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Newslinks for 11/22/2024

Mass Murders in China- are we the same or different?
Submitted by: Rob Morse

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Most of our corporate news media doesn’t report on public attacks and threats from overseas. We can mistakenly assume that they are peaceful, but no-news isn’t necessarily good-news.

NY: When is lethal self-defense justified? NY top court overturns murder conviction
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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New York's top court on Thursday overturned the 2019 conviction of Jairo Castillo, a Bronx man who shot and killed an assailant who had confronted him with a razor blade over a drug dispute.

The Court of Appeals said in its ruling that the trial court should have allowed Castillo to argue he was acting in self defense during the 2016 encounter, because the assailant, Julio Lebron, "held a razor blade against [Castillo's] face, threatening to cut him from ear to ear."

SC: North Charleston woman shot, killed child's father in possible self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A wounded woman called 911 early Nov. 21, telling a dispatcher she shot the father of her child in self-defense, according to police reports.

North Charleston police responded to that call and a report of gunshots at a townhome on Sablewood Street.

Police noted in their report that the man and woman shared a child together.

Harve Jacobs, a police department spokesman, said the woman was taken to a hospital for treatment. The man died at the scene. No arrests have been made, Jacobs said.

NY: Pathologist disputes finding that Marine veteran's chokehold caused subway rider's death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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He told jurors that Neely's medical records and bystander video don't show telltale signs of known types of fatal chokeholds.

Among the discrepancies, he said: the location and extent of bruising on Neely's neck, and the small amount of petechiae — small red spots caused by subsurface bleeding — on his eyelids.

“In your opinion, did Mr. Penny choke Mr. Neely to death?" defense lawyer Steven Raiser asked.

“No,” replied Chundru, who has worked as a medical examiner for county governments in Florida and Texas.

A Political Mandate in Support of Pro-Second Amendment Policy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When President-elect Trump takes office in January, his administration will inherit a powerful mandate to protect and expand Second Amendment rights. With unified control of Congress, this incoming administration has an unprecedented opportunity to enact meaningful regulatory and legislative changes that safeguards the constitutional rights of millions of Americans.

The message from voters in the November election could not be clearer. Americans across the country have voiced their support for safer communities and the fundamental right to self-defense. The new administration must deliver on its campaign promises to defend these essential liberties.

How Democrats Are Trying To Resurrect The Bump Stock Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the 6-3 decision, the court ruled that a bump stock does not magically turn a semi-automatic firearm into a “machine gun,” which could be regulated under the Gun Control Act.

Unlike some recent gun-rights cases before the Supreme Court, this case did not involve the Second Amendment right to bear arms but a federal law that defines a machine gun as any weapon that can fire “more than one shot,” “automatically,” and “by a single function of the trigger.”

MO: Missouri Attorney General plans to sue Jackson County over youth gun ban ordinance
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced his office will file a lawsuit against Jackson County over a gun ordinance recently passed by the county's legislature.

The ordinance, introduced by Jackson County Legislator Manny Abarca, prevents 18- to 21-year-olds from buying pistols or semiautomatic rifles.

"I will be filing suit against Jackson County for their illegal attempt to violate Missourians' right to keep and bear arms," Bailey posted on his X (formerly Twitter) account.

Second Amendment advocates urge Trump to leash ATF, pick pro-gun director
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Advocates of the Second Amendment are pushing the incoming Trump administration to dismantle anti-gun policies erected by the Biden White House and rein in Washington’s firearms regulatory agency, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

Several gun groups have asked President-elect Donald Trump to abolish the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention when he returns to the Oval Office. Trump is expected to comply.

TX: San Antonio Man Fatally Shoots Two Dogs in Self-Defense Following Attack on Pet Cat
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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San Antonio police are currently looking into an altercation on the West Side that resulted in a local man fatally shooting two dogs. The incident took place late Wednesday afternoon in the 9200 block of Adams Hill. According to KSAT, a 36-year-old man reported that the two dogs had been attacking his pet cat in his front yard.

GA: Father Pleads Not Guilty in Apalachee High School Shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Colin Gray faces multiple charges tied to the tragic Sept. four attack carried out by his 14-year-old son, Colt Gray.

Why It Matters: This case isn’t just about a horrific school shooting—it also raises serious questions about the responsibility of parents in preventing violence. Prosecutors are pushing boundaries by holding Colin Gray criminally accountable for his son’s actions, potentially setting a precedent in Georgia.

A Chambered Round: Son Saves Father from Charging Grizzly Bear with Glock 20 Ready To Go
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Grizzly bear encounters are a terrifying reality for hunters in regions like Wyoming. In a heart-stopping tale of survival, Vince and Garrett Kalkowski, a father-son duo from Cody, Wyoming, narrowly escaped a charging grizzly during a hunting trip near Meeteetse. The younger Kalkowski’s quick thinking and a Glock 20 proved to be the difference between life and death. Here’s how it all unfolded.

HI: Lawsuit challenges Hawaii’s gun ownership ban for young adults
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The latest lawsuit to take aim at Hawaii’s gun laws challenges the state’s ban on gun ownership for young adults 18 to 20 years old, which Second Amendment advocates say is an unconstitutional restriction on the right of Americans to bear arms.

Elijah Pinales, 19, and Juda Roache, who turns 18 next month, want to own guns for self-defense, according to their lawsuit filed Wednesday night in U.S. District Court in Honolulu.

Last-Minute Deer Rifles to Trust on Your Hunt
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Whether something bad has befallen your go-to deer rifle, the one you plan to borrow has fallen through, or you’ve just been offered the chance to hunt and need a trustworthy firearm, fret not. We have you covered.

Any of these classic rifles, new or used, will serve you well in the woods.

Ruger’s longstanding bolt-action family of Model 77 hunting rifles has been thriving for decades. From rimfires through more specialty models like the 77/44 and 77/357 representing what are traditionally handgun chamberings to newer 77 Hawkeyes, the platform has proven its versatility.

WY: University of Wyoming trustees punt on concealed-carry vote as debate over guns on campus continues
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The University of Wyoming Board of Trustees deferred a decision Thursday on whether to adopt a concealed-carry policy for UW’s campus after hearing from students and staff who overwhelmingly oppose the change.

“I think it’s prudent for the committee to step back, get together, maybe sometime this afternoon briefly to compare notes and make sure we have not missed an issue that was brought up today in public comments that should be considered in the rule,” Trustee John McKinley said at the meeting.

With few exceptions, opposition to concealed carry on campus defined Thursday’s public comment period, with UW students, staff and faculty citing concerns over safety and gun violence.

Supreme Court Sends Chilling Message To Gun Owners: Comply Or Die
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The U.S. Supreme Court is sending a chilling message to gun owners when it comes to encounters with police: comply or die.

In refusing to hear an appeal in Argueta v. Jaradi, the Supreme Court is allowing a lower court ruling to stand, which threatens to erode Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable use of force by police for all citizens who exercise their Second Amendment rights or who are just mistakenly thought to be carrying a gun. In urging the Court to hear the case, The Rutherford Institute had warned that allowing the Fifth Circuit’s ruling to stand could contribute to a rise in the number of incidents in which police officers shoot and kill armed citizens who pose no threat.

Surge of guns and ammunition flowing from U.S. to Latin America and Caribbean, fueling conflict
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Authorities have seen a surge of guns and ammunition flowing from the United States to Latin America and the Caribbean, fueling conflict in regions already struggling with violence and unrest.

Last week, U.S.-based airlines were struck by gunfire while flying over Haiti's airspace. While the origin of the firearms remains uncertain, Haiti has no domestic firearms manufacturing capacity, and aside from a small artisanal market, the majority of weapons fueling the violence are likely sourced from the U.S.

NC: Massachusetts couple's guns stolen at airport while traveling to Boston
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns were stolen this week at a North Carolina airport from a Massachusetts couple.

Officials said the incident happened even though the couple followed all guidelines.

Army veteran Chelsey Simoni was flying from Charlotte to Boston this week. She said she checked a locked case with Delta Air Lines that had two custom handguns inside.

When they arrived in Boston, the locks were gone and their $4,000 guns were missing.

4 Reasons Big-Bore Revolvers Are Still Ideal Trail Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Over the last few decades, modern semi-automatic platforms, including AR-pattern rifles and polymer-framed pistols, have been steadily making their way from tactical and target-shooting related endeavors into the great outdoors. I'm not going to spend time making disparaging remarks about using semi-automatics as trail guns. They certainly have their place and I’m a dyed-in-the-wool fan of 10mm Auto pistols. So, don't be surprised to see my continued support for them in the future.

MI: Detroit Tree Lighting: No guns, unsupervised minors allowed at annual holiday event
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With at least 50,000 people expected to flock downtown Friday night, safeguards are in place for the Detroit Tree Lighting, as police work to keep the event safe.

Attendees of the annual event will be required to go through metal detectors when entering Campus Martius Park. Police will be looking for weapons, which are not allowed inside the event.

Review of the New Kimber 2K11 Double Stack 1911
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Kimber, originally started as a rifle brand, pivoted to making M1911 style pistols in 1994, debuting at SHOT '95. Basic math shows that to be at least a 30-year run in the field. Along the way, they learned a thing or two.

With a new state-of-the-art facility in Troy, Alabama at their fingertips, and a couple of generations of hard-earned tribal knowledge in how to make a 1911, the company is now ready to run in the double-stack/wide-body 1911 game-- after a warm-up with the slightly downsized KDS9c-- and this week introduced the new 2K11.

How many Americans have guns? New poll finds spike in ownership among one group
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The gun ownership rate among Republican women has increased significantly in recent years, new polling reveals. According to Gallup’s annual gun ownership survey — which groups results in six-year clusters — 33% of GOP women owned guns between 2019 and 2024. That is a 14-point increase from 2007 to 2012, when 19% of Republican women owned firearms. The poll, which sampled 6,425 adults from around the country, has a margin of error of about 1 percentage point.

AZ: Sedona will change rule about guns on trails after complaint by Republican lawmakers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Sedona City Council plans to alter an ordinance that makes it illegal to carry a gun on trails and open spaces without a permit after two Republican lawmakers claimed the rule violates state law.

Reps. Quang Nguyen (R-Prescott Valley) and Selina Bliss (R-Prescott) claimed Sedona – which bans carrying a firearm into any park, trail or open space – violated a law that only allows cities to ban the discharge of firearms in parks and preserves.

A spokeswoman for Sedona said the council plans to update the ordinance at an upcoming meeting on Dec. 10.

More Republican women buying guns: Gallup
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun ownership among Republican women has grown in recent years, a new survey found.

According to Gallup’s annual measurement of gun ownership across the country, the percentage of Republican women who own a gun has increased from 19 percent in 2007-12 to 33 percent in 2019-24.

Meanwhile, the rate has dropped among Democratic men and independent men in that period.

The history of liberty is the history of the limitations placed on the government. — WOODROW WILSON

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