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Newslinks for 11/26/2024

Don't Settle for Less Than the Best Ammo for 1911 45 ACP
Submitted by: David Williamson

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I rarely concealed carry my 1911; it's still typically close by and is my home defense pistol. I still argue shotguns are the better home defense weapon due to the lower chance of over-penetration.

Federal Judge Upholds ‘Disarming Unlawful Immigrants’ Who Have Not Sworn Allegiance to U.S.A.
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On November 21, 2024, federal judge Edmund A. Sargus Jr. ruled that “disarming unlawful immigrants like Mr. Serrano-Restrepo who have not sworn allegiance to the United States comports with the Nation’s history.”

Sargus is a judge in the U.S. District Court Southern District of Ohio, Eastern District.

IL: At least 13 shot, 4 fatally, in weekend gun violence across Chicago, police say
Submitted by: David Williamson

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At least 13 people have been shot, four fatally, in gun violence across Chicago so far this weekend. Here are the latest updates.

Status of gun bills as 135th Ohio General Assembly winds down
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As the end of the 135th Ohio General Assembly draws near, several gun bills are still somewhere in progress. A few have advanced in recent months, but several have stalled. Here's a rundown of what bills are still in the pipeline and each one's current status.

NRA files suit, says PA prohibition on concealed carry under 21 years old is unconstitutional
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Today, the NRA, Firearms Policy Coalition, and two individuals filed a lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania’s prohibition on concealed carry by adults under 21. Pennsylvania generally requires an individual to obtain a license to carry a concealed firearm or transport a firearm in one’s vehicle. Moreover, a license is required to be exempt from the “Gun-Free School Zones Act,” which forbids carrying within 1,000 feet of the grounds of a school—more than 3,000 of which exist throughout the Commonwealth. Adults under 21, however, are ineligible to apply for a license.

Will 2025 be the year Florida passes an open carry law?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Second Amendment groups have long sought an open carry law in Florida. Yet the state’s newly elected Senate President Ben Albritton, R-Wauchula, on Tuesday shot down the likelihood of passing an open carry bill next year. He said he stands with the Florida Sheriff’s Association, which opposes open carry.

New York’s Ban on Nonresidents’ Ability to Carry Firearms Is Challenged
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC), a prominent gun rights group, filed a complaint last week challenging New York state’s nonreciprocal law that discriminates against lawful gun owners with licenses to carry issued by other states. The complaint is part of FPC’s aggressive “strategic litigation program,” called FPC Law, that challenges unconstitutional restraints such as New York’s assault on nonresidents’ rights under the Second Amendment.

PA: Bill to provide Sunday hunting stalls, but here's why there's hope for change in 2025
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Even though legislation to provide more Sunday hunting opportunities in Pennsylvania stalled in the state House of Representatives, similar efforts will continue in 2025 with new bill packages. “I’m as disappointed as anyone in the state that we didn't get this done,” Sen. Dan Laughlin of Erie said Friday in a written statement.

Rasmussen: Majority Disapproves of Biden Job Performance, Say US on Wrong Track
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As President Joe Biden’s time in office wanes, Rasmussen’s latest presidential tracking poll shows he has more detractors than supporters, and a stunning majority of likely US voters believe the country is on the wrong track. Biden’s last day in office is Jan. 20, 2025, and according to The Guardian, his critics are accusing him of escalating the war between Russia and Ukraine by allowing the latter to use long-range US-supplied missiles against Russia.

300 Win Mag vs 308 Caliber Comparison: A Clash of 30-Caliber Titans
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The 300 Winchester Magnum (300 Win Mag) and 308 Winchester (308 Win) are the two most successful 30-caliber big game hunting and long-distance shooting rifle cartridges in the world. Although they both shoot the same diameter bullets, the 300 Win Mag and the 308 Winchester each have their distinct advantages when it comes to cartridge selection.

MI: Prosecutor: No charges issued against Lions WR Jameson Williams in gun case
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office said it will not charge Detroit Lions wide receiver Jameson Williams after a gun registered to Williams was found under his seat while he was riding in his brother's car. Williams does not have a Concealed Pistol License.

7 News Detroit was the first to report on the incident that led to an internal investigation within the Detroit Police Department.

The star wide receiver came into contact with police after midnight on Oct. 8 when officers pulled over a vehicle being driven by Williams' brother near the corner of Connor and Jefferson Avenue. The vehicle was stopped, police say, for speeding.

Gun Rights Group Targets New York’s Nonresident Carry Restriction
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On Nov. 21, the Firearms Policy Committee (FPC) filed a lawsuit against the State of New York, challenging the state’s ban on carrying firearms for residents of other states. In Shaffer v. Quattrone, the plaintiffs argue that the carry ban for lawful nonresidents, which restricts their constitutional right to carry within state boundaries, violates their Second Amendment-protected right to keep and bear arms. Plaintiffs in the case are individual FPC members Matthew Shaffer, Ralph Flynn, Peter Robbins and Charles Pompey, and the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York will hear the case.

CT: New Bedford and Fall River Police Collect Guns for Groceries
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The New Bedford and Fall River police departments held their annual “Guns for Groceries” event this past Saturday, with residents of each city able to turn in unwanted firearms in exchange for grocery store gift cards, no questions asked. The exchange has been ongoing for a number of years but this year's proved to be especially successful.

ATF logs substantial increase in ghost guns as tracking remains spotty, inconsistent
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Thomas Belton still gets anxious when he thinks about a phone call he received that set off emotions of sadness, anger and a demand for changes. “She was crying over the phone,” Belton recalled the emotional phone call with his daughter’s mother. “She said, Kennedi was killed at a sleepover.” Kennedi Belton, 15, died when a teenager in another room was tinkering with a weapon and it went off.

'Every weapon we collect will be destroyed' | SA councilman hosts 2nd annual 'Voluntary Weapons Xchange' at Alamodome
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Hunting rifles to handguns to assault rifles, people voluntary dropped them off and walked away with H-E-B gift cards on Sunday for the "Voluntary Weapons Xchange" in the parking lot of the Alamodome. District 9 Councilman John Courage says there are a lot of people concerned about so many weapons in the community and in homes that could potentially cause harm.

The said Constitution be never construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. — Samuel Adams, during Massachusetts's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788).

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