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Newslinks for 11/27/2014

Only ‘progressive’ turkeys thankful for Opposite Day role reversal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Time was, the turkey was considered a game bird. The Pilgrims at Plymouth feasted on them. Generations later, Ben Franklin considered it such a useful fowl that he nominated it for the national bird."

"Of course, this was in the days when the right to bear arms was taken for granted, when free people hunted turkeys for sustenance, all the while honing marksmanship that would serve them well in time of need."

"Fast-forward to present-day Boston, a place of sacred tradition, the literal forge for our heritage of individual liberty. Except Boston is now a place where traditions have been betrayed. Its current overlords have succeeded in disarming the whole people in a way that General Gage could never have conceived possible." ...

Obama compares pardoning turkeys to executive order on immigration
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... “Today, I’m taking an action fully within my legal authority,” the president remarked in a seeming mocking dig at critics of his policy of allowing federal law to be flouted and rewarding those who break it. “I know some will call this amnesty, but don’t worry, there’s plenty of turkey to go around.” ...

Moms Demand Action Gets Behind Shall Issue Laws. Apparently.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lest we go a day here at TTAG without pointing out some of the blatant hypocrisy of Moms Demand Action, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bloomberg Industries, here’s a fun one. The above photo was tweeted from the official Moms Demand Action account earlier today with no explanation. While it’s beyond my skillset to tease out the true meaning of this, I was just pleased that they’ve finally gotten onboard with shall issue carry…" ...

SAF Compels Utah City To Roll Back Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation has once again compelled another city to roll back firearms regulations that run afoul of state law and the Constitution, this time in Park City, Utah."

"'We're delighted that officials in Park City unanimously approved repealing the conflicting regulations,' said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. 'If gun owners are expected to always comply with the letter of the law, so should government. In this case, the conflicts were pretty clear.'" ...

Not All Anti-Gunners Willing to Wait for Slippery Slope
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To hear most proponents of 'gun control' tell it, those of us who warn that the anti-gun agenda's endpoint is a total ban of private gun ownership are 'paranoid' to believe such a thing. President Obama has himself made this claim:"
"'Part of the challenge we confront is that even the slightest hint of some sensible, responsible legislation in this area fans this notion that somehow, 'Here it comes, everybody's guns are going to be taken away,' Obama said."
"Of course Obama's idea of 'sensible, responsible legislation' includes an outright ban of the most popular centerfire rifles in the country, mandating the inclusion of 'smart gun' technology ... in semi-automatic handguns, banning private sales of guns, etc." ...

This Is What Happens To A Disarmed Populace: Their Crime Rate Plummets!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One in five crimes not recorded by police,‘s headline reveals. Nearly a million offences a year are ignored by target-chasing officers. I’ve posted the eye-opening stats after the jump. Startling, but not surprising. Not if you understand the dynamics of gun control. First, you disarm civilians in the name of public safety. Then you claim that it worked. Even though it didn’t. Because the general public must not, under any circumstances, take responsibility for their own safety. ..." ...

Turnabout seen as fair play for publishing Ferguson Officer Wilson's home street
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It’s obvious the practice of providing physical addresses of people for whom anger exists can heighten physical dangers. Real risks also exist that persons with the same or similar names could be targeted instead. Likewise, the lives and homes of neighbors of Officer Wilson have now been put at risk by The Times' decision to narrow the hunt for him by those bent on murderous revenge, upping the probabilities for expanded violence and further rage-fueled confrontations with authorities." ...

Is concealed carry a privilege or a right?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Sheriff Bill Gore chose not to appeal, which led to a belated response by gun-control advocates ... and California Attorney General Kamala Harris. But earlier this month, a divided 9th Circuit panel denied Harris and the others standing to be a party in the case."

"The court said they waited too long. ... In addition, justices found no exceptional need to grant the state such standing given the specific case is about the enforcement of a local regulation."

"On Wednesday, the AG's office said it would ask the court to refer that decision to an 11-judge 'en banc' panel. Her goal is to let sheriffs continue requiring proof of threats ... to approve giving Californians a permit to carry a handgun." ...

NSSF On The Leno Cancellation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We are clearly disappointed by Jay Leno’s decision not to perform at the 2015 SHOT Show State of the Industry Dinner. He unilaterally cancelled his promised appearance due to pressure from the anti-gun lobby, which included false statements about our industry and its commitment to genuine firearms safety, which we attempted to personally correct with him, but to no avail."

"We are not deterred by their publicity seeking nor are we unfamiliar with the bullying political tactics of the gun control groups that seem to have as little respect for the First Amendment as they continually demonstrate with regard to the Second Amendment." ...

Black Friday: Big day for gun sales and background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Black Friday isn't just when shoppers rush to stores for holiday sales. It's also one of the busiest days of the year for gun purchases."

"In the U.S., there are nine guns for every 10 people. Someone is killed with a firearm every 16 minutes. And every minute, gun shops make about 40 new requests for criminal background checks on people wanting weapons."

"On Black Friday, the rush accelerates to nearly two checks a second, testing the limits of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System." ...

How to Hunt Deer in the Suburbs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Many whitetail hunters talk about heading to 'deer camp' or a lease or club somewhere off in the 'boonies.' What many of these hunters don’t realize is when driving through suburbia, they are traveling past some of the best deer hunting there is. Whitetails have flourished in many rural areas. In fact, oftentimes the man-made sections and dividers actually make for more attractive 'edge habitat' that whitetails favor." ...

LaserLyte Secures Patent for Center Mass Laser Sight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The LaserLyte’s center mass laser sights have been out for some time. Now the company would like it to be known that the U.S. Patent Officer has finally blessed their invention with a patent. Press release after the jump. And speaking of jump, that’s my main problem with laser sighting systems: the dot (now dots) jump around. That’s especially unavoidable when you’re aiming the dot (now dots) in a hurry like, say, in a defensive gun use. Here’s the thing . . ." ...

Gear Review: Geissele Armorer’s Package
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m a man on a mission. A special tools mission that is. I guess it started with my first action block. A polymer affair that clamshelled over a standard flat top upper. As soon as it arrived, I eagarly invited a friend over to assemble his box of AR parts so we could try out my new tool. He brought all the pieces including a Noveske barrel, the necessary gas block bits, and a non mil spec upper receiver. Which is where the problems started…" ...

San Antonio Express: Open Carry is “Openly Dumb”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Openly dumb? That’s dumb. But then it’s only a headline writer’s idea of pithy. The real stupidity here is the 'argument' the San Antonio Express’ Editorial Board uses to condemn open carry – ahead of the Texas legislature’s determination to put a bill on Governor Abbott’s desk. 'Say you’re at your local store or on a public street and a guy, obviously not a police officer, is walking toward you with a hoodie over on his head. Feel safe? We suspect not. Nor will the cop who encounters that guy in a traffic stop or tries to give him a ticket while he’s jaywalking.' I’m sorry. Did I say hoodie over his head? I mistyped. It’s 'a gun on his hip.' But you see how that works. Here’s more . . ." ...

Bloomberg’s Everytown stuffs a turkey for Thanksgiving
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety wants you to ruin your Thanksgiving by turning it into an anti-gun talkfest; a gab session to push his agenda of gun prohibition when family bickering should be confined to who gets the drumstick or the last soft roll and pat of butter."

"'This Thanksgiving,' the e-mail message says, 'when talk around the table turns to politics and current events, you can help set the record straight on some of the most common myths about guns.'" ...

The U.K's Solution to Police Brutality Is Something the U.S. Would Never Consider
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fact: Police officers in America keep shooting — and killing — unarmed (and largely innocent) black men."

"Nearly every 28 hours the police shoot and kill an unarmed person, usually a black male (man, teenager or child), and they're doing so without repercussion. This has resulted in myriad calls to 'demilitarize the police,' but no one has stated the obvious. To 'demilitarize the police,' and to find a solution to police brutality, there is one clear solution: Disarm the police."

"This isn't a new idea, yet Americans, especially American politicians, willingly avoid having this specific conversation." ...

We must change the tone of our national debates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our current political, societal and cultural conversation thrives on heightened rhetoric, often vitriolic; the tragic events in Ferguson, Missouri, only reinforce the unfortunate tone of our national debate."

"Like the unfathomable school shootings at Sandy Hook or the death of unarmed African-American teenager Trayvon Martin before that, Michael Brown’s shooting death by Officer Darren Wilson has divided our public discourse. Rather than open-minded pursuit of truth and betterment, we retreat to our respective camps and wonder aloud how the other side could possibly believe what they believe." ...

FBI Data Show Thousands Of Gun Sales Beat Background Check System
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More gun sales than ever are slipping through the federal background check system — 186,000 last year, a rate of 512 gun sales a day, as states fail to consistently provide thorough, real-time updates on criminal and mental histories to the FBI." ...

Submitter's Note: ONE-HUNDRED EIGHTY-SIX *THOUSAND*?!?!? Oh, the HORROR! And if (as reported further on in the article) 1.25% of those checks would have resulted in denials, we have 2,325 missed denials. And according to the WaPo's "fact checker" folks, between 2006 and 2010 we averaged a 0.128% prosecution rate (not convictions, prosecution). So of those 2,325 "missed" denials, we could expect fewer than 300 prosecutions. Where do we want to place our resources?

Ferguson Part IV: Thanksgiving
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On this day of giving thanks, I hope you’re all with friends and family and, if you’re caught in the Northeast storm, I hope you get through it OK."

"And if you’re in Ferguson, Missouri, well, condolences. I hope you get through that storm, too. If you’re NOT in Ferguson, you have one more thing to be thankful for."

"For me, I’m thankful that I only have to watch CNN, currently the 'all Ferguson, all the time' network, when I want to. Not until last night did they even mention the murder of the young black man who may have witnessed the Michael Brown shooting and given honest testimony that favored Officer Wilson. ..." ...

2A Rights on Corps Land Goes to 11th Circuit Court of Appeals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the Ninth Circuit federal court of appeals, District Court Judge B. Lynn Winmill ruled that the Second Amendment doesn’t stop at the boundary of land administered by the Army Corps of Engineers. There are millions of acres of wild land and waters involved, as the Corps of Engineers administers enormous projects across America’s waterways. On the other side of the coin, in the 11th Circuit, Judge Harold Murphy in Georgia has ruled that the Second Amendment does not apply on land administered by the Corps, because the land is all considered 'sensitive', like a courtroom or a prison. That decision is being appealed . . ." ...

WY: Gillette, Ground Zero For Gun Grabbers in Wyoming
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One starts to wonder why Campbell county, WY, produces so many anti-gun politicians. Is there something in the water?"

"The reality is this: Campbell County is an fine example of how the anti-gun politicians operate, and how these same politicians and lobbyists work together to advance evil."

"Being there at ground zero is how we know just who the gun grabbers are." ...

CO: Deputy quit before firing over sexual texts, interviews
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A longtime Isabella County sheriff’s deputy who twice ran for sheriff quit in late September before facing firing for repeatedly questioning a 24-year-old woman about her sexual experiences and sending her graphically sexual text messages, according to departmental investigative reports."

"Deputy Kevin E. Dush is also under investigation by Clare County Prosecutor Michelle Ambrozaitis for possible criminal acts related to the investigation." ...

IL: Ex-Maywood cop acquitted of sex assault, convicted of misconduct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Maywood police officer on Thursday was found guilty of misconduct but acquitted on charges that he sexually assaulted a woman he picked up in his squad car while on duty."

"Deon Sams was found not guilty of the more serious charges in a decision announced Thursday by DuPage County Judge George Bakalis, who heard the bench trial. The judge said prosecutors had not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Sams had forced himself on a woman he had met early on March 23, 2012, and later took to a motel while on duty."

"Sams, who served 16 years with the Maywood police, said the sexual contact with the woman was 'consensual and mutual.'" ...

MO: Hillsdale officer sentenced on federal drug charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Hillsdale lieutenant will spend the next 46 months in jail followed by three years of probation."

"A federal judge sentenced Lieutenant Parrish Swanson Thursday morning. In August, Swanson pleaded guilty to one felony count of conspiracy to distribute heroin and attempt to distribute heroin." ...

UT: Catholics join plea for no guns on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"College campuses in Utah can prohibit food, alcohol and water from being brought into an assembly, but they can’t ban guns."

"That irony was brought out Nov. 21 as a petition asking the Utah Legislature to allow educational institutions to limit guns at public assemblies was presented to the Governor’s Office."

"Among the group of about a dozen people who presented the petition were Jean Hill, Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City government liaison, and Dee Rowland, a Saint Thomas More parishioner and chairwoman of the Gun Violence Prevention Center of Utah. ..." ...

Change Laws Change Lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over two hundred years ago our forefathers wrote the constitution of the United States and made our right to bear arms in the second amendment. However, many things have changed over the years and what seemed to be a great idea then, doesn’t work now. The government should make gun laws tougher and make it harder to own weapons. Certain laws should be in place to make it harder to obtain weapons. Stricter gun control laws will ensure drop in violent crimes, prevent household firearm accidents, and create a more peaceful society." ...

"Smart" guns and "safety" locks aren't meant to protect children. They're meant to kill gun owners. —VICTOR MILAN

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