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Newslinks for 11/21/2005

IL: Robbery Shoot-out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Samir Rathod was robbed at gunpoint by two masked robbers last night. As thieves made off with his cash they fired through the door. Rathod says a bullet just grazed him ..."

"It was at that point Rathod took matters into his own hands. Police report he shot at the suspects as they ran through the parking lot."

"'I was trying to just scare them,' said Rathod."

"Rathod hit 17 year old Exzavia Gaston in the back. Gaston is recovering and is not facing charges. But police did arrest a 16 year old. He is charged with armed robbery." ...

"Rathod is not facing any charges. By law people can argue self defense when they show evidence that they believe using force against someone is necessary in order to avoid a serious injury or death."

MO: Intruder cuts man, runs from pistol
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Police were looking for a man Saturday who allegedly stabbed a Springfield man in his home.

Police were called to the 2800 block of Olive because of shots fired around 5 p.m.

Police said the 24-year-old victim was on the telephone when he heard noises in the house.

When he hung up, he saw an intruder with a knife.

The victim was cut in the arm before he went into his bedroom to get a pistol.

The victim fired at the intruder, who was running out the door. It was unknown if the suspect was hit.

The suspect is described as a white man in his late teens to early 20s with dark hair. He is thought to be 6 feet tall, weighing 160 pounds.

GA: Elderly man on oxygen chases off intruders
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A pair of knife-wielding robbers was no match for 83-year-old Harry Carpenter and his .22-caliber rifle." ...

"Harry quickly shuffled over to the laundry room, where he kept hidden behind the dryer an unloaded rifle he'd owned since childhood. 'I shot many a squirrel with that thing,' Harry said."

"He fumbled for bullets sitting on a shelf."

"The suspect returned before he could load, so Harry slammed the bolt home and aimed the empty weapon at the intruder."

"'He yelled out, 'Let's go, he's got a gun!' Harry said." ...

NM: Woman recounts in-home attack from rapist: Kills attacker with his own weapon
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Melissa O'Connell will be the first to tell you she's the exception, not the rule."

"Among women who become victims of violent crime she is an anomaly. Three years after waking up around midnight with a masked male intruder on top of her, shining a flashlight in her eyes and holding a gun and preparing to rape her, O'Connell is alive to talk about it."

"The serial rapist, who had gained entry into her house that July evening through a window or the sliding glass door, is dead."

"He's dead because O'Connell managed to wrestle his gun away and shoot him at least twice." ...

DE: Homeowner who defended his property deserves medal (first three letters on page)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm writing in reference to Mr. Morganstern, the man who shot two intruders in his house. That man is an icon. He deserves a medal."

"However, I do feel sorry for the criminal who survived the incident. Unfortunately he'll be subjected to lousy health care while in jail."

"Joseph Malinowski, Wilmington"

"I can't tell you the smile I had on my face when I read that Thomas Morganstern had fired back at his home invaders. I'm sick of hearing about the bad guys getting over on the weak and unsuspecting." ...

GA: Thank Goodness He Does Not Live in San Francisco
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have a new hero. His name is Harry Carpenter and he is 83 years old. Mr. Carpenter suffers from chronic pulmonary disease and requires oxygen. He has been married to Jackie Carpenter for 57 years. On Wednesday November 16, 2005, Mr. Carpenter took on 2 young thugs and refused to be a victim." ...

"Unlike San Francisco, Savannahians are still allowed to keep guns in their home. The PC police and the Brady Campaign have not infiltrated South Georgia ... We are subjected to editorializing in 'news stories' reported by the media but that is as far as it goes. Not one single gun in Savannah has jumped off the shelf, loaded itself with ammunition and hopped down the street spreading death and destruction." ...

AZ: Cowboys take up AK47s to combat drug runners on Mexican frontier
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As he careered along the rock-strewn gully towards his silver mine deep in the Sonoran desert of southern Arizona, Roger McCaslin first checked his bowie knife, then his pistol, and finally his Kalashnikov. From the road, he had already noticed that something was wrong."

"'The gate's broken and the door on the trailer's open. They've been here, I know it,' he said ominously. 'I just hope they've moved on - for their sake.'" ...

WA: Hostages Safe, Man Arrested After Mall Shooting
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"A shooting spree that left six people injured and threw a busy shopping mall into chaos Sunday ended more than three hours later with three hostages released and the suspected shooter arrested." ...

"The gunman came out of the record store without a gun and surrendered to the SWAT team, said Mark Fulghum, a spokesman for Tacoma Police. No shots were fired when the man emerged shortly before 4 p.m. The hostages were released safely." ...

Submitters Note: But shopping malls are a no weapons zone!

FL: Gun bill, tort reform, or distraction?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"State Rep. Dennis Baxley is right when he says that HB 129 isn’t a gun bill. It’s not. It’s actually a smoke and mirrors bill." ...

"Rep. Baxley is a very smart politician. He understands his base of support, and his gun stances are red meat fed to the masses hungry for their public agenda."

"His great victory last year — HB 249 — had little to do with protection and lots to do with politics. This new law, which the anti-gun lobby says is turning Florida into the Wild West, will in reality make barely a blip in the criminal and judicial systems. ..." ...

"Rep. Baxley’s HB 129 would make it a felony for a business, or anyone else for that matter, to prohibit employees or visitors to their property from concealing a gun in their cars. ..." ...

PA: Students speak out for 2nd amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ten members of the College Republicans celebrated self-labeled 'Second Amendment Day' Saturday at the Easton Fish and Game Association (EFGA). Range members taught students to shoot various types of weapons and about gun safety and legislation."

"First-time shooter Sara Walter '09 said 'learning to shoot was very exhilarating because it was a physically exercise one of my rights as an American.'" ...

OR: Charges dropped in shooting incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Charges have been dropped against a man arrested in September after his handgun discharged during a scuffle outside a downtown Eugene bar, slightly injuring a bystander."

"Prosecutors said they cannot prove that 25-year-old Mathew James Hangsleben, an Army veteran, intentionally fired the weapon, or that he was not acting lawfully in self-defense." ...

"'It was our conclusion there was no way we could prove, one, that this was a knowing discharge of a weapon ... And he was lawfully in possession of the weapon. Also, there was no way we could overcome a self-defense claim,' [Deputy Lane County District Attorney Erik] Hasselman said." ...

Submitter's Note: Translation: We couldn't figure a way to twist the facts to ensure a conviction.

VA: Jury hung in trial of former Richmond police officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A jury was unable to reach a verdict Friday in the murder trial of a former Richmond police officer."

"After 10 hours of deliberation over two days, jurors couldn't come to a unanimous decision on whether to convict Michael J. Couture for the May 29, 2004, shooting death of Santanna Olavarria."

"Couture and his partner, Edward A. Aeschlimann, were charged with the murder of 21-year-old Olavarria."

"Both men said they acted in self defense after seeing a handgun sticking out from under the driver's seat. They say during a struggle to remove Olavarria from the car, he took off, dragging Couture and pulling him into the vehicle."

"Olavarria was shot four times, once by Couture and three times by Aeschlimann." ...

AZ: Federal lawsuit targets Front Sight gun resort
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The staccato of controlled bursts from Uzi submachine guns was mixed with the excited laughter of children climbing 200 feet up a rock wall. In a scenario revisited on a regular basis at Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, 300 students of all ages converged at the desert playground for active families and firearms enthusiasts." ...

"Front Sight, a resort-in-the-making located 30 miles south of Pahrump near the Spanish Trail, is in the crosshairs of at least three of its members who filed a class action against founder Ignatius Piazza and Front Sight Management Incorporated on Nov. 7." ...

TX: Executed man may have been innocent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Doubts are being cast on the guilt of a Texas man executed more than a dozen years ago after the crime's lone witness recanted and a co-defendant said he allowed his friend to be falsely accused under police pressure ..." ...

"The eyewitness, Juan Moreno, told the Chronicle that it wasn't Cantu who shot him. Moreno said he identified Cantu as the killer during his 1985 trial because he felt pressured and was afraid of authorities." ...

"... Moreno said he felt compelled to do what police wanted, even though he knew it was wrong."

"'The police were sure it was (Cantu) because he had hurt a police officer,' Moreno said in a recent interview. 'They told me they were certain it was him, and that's why I testified.'" ...

Jamaica: Riveting testimony in the third week
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On trial for murder: Senior Superintendent Reneto Adams, Sergeant Roderick Collier, Corporal Leford Gordon, Constable Patrick Coke, Constable Devon Bernard, and Constable Shane Lyons. The victims: Lewina Thompson, Angella Richards, Kirk Gordon, and Matthew James." ...

"In the most explosive testimony yet, a cop testifies that he personally saw SSP Reneto Adams plant a gun at the crime scene on May 7, 2003." ...

"Brown testifies that Tingling fired the gun and collected the shells at two points during their journey to Crawle, and subsequently handed the firearm and shells to Adams, who placed the gun beside one of the dead men, and threw the spent shells on the floor." ...

India: Trooper’s gun goes off, creates panic
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Panic gripped passengers at Jammu railway station this morning when the rifle of a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) trooper went off accidentally.

According to the reports, CRPF trooper Daleep Kumar’s gun went of accidentally at Jammu railway station this morning and emptied his magazine. The incident occurred at plate form number 1. All the passengers at railway station stated running after hearing the gun shots.

The CRPF personnel deployed at platform number one at the time of incident. No person was reported injured into the mishap.

Police has initiated inquiry into the matter to know that whether it was an accidental fire and deliberate attempt of CRPF Jawan to create panic.

NY: City addicted to a gun habit
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Two days after Rochester police Sgt. Scott Peters' squad arrested one man on a gun-possession charge, they arrested another one. And that second man was wanted on an outstanding warrant accusing him of carrying two other guns." ...

"Illegal guns come from a variety of sources. In some cases, residents of states where it's easy to buy several guns at a time — and no records of the purchase are kept — act as 'straw purchasers' who buy guns for people from more gun-restrictive states such as New York."

"But authorities say about 75 percent of the illegal guns seized by Rochester police each year are traced back to New York residents who either lost them or reported them stolen." [emphasis added] ...

DC: Post editorial abominable
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"The disgusting and abominable anti-gun editorial from the Washington Post, 'Dangerous aim' (Mail Tribune, Nov. 9),was blatantly vile! It’s obvious these Marxist/Leninist editors care nothing about the working class, women, minorities or anyone except themselves."

"Washington, D.C.’s murder rate escalated 300 percent in the 15 years following this damnable 1976 handgun ban. Yet, what are defenseless and common class crime victims to these political elitists of the Washington Post rag? After all, their elitist butts are probably protected 24/7 by armed bodyguards via taxpayers’ expense. And in an urban jungle where the democratic political machine maintains oppressive Mafia-style control, and is operated by political gangsters." ...

VA: Fatal feud civil suit is settled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A settlement has been reached in the civil lawsuit against a Caroline County lawyer and cattle farmer who killed his neighbor, a longtime nemesis who was on his property trying to retrieve a wayward bull."

"Evelyn Brooks and her two daughters filed a $10 million wrongful-death lawsuit against John Ames, who was acquitted of murder in September in connection with the April 2004 shooting death of Brooks' husband." ...

"Ames claimed that he shot Perry Brooks in self-defense as the 74-year-old came at him with a 3-foot stick. Brooks was on Ames' property to retrieve his bull, which often wandered onto Ames' property and mingled with his prized herd of Black Angus beef cattle." ...

SD: Deadwood Volunteer Fire Department to raffle gun
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A Winchester Model 94 limited edition 30-30 rifle is being raffled by the Deadwood Volunteer Fire Department. The rifle will be trimmed in gold and it will be engraved with historic scenes from Deadwood's past, Sandy Glover of the Deadwood Volunteer Fire Department said." ...

DC: Budget Leaves D.C. Gun Ban in Place
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Congress approved the District's 2006 budget yesterday, including more than $100 million in federal aid that Mayor Anthony A. Williams (D) requested for programs such as expanding school choice, paving bike trails and enhancing security."

"But what made city leaders happiest was what didn't make it into the measure: a series of proposals that would have weakened or repealed the city's handgun ban." ...

NM: New handgun rules take effect Nov. 30
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The state Department of Public Safety has completed new rules mandated by changes in New Mexico’s concealed-carry handgun law. The rules will take effect Nov. 30.

The law’s amendments, which went into effect this summer, lowered the age for a concealed carry permit from 25 to 21 and extended the license period from two years to four with the requirement for refresher firearms training after two years.

The measure also lets people carry smaller-caliber handguns than provided for by their initial license. Licenses previously were issued for just one caliber.

In addition, New Mexico now recognizes concealed-carry licenses issued by 20 other states that have similar requirements.

NY: Stalking the Ferocious Clay Pigeon
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"My wife pointed the business end of a 20-gauge Browning over-and-under at the pupil of my left eye. The twin muzzles of the shotgun were so close I could smell the cleaning oil. I squinted at the tiny silver sighting bead mounted on the rib above the top barrel. Then I sucked a long hard breath, all of a sudden feeling weak-kneed and squirmy." ...

"... The proprietor ... was huddled over Alison's shoulders, helping her aim the Browning at my eyeball."

"'We know this gun is empty,' Richie assured, gripping my wife's elbows. 'Burn your eyes over the rib.'"

"He couldn't be in two places at once, so it was up to me to report back on Alison's eyeball to see if it was on top of the barrel, thus breaking the first rule of guns - never point one at another person, loaded or unloaded." ...

NY: Zeroing in on young hunters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "For the first time in 50 years, opening day for shotgun and rifle deer season across the state's Southern Zone, which includes the Capital Region, falls on a Saturday."

"It means Kyle won't have to choose between school and hunting."

"'It's like a holiday,' Kyle said. 'Everyone goes out. It's a tradition.'"

"For the past 20 years, the number of hunters in New York has gradually been declining, said Gerry Barnhart, who heads state Department of Environmental Conservation's division of Wildlife, Fish and Marine Resources. The agency estimates that by 2010 there will not be enough hunters to control the state's deer population, unless the remaining hunters killed more deer." ...

MT: Hunt gives buffalo reason to roam
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For thousands of years people have been killing buffalo across our land, with nothing more than sharp sticks and then arrows and later with guns."

"Last week, George 'Buddy' Clement, 17, a junior in high school, rested his chin full of scraggly whiskers on his rifle, set the crosshairs of the scope just behind the ear of a buffalo and, on a wind-swept bluff on the fringe of Yellowstone National Park, killed another one." ...

"'How do you feel?' one of [the media herd] asked."

"He paused for a moment, clearly unnerved, his eyes darting back and forth between the microphone- and notebook- clutching throng and the fallen buffalo. Then he spoke."

"It is,' Buddy Clement said, 'really big.'" ...

FL: Shooting Center finds new location to rent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shooters remain unruffled."

"Go-kart drivers are still uncertain."

"One of the two facilities at the Florida Sports Park that was forced to shut down on Saturday has found a new place to rent."

"Dozens of shooters gathered Saturday one last time to practice their skills and enjoy their hobby at the Southwest Florida Shooting Center in East Naples."

"Stephen Pistner has been practicing at the shooting range for 14 years."

"Pistner said he's sure that other shooters like himself weren't going to be left behind." ...

NY: Rifle Downs USP 4666-4343 In Closing Out Fall Slate 5-0
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Army's unbeaten rifle team romped to a one-sided 4666-4343 victory over the University of the Sciences (Philadelphia) Saturday afternoon at Tronsrue Marksmanship Center in closing out the fall portion of its schedule 5-0."

"The reigning NCAA champion Black Knights fired a season-high 2347 composite in air rifle sparked by sophomore David Amiot's career-high 592 as Army swept the top eight individual places." ...

PA: Club gives nonhunters a home on the range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Forget whacking Bambi -- what's the most fun you can have with a gun without hunting?"

"Cowboys and Indians."

"Which is why women and men will take on new identities and lay out a couple thousand bucks to wear full cowboy rigs and plink steel cutouts from the relative safety of an outhouse."

"Or a buckboard."

"Elaborately staged and closely monitored for safety, cowboy action shooting is one of more than a dozen shooting sports at the West Shore Sportsmen's Association that doesn't end with a trip to the taxidermist."

"'Out of my organization, maybe 40 percent are hunters,' says Mike Zlogar, president of the association, which hosts its own cowboy action shooting event." ...

Spain: Belgian arrested for shooting two burglars in his neighbours’ house
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following a shooting in a villa in Vélez-Málaga police arrested a Belgian and four Romanians. The Belgian (C. H.) is accused of shooting two burglars who had broken into his neighbours’ house."

"After being detained, 47 year old C.H. gave his version of events. Apparently, he saw a small moving light on the second floor of his neighbours’ house and as they had gone on holiday a few days before, he became suspicious. He approached the house yielding a gun and found the gate open and everything ransacked inside. When he was in the living room, he heard footsteps behind him and when he turned around, he supposedly started pulling the trigger." ...

Australia: Youths 'shot in revenge attack', court hears
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A GANG of teenagers and young men used a high-powered rifle equipped with a bayonet to shoot two teenaged boys in a revenge attack in a Sydney park, a court heard yesterday."

"The alleged attack was payback for a fight between youths at Liverpool railway station on Thursday, November 10, which left one young man injured."

"Parramatta Bail Court was told the injured young man's friends got together to seek revenge on the other group, which resulted in the shooting of the two teenagers on Friday night." ...

UK: Policewoman shot dead in shop robbery
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A female police officer has been shot and killed and another left seriously injured after they responded to an armed robbery in Bradford."

"The two female officers, both unarmed and with less than two year's experience of policing, had been called to a shop in the city centre yesterday afternoon in response to an alarm. ..." ...

"PC Brennan said: 'The time has come for an informed debate on a ballot of officers from every force on the full-time arming of the British police service.'"

"'The adage that if you arm the police more criminals will carry guns is nonsense. The police service are being outgunned on the streets of Britain day and night. ...'" ...

After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd. — Alexis de Tocqueville

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