, never raised."

"Have you noticed, or has the clamor about economy blinded you so effectively?" ...

NJ: District 24 Assembly Candidates Give Answers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Patch asked each candidate to fill out the questionaire below. Here are their responses. ..." ...

"Gary R. Chiusano (R-Augusta)
Age: 60
Occupation: Financial planner" ...

"What's one fact about you that most voters probably don't know? ..." ...

"As a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and a member of the National Rifle Association, I am proud to have the support of the NRA and the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance. ..." ...

New Obama Regs Direct Agencies to Lie to the Public
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Remember this statement back in January of 2009: 'My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government.'"

"That was the Barack Obama on the day he was inaugurated."

"But now the President, who raised fraud to an art form, has issued a regulation under the [FOIA] directing government agencies to lie to the public." ...

"We in the gun community have faced an analogous situation when Attorney General Eric Holder and other high Justice Department officials lied about their knowledge of Operation Fast and Furious -- and the department's role in placing guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels."

"But even this falls short of a written regulation requiring bureaucrats to lie. ..." ...

CA: AB 144 to restrict right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In January, California will become the seventh state to prohibit, at least to some degree, the 'open carry' of handguns. Sort of. It is difficult for me, at least, to discern by reading the statute, AB 144, just who in California will be able to openly carry a handgun, loaded or not, and who will not be allowed to do so."

"The measure has 21 exceptions. If I read the bill correctly, one of those exceptions is attorneys at law. They may carry a handgun openly, when they are working, if the weapon is not loaded. Another exception seems to be, 'A licensed insurance adjuster in performing his or her duties within the scope of his or her license as an insurance adjuster.' Hmm. Why that exception, I wonder. ..." ...

WI: Brookfield Bans Concealed and Open Carry Weapons from Municipal Buildings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With Brookfield Mayor Steve Ponto making a rare speech urging support for a weapons ban in city-owned buildings, aldermen voted 9-4 Tuesday to post signs prohibiting guns, knives and other weapons from municipal facilities."

"The adopted city resolution bans weapons from being carried openly or concealed into any municipal buildings, including City Hall, the Public Safety Building library and recycling center." ...

WI: Assembly passes bill giving homeowners more authority to use deadly force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Homeowners using deadly force against intruders would get powerful legal protection, under a bill approved by the Assembly late Tuesday."

"The bill passed on a bipartisan 71-24 vote and goes next to the Senate ..." ...

"Under the bill, courts in most criminal and civil matters would presume that property owners using deadly force had acted reasonably against anyone unlawfully inside their residence, business or vehicle, whether they were armed or not. The proposal is sometimes known as 'castle doctrine' legislation, a reference to the saying that one's home is one's castle." ...

‘Ammo Shortage’ Counterpoint: Let The Good Times Roll
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So Wal-Mart doesn’t want me stocking up my zombie safehouse with their ammo? That’s fine by me. Wal-Mart and other brick-and-mortar retailers are hardly my first choice for ammo purchases anyway, since I buy most of my ammo online and at gun shows."

"Regardless of my personal shopping habits, I don’t think Wal-Mart’s retail policies are any indication that we’re entering the second phase of a ‘Double-Dip’ ammo shortage, and here’s why…" ...

Are Ammo Shortages Coming Again?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "And then this happened, a sign appeared in a local Wal-Mart and was discovered by a Reddit reader re-instating the box per customer limit. With the election season fast approaching, are we about to see a renewed interest in ammunition hoarding? Will prices skyrocket once more? Will I ever see another factory box of .300 BLK? What do you think?" ...

Children In Military Families More At Risk For Violence And Gang Membership
Submitted by: none

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"As of last year close to two million children in the US had at least one parent serving in the military. Now researchers have determined that adolescents with at least one parent on active duty are more likely to carry a weapon and engage in violence at school."

"The new study is from the University of Washington's School of Public Health. It looked at the strain of military deployment on families. KUOW's Patricia Murphy reports." ...

WI: Milwaukee Hires Cops with Criminal Records. And They’re Just Fine with That.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a group of off-duty Milwaukee cops kicked the crap out of Frank Jude, Jr. in 2004, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal stumbled on the fact that one of the cops involved ... had priors before joining the MPD. When the paper asked the department for a list of other officers on the force who had criminal records, they were given the brush-off. Those records didn’t exist and they weren’t about to start collecting them. So the men and women patrolling the streets of Milwaukee, enforcing laws and employing the use of deadly force when necessary, are held to a lower standard than your average school teacher, bank teller or day care worker…"

"Despite promises to look into the situation, nothing’s been done." ...

PA: East Washington police chief, protection offer linked
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Washington County police chief agreed to buy Tasers and act as protection for people he thought were drug dealers, an FBI agent testified on Monday."

"Three days after the FBI arrested East Washington police Chief Donald Solomon, 55, authorities explained how he violated the Hobbs Act, which prohibits government officials from using their positions to extort money."

"Solomon pleaded not guilty. U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert C. Mitchell ordered him held without bail, saying the chief presented himself to undercover agents as 'the best cop that money could buy' and bragged about killing people or having others kill for him." ...

MO: Former Canton police chief gets probation for federal firearms charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Canton, Mo., Police Chief William Hudnall was sentenced Wednesday to probation, home confinement and community service after he pleaded guilty in August to a federal firearms charge."

"Hudnall pleaded guilty to buying a .45-caliber firearm at a Canton gun shop. He admitted with his plea that he made a false statement on the Firearms Transaction Record form to obtain the firearm for an individual known by Hudnall to be a convicted felon and, therefore, prohibited from possessing a firearm." ...

LA: Trooper charged with simple rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A state trooper was arrested Tuesday and booked on a charge of simple rape after a joint investigation by the Lincoln Parish Sheriff's Office and the Louisiana State Police, according to State Police superintendent Col. Mike Edmonson." ...

"State Police detectives had been contacted by investigators with the Lincoln Parish Sheriff's Office in October regarding a criminal complaint they had received involving the inactive trooper. The complainant, who is an acquaintance of Almond, alleged that on Sept. 10, she was sexually assaulted while spending the night at his residence following a party there."

"The subsequent joint investigation resulted in the simple rape charge." ...

WV: Police officer facing battery charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" A Parkersburg police officer has been indicted by a special Wood County grand jury on a charge of battery." ...

"Vensel's indictment stems from an incident with a suspect at the Wood County Holding Center approximately two weeks ago."

"Vensel is alleged to have struck Jerry Seabolt, who was being booked into the holding center on charges of obstruction, disorderly conduct and public intoxication." ...

"The holding center is wired with video cameras and the incident was captured on videotape." ...

TX: Court records say Ranger Police Department officer punched a woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Ranger police officer arrested over the weekend faces felony charges including stalking and assault after police say he repeatedly punched a woman and sent her text messages threatening her with bodily harm."

"Jonathan Blevin Matthis, 28, was arrested Friday and charged with stalking, assault and making terroristic threats. Matthis has since been released from the Eastland County Jail on a combined bond of $105,000." ...

"According to court records, Matthis and the woman began dating in February, when the woman was a senior in high school ..." ...

WI: Police Department ignores national standards for officers accused of domestic violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Robert Velez's wife left their home to escape his abuse, he used his Milwaukee police training - and his badge - to track her down." ...

"As a result of the 2001 incident, Velez was arrested for battery while armed, domestic violence battery and misconduct in public office - charges that could have landed him in prison for 5 ½ years and barred him from possessing a gun for the rest of his life."

"But that didn't happen. Not only did Velez avoid prison, he was suspended from the department for just six days."

"Velez is one of at least 16 Milwaukee police officers disciplined after internal investigators concluded they had committed acts of domestic violence ..." ...

LA: Alexandria VA police officer arrested in connection with wife's death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Veterans Affairs police officer has been arrested in connection with his wife's death, VA officials confirmed today, Oct. 31."

"Donald Pickney of Woodworth is charged with second-degree murder in connection with the killing of his wife, Chanda White Pickney, 33, according to the Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office. He also faces charges of second-degree battery and false imprisonment." ...

OH: Former police officer had sex with girl, charges say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Chillicothe police officer who retired this year has been charged with sex crimes involving a 15-year-old girl."

"Richard Eric McKee, 48, of Chillicothe, surrendered to authorities today after being indicted on multiple charges Friday by a Ross County grand jury."

"He is charged with 10 counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, two counts of sexual imposition and single counts of importuning and unauthorized use of a police computer system. Importuning is soliciting sex from a minor." ...

"The charges allege that McKee had an improper relationship with the girl between August 2010 and May, said Prosecutor Matthew Schmidt."

"McKee served on the Chillicothe police force from 1986 until he retired on March 1. ..." ...

UT: Kids Given "Gun Test"; Mixed Results
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"It is sweeps month in the local TV news business, so one station decided to drum-up viewers by setting up a test that put children in the same room with guns. The results were mixed."

"KTVX-TV in Salt Lake City reports that it hid two unloaded, disabled Glocks in a room, then invited four boys and two girls, ages four-to-ten, to wait in their room while their parents attended a meeting. The parents knew what was going on; the kids of course had no idea." ...

KABA Note: Just goes to show why gun safety should be taught in schools starting in kindergarten.

OH: 85% of Ohio's Deer Hunters Choose the Phone or Internet for Checking Game
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 24,000 white-tailed deer have been checked through Ohio's new automated game check system, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife."

"Hunters must still report their deer harvest, but they are no longer required to take their deer to a check station for physical inspection. Instead, hunters have three options to complete the new automated game check:" ...

OR: Newberg School District guilty of unlawful gun policies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You may have heard of a recent Oregon court ruling that said the state university system could not adopt rules banning people who have concealed handgun licenses (CHL) from carrying firearms on campus. Unfortunately the Newberg School District didn’t get the message and is refusing to change a similar policy."

"The school facilities policy lists 'use or possession of firearms' as a prohibited activity on district property. There are no exceptions, not for after-hours, non-school-related activities, nor for law enforcement officers. ..."

"State law is clear on this issue: Anyone with a valid Oregon CHL is legally allowed to have guns on school property. This state law dates back to 1969." ...

FL: Florida Carry Suspends Filing of Lawsuits Against City of Miami and Miami-Dade County Pending Planned Repeal of Gun Control Ordinances
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As we reported earlier, Florida Carry, Inc. planned to file lawsuits today against the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County to end their unlawful gun control ordinances."

"Moments before the cases were filed with the court, we received assurances from the Miami City Attorney’s Office that their unlawful ordinances will be repealed on November 17th. Miami-Dade County has also agendaed a measure to repeal its gun control laws." ...

NJ: Frank Virgilio to Address the New Jersey Second Amendment Society
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Frank Virgilio is the State President of the New Jersey Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs. His organization represents hundreds of thousands of hunters and sportsmen throughout New Jersey."

"Mr. Virgilio has agreed to address Second Amendment issues from his personal point of view as well as that of the group he represents. It is obvious that he is a staunch supporter of the right to keep and bear arms." ...

Many politicians are in the habit of laying it down as a self-evident proposition, that no people ought to be free till they are fit to use their freedom. The maxim is worthy of the fool in the old story, who resolved not to go into the water till he had learned to swim. If men are to wait for liberty till they become wise and good in slavery, they may indeed wait forever. — LORD THOMAS MACAULAY

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