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Newslinks for 11/26/2014

Obama’s DREAMer poster girl portends nightmare for gun owners
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "We would be nowhere without all the PLANistas who fight everyday for reform and will continue to fight until there is a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million. We are ready for this fight." ...

Two Arguments Against Campus Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are lots of good reasons why young Americans shouldn’t be able to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutional right to keep and bear arms on campus. Wait. No. There are a few reasons and they all suck. But they do exist. They have to exist, otherwise people who want to ban guns from campus (except for local, state and national police; campus security and the National Guard) would appear as what they are: hopeless hoplohobes with a tenuous grasp of reality or, dare I say it, common sense. has pubished an article that reveals the anti-gunners’ anti-campus carry logic, such as it isn’t. Starting with the first sentence . . ." ...

Admitting To The “Assault Weapons Myth”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the New York Times published an op-ed thoroughly exposing the 'Assault Weapons Myth,' the major players in the gun-ban movement blithely said they were moving on, that a federal gun-ban was a 'non-starter.'"

"With that myth shattered, gun banners have simply regrouped to concentrate on their new big lie—'universal background checks.'"

"The Times piece was surprisingly accurate, with evidence from Justice Department researchers and other academics who long-ago concluded the 1994 'assault weapons' ban’s effect on crime was 'too small to measure.' In reality, the issue was a massive fraud." ...

‘We’re coming for your guns,’ says Tallahassee columnist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A weekend column by veteran Tallahassee Democrat journalist Gerald Ensley, which he concluded by warning gun owners that, 'We’re coming for your guns. And someday, we’ll take them,' has stirred up a hornet’s nest, he confirmed in a telephone conversation with Examiner this morning."

"Yesterday, Dan Cannon, writing at Guns Save Lives, called it the 'worst anti-gun editorial in the history of anti-gun editorials.' Ensley told this column that he has received more than 200 e-mails and more than 50 telephone calls, including a few threats. More than 700 responses have been posted on the newspaper’s website." ...

Oath Keepers Saddle Up For Midnight Ride!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"James Jaeger is at it again. After working with Oath Keepers to produce a documentary film on the Second Amendment, (MOLON LABE), which focused on the first part of the Second Amendment — the Constitutional Militia of the several States – James is now creating a sister film entitled Midnight Ride. James has invited Oath Keepers to work with his Matrix Entertainment studios to produce this new movie/documentary, and I am excited and pleased to announce to all Oath Keepers and our patriot friends that Oath Keepers will play a significant role in the production of this film." ...

Click-baiting or insanity? Florida paper calls for outright gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'One of the frequent refrains of gun freaks about President Obama is 'He’s coming for our guns.' Obama never said such a thing. But I will:

We’re coming for your guns. And someday, we’ll take them.

"So reads the conclusion of a Nov. 23 column written for the Tallahassee Democrat ... by columnist Gerald Ensley. The promise follows nearly 1,000 words of anti-gun keyboard excrement complete with promises that taking guns from responsible owners will stop shooting deaths, the insistence that (non-assault) rifles and shotguns would be ineffective in mass shootings, and the insinuation that it’s government’s responsibility to 'prevent humans from having easy access to tools they can use to harm other people.'" ...

New From Sturm Ruger: LCRx With 3″ Barrel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ruger’s lightweight snubbie, the LCR is known for having one of the sweetest stock triggers in revolverdom. Last year, they added a model with an external hammer – the LCRx – for those who really want to shoot single action. Now they’ve taken the LCRx and gone long, intro’ing a +P version with a 3-inch barrel, adjustable sights and a full-length Hogue grip (MSRP $529). It’s definitely packable, but would make a nice home defense gun, no? Press release after the jump . . ." ...

MasterPiece Arms Releases New DMG Series Handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m not a fan of the MAC-10 style handgun. It’s not my speed, and with the improvements that have come in the nearly 50 years since it was first developed, the design has become decidedly outdated. Nevertheless, the guys at MasterPiece Arms say the guns keep flying off the shelves, and there’s something to be said for the modular nature of their product. Building off of that modularity, MPA is releasing a new line of firearms specifically designed to easily swap from one caliber to another. And it looks like they may have finally introduced an improved grip style as well. Presser after the jump . . ." ...

Gun Shy: Firearm makers anchored to CT
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Connecticut gun makers and dealers say they want to leave the state but actually pulling the trigger on a move has been easier said than done."

"Nearly two years after threatening to leave Connecticut entirely after lawmakers passed comprehensive gun control laws following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, only one gun manufacturer has made a public show of leaving the state; the others — particularly the largest industry players — remain tied here by history and/or tough financials." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: The reality is, they'll stay as long as customers tolerate it.

Navy Vet: 80 Hours of Training = Common Sense Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Shall not be infringed.' The last four words of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution are pellucid: the right to keep and bear arms is a no-go area for government regulation. Any government regulation. Because all government regulation is an infringement on Americans’ gun rights. Take government-mandated firearms training for concealed carry license holders (or not). It may seem like a damn good idea, but like all infringements it’s a slippery slope to tyranny. Writing for, former Navy weapons instructor Shawn VanDiver is our teacher . . ." ...

Everytown For Gun Safety Releases Gun Control Talking Points For Thanksgiving Dinner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety has released a guide to help gun control proponents talk their family members and friends into supporting more gun control at the Thanksgiving dinner table."

"Titled, 'Talking Turkey,' the guide purports to combat various 'myths' perpetrated by the pro-Second Amendment community."

"The 'myths' include the maxim that more guns equal less crime, the NRA's position that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with gun, and the 'myth' that a woman is safer with a gun in her home. Everytown attacks these "myths" by citing studies from 2003 and 2006, and then they claim '92 percent of Americans' support more gun control based on a poll taken in 2012." ...

YouTube And The 2nd Amendment: America's Unhealthy Obsession With Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While we are hearing more and more about the shootings of young teenagers in America, the underlying issues are going unnoticed. From 100 round magazines for assault rifles, to chest rigs for carrying extra clips; if you want to add it to your gun, you can."

"However, if you needed extra encouragement to go out, buy a machine gun with 1000 rounds and shoot people you’re in luck. 'Prepper' videos are becoming increasingly popular on YouTube. These videos are encouraging Americans to prepare themselves for a full on armed invasion; but from who and what remains unclear." ...

School violence has to stop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Since April 20, 1999, which was the fateful day that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire at Columbine High School killing 12 students and one teacher, there have been a multitude of school shootings around the United States. This is obviously a major issue in our society today and we have to start making changes on a policy level." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually the first US school shooting was arguably the Enoch Brown massacre in 1764, but don't let facts interfere with your hoplophobia.

IN: Homeowner Shoots Home Invader Armed With a Knife to Protect His Brother and Elderly Mother
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barry and Terah Frost live with their 86 year old mother in Orange County, Indiana."
... "'The brothers got some tools out, a flashlight, a drill. They’re gonna fix the door. Barry goes to open the cellar door and he looks down and sees feet,' [Indiana State Police Sgt. Philip Hensley] said."

"He says [Jacob Grimes, 23], armed with a knife began attacking Barry Frost, punching him repeatedly. Grimes was on top of Barry when Terah shot him in the back three times with a handgun. Hensley says under Indiana law the men acted within their rights." ...

FSU shooting revives debate over guns on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Thursday's shooting at Florida State University has spurred a renewed call for allowing guns on college campuses."

"Among those leading the charge: Nathan Scott, one of three people shot and wounded last week when Myron May opened fire at the FSU library. Scott is part of a group called Students for Concealed Carry at Florida State, which on Tuesday asked state lawmakers to allow concealed-weapon permit holders to carry firearms on college grounds." ...

“Gentle Ben” Carson Strikes Out On Guns and Self-Defense, Again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I think Dr. Carson is a wonderful human being. I think he might make a wonderful statesman."

"But for all his conservative-populist appeal, Carson has now shown for the third time that he does not—on a very basic and foundational level—understand the principles of armed self-defense, nor apparently have any real appreciation for the Second Amendment."

"Dr. Carson was a long-shot for the Republican nomination. I think that this latest error might have extinguished any hope he has of winning the support of a majority of American gun owners."

UT: Under fire, Park City repeals sections of its gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A Bellevue, Wash., gun-rights group on July 8 sent City Hall a letter outlining that the sections should be repealed. ... Alan Gottlieb, the executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, signed the letter."

"'Park City has no legal authority to adopt or enforce these sections of the Park City Municipal Code and should, out of respect for the supremacy of the Utah legislature, and out of respect for the rule of law, repeal them,' the letter said."

"It also said: 'The Second Amendment Foundation respectfully requests and formally demands that Park City repeal the above-mentioned sections of code. Failure to bring the code into compliance with state law puts Park City at risk for a lawsuit.'" ...

OR: Let Prozanski’s Lies Begin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On a TV show aired on Sunday November 23rd, Senator Floyd Prozanski began what will no doubt be his usual lengthy string of lies. Get used to it, it’s what he does best."

"The issue, of course, is the upcoming tsunami of anti-civil rights bills that Prozanski and other Democrats plan to introduce in the February legislative session."

"First on Floyd’s list, mandatory universal gun registration and police permission to lend, give, or sell a firearm to a friend or family member. Floyd would also like to be able to have your guns taken away based on any unproven accusation about your 'mental health.'" ...

FBI Report: Bad Guys Killed 27 On-Duty Cops in 2013
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The FBI has released the 2013 edition of its cheerfully titled Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted. ... Once again, the greatest danger the police face is . . . accidental death. The report reports that 49 police officers died in accidents (26 killed in motor vehicle accidents, two 'accidentally shot' ). 'Felonious acts' killed 27 law enforcement officers. All but one of those died from gunfire. ... The total stat represents a drop of 22 percent from the previous year. It’s also worth noting that America is home to around 750k sworn police officers. So a policeman has a .0036 percent chance of being shot to death by a bad guy. That’s one out of 27,778 officers . . ." ...

The Myth of the Unarmed Man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you don't believe media bias plays a role in how Americans interpret use of force by law enforcement, try this simple test. Do a Google search for 'police officer kills unarmed man.' I did and I got 179,000 results. ... I flipped the search around and typed, 'unarmed man attacks police officer.' I got this message: 'No results found.'"

"So does that mean no unarmed men are attacking and seriously injuring officers? Absolutely not."

"The [NLEOMF] says 57,892 law enforcement officers are assaulted each year and 15,483 sustain serious injuries. The most recent FBI 'Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted' (LEOKA) report indicates that 80.2% of the assaults against law enforcement in 2012 were committed by unarmed subjects. ..." ...

MD: Ex-Police officer sentenced for running prostitution ring involving wife
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer was sentenced in federal court to 21 months in prison for his role in operating a prostitution business."

"Lamin Manneh, 33, of Baltimore, was also sentenced to two years of supervised release for his crime. According to Manneh's indictment and information presented at court hearings, he had more than 300 customers as part of his business from February to May 9, 2013, WMAR reported." ...

TX: Dallas officer fired over June excessive force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Dallas police officer has been fired for using excessive force in a videotaped incident in which a suspected panhandler was pinned to the ground."

"Dallas police on Monday announced the dismissal of Officer Jesus Martinez. He was charged with misdemeanor official oppression following the June incident captured on cellphone video by someone passing by." ...

IL: Off-duty CPD officer suspected of being drunk, firing at suburban cop near police station
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Chicago Police officer has been stripped of his arrest powers after he allegedly fired multiple times at an off-duty suburban cop who tried to pull him over after suspecting he was driving drunk, law enforcement sources say." ...

H/t to David Codrea who asks: Any non-"Only Ones" think if you'd pulled this, you wouldn't be in either intensive care or the morgue right now?

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. — Robert Heinlein

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