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Newslinks for 11/30/2024

NM: Santa Fe teacher prepares to market 'less-lethal' guns for self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new line of “less-lethal” guns has made its way onto New Mexico store shelves, and a teacher at Santa Fe Public Schools and her husband have the exclusive rights to sell them in the state.

Larry and Lorie Johnson are the co-owners of Live Safe New Mexico, a store and firing range on Menaul Boulevard in Albuquerque that is set to open Saturday as the state’s only authorized dealer of Byrna Technologies’ new weapons. The guns use a carbon dioxide cartridge to fire either solid pellets or chemical rounds meant to incapacitate, rather than kill, a target in self-defense.


FL: Sheriff’s Office investigating self-defense claim in shooting death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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First responders were told that a man had shot someone in the head and that the shooter was standing outside of one of the rooms with a gun still in his hand, according to first responder radio transmissions archived by the streaming site Broadcastify.

Deputies detained the shooter on scene, and his name has not yet been released.

“The investigation revealed that McLean was in an altercation with his neighbor and was shot during that altercation,” the Sheriff’s Office said in a statement Friday. “The neighbor cooperated with detectives and was brought to the Public Safety Building to be interviewed, where a claim of self-defense was presented.”

Illegal Alien’s Purchase Of 170 Guns Raises Eyebrows
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A federal judge recently denied a request by an illegal alien, who had purchased 170 guns and undergone multiple background checks, to drop illegal gun possession charges because he claimed they violated his Second Amendment right to bear arms.

According to a Fox News report, Carlos Serrano-Restrepo’s lawyer submitted a motion to dismiss the charge arguing that he has the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment.

Congressman Burlison Seeks to Abolish ATF
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Representative Eric Burlison of Missouri announced that, once the new session of Congress convenes in January, he will propose legislation to eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The congressman had previously co-sponsored similar legislation introduced by Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida last year, describing the firearm regulation agency as a “big government overreach.”

“The ATF has been a disaster for the American people and our God-given Second Amendment rights,” Representative Burlison stated. “It should absolutely be abolished.”


Smith & Wesson Thanks Musk and X for Upholding Free Speech After Facebook Suspension
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Following the suspension of its Facebook account, Smith & Wesson praised Elon Musk and X for supporting free speech, while criticizing Meta for suspending its account. The company emphasized the importance of protecting the First and Second Amendments amid ongoing attacks on free speech.

After its Facebook account was suspended, the popular American gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson thanked Elon Musk and X for supporting free speech amid what it called ongoing attacks against the First and Second Amendment s. Andy Stone, a representative for Facebook's parent company, Meta , told Fox News Digital that the account had been suspended in error and that it has since been restored.

Smith & Wesson Gets Booted Off Facebook
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One of the oldest firearms manufacturers in the United States, with generations of history supplying legal firearms worldwide to law enforcement, police and other government organizations, not to mention millions of civilian customers, has had their Facebook account shut down.

According to a post that Smith & Wesson made on The Social Media Platform Formerly Known As Twitter (“X,” as Elon Musk wants us to call it now), the historic manufacturer saw their Facebook account canceled in late November, 2024. Here’s their announcement, verbatim:

Smith & Wesson Battles Facebook Censorship
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Facebook has suspended the account of Smith & Wesson, a longstanding gun manufacturer. The company responded by expressing gratitude towards Elon Musk and his social media platform X for championing the principles of free speech and constitutional rights.

On X, Smith & Wesson shared a screenshot of the suspension notice from Meta, Facebook’s parent company, expressing their disappointment and the obstacles they face in adhering to Facebook’s dynamic community guidelines on firearms.

GA: Judge tosses lawsuit against Guns in Cars Ordinance
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“He’s an older gentleman with disabilities that make simple tasks, like walking around his car, difficult. He doesn’t have automatic door locks, so he would have to manually lock his car to comply,” Monroe said.

Chatham County Judge Benjamin Karpf rejected that argument and dismissed the lawsuit November 22, 2024. In his order, Karpf wrote, “Belt is not a citizen, resident, or taxpayer of the City of Savannah … Belt does not have standing to challenge the constitutionality of the ordinance because he has not suffered any injury … “

Monroe said no decision has been made on whether Belt will appeal Karpf’s ruling.

One Last Biden Executive Order On Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While President Donald Trump’s (R) victory is welcome news, it is clear that threats to our rights will not be going away. In September, gun owners received a stark reminder of this problem when Joe Biden (D) and Kamala Harris (D) announced new executive orders targeting gun owners.

At the ceremony where Biden and Harris announced these measures, the vice president claimed “the right to be safe is a civil right,” as is the “right … to live … without fear of violence, including gun violence.”

KS: No charges filed after man was killed outside Wichita bar. It was self-defense, DA says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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No charges will be filed in the fatal shooting of a 34-year-old Wichita man outside a north-side bar on Nov. 10, according to Sedgwick County District Attorney Marc Bennett. Zachary Tre’veon Miller, who was an All-American defensive back at Butler Community College, died outside Tropics Lounge, 2705 North Broadway. The shooting was reported at 1:59 a.m. Miller was pronounced dead at 2:17 a.m.

WA: Pistol-Packing Grannies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a presentation ceremony at the Grant County Courthouse in Moses Lake, Wash., Sheriff Bill Weister uttered words that would horrify the gun-grabbers, but thrilled an applauding crowd of locals: “Henceforth,” the sheriff declared, “Dorothy Cunningham and Marty Killinger will be known as the Pistol-Packing Grandmas.”

A week before, the two sweet granny-types were snoring in their sacks when somebody knocked on the door and asked to use their phone for an emergency. When 75-year-old Cunningham unlocked the bolt, four young males barged in, demanded her car keys, and started smacking the ladies around.

TN: Robbery victim seizes gun from assailants, shoots both in self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The man was taken to the hospital in critical condition and the woman was taken to the hospital in non-critical condition.

Another call came in from behind the inn on Fairbrook Avenue, where police met with a man who told officers that he was the gunman responsible, but that he was also the victim of an attempted robbery.

FL: Man Shoots, Kills Self While Putting Handgun In Shorts; Why Holsters Matter
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A tragedy occurred in Osceola County on Saturday when a man fatally shot himself while handling a firearm. Deputies responded to a home on Caribbean View Terrace near Kissimmee, where they found Harvey Lee Brady, 24, lying on the kitchen floor with a gunshot wound to his lower abdomen.

Officials reported that Brady was transferring the firearm from the kitchen counter to his shorts when the negligent discharge occurred. Emergency responders performed lifesaving measures, and Brady was transported to Orlando Health South Lake Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries.

Medical Academy Backs Suppressors for Hearing Protection
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a time when so much medical “science” seems to be politically manipulated to make an argument against gun ownership and the Second Amendment in the United States, Stephen Gutowski of The Reload reports at least one medical group has looked at the science and come out with an endorsement that if allowed to influence the rationale of legislation, would improve the health and hearing of hundreds of thousands of Americans. The American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), representing over 13,000 ear, nose and throat specialists, issued a position statement this month supporting the use of suppressors, often called silencers, in reducing harmful noise levels from firearms.

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. —CHARLES A. BEARD

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