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Newslinks for 11/29/2011

How did Sen. Feinstein get ATF gun trace data in violation of Tiahrt Amendment?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Persons within the Department of Justice whose identities are not yet publicly known apparently broke the law by leaking firearms trace data to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, which she introduced in the Senate Judiciary Committee record in the hearing on Department of Justice oversight earlier this month."

Submitter's note: Was this leading anti-gunner abetting a violation of law by DOJ, or was she their dupe? The only way we'll get an answer is if you help bang pots and pans to demand them so loudly it cannot be ignored. Share the link?

CO: Lawsuit Challenges Gun Ban in Post Offices
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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A federal judge has ruled that a Colorado couple's lawsuit against the U.S. Postal Service's ban on guns in post offices can proceed. Debbie and Tab Bonidy sued the Postal Service last year, saying the ban violates their Second Amendment rights. Both have concealed weapons permits and carry their guns wherever they go. However, they don't get mail service at their rural address, so they have to go to the local post office to get their daily mail. Since guns are banned in the post office and its parking lot, they say they are unable to get their mail.

NJ: Gun laws in the Garden State
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Trenton Education Association (TEA) chief Naomi Johnson-LaFleur New Jersey’s gun-control laws are among the strongest in the country, and New Jerseyans like it that way. There’s been no significant attempt to weaken them since 1992, when a Republican-controlled Legislature tried to repeal the state’s pioneering ban on assault weapons, Gov. Jim Florio vetoed the effort, and public support for the ban helped block an attempt in the Senate to override the veto.

NJ: Liberalizing N.J.'s concealed firearm laws would help reduce crime
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The House of Representatives passed HR-822, The National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, which would allow citizens who have a permit to carry a concealed firearm in their state the ability to do so in any other state. The reaction by anti-Second Amendment “activists” such as New Jersey’s two U.S.senators, newly appointed New Jersey state senate president, Loretta Weinberg, editorial writers and others, including political science professor Brigid Harrison, was swift. They oppose the bill because they claim New Jersey is “not” Alaska or other states that allow citizens to exercise their rights to carry a concealed firearm, and that HR-822 violates states’ rights.

Meanwhile, on the “Holder Should Resign” ranch…
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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In the heat of a primary contest, endless debates and the rest of the bad economic news making the rounds, it’s easy to let other important stories slip through the cracks. One of them is the ongoing saga of Gunwalker, which we’ve covered here before, and the increasing chorus of voices calling for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation over it. Mary Chastain notes today that while the media has remained largely mum on the subject, the number of voices demanding this action has increased to include 51 members of congress and three presidential candidates.

Even Conservatives Should Hate National Right-to-Carry Gun Bill
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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The first piece of gun-related legislation to reach a vote in Congress since the Tucson massacre has passed the House and may be taken up soon by the Senate. Is it a bill to ban the high-capacity assault clips that allowed Jared Loughner, in a span of around sixteen seconds, to kill six people, including a nine-year-old child, and wound thirteen others, including the grievous injury to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords? No. Is it a bill to strengthen the Brady background check system to prevent dangerous people like Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter, from getting access to lethal weaponry? No. The legislation recently passed by the House would allow the Jared Loughners of the world to carry their loaded, hidden handguns virtually anywhere.

CA: Walmart pepper spraying may have been self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Los Angeles police say it may have been self-defense that drove a woman to pepper-spray about 20 shoppers on Black Friday at a Walmart store.

The Los Angeles Times ( reports Monday that detectives have interviewed 14 witnesses and want to talk to 10 more shoppers about the incident.

Standards should be uniform across nation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Thanks to the hard work of National Rifle Association members, gun owners, and freedom-loving patriots nationwide, Americans are now one step closer to strengthening our fundamental right to self-defense.

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 822) by a majority, bipartisan vote of 272 to 154. The act would allow any American citizen with a valid, state-issued concealed-carry permit to exercise his right to carry a firearm in any state that affords the same right to its own residents.

AZ: Police: Phoenix mom kills backyard intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The woman told police that about three hours earlier, around noon, she saw two men enter her backyard.

According to police, the woman said she became frightened and called her husband. "Her husband said, 'Hey, get your gun,'" Holmes said. "So she goes, retrieves her weapon, she goes out and these folks are gone."

Then, hours later, the woman saw two men again. "One of them, who now is the victim, actually had a gun in his hand," Holmes said. "He saw her, he raised his gun toward her and at that point, she shot him."

Supreme Court declines to clarify gun rights question
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The US Supreme Court declined Monday to take up a potentially important gun rights case examining whether a federal regulation banning loaded firearms from vehicles in a government park violated the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Lawyers for a Virginia man had asked the justices to examine a question left largely unresolved in the high court’s two prior landmark rulings identifying the scope and substance of Second Amendment protections. The question is: Does the Second Amendment guarantee a right to bear arms in public for personal protection?

The court dismissed the case in a one-line order without comment.

NC: ‘Castle Doctrine’ revised
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The new law defines a person’s home as any property with a roof where the person lives and also includes “curtilage,” which is the area immediately around a home. It defines a person’s workplace as any property with a roof used for commercial purposes. It says a home or workplace can be temporary or permanent and specifically says either one can be a tent.

Under the new law, the lawful occupant of a home, motor vehicle or workplace isn’t required to retreat prior to using deadly force.

IN: Controversial Broad Ripple group patrols without incident
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Controversy is brewing around the group behind patrols in Broad Ripple.

A group calling itself Occupy Broad Ripple with Guns patrolled the streets of the popular spot Saturday night. More than 3 dozen members participated in the event prompted by recent robberies and a sexual assault in the area.

PA: Deciding who can be armed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The threat of gun violence to Philadelphia-area residents from the so-called Florida loophole could go national - unless U.S. senators such as Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey, and many others, do the right thing.

Under a bill just rammed through the U.S. House to a tune called by the National Rifle Association, every state that permits residents to carry concealed handguns would have to honor permits held by gun owners from other states.

That would scrap the long-established notion that states should have the right to shape their own approach as to who gets to carry a legal weapon.

CA: 9th Circuit agrees to rehear long-running Alameda County gun rights case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a brief order, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed to rehear a legal challenge to the 1999 law, which restricts gun shows on county property, including Alameda County's fairgrounds. The order, which calls for an 11-judge 9th Circuit panel to hear the case, wipes out a ruling from May by three 9th Circuit judges who unanimously agreed to uphold the legality of the ordinance.

The development marks the latest twist in a long-running lawsuit pressed by gun show promoters Russell and Sallie Nordyke, who've enlisted gun rights groups to attack the law as a violation of their Second Amendment rights.

WA: Concealed gun legislation sticks with Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Second Amendment guarantees citizens the right to bear arms.

There is no easy way to describe who is "for" and who is "against" the Second Amendment.

More Republicans than Democrats voted for the House bill, but 43 Democrats voted for it and seven Republicans voted against it.

Also, the Republican-led House of Representatives brought forth a concealed carry bill and passed it; the Democrat-controlled Senate doesn't even have any legislation on the subject scheduled this year.

A liberal-conservative split on the issue might be easier to use as a dividing line, but it, too, seems to be steeped in exceptions.

Cyber Monday Special: Buy Guns Before Obama Enslaves And Kills You
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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UPDATE: USAAmmo appears to have compared President Obama to Chinese dictator and mass murderer Mao Zedong, Soviet dictator and mass murderer Josef Stalin, German dictator and mass murderer Adolf Hitler, Cambodian dictator and mass murderer Pol Pot... and Academy Award-winning actor Forest Whitaker.

Ed.: Whoops. :-)

Canada: Are photos featuring guns and Santa appropriate for Christmas cards?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Arizona Santa Claus is putting a brand new spin on the idea of the Christmas photo shoot.

This Saint Nick arrived for an appearance at the Scottsdale Gun Club Saturday toting a sack filled not with toys, but lethal weaponry ranging from AK47s to grenade launchers to assault rifles.

Ed.: Also a poll.

NY: Women Pulling the Trigger
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The vegan, the yoga instructor and the former Peace Corps member mingled with other women at a recent retreat in upstate New York, sharing advice: Keep both eyes open when firing a shotgun. Ear plugs are essential to mute the blasts. And when women shoot, the butt of the gun needs to sit between the shoulder and collar bone to cushion the recoil, an adjustment to the typical male shooting stance.

UT: Protecting the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is a zealous critic of the Second Amendment. He pretty much votes for and supports any gun control legislation that he comes across. His most recent attempt is Senate Bill 436, which is being debated in his Senate Judiciary Committee. SB-436 is being touted under the guise of closing gun show loopholes, but its language has the potential to end or severely restrict gun sales and transfers anywhere in America.

Here's a quote from Sen. Schumer: "We're here to tell the NRA their nightmare is true! We are going to hammer guns on the anvil of relentless legislative strategy. We are going to beat guns into submission."

CO: Post Office Gun Ban Lawsuit Moves Forward For Mountain States Legal Foundation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Postal Service’s total ban on firearms possession impairs the right to keep and bear arms as protected by the Second Amendment even when individuals are traveling to, from, or through Postal property because the Postal Service does not allow people to store a firearm safely in their vehicles. Anyone with a hunting rifle or shotgun in his car, or a handgun in his glove compartment for self-defense, violates the Postal Service ban by driving onto Postal Service property. Thus, the ban also denies the right to keep and bear arms everywhere a law-abiding gun owner travels before and after visiting Postal Service property.

NJ: New Jersey Second Amendment Society President’s Report
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We will be distributing posters and fliers for next month’s meeting featuring David Jensen. If you would like to help out, please email Corey Vaughan at

David Jensen has been retained by the SAF and the ANJRPC as the lead attorney in the case against the state of New Jersey seeking to challenge the “justifiable need” clause contained in the current CCW licensing procedures. The New Jersey Second Amendment Society was responsible for recruiting two plaintiffs for the case (one primary and one alternate). The case has been heard in Federal Court and received an unfavorable ruling – as expected. You will want to attend this meeting to find out more about what has transpired and where we go from here.

MI: Schuette reaches reciprocity deal with 39 states for pistol carrying
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State Attorney General Bill Schuette said Monday he has reached a deal that allows Michigan residents with a concealed pistol license to carry in 39 other states.

Schuette says in a news release that he reached a full reciprocity with states that have a “shall issue” law for issuing CPL permits.

Michigan is the first and only state to achieve maximum reciprocity for its CPL holders, according to the release.

“The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental freedom enshrined in our Constitution,” Schuette said. “I am proud to be an aggressive defender of our Second Amendment freedoms.”

MI: Adults seeking concealed gun permits could apply in any county under bill to be discussed Tuesday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Those wishing to carry concealed handguns in Michigan could soon find it even easier to obtain the licenses under legislation being considered this week.

Meanwhile, those who already have the permits can now carry the weapons in every other "shall-issue" state where officials generally must approve them for most applicants, the attorney general's office announced today.

The dual developments come as the number of those with concealed permits in the state topped more than 290,000 this month, about double the amount five years ago.

CA: Hunters cited for hunting on public land
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Peter Moyer of Tracy and his hunting partner were cited and eventually convicted of "trespassing while hunting" on public (illegally posted) BLM land.

Moyer claims they were railroaded by the district attorney, the landowner and the DFG warden. They appeared in court with GPS readings, a map and a letter from a civil engineer putting them on public land, but the trial judge "the late Judge Theiler" refused to even look at the maps, etc.

BLM Ranger Grant Nicewanger eventually took electronic waypoints of the area. He produced three maps and a letter putting them on public BLM land, and stated the land was illegally posted.

CA: UC Police hit back on protest violence with open letter
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“A video clip gone viral does not depict the full story or the facts leading up to an actual incident. Multiple dispersal requests were given in the days and hours before the tent removal operation. Not caught on most videos were scenes of protesters hitting, pushing, grabbing officers’ batons, fighting back with backpacks and skateboards.”

Ed.: Very likely. But what the clip did show was excessive force against obstinate but *non-violent* protestors.

Appriopriate Restraint
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The basic right to carry a concealed deadly weapon such as a firearm for personal defense comes with a moral imperative and legal obligation to walk the moral high ground. Unfortunately, the road is not always well paved, and there are stretches where there is no road. So, how do we who go armed stay on the right path?

I have thought about this question ever since I began carrying concealed firearms, which was right after September 11, 2001​.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.— Benjamin Franklin Historical Review of Pennsylvania. [Note: This sentence was often quoted in the Revolutionary period. It occurs even so early as November, 1755, in an answer by the Assembly of Pennsylvania to the Governor, and forms the motto of Franklin's "Historical Review," 1759, appearing also in the body of the work. — Frothingham: Rise of the Republic of the United States, p. 413. ]

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