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Newslinks for 11/4/2011

Some politicians fear citizens with .50 caliber rifles--and that's a good thing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The common theme here is that Feinstein, Waxman and others seem to have identified .50 caliber rifles as a personal threat to their own lives."

"This is a good thing. Those who take it upon themselves to write the laws by which the rest of us must live should fear the wrath of the people they seek to govern. For the nation to be truly free, those who seek to exceed the limits on their power imposed by the Constitution must be made to live in mortal terror of the consequences." ...

2011 Industry Grants Announced At The National Association Of Sporting Goods Wholesalers Awards Dinner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NASGW announced grants to two non profit organizations to support industry efforts in advancing youth sports and congressional support for the industry at the Association’s 2011 Awards Dinner held at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada."

"The awards were part of the organizations Annual Meeting and Expo." ...

Where are the Billionaires Supporting the Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to Forbes Magazine, there are 397 BILLIONAIRES in America now." ...

"Gun prohibitionist George Soros made #7. The Walton Family (Walmart) made #9, #10, and #11. Yes, Walmart sells rifles and ammo, but is also a major contributor to the lying cabal of authoritarian elitists knows as 'Mayors Against Illegal Guns' (MAIG) ..." ...

"On the other side, two notorious conservative billionaires jump right out at you from the list: the Koch Brothers. ... If these two fellows are supporting efforts to restore the Second Amendment, that’s great. I hope they are writing huge checks. If they, or any other honestly pro-American ultra rich, are not spending big on protecting our right to keep and bear arms, they should be ashamed." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Be Careful Out There
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'University of Idaho officials say at least one police officer knew of alleged gun threats against a graduate student before she was shot and killed by a professor she had been dating,' reports. 'Katie Benoit [above] complained to the university in June that professor Ernesto Bustamante had threatened her with a firearm three separate times during the relationship. Moscow Police Chief David Duke said Friday he was unaware of gun threats until after Bustamante shot and killed Benoit on Aug. 22 and committed suicide. On Wednesday, Duke said the officer on the assessment team reported after the shooting that the team had brief talks about gun threats.' Now what does that tell you?"

"Nothing much, actually. ..." ...

Project Elk Slayer – Accurizing a Remington 700
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve been working on this rifle for over two years now. In a two-week time span, I found two stocks: one that I could live with and one that I had to have. While I tried cancelling the former, both stocks arrived on my door step a day apart. While I could easily send the lesser of the two stocks back, I decided I could put it to good use. And so, Project Elk Slayer was born. . ." ...

Gun Review: Rohrbaugh R9S Stealth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In my ongoing quest to avoid buying and carrying the snub-nosed, hammerless revolver that is likely my destiny, I took my Rohrbaugh R9 to the range for a little quality time. I purchased this R9 used with about 150 rounds on the clock. Prior to this, I’d run about 100 rounds through it with no failures at all except when shooting Aguila ammo. The R9 simply could not light off the primers of the Mexican ammo. Yesterday, I just wanted to get a feel for the gun again, so I purchased a box of each of Wally World’s finest: Federal, Winchester White Box, and Tula ammo and headed to the range. I set the target at five yards and let fly with slow, two handed fire . . ." ...

New Poll of American Latinos Shows Broad Support for Stronger Gun Laws; Clear Opposition to Federal Mandate Overriding State Laws on Concealed Carry Permits
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The bipartisan coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns today announced the results of a new public opinion survey showing overwhelming support among Latino voters for strong gun laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, tough enforcement practices, and state control over who can carry concealed, loaded guns in public places."

"The survey ... shows Latinos strongly believe laws governing gun sales should be made stronger and that states – not Congress – should have the authority to decide who can carry loaded, concealed guns within state borders. A measure headed quickly for a vote by the U.S. House would override state authority to set standards for who can obtain a concealed carry permit." ...

KABA Note: I guess the Mayors Against All Guns can't read: Section 926D(b) clearly states "A person carrying a concealed handgun under this section shall be permitted to carry a handgun subject to the same conditions or limitations that apply to residents of the State who have permits issued by the State or are otherwise lawfully allowed to do so by the State." So states can set any limits they want. The part that has the mayors heated up is that those limits will apply to their own citizens/cronies/high-buck contributors as well as out-of-staters.

OH: Caught on video: Anti-gun Columbus Mayor Coleman comes unhinged
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As many of our readers are aware, Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman has consistently worked against the Second Amendment and the Constitution during his long term as mayor. The Ohio chairman of the anti-gun [MAIG], Coleman and his city council enacted an unenforceable assault weapons ban in 2005, which caused the NRA to pull plans to hold their annual meetings in the city in 2007, which would likely have poured upwards of $25 million dollars into the Ohio economy. Coleman also drove the Ohio Gun Collectors Association out of town with unreasonable demands ..."

"Now, on the eve of his latest re-election bid, Coleman has been caught on tape exhibiting exactly how fanatical he is in opposition to the Second Amendment." ...

FL: Leaders make it easy for gun thugs (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "An environment like this creates an enormous burden on law enforcement who have to hunt down these irrepressible gun thugs. Clearly, our politicians from county commissioners to the state Legislature have allowed the status quo to exist whereby gun thugs have easy access to firearms. Meanwhile, political leaders and the gun lobby will continue to paint a rosy picture about violent crime with their truncated facts while police officers and law abiding citizens receive the short end of the stick."

IN: Mayoral candidate Kennedy receives $25,000 from NYC mayor (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The Mayor of the biggest city in the country gave Indianapolis mayoral candidate Melina Kennedy a boost Thursday." ...

"So how did this happen?"

"Kennedy said she reached out to Mayor Bloomberg on his pet project called Mayors Against Illegal Guns."

"'This is all about my stance on getting illegal guns off the streets and Mayor Ballard does not have that stance with that issue,' said Kennedy." ...

"As for the gun issue, Mayor Ballard's campaign spokesperson released this statement:"

"'Mayor Ballard has been successful cracking down on illegal guns by focusing IMPD efforts on gang and drug crimes ... Criminals aren't deterred by the Mayor signing a national petition so that's why our focus is on solid police work.'" ...

Feinstein Favors Firearms Registration
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Operation 'Fast and Furious' ... is now being used as an excuse for further governmental interference in the rights of American citizens to keep and bear arms. Rather than blaming the ineptitude of a federal agency run amok, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D.-Calif.) declares that the fundamental problem exposed by the 'Fast and Furious' debacle is, in fact, that 'anyone can walk in and buy anything' when it comes to firearms."

"... Sen. Feinstein does not blame the Obama administration for the scandal of foreign drug cartels being armed as a result of the deliberate policy decisions of highly-placed government officials; instead, she blames the existence of almost-vestigial rights of Americans under the Bill of Rights:" ...

Fast & Furious Makes Federal Government Accomplices in Crime and Murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Read with caution. This is the kind of hell big government liberals can unleash on American citizens from their lofty perches in Washington DC."

"In addition to having nearly unhindered access to our southern border, the most violent gangs in the Western hemisphere were armed to the teeth by the US federal government. The results are what one would expect. ..." ...

Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer Blames Second Amendment For ATF/DOJ Gun Walking Mistakes
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"During a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing today on Capitol Hill, Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, who is facing pressure surrounding his role in ... Operation Fast and Furious, asked for more gun control and blamed law abiding gun shop owners for violence in Mexico."

"Breuer declared that nearly 70 percent of guns found in Mexico come from the United States, a figure that has been disproven by the [NRA],, PolitiFact and by Senator Charles Grassley’s office multiple times. Also during testimony, Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein pushed for more gun control and Breuer expressed his agreement with her statements that American gun laws are too 'lax' and therefore result it more violent crime." ...

Issa, Grassley digging into Fast and Furious leaks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressman Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley are looking to plug leaks in their on-going investigation of Operation Fast and Furious, and today sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding answers about how sensitive information was available on a shared network computer drive that was accessible to more than 75 people." ...

Holder, Napolitano share heat as more trouble brewing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As if Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano didn’t have enough trouble with questions about Operation Fast and Furious, pressure is building on Capitol Hill for Holder to step down, while Sen. Charles Grassley is now asking some probing questions of Napolitano about 'sanctuary cities.'" ...

Grassley On Breuer's Testimony (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Chuck Grassley was interviewed by Cam Edwards and Ginny Simone about Assistant AG Lanny Breuer's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. Grassley said Breuer was a perfect example of what happens to people who try to stonewall Congress on oversight. ..." ...

TX: El Paso County Sheriff's Office aided feds' Fast and Furious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The El Paso County Sheriff's Office is among local law enforcement agencies that were asked to assist with the controversial Operation Fast and Furious, in which guns were allowed to cross into Mexico in the hope of tracing them, officials confirmed Wednesday."

"'Our HIDTA (High Intensity Drug-Trafficking Area) personnel assigned to DEA assisted with Operation Fast and Furious,' said Chris Acosta, a spokeswoman for the El Paso County Sheriff's Office."

"However, Sheriff Richard Wiles said, the department was not told its support was for that particular ATF operation." ...

Gun owners to count at the ballot box
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The fight for 2012 is a fight for our country, our values and our freedom, and if the National Rifle Association (NRA) has anything to say about it, Barack Obama won’t get a second term. Mark these words - the NRA and America’s gun owners will have plenty to say about it. President Obama doesn’t want to hear that. He doesn’t want gun owners active in the next election. He doesn’t want to tangle with the NRA’s 4 million members, or with the 30 million people who identify themselves with the NRA, or with America’s 90 million gun owners." ...

Four keys to conservative victory in 2012
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Reagan Republican Party is on track to strengthen its 242-member majority in the House of Representatives, win control of the U.S. Senate and elect a president - if it remembers and acts on four simple principles: ..." ...

"Third, remember who votes for you and why. The modern conservative movement is made up of people who, on the issue that moves their vote, ask one thing from the central government: 'Leave me alone.' ... Small-business owners, entrepreneurs, the self-employed, independent contractors and professionals do not wish to be taxed and regulated out of business. They wish to be left alone. Those who vote in defense of the Second Amendment ask only to be left alone with their rights. They do not demand gun stamps. ..." ...

Huntsman's primary dilemma
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OK, I admit it. I like Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman. If you haven't heard of him, it's because his campaign has yet to catch on with Republicans. Among GOP primary voters Huntsman is wrongly perceived as something of a squish — that's a conservative code word for moderate. It's also the kiss of death if you're running in a Republican presidential primary." ...

"On social issues Huntsman is just as conservative as most of the field."

"... On Second Amendment rights, the NRA said, 'NRA would like to thank Governor Huntsman … for [his] continued support for the Second Amendment.'" ...

PA: Endorsement debate flares in Washington County judge race
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Republican candidate for Washington County judge is denying reports he never received an endorsement from a local union representing state police."

"Lane Turturice said he learned through media outlets Thursday that officials with the Pennsylvania State Police Association Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 47 were denying he had received their support." ...

"Turturice said he remains confident about Tuesday's election, touting himself as the 'only true pro-life, pro-Second Amendment candidate with Christian values in the race.'"

"'Voters need to remain focused on the relevant issues of experience and ending politics as usual in the Washington County Courthouse,' Turturice said."

TX: Van Taylor announces run for re-election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Representative Van Taylor announced on Tuesday his run for re-election in the 66th District."

"After a successful first session as state representative, Taylor said he received accolades for a 90 percent or better conservative voting record from the Texas Conservative Coalition, Texas Eagle Forum, Heritage Alliance and Young Conservatives of Texas." ...

"Taylor currently serves as the chairman of the House Subcommittee on End of Life Issues as well as the Defense and Veterans' Affairs and Human Services committees. He is a member of Independent Conservative Republicans of Texas and the Texas Conservative Coalition, and is also the Founding Member of the Freshman Second Amendment Caucus." ...

VA: NRA Grades General Assembly Candidates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association has graded four candidates running for Virginia General Assembly seats in districts that include Fairfax City." ...

Sen. Richard Burr on His Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act (video available)
Submitted by: John Richardson

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"Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) is the Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee."

"He wants to stop the Dept of Veterans Affairs from reporting vets who have a financial fiduciary to the NICS database as mentally incompetent thus taking away their Second Amendment rights. These vets have never been judged either a danger to themselves or others but only need help managing their money. ..." ...

WI: Weapons ban extended to all county buildings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The St. Croix County Board of Supervisors approved an amended resolution Tuesday that restricted carrying of concealed weapons into all county owned buildings."

"Supervisor Sharon Norton-Bauman proposed an amendment to the original resolution that only applied to the Health and Human Services Campus in New Richmond to include all the county-owned buildings. It passed on a 9-7 vote." ...

IN: Senators discuss right to carry concealed firearm, sponsor talk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Purdue Student Government passed a bill in favor of co-sponsoring the first TEDx talks to take place at Purdue University and debated a resolution regarding concealed carrying of firearms on campus."

"The main topic of discussion at the meeting was a resolution proposed by Zachary Briggs, a senator for the School of Management, requesting that students should be allowed to carry firearms on campus." ...

Dad caught on video beating daughter 'needs help'
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"Hillary Adams says that until last week, only a couple of close friends knew about the savage beating she received seven years ago from her father, a Texas judge who handles child abuse cases."

"Now the beating is on display to the world on YouTube thanks to a secret video she made, and her father, Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams, is the subject of a police investigation." ...

KABA Note: Video available here. WARNING: it is graphically violent and contains foul language.

Justice Department pulls controversial FOIA regs
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"The Justice Department is nixing proposed Freedom of Information Act regulations that lawmakers from both parties had assailed as authorizing federal officials to lie to FOIA requesters." ...

"Though the regulation was proposed in March, the movement against it seemed to gather steam in recent days, moving beyond the traditional FOIA requester community and drawing public criticism from Republicans who said it promoted lying by the government."

"On Thursday, DOJ threw in the towel." ...

KABA Note: Activism works!

WA: Thompson convicted on both counts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A jury today convicted Spokane Police Officer Karl F. Thompson Jr. of needlessly beating Otto Zehm and then lying about it to cover up his actions."

"The verdict comes five years and seven months since Zehm’s life ended and growing questions of police accountability began."

"Prosecutors are expected to seek a prison term of six to eight years, arguing that Thompson was in a position of trust and that Zehm, who was schizophrenic, was particularly vulnerable." ...

WI: Teen’s suit settled at $210,000
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Hudson’s insurer will pay up to 95 percent of the $210,000 settlement of an excessive force lawsuit brought last year after a Hudson boy was injured by a police dog, according to the boy’s attorney." ...

WA: Deputy is target of 22 internal investigations
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"King County Sheriff’s Deputy Kevin Savage was hired in 2006 after working as a police officer in Southern California for 12 years. An extensive review of his file indicates that he’s racked up more than two dozen misconduct violations in just the past two years as a sheriff’s deputy here." ...

LA: Danziger Bridge cooperating witness, former NOPD lieutenant, will serve 4 years in prison, judge decrees
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former New Orleans police Lt. Michael Lohman will spend four years in prison for his role in overseeing a massive cover-up to hide the truth about a police shooting on the Danziger Bridge after Hurricane Katrina that left two men dead, a federal judge ruled Wednesday. The sentence imposed by U.S. District Judge Ivan Lemelle was a break for Lohman, the highest-ranking officer implicated in the Danziger Bridge case. By law, the maximum sentence he faced was five years. Federal sentencing guidelines called for Lohman to serve that amount of prison time." ...

MN: St. Paul pays $21,500 to settle two police brutality claims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The St. Paul City Council today settled two police brutality claims stemming from arrests in 2006 and 2010."

"The city denied the allegations in both cases." ...

OK: Settlement in Delaware Co. Sheriff lawsuit (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Property owners in Delaware County may be the ones footing the bill for a multi-million dollar lawsuit settlement."

"The suit was filed by 15 former inmates against the Sheriff and his department."

"They claim to have been sexually assaulted by jailers while in custody starting in 2007." ...

"A lawsuit was filed back in the summer of 2009.
Nearly two and a half years later it's settled for $13.5 million." ...

WI: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Another Milwaukee Cop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We talk a lot about small guns around here: mini 9s (the little black dress of the gun world) and .380s. Some people say they suck. They consider them unreliable, less-lethal firearms. Others really like the mighty minis ’cause they’re small (logically enough). If you’re of sufficient stature (and your pants are baggy enough) you can tote one in a pocket. There’s just one thing to remember when you stow a gun—any gun—in a pocket…"

"You need a holster. ..." ...

MA: Boston man says he was beaten for recording police (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Boston man filed a federal lawsuit against the city and four police officers today alleging he was beaten after he used his cellphone to record their actions as they arrested his friend." ...

"Paulino started recording when officers allegedly started mistreating the friend outside the station. He was charged with violating the state wiretapping laws. He also was charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and assault and battery on a police officer."

"His lawyers said he did not interfere with police while recording nor did he curse threaten or act aggressively. The suit said a federal appeals court has ruled that it is legal to record police who are performing their official duties in public." ...

NY: Dismal Tale of Arrest for Tiniest of Crimes
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "We are instructed by the mayor that the garish crimes of police gun-running and fake arrests are the work of rogues, not the daily toil of honest police officers. A fair point — but no more than Ms. Zucker’s observations of spiritual corruption."

"'While it may have been one out-of-control officer that began the process,' she said, 'no other officer had the courage to stand up against what they knew was a poor decision.'" ...

CA: Kingsburg man charged with possession of assault weapons to challenge gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The attorney for a Kingsburg man charged with allegedly possessing 33 assault rifles, a grenade launcher and a silencer said Thursday that the Second Amendment gives him the right to collect guns."

"Fresno attorney Mark Coleman said he plans to challenge the California law that prohibits residents from possessing assault rifles because the law is arbitrary. He also said Fresno police used trickery to get a warrant to search Christopher Haga's home and business in September." ...

OH: Ohio firearm inventor honored at Works Museum - you are invited
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The Art of War' art gallery exhibit at The Works museum in Newark, Ohio will highlight the advancement of weaponry and contributions made to the Remington Gun Company by an industrious Ohio inventor, Joseph Rider." ...

FL: State's stance on guns makes sense (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The preemption of firearm laws by the state is necessary in order to make them uniform throughout Florida. Otherwise, law-abiding citizens who travel around the state could be subject to arrest by a conflicting local law, which might include the non-recognition of a state issued concealed carry license." ...

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government. — George Washington

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