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Newslinks for 11/23/2011

Second Amendment Foundation Wins Preliminary Injunction V. Omaha Ban On Alien Handgun Registration
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction against enforcement by the City of Omaha, NE of an ordinance that prohibits legal non-citizens from registering handguns in the city, in a case brought by the Second Amendment Foundation, the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association and Armando Pliego Gonzalez."

"The order was granted ... while the court considers whether the registration ban for legal immigrants is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment."

"'We’re delighted with the judge’s order,' said SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. 'Mr. Pliego has been a legal permanent resident since 2008, and he jumped through all of the legal hoops to legally purchase a handgun to protect his family ...'" ...

Second Amendment Foundation Files Constitutional Challenge Of California Assault Weapons’ Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of California’s ban on so-called 'assault weapons,' claiming that the statute is 'vague and ambiguous' in its definition of assault weapons, leading to the arrest of a California man on two different occasions."

"SAF is joined in the lawsuit ... by the CalGuns Foundation and Brendan John Richards, an honorably-discharged Marine and Iraq war veteran, who was arrested and jailed in May 2010 and August 2011. On both occasions, charges against Richards were dismissed when it was determined that he had not violated the law because firearms in his possession on both occasions were not 'assault weapons' as defined by California law. ..." ...

Is disarming Africans a ‘greater good’?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... Perhaps a demand for pricey blood bling will have the unintended consequence of reinvigorating black market profitability." ...

SAF scores another gun rights win…in Omaha
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation is continuing its winning legal roll with a small, but hardly insignificant, win in America’s heartland."

"A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction against the City of Omaha’s prohibition on handgun registrations for legal resident aliens, and the city is reportedly now working on amending its ordinance, with the blessing of the police chief. The Omaha World Herald is reporting that Police Chief Alex Hayes – named as a defendant in the lawsuit – sent a memo to the Omaha City Council supporting a proposed change to the city’s regulation." ...

Do Jewish ‘Gun Control’ Advocates Fuel Anti-Semitism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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of the growing overt anti-Jewish sentiment, Jews remain overwhelmingly supportive of so-called 'gun control' policies. While exact statistics are hard to come by, we can logically extrapolate from the 78% of Jews who voted for Obama in 2008 to conclude that the overwhelming majority of American Jews support the Democrat agenda, including citizen disarmament ..."

"Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has, for more than twenty years, placed 'gun control' in quotes. This innocuous phrase is actually a form of deceptive semantic trickery. 'Gun control' ALWAYS means gun registration. Gun registration is a means by which governments know which citizens are armed, and with what types of firearms." ...

American Academy of Pediatrics study claims firearm injuries to kids underestimated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On October 17, at the American Academy of Pediatrics conference in Boston Massachusetts an abstract was presented providing an overview of injuries to youths ages 0-19 resulting from incidents involving firearms. Although the study has not, at the time of this writing, yet appeared in a peer reviewed journal, the American Academy of Pediatrics is none-the-less using the findings to further the failed notion that gun control and gun regulation will solve the problem." ...

Op-Ed: What's Wrong With Making It Easier to Carry a Gun Across State Lines?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"[Editor's Note: The following op-ed was published before the U.S. House of Representatives voted on November 16 House to pass HR822, but the points are worth considering as debate on the bill will now be taken up by the Senate.]"

"Congress is expected to vote Tuesday on whether concealed carry gun licenses should be treated the same way we treat driver's licenses for cars. With 245 co-sponsors in the House, the only question is whether there are the 290 votes necessary to override President Obama's veto."

"For decades, treating licenses for guns like those for cars was something that gun control advocates wanted." ...

Black Friday Heads Up: PNW Arms 25% Off .300 AAC BLK
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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".300 AAC Blackout is a popular round that is gaining traction in the shooting industry, but ammunition is still rare as hen’s teeth and expensive when you can find it. Click here for a review of the .300 AAC Blackout round we did a while back. The local gun stores have some in stock, but the only flavor available is the 220gr Remington subsonics and they’re asking $30 for 20 rounds. New manufacturers are slowly starting to come online with their own flavors of ammunition, and as a service to my fellow .300 BLK owners I wanted to take a moment and point out a company that is stepping onto the scene with a bang: PNW Arms." ...

Doing My Part To Stimulate The (Gun) Economy - 2011 Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last year about this time, I posted all the Black Friday (or earlier) sales that were gun, knife, tactical, or outdoor related that I could find. Here is the 2011 edition."

"I have included any coupon codes that are needed. If you find others, please share them in the comments section." ...

Home Defense 101: Sentinel or Sitting Duck?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Everyone should have at least one of these at home at the ready. An AR style rifle such as this Ruger SR556 will give you options. Hopefully, you can neutralize the problem before it comes to this in the home."

"Whatever your state’s laws are with regard to 'Castle Doctrine,' the fact remains that your home is your castle. That means that, regardless of your socio-economic status and where you live, you have a basic right to live in a safe and secure home." ...

Gun Review: Thompson Center Fire Storm Flintlock (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I own and shoot four black powder muzzleloaders–three pistols and a rifle. Years ago, I crossed over to the dark side of black powder because of the history and tradition of it. The clouds of thick, stinky gray smoke, fiery jets of muzzle blast and really loud explosions were just the sooty icing on my ballistic heritage cake." ...

New Chiappa 1887 TSeries 12-Gauge Lever Shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Staking out the National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers Show in Reno, the American Rifleman’s riflemen uncovered some new product (ahead of January’s SHOT show). Click here for their most excellent photo gallery of guns to come. One of the more interesting firearms (in the 'Gee Honey that’s an interesting dress' sense of the term): the Chiappa 1887 T-Series 12-Gauge Lever Shotgun. ..."

Submitter's Note: *drool*

Fast and Furious 'scandal' is a Republican red herring: What we really need are tougher gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Operation Fast and Furious, the attempt to stop gun trafficking into Mexico gone horribly wrong, is now providing political fodder for a Washington game of 'gotcha' that underscores everything wrong with our political system."

"In Fast and Furious, federal [ATF] agents allowed guns illegally purchased at American gun shops by Mexican gun-runners to be taken back to Mexico, with the hope that the low-level buyers would lead ATF agents to trafficking kingpins." ...

Submitter's Note: So many lies, half-truths and, yes, red herrings in this piece it boggles the mind. Look here for Dave Workman's

Lesson of White House strafing: Limit guns now
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Protest has returned to Egypt’s Tahrir Square; the Bears won their fifth in a row; a man stands accused of strafing the White House; China warns of a long recession."

"Wait a minute. Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez was arrested in connection with what prosecutors describe as a drive-by shooting in which a semiautomatic weapon was used to fire nine bullets into the White House’s back balcony — where President Barack Obama sometimes strolls on a break. This should get more attention than a passing headline." ...

H/t to David Codrea who titles the link: "Jesse Jackson Proposes New Civil War"

WA: Police say 10-year-old boy fought off mother's attacker with BB gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police said a 10-year-old boy stopped his mother’s attacker by shooting the man in the face with a BB gun at a home in Bellingham." ...

"Police said Newman tried to get back into the home through an unlocked window, and as the victim tried to shut the window, Newman grabbed her arm."

"When the woman couldn’t break Newman’s grip, her son came into the room with a pump-action BB rifle, police said."

"Police said once Newman saw the rifle, he made threats to kill both the victim and her son."

"Upon hearing the threats, the boy shot Newman in the face as many as four times, investigators said. Newman stopped the attack, and the victim and her son ran to a neighbor’s home to call 911." ...

OH: Salvation Army kettle stolen at knifepoint
Submitted by: D. Smith

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... "Police Sgt. Frank Kemp tells WJW-TV the four men, all wearing dark clothing and hoodies, threatened to use the knife. Kemp says the bell-ringer followed the Salvation Army's standard procedure in such cases and did not put up a struggle. The robbers took off on foot." ...

Re: Sucking up to the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Republican party stresses the importance of States' Rights, except, it appears, in one instance: concealed weapons permits. Congressional Republicans are considering advancing a bill that would require each state to recognize the CCW permits of all the other states."

"The insanity or stupidity of such a law is so obvious it is incredible that the Congress would even consider it. The laws of each state sometimes vary quite widely. Vermont and Arizona, for example, don't even require its citizens to have a permit in order to carry concealed."

"Imagine someone coming into California from another state if this bill becomes law. His CCW would be valid; however, he would have to follow California law." ...

Submitter's Note: How silly does this sound: Imagine someone coming into California from another state. His Driver's License would be valid; however, he would have to follow California law.

Fisking Charles Moton's "Re: Sucking up to the NRA"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Charles Moton (and please, let's all make sure we spell his name correctly, we are above ad hominem attacks here) has written a piece for the Lake County (CA) Record-Bee. When such a breathtakingly broad array of idiocy is laid out the question always arises, where to begin? Let's begin at the beginning:"
"The Republican party stresses the importance of States' Rights, except, it appears, in one instance: concealed weapons permits."
"Charles leaves out freedom of the press, speech and religion, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, self-incrimination, the right to a jury trial. You know, all those *other* enumerated rights to be found in the Bill of Rights. And let's not even get started on voting rights, Jim Crow laws, etc.." ...

U. S. Government May Be Primary Suppliers of Mexican Drug Cartel Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With Operation Fast and Furious headlining the news, there is no doubt civilian arms have been trafficked into Mexico. However, many of the arms used by Mexican cartels are NOT supplied by civilian gun outlets in the United States. Based upon the statistics I have compiled, our State and Defense Departments may be the premier suppliers of weaponry to Mexican drug cartels — not the US civilian." ...

Michael Barone on Fast and Furious (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cam Edwards talks to Michael Barone, Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute about an article he wrote entitled 'Obama Has a Knack for Ticking off America’s Friends'."

Getting things straight about Operation Fast & Furious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) has penned a whitewash of Operation Fast and Furious in the New York Daily News that is yet another attempt to obfuscate and divert public attention away from a deadly Obama administration scandal, and fix blame on Republicans and the nation’s allegedly weak gun laws."

Safer Streets 2012: Candidates, don’t hold back.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now that H.R. 822 seems to be on the move, a lot of optimism about a climate change in Washington is coming alive. Our idea of climate change is, of course, how warm things are for the second amendment. I don’t care for gun laws that 'permit' second amendment freedoms; I much prefer the repeal of all gun laws as an affirmation of who is the Sovereign in this country. All gun laws are a challenge to our authority as supreme, and when we stand for it, we confirm that paradigm that we are not the Sovereign and the servants are." ...

Kissell praised for stand on gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association has commended U.S. Rep. Larry Kissell for his 'leadership' on a gun owner rights issue."

"Last week, a bill co-sponsored by Kissell that protects gun owner rights nationwide was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives."

"H.R. 822, the 'National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011,' will allow people with a valid, state-issued concealed firearm permit to carry a concealed firearm in other states which issue concealed carry permits. The measure passed the House by a vote of 272 to 154." ...

IL: Aldermen approve resolution in support of concealed carry in Illinois
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Quincy aldermen approved a resolution Monday night in support of conceal carry in the state of Illinois."

"Aldermen Mike Rein, R-5, introduced the resolution that will be sent to Gov. Pat Quinn, House Speaker Mike Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton. Illinois is the only state in the country that doesn't allow any type of conceal carry."

"Rein said the battle to approve conceal carry legislation is mainly with Chicago-area legislators, who oppose the measure." ...

OH: Canton city council president who called CCW laws "completely insane" goes shooting with former Gov. Ted Strickland
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the release of explosive dash cam video which showed Canton police officer Daniel Harless unleashing a violent, profanity-laced tirade on a concealed handgun license-holder, ... threatening to murder the CHL-holder, Canton City Council President Allen Schulman delivered his own tirade against Ohio's concealed handgun licensure laws, calling them 'completely insane.'"

"The group Ohioans For Concealed Carry, which obtained and released the dash cam video, immediately called for Schulman's resignation. Schulman hasn't resigned, but has reportedly 'made peace' with OFCC after attending an indoor shooting range with the members of the group. ..." ...

Judge questions 2d Circuit ruling on firearm possession
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A Brooklyn federal judge on Monday denounced as 'utterly absurd' a 1988 appeals court ruling that under a federal firearm law, possessing a gun was the same as receiving it."

"During a hearing in the Eastern District of New York courthouse, U.S. District Judge Jack Weinstein railed against the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals' decision in United States v. Rivera -- which held that 'proof of constructive possession of a weapon satisfies the receipt element' of a federal firearm law."

"'I'm not going to say that possessing a gun is the same thing as receiving it,' Weinstein said. 'I'm not going to accept the 2nd Circuit's interpretation because it's utterly absurd.'" ...

NE: Omaha Can't Enforce Part Of Handgun Ordinance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge has barred Omaha from enforcing its ordinance that bars noncitizens who are legally in the United States from possessing handguns."

"U.S. District Judge Joseph Bataillon on Monday issued a preliminary injunction that orders Omaha not to enforce the ordinance until he can rule on a lawsuit."

"A Mexican national and two gun-rights organizations sued the city in September." ...

California sued over 'vague' gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A civil rights organization that argued for the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark ruling that the Second Amendment grants individuals the right to have weapons has filed a lawsuit against the state of California over a 'vague' gun ban under which a man twice was jailed and cleared."

"The Second Amendment Foundation says it took the action in federal court to challenge the constitutionality of the state's ban on what it calls 'assault weapons.'"

"The statute's definition of weapons, however, is so 'vague and ambiguous,' the group contends, that one man was arrested on two different occasions for violations but ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing." ...

CA: Haynie v. Harris, Round II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The original case, Haynie et al v. Harris, was dismissed in late October by the US District Court for the Northern District of California because the Court said they didn't have a realistic chance of being re-arrested. The Court did give the plaintiffs leave to file an amended complaint."

"While the Court was actually considering the motion to dismiss from the State of California, Brendan Richards, one of the plaintiffs, was arrested again for possession of an 'assault weapon'. Again the charges were dismissed after the state's expert determined that Mr. Richards' M1A was not an assault weapon under California law." ...

NC: Gun shop owner sues Johnston County sheriff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A local gun shop owner is suing to force Johnston County Sheriff Steve Bizzell to grant him a machine gun permit." ...

"... Nielsen, a 37-year Air Force veteran who has been operating gun stores since 1992, filed his lawsuit in Nash County, where he lives. He argues that Bizzell is ignoring state law and the Second Amendment to the Constitution by refusing a permit to someone who is allowed to own one under state statutes. Nielsen is representing himself in the case. Nielsen, who was granted a machine gun permit in Nash County, argues Bizzell should not need to ask for the make of the weapon or how it will be stored to grant the permit." ...

Armed and Ready: New Mexico Residents Defy Government
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"GOA member Dr. Ray Seidel alerted me to the stirring of freedom that is taking place in his village of Ruidoso, New Mexico. I have already reported on the first battle with Mayor Ray Alborn and how he tried to impose an unconstitutional gun ban in the village. To get the full story of what happened in Ruidoso, you can go here and listen to my first debriefing session with Seidel."

"I recently interviewed Dr. Seidel a second time on my Gun Owners News Hour weekly radio program and asked him about several acts of local interposition in the surrounding counties -- all of which underscores the importance of the office of the sheriff and the militia." ...

NY: New York City Police Shootings at All-Time Low
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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... "The New York Daily News says that according to the department's annual Firearms Discharge report, officers fired their guns 92 times in 2010. That's 13% lower than the 106 shootings in 2009, and the lowest rate in the 40 years the NYPD has been keeping such records." ...

Anonymous targets pepper-spraying policeman
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The online 'hacktivist' group Anonymous published the personal contact details on Monday of a California university policeman who used pepper spray on protesters, and it urged supporters to flood him with phone calls and emails." ...

"A YouTube video on Monday purportedly from Anonymous published the home address, the home telephone number, the cellphone number and the email address of one of the policeman who allegedly used the pepper spray on protestors."

"In the video, an artificially altered voice tells the "police forces of the world" that 'brutalization of our citizens is both unjust and uncalled for.'"

"Specifically addressing the officer involved in the Davis incident, it said: 'You are a coward, and a bully.'" ...

TX: Texas Murder Suspect Free After DA Fails To Fill Out Paperwork
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Texas man charged with killing his 17-year-old friend walked out of prison Monday after prosecutors forgot to file paperwork for an indictment."

"Richard Mendoza Jr., 26, was arrested and accused of murdering Christopher Daigle in 2002 while hunting near Missouri City, Texas. Daigle was shot in the back of the head."

"Fort Bend County District Attorney John Healey confirmed that his office made a mistake and accepted responsibility." ...

MS: JPD officer charged with Capital Murder (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Charges have been upgraded to Capital Murder against Jackson Police Detective Natyyo Gray. He had been charged with felony child abuse in the death of his one-year-old daughter."

"The horrendous crime happened at a fourplex in the 1,000 block of Monroe Street Sunday afternoon about 2:30 p.m."

"Gray, 36, a vice and narcotics officer, was taking care of his 1-year-old child at the time of her brutal beating." ...

TN: Former Wilson County officer indicted on attempted murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Wilson County Sheriff's Office Lieutenant has been indicted on multiple offenses he allegedly committed while serving as a law enforcement officer."

"John Patrick Edwards, 39, of Mount Juliet, is accused of committing multiple criminal acts over several years, according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation."

"Among the charges, the TBI says Edwards burglarized the home of his former girlfriend and gave the stolen items as gifts to his wife, and then attempted to kill his wife by poisoning her." ...

NY: Former Sheriff's deputy sentenced to two years in state prison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Defense lawyer Emil Rossi this morning tried to focus attention on all the commendations former Sheriff's Deputy Alexander Nicholson received in his career as a law enforcement officer."

"'Unfortunately what he did here has marred that to a very significant degree,' County Judge Joseph Fahey responded."

"The 'what he did here' Fahey was referring to was Nicholson's engaging in sexual conduct with an underage boy. That's why Nicholson was standing in court today, facing sentencing for that criminal conduct." ...

MO: Residents React to Officer Charged with Rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Moberly residents reacted Monday to former Moberly Police Officer Michael Rudder being charged with second degree sexual assault and sodomy." ...

"Rudder's attorney Stephen Wilson says the alleged crimes occurred somewhere between October 1, 2010 and May 1, 2011. That means the alleged crimes may or may not have occurred while Rudder was with Moberly PD."

NJ: NJ Police Officer Accused of Shaking Down Immigrants for Money
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New Jersey police officer has been accused of promising undocumented immigrants that he would not turn them in to authorities in exchange for payments ranging from $30 to $250."

"Rocco Malgieri, 43, of the Elizabeth Police Department, is charged with 58 counts, including theft by extortion and official misconduct, for the shakedowns that are alleged to have begun in February." ...

MD: Gene Gillette pleads guilty in shooting case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Mount Rainier officer who allegedly lured a 20-year-old man to his home to be in a pornographic video, then shot him when he tried to flee, pleaded guilty Monday, according to the Washington Post."

"Gene Gillette, a 3 and ½ year veteran with the police, pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree murder, attempted fourth-degree sex offense and use of a handgun, according to the Post." ...

VA: UVA upgrades gun prohibition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the University of Virginia's Board of Visitors upgraded the school's weapons 'policy' to a 'regulation,' it transformed a stated preference for a gun-free Grounds into an enforceable rule. The November 4 vote also sets the stage for a heated General Assembly battle that could pit Second Amendment advocates and Virginia’s concealed carry law against universities like UVA and George Mason, which apply further restrictions to firearms on their premises." ...

VA: Liberty Univ. Allows Concealed Carry on Campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lynchburg, Virginia's Liberty University Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr. (left) announced a change in policy that now allows students, staff, and visitors with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on campus. He commented that the new policy 'adds to the security and safety of the campus and it’s a good thing. If something — God forbid — ever happened like what happened at Virginia Tech, there would be more than just our police officers who would be able to deal with it.' He added, 'I think it's consistent for a school, for a student body that's strongly in favor of the Second Amendment … to have policies that are at least as lenient as a number of other universities.'" ...

VA: Virginia Citizens Defense League to hold meetings in Vinton, VA and at gun shows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Virginia's largest gun rights group, the Virginia Citizens Defense League, is ramping up for what many expect to be a pro-gun legislative session in 2012. Part of that ramp up includes a VCDL supper meeting at Famous Anthony's at 323 East Virginia Ave. in Vinton, VA on 28 November 2011."

"Additionally, the VCDL will be also manning membership drive tables at gun shows state-wide over the next few months." ...

Many politicians are in the habit of laying it down as a self-evident proposition, that no people ought to be free till they are fit to use their freedom. The maxim is worthy of the fool in the old story, who resolved not to go into the water till he had learned to swim. If men are to wait for liberty till they become wise and good in slavery, they may indeed wait forever. — LORD THOMAS MACAULAY

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