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Newslinks for 11/2/2024

Guns, militia and social media amplify the risks of political violence during the US election
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Whether recent purchasers or long-time owners, gun owners typically express higher support for political violence than non gun-owners, with many viewing arms as tools to be mobilized in defense of “American values.” What is more, assault rifle owners and people who regularly seem to be more inclined to see political violence as justified, more willing to engage in it, more willing to kill to advance political objectives, and more willing to organize a violent group.

Desperate Harris' wild 2A claims are literally unbelievable
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Vice President Kamala Harris is flailing. With just days before Election Day, she has called former President Donald J. Trump a fascist and now, added to the list, the agent who would unilaterally strip Black men of their Second Amendment rights.

That’s rich. The “joy” campaign has descended into unparalleled insults and accusations. Vice President Harris, who openly supported forcibly confiscating lawfully owned firearms, is levying accusations that a former president who protected Second Amendment rights would suddenly become its greatest villain. And with a racist twist. Remember President Joe Biden’s “Jim Eagle” accusations that landed flatly with voters? It’s back.

TX: Lamar County Chamber of Commerce Celebrates Ribbon Cutting for Texas 2A 'Mantique'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Owners Jeff and Cathleen Padier chose the name “Mantique” as a clever twist on “boutique,” aiming to fill a niche in a community filled with traditional boutiques. Texas 2A Mantique is designed to be a gathering place for individuals who share a passion for Second Amendment rights, offering a range of Second Amendment apparel, guns, and gun accessories. Jeff expressed his gratitude for Philip Coker, who assists in the store during the workday, noting, “Philip was an answered prayer for our store.”

ID: Idaho is on the Precipice of Becoming a Gun Grabbing State
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You may dismiss the title of this story as ridiculous, knowing our current culture. Despite some occasional local efforts, the state is a bulwark in defending your Second Amendment right. Among the best in the nation.

Then along comes Proposition 1, which is designed to water down the defense of liberty in our State Legislature. The people behind the scheme claim most Idahoans are moderates. Jungle primaries and ranked-choice voting dilute the candidacies of conservatives and allow the camel to get his nose under the tent.

PA: Pennsylvania Prosecutor Who Uses Medical Marijuana Asks Federal Court To Hear His Case On Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lawyers for a Pennsylvania district attorney who’s suing the federal government over its ban on gun ownership by cannabis users filed a new brief in the case this week, arguing that the court should allow the matter to proceed to trial despite the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) move to dismiss it.

Plaintiffs in the dispute, led by Warren County District Attorney Robert Greene, argue that despite recent court precedent acknowledging limits to the Second Amendment, the federal government cannot sweepingly ban all marijuana consumers from owning guns.

Kamala’s “Freedom From Freedom” Hoax
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Speaking almost in the shadow of the White House, Kamala again promised to give Americans “freedom from gun violence.” The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights pledged in perpetuity that Americans’ right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. But Americans won’t have “freedom from gun violence” unless government controls every trigger in the land. Harris previously supported banning private ownership of pistols, warrantless searches of people’s homes to inspect their firearms, and confiscating the most popular rifle in America. Disarming Americans will leave them in total dependency on the same politicians who lied to confiscate their guns in the first place.

OR: Duck N Go Market Clerk Pulls Own Gun, Shoots Armed Robber in Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An attempted robbery at the Duck N Go Market on October 27 ended with the suspect in custody and the store clerk unharmed, thanks to the clerk’s quick and decisive actions. The incident, which occurred around 5:07 p.m., involved a man who entered the market on Commons Drive, brandished a firearm, and demanded money from the store clerk.

According to the Eugene Police Department, the suspect, later identified as 21-year-old Noah Alexander Sky, pointed a gun at the clerk while making his demands. Fearing for his life, the clerk responded by drawing his own firearm and shooting Sky, successfully neutralizing the threat. Immediately following the incident, the clerk called 911, staying on scene until Eugene Police arrived.

TX: San Antonio Man Shoots Driver Allegedly Attempting to Run Over Multiple People in Self-Defense Incident
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Early Sunday morning, a fatal shooting occurred outside an after-hours establishment on San Antonio’s South Side, with the shooter claiming self-defense after the victim allegedly attempted to run over multiple people with his vehicle.

San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) officers responded to the incident around 3 a.m. at the 3100 block of Mission Road. When officers arrived, they found a man inside a vehicle with an apparent gunshot wound. Emergency responders pronounced him dead at the scene, and the Bexar County Medical Examiner’s Office has tentatively identified the victim as a 30-year-old man.

How Artificial Intelligence Is Repackaging Gun-Control Talking Points
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the world in which we live—for the better, of course, say most of the developers of AI. But these systems are often fed biases, including anti-Second Amendment biases, by their creators and AI is even known to just make things up. So, how should we reckon with the inevitable impacts of this fast-emerging technology?

AI has already proven to be capable of doing a number of tasks. A relatively basic form of AI is found in the streaming service that sends out texts noting that you might like a movie that was recently introduced to a service.

DC: Circuit Court Rules D.C. Mag Restriction Is Constitutional
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun-rights groups looking to get Washington, D.C.’s restriction on firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds declared unconstitutional have run into a brick wall at the U.S. Appeals Court for the D.C. Circuit.

Despite arguments to the contrary, on Tuesday, the court ruled that such magazines do, indeed, pass the Bruen standard and that the ban could stand. Plaintiffs in the case Hansen v. D.C. contend that the ban didn’t meet either of the two standards set down by the U.S. Supreme Court in that pivotal case, particularly the “historical precedent” requirement.

TX: Fairgoers Join Ken Paxton in Suing Texas State Fair for Allegedly Violating Their Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Three fairgoers have joined Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in suing the State Fair of Texas and the city of Dallas over the fair’s policy banning all firearms from its properties.

Monday’s filing is the latest maneuver from Paxton in an ongoing battle surrounding the State Fair and its gun ban. In September, a day before the event kicked off, the Texas Supreme Court denied Paxton’s request to overturn the policy — stating it has no role to “decide whether the State Fair made a wise decision” — after a Dallas district court judge allowed the gun ban to stand.

AZ: Trump Investigated By Arizona AG Over Gun Comments About Liz Cheney
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Former President Donald Trump, who suggested Thursday that Former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. should have guns “trained on her face,” could potentially face legal consequences for his remarks, according to Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes’ office, which told Forbes it is looking into whether the comments violated Arizona law.

Ed.: Spoiler alert: they don't. Suggesting a war-monger might be less pro-war if they serve in combat is protected 1A speech.

Nigeria: Arms control centre rejects Ned Nwoko’s gun rights bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Centre for Control of Small Arms and Weapons has opposed the proposed bill that will allow Nigerians to bear arms for self-defence, insisting that Nigeria is not ripe for arms bearing.

Sponsored by Senator Ned Nwoko, representing Delta North Senatorial District, the bill aims to empower Nigerians to bear arms in self-defence against criminals.

Nwoko argued that allowing Nigerians to carry arms would be a deterrent to criminals, potentially addressing the country’s worsening security situation.

Harris: Trump’s guns ‘trained on her face’ remarks about Liz Cheney should be ‘disqualifying’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“He has increased his violent rhetoric, Donald Trump has, about political opponents, and in great detail … suggested rifles should be trained on former Rep. Liz Cheney. This must be disqualifying,” Harris said.


“She’s a radical war hawk,” Trump said. “Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK. Let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face. You know, they’re all war hawks when they’re sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, oh, gee, we’ll, let’s send — let’s send 10,000 troops right into the mouth of the enemy.”

MO: Hawley and Kunce trade barbs over guns and abortion in Missouri U.S. Senate debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“As a Marine, I know you don't just give an 18-year-old a firearm and a bunch of ammunition,” Kunce said. “You teach them the weapon safety rules, you teach them how to shoot. You make sure they're responsible.”

Hawley brought up a recent event featuring Kunce and former Illinois U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger where after target shooting, a metal fragment hit a television reporter in the arm. Hawley said, “His incident last week may have convinced me that gun control might be needed for him, but not for other law-abiding citizens in this state.”

FL: Deadly shooting at St. Pete home under construction deemed self-defense: Police
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Investigators said the deadly shooting at a St. Petersburg home that was under construction has been deemed self-defense.

The shooting happened at around 1:30 p.m. on Friday at a vacant home located at 1400 Farragut Drive North. The St. Pete Police Department said the home was under construction and being remodeled by a work crew.

OH: Columbus Man Fatally Shot Amid Alleged Home Invasion, Self-Defense Considered in North Columbus Tragedy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a related development, The Dispatch detailed how the shooting unfolded, revealing that the victim, a male, was allegedly in the act of breaking into a home when fatally shot. Dispatchers received the call just minutes before police arrived on the scene, finding the man with gunshot wounds. Taken in a condition listed as critical, his life slipped away shortly after hospitalization, as noted in a statement obtained by The Columbus Dispatch. Investigators are currently working to gather evidence and witness accounts to piece together the night's tragic events.

The unfolding narrative took a transformative turn when self-defense came into play as a potential justification for the shooting.

One man with courage is a majority. — Thomas Jefferson

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