Thanksgiving, Hunting and Charity Connected, says Gun Dean (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'These are tough times for a lot of people, and it's important to note at Thanksgiving the charitable role hunters play,' gun dean John M. Snyder said here today."
"'Although it may not be known generally, hunters provide millions of pounds of game meat each year to our less fortunate brethren,' he added."
"Snyder pointed to a study commissioned by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and conducted by Mile Creek Communications. According to it, last year 11 million meals were provided to the less fortunate. ..." ... |
That paragon of moral virtue, Jesse Jackson, writes "Lesson of White House strafing: Limit guns now."
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"And I always thought 'strafing' required an airplane. Who knew?"
"As David Codrea writes: Jesse Jackson Proposes New Civil War. Yes, either he hasn't thought the unintended consequences of his proposal through or Jesse is seemingly willing to kill millions of those of us who would resist such tyranny."
"Well, under Bill Clinton's 1999 Serbian Rules of Engagement, at least he'd probably get what he deserved for proposing such a bloody conflict in the first place -- if not a precision guided munition through the window like Serbian Television, then at least an American version of 'Rule .303'. ..." [video link added] ... |
Gun Owners Give Thanks for Three 2nd Amendment Victories
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gun owners have much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving with three significant Second Amendment victories within the last week."
"1.) On Nov. 16, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 822, the long-awaited National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, which would allow individuals with state-issued concealed firearm permits or licenses to carry a concealed firearm in any other state that also issues concealed firearm permits or licenses, or in any state that does not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms." ... |
John F Kennedy and the Firearms Industry
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"John F Kennedy was the United States' 35th president, serving from 1961 to 1963, until his tragic assassination in Dallas, Texas. ..."
"What facet of American society directly played a role in this tragedy? Primarily due to World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, the firearms industry rapidly developed during the 1900s. Although the second amendment gives[sic] the right to bear arms to all citizens, the significant advancement seen with firearms allowed people like Lee Harvey Oswald to procure weapons like sniper and assault rifles. ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Just a couple of problems with this thesis: the Carcano Model 91/38 that LHO used was designed in 1891. It was modified in 1938 by shortening the barrel to make it a carbine. As for the 6.5x52mm ammunition used, it was designed in 1890. So much for the idea of an 'advanced sniper rifle' developed in the 1900's. |
TX: Homeowner steps up: shoots suspected burglar in the back
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A suspected car burglar nearly paid with his life after a homeowner shot him."
"The shooting happened around 1 a.m. ..."
"A frightening night for the homeowner who did not want to be identified, who was victimized yet again by a car burglar."
"'This is probably our fifth or sixth time this year and we're fed up with it ..." said the victim."
"It was one in the morning, the homeowners at the house were asleep when they hear a suspect breaking into their vehicle ..." ...
"'He heard some noises and went outside and fired off three rounds,' said Kristie Brian of the Longview Police Department." ...
"Officers later located the suspect, following a blood trail, to a house only a few blocks away." ... |
LA: Homeowner wounds alleged burglar; Deputies: No charges expected in the shooting
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"Livingston Parish sheriff's deputies say a homeowner who shot and wounded an alleged burglar breaking into a mobile home near Springfield likely will not face prosecution."
"While the incident remains under investigation, sheriff's spokesman Perry Rushing tells The Advocate ... there are no plans to prosecute former New Orleans police officer Thomas Casey for his actions." ... |
Bellingham boy’s defense of mom with BB gun a genuine hero tale
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A story that should streak across the internet but for one key fact – it involved the defensive use of a gun, in this case a BB gun – is the kind of stuff that legends are made from, and so are little heroes."
"The unidentified 10-year-old whose tale of heroism is being told by the Bellingham Herald, Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Associated Press this morning is also the kind of story that makes gun prohibitionists cringe. It throws water on the notion that kids and guns – even BB guns – don’t mix. In this case, they mixed very well for an outcome of an otherwise harrowing story that could have gone very bad as Thanksgiving looms on the horizon." ... |
11-Year-Old Boy Fights Off Mom’s Attacker With BB Gun
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In Bellingham, Washington, a 45-year-old man was renting a room in the home of a single mother. Yesterday, he came home drunk and decided his room 'had been messed with,' so he attacked the woman, kicking open her bedroom door and choking her in bed."
"Enter our young hero ... First, he hit the attacker with a board. This got the attacker’s attention, who then chased the boy out of the house. The boy snuck back inside and locked the attacker outside. The attacker began climbing into an open window as the woman tried to close it, so he grabbed her arm and threatened to kill both of them."
"She was unable to free herself, but Young Hero came into the room with his Daisy air rifle and shot the attacker ..." ... |
Gunwalker scandal broadens--the FBI connection
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"Confidential informants who are participating in the Congressional probe of the Project Gunwalker (Operation Fast and Furious) scandal have now zeroed in on the FBI connection. Such a connection has been hinted at in the past, but information relayed today shows that FBI involvement was much deeper than anyone imagined." ... |
U.S. Seals Court Records Of Border Patrol’s Murder
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"The Obama Administration has abruptly sealed court records containing alarming details of how Mexican drug smugglers murdered a U.S. Border patrol agent with a gun connected to a failed federal experiment that allowed firearms to be smuggled into Mexico."
"This means information will now be kept from the public as well as the media. Could this be a cover-up on the part of the 'most transparent' administration in history? After all, the rifle used to kill the federal agent (Brian Terry) last December in Arizona’s Peck Canyon was part of the now infamous Operation Fast and Furious. ..." ... |
Fast and Furious: Brian Terry’s Killers Were "Hunting" Border Patrol Agents
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"At the height of public outrage over Attorney General Eric Holder’s involvement in the 'Fast and Furious' gun-walking scandal, the grand jury indictment issued for the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was suddenly sealed. Now, thanks to an astonishing story from Jerry Seper from the Washington Times, we have an idea why it was so important to get that indictment out of the public eye."
"According to Seper’s leaks from the sealed document, Agent Terry’s killers were actively hunting Border Patrol agents… and two of their AK-47s came courtesy of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms:" [emphasis in original] ... |
ATF Death Watch 120: Drug Thugs Stalked U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry with ATF-Enabled Guns
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"We’re fast approaching the one-year anniversary of the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Since his death, we’ve learned that Agent Terry was shot by a team of Mexican drug thugs using firearms enabled by the ATF operation known as Fast and Furious. The investigation into Terry’s murder has been hampered/stonewalled at every turn ... Last week, the judge in charge of the federal grand jury considering the fate of the one assailant held for the crime ... sealed the case. He also sealed the reason why he sealed the case. Thankfully, the washingtontimes.com has seen a copy of the indictment. The Times reveals that Terry’s killing was less of a random encounter and more premeditated murder. And how . . ." ... |
National Right To Carry Reciprocity And The Senate
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Now that HR 822 has passed the House of Representatives in overwhelming fashion, it moves to the Senate. Unless I am greatly mistaken, there is significant pressure on senators from both sides of the debate. The Brady Campaign is ramping up the pressure with an auto-mailer campaign asking senators to vote no. Nonetheless, even they admit they don't have the votes to stop it."
"I sent an email today to Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) about the bill. ... What surprised me was that I got an email back from her office almost immediately discussing her stance ... on the bill. If she hadn't been getting lots of mail on the issue, she wouldn't have been so prepared to issue something other than a generic thank you for your letter response." ... |
Feds bag idea of curbing target practice on public lands
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"The Obama administration on Wednesday backed off a draft policy to restrict target shooting on federal land near residential areas."
"In a memo, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said he would direct his agency to 'take no further action to develop or implement' the draft. U.S. News & World Report posted a copy of the memo on its website."
"Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., last Friday sent Salazar a letter asking that the draft policy be canned, saying he worried it would be taken advantage of by anti-gun rights groups. 'Any draft proposal regarding recreation on public lands must continue to guarantee hunting opportunities,' he wrote." ... |
NC: Winston-Salem Bans Guns in City Parks
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Opposing Views
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"The Winston-Salem City Council is the latest local government to take action on the issue of concealed carry in the parks it controls. On Monday, November 21, the council voted 7 to 1 to prohibit firearms in 52 of the 69 parks under the city’s control. Permit holders will still be allowed to store their personal protection firearms in their vehicles while parked in the parking lots of the restricted areas."
"As mentioned in an earlier alert, there is nothing in the new law as passed in House Bill 650 that requires local governments to impose these restrictions, so the vote to impose the prohibition should be considered an anti-gun vote. ..." ... |
New Court Case Seeks Firearms Rights for Americans Living Abroad
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"With the resolution of the Heller and McDonald cases the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms has been secured as a legal right for every citizen of the United States. Well, apparently not EVERY citizen. Stephen Dearth is a natural born citizen of the United States who chooses to make his primary residence in Canada ... That minor wrinkle means that under U.S. law he cannot purchase a firearm except for 'sporting purposes' . . ."
"As the Heller and McDonald cases have explained, firearms ownership under the Second Amendment is not just for 'sporting purposes,' and Mr. Dearth has brought a new case (with some help from our friends at the [SAF]) to court to get Mr. Holder to fix the laws ..." ... |
WA: Seattle officer's 'Just yank 'em' comment raises questions
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"What turns out to be an innocent black suspect ends up at the hospital with a bloody face and a broken rib -- courtesy of a pair of white Seattle police officers."
"SPD defends the injuries as 'justified' but finds itself again fighting an uphill public relations battle over accusations of racism and brutality." ...
"Even though Jefferson appears to comply with the request, within six seconds of exiting his cruiser, the first officer pulled Jefferson from his car and used a 'straight arm bar takedown.'" "Reports say Jefferson 'hit his face on the pavement.' Two officers spent the next 15 seconds behind the car door using 'feet - knees- hands - and elbows' before getting Jefferson into custody." ... |
NC: Halifax County man dies after being shot with stun gun
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"A 61-year-old Halifax County man died Tuesday, a day after police shocked him with a stun gun while he was riding his bike, family members said." ...
"When Officer John Turner arrived, he saw Roger Anthony pedaling away ... He followed Anthony in his patrol car, briefly put on his sirens and lights and yelled out of the window for him to stop, but Anthony continued to ride away ..."
"... Turner got out of the car and yelled for Anthony to stop. When Anthony didn't stop, the officer used a stun gun on him, causing him to fall off of his bike." ...
"[Anthony's sister] said her brother was disabled, suffered from seizures and had trouble hearing. ..." ...
"'The best we've been able to determine is that he offered no threat,' [Mayor Scott] Mills said." ... |
PA: Former police chief to be sprung from jail
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"Donald A. Solomon, who headed up East Washington's police department until his Oct. 26 arrest for extortion, is expected to leave jail today for his ex-wife's home, after it is searched for guns." ...
"Mr. Solomon, 55, was charged after FBI agents, working with informants and posing as drug dealers, hired him twice to stand guard outside of pretend cocaine buys, and had him obtain Tasers, according to the indictment. Federal prosecutors produced transcripts of recordings in which he shared thoughts of killing his ex-girlfriend, Patti Jo Metz, and ordering the death of a borough councilman." ... |
WI: Former state trooper convicted in child sex assault
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"A 49-year-old Green County man has been convicted of four felony counts of sexual assault of a child and two felony counts of incest involving a child placed in his home for foster care."
"James M. Norquay was working as a Wisconsin state patrolman in February when he was charged with the crimes in Green County Circuit Court." ... |
PA: Sharpsburg, Etna agree to pay total of $300K to settle lawsuit
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"Sharpsburg and Etna have agreed to pay the family of a Sharpsburg man $300,000 to settle a wrongful death lawsuit, according to court documents filed today."
"Gregory Nykiel, 34, was arrested in 2006 in Shaler after a car chase that started in Sharpsburg and wound through several communities. He died two hours after his arrest." ... |
NJ: Texan passing through New Jersey sentenced to five years in prison on gun charges
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"A Texas man who was convicted of weapons charges at a trial he did not attend was sentenced on Friday to five years in state prison."
"It all started on March 20, 2009, after police said they found 26 firearms in Dustin Shane Reininger’s SUV."
"... Readington Patrolman Gregory Wester saw the vehicle around 3:30 a.m. parked in the back of Wachovia Bank on Route 22. When he approached, he saw two guns on the back seat and Reininger asleep in the driver’s seat ..."
"Reininger ... told police he was moving from Maine to Texas and that the guns were registered to him and not loaded ..." ...
"... According to [his website], Reininger claims his federal constitutional rights have been violated and says he is innocent. He argues that state law cannot supersede federal law." [hyperlink added] ... |
UT: Targeting turkeys
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David Nelson
Website: http://www.stonewallshootingsportsutah.org/
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"Students lifted their guns, kept the small black-and-white artificial turkey in their sights and squeezed the trigger in hopes that their sharpshooting skills would win them a turkey dinner."
"The annual Turkey Target Shoot competition was held in the Union Ballroom early Tuesday. Hosted by Campus Recreation Services, students had the opportunity to shoot pellets at a target about 30 feet away." ... |
OH: ODNR Extends Hotline Hours During Deer-Gun Hunting Season
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"Individuals seeking information about the upcoming youth gun and white-tailed deer hunting seasons, or to report violations of state wildlife laws, can take advantage of extended call center hours from November 19 to December 4, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife."
"The 1-800-WILDLIFE (945-3543) general hunting information hotline will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, November 19 and Sunday, November 20, for the ninth annual youth deer-gun season."
"Staff will also be available to answer calls prior to and during the regular deer-gun season, which begins Monday, November 28, and ends Sunday, December 4. ..." ... |
UK: You can't buy that lime... it could be classed as a weapon: Shock for chef shopping at Asda
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"A chef was stunned to find she was almost banned from buying two limes from a supermarket - because they could be classed as a weapon."
"Marisa Zoccolan, 31, popped into the new Asda supermarket close to her home in Wallsend, North Tyneside, to pick up some groceries, including the citrus fruits."
"But when she tried to pay for them at the self-service checkout, the message 'amount exceeded, authorisation required' flashed up."
An assistant then came over and told her that more than one lime was deemed a weapon - because the citric acid could be squirted in someone's eye."
"Marisa, a self-employed caterer said: 'I thought they were taking the pip, but the assistant told me the same applied to lemons.'" ... |
To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm . . . is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege. [Wilson v. State, 33 Ark. 557, at 560, 34 Am. Rep. 52, at 54 (1878)] |