Protect the Life You’ve Built With This Reliable, Less-Lethal Self-Defense Device
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Mark A. Taff
Website: www.marktaff.com
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The name TASER is already synonymous with public safety, with professionals everywhere relying on them for unparalleled protection in all kinds of situations. If you want to get the same sense of security and peace of mind, the TASER Pulse 2 is here to meet your needs.
The TASER Pulse 2 is the ultimate compact solution for less-lethal self-defense. Like all TASER devices, the Pulse 2 is designed to empower you to take control of your safety with confidence and clarity while lessening the risk of accidentally hurting yourself (or worse). |
OH: Self defense shootings: When are you allowed to shoot to defend yourself or someone else?
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Mark A. Taff
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After shootings in Columbus, suspects sometimes raise self-defense claims.
Sometimes these claims are successful; sometimes they aren’t. The Dispatch spoke with a legal expert to figure out when exactly someone is legally allowed to fire their weapon to protect themselves or someone else.
This fall, Columbus had two nonfatal shootings in which men argued they were defending property or family members. One faced criminal charges, though neither man was ultimately convicted. |
Suppressor Bill Boosted by Ear Doctors
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Mark A. Taff
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Texas GOP Congressman August Pfluger introduced a bill in the lame-duck House of Representatives last Friday, hoping that the House Judiciary Committee will consider it before the 118th Congress ends (target date December 20). Called “Protecting Americans’ Right to Silence” (PARTS), H.R. 10145 would trim the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) claim that parts making up a silencer (or suppressor) for a firearm are themselves silencers and thus are all included in the “machine gun” category of the National Firearms Act of 1934. |
OH: Illegal Alien in Ohio Charged for Possession of Roughly 170 Firearms
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Mark A. Taff
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A federal judge denied the request of an illegal alien living in Ohio to have his gun charges dismissed, after he was discovered with roughly 170 firearms in his possession.
Carlos Serrano-Restrepo was arrested in January by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for the illegal possession of firearms by an alien living unlawfully in the United States, reported WSYX, a local ABC affiliate.
After his initial arrest by the feds, the defendant, who had lived in the U.S. illegally for almost two decades, was indicted by a federal grand jury in July, according to court records. |
GA: Deadline is Nov. 27 for Judge drawing
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Mark A. Taff
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Everyone who subscribes or renews their subscription to the Monroe-Macon Reporter before Thanksgiving will be entered into a drawing for a Taurus Judge revolver. A subscription is just $60 for a year in Monroe and Bibb counties. The Reporter holds regular drawings for guns to increase subscriptions and to show support for the First Amendment to the Constitution and the Second. The freedoms of speech, religion, and press (First Amendment), exemplified by this newspaper, and the freedom to bear arms (Second Amendment), exemplified by this Taurus Judge, are the pillars of American liberty. |
MO: Missouri AG To Sue Jackson County For Violation of Missouri Gun Law
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Mark A. Taff
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Based defender of inalienable rights and Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has announced that he intends to file suit against his state’s Jackson County over the legislature’s brazen violation of state gun rights.
Making the Nov. 21 public announcement on X, Bailey informed legislators that he would not tolerate Jackson County’s Ordinance 5865, which prohibits anyone under 21 from possessing firearms or ammunition. In addition, the Attorney General put the county on notice, informing them that shredding sessions are off the table and instructing them explicitly to preserve all material evidence and communications relating to the ordinance’s implementation. |
Revolver Versus Semi-Auto: Which Is Best for Bear Defense?
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Mark A. Taff
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If there’s one thing backcountry hunters should agree on when it comes to picking between revolvers and semi-autos for bear defense it is this: Neither is ideal. A bear, whether attacking out of fear, aggression, or hunger is a fearsome opponent. It would be foolish to think of a handgun as a reliable bear stopper. A handgun can certainly kill a bear, but the goal of a stopping gun is to kill something this instant — or at least hit it hard enough that it is distracted from trying to chew, claw, or gore you in the moment, buying you a few more precious seconds to shoot it again or take some other action to save your hide.
But even a less-than-ideal gun is better than no gun during a bear encounter. |
Everytown Wants You To Argue About Guns At Thanksgiving Dinner
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Mark A. Taff
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If you’re like me, you probably don’t have that many gun-ban advocates in your family. And the ones that lean in that direction likely aren’t quick to bring it up at rare family social occasions.
In fact, with three generations of concealed carry practitioners gathered around the family table for Thanksgiving dinner, my family’s celebration of thanks is likely the most dangerous place a deranged individual could choose to attack. ’Nuff said. |
Insane Footage Shows Man Display Gun During Road Rage Incident, Target Had Gun Ready; How Would You Have Responded?
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Mark A. Taff
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Road rage is a dangerous phenomenon that can quickly escalate into life-altering situations. For concealed carriers, these incidents are especially complex, as they require a strong understanding of situational awareness, self-defense, and de-escalation. A recent event in Port St. Lucie highlights the importance of maintaining composure and abiding by legal and ethical standards when carrying a firearm.
According to police reports, a 63-year-old man, Paul Slane, is now facing multiple charges following a road rage incident that occurred on Southwest Briarwood Drive around 4:30 p.m. The sequence of events underscores the significant consequences of misusing a firearm. |
Second Amendment Roundup: The Second Amendment Dialogue at Fed Soc's National Convention
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Mark A. Taff
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"Applying the Text and History Methodology to Looming Second Amendment Battles After Rahimi" was the topic of a session on November 16 at the Federalist Society's 2024 National Lawyers Convention. You can listen to the remarks here.
The moderator was Sixth Circuit Judge Amul Thapar, author of the delightful book The People's Justice: Clarence Thomas and the Constitutional Stories that Define Him. The panel featured three leading voices in the Second Amendment space. |
CA: CRPA Files SCOTUS Cert Petition To Protect Gun Shows
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Mark A. Taff
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California’s petty attempt to undercut “gun culture” by eliminating gun shows ignores serious conflicts with both the First and Second Amendments, justified by phantom claims of “protecting public safety”. CRPA has fought these bans every step of the way. Today, we bring the case to the highest court in the land.
“Our Crossroads of the West and CRPA plaintiffs had no choice but to ask the Supreme Court to correct the Ninth Circuit’s misguided decision to ignore the law of what speech is constitutionally protected and completely ignore the Supreme Court’s directive in Bruen,” stated CRPA President & General Counsel Chuck Michel. |
Gun control governors vow to ‘Trump proof’ states while ignoring 2A rights
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Mark A. Taff
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Voters sent an overwhelming message on Nov. 5: they want the country to move in a new direction. The biggest change came at the top of the ticket with President-elect Donald Trump defeating sitting Vice President Kamala Harris by taking the popular vote and a wide Electoral College margin of 312-226. The U.S. House of Representatives remains in Republican control, but the U.S. Senate flipped from Democratic control to a larger Republican majority. |
How to Clean Your AR-15
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Mark A. Taff
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If you like to shoot but hate cleaning your favorite gun, remember: a clean gun is a happy gun. I love cleaning my guns. I think of all the good times shooting alien root beer jugs in Area 51 as I work to keep them reliable.
Let’s review some simple steps to make cleaning your AR-15 easy. Before I begin to clean, a better description of what I will be using is in order. |
Marlin 1895 Trapper Magpul Rifle Review—Expert Tested
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Mark A. Taff
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Under Ruger ownership, Marlin has been doing a bang up job of making and modernizing lever guns. They've refined the design and production of these guns so that they run like a fine timepieces and in some cases shoot better than you’d think a lever gun should. (Take a look at our review of the Model 1895 Dark if you want an example.) Now, Marlin is also partnering with other manufactures to offer even lever-gun option previously available only from custom makers. Their new Model 1895 Trapper with a Magpul stock is a perfect example, and it just might be the best lever gun Marlin has crafted yet. I got my hands on one recently and put it through its paces on my home range. Here's how Marlin's latest lever gun fared. |