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Newslinks for 11/4/2024

Tipped Triple-Shock X Ammo: TTSX Bullets Explained
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Tipped Triple-Shock X is an updated variation on Barnes Bullets' popular Triple-Shock X (TSX) that debuted in 2003, as a premium hunting bullet. TSX was – and still is – extremely popular with a relatively large following, but this tipped version aims to improve upon it with the polymer tip and redesigned nose cavity.

Gun Review | Taurus Judge Home Defender
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Sometimes, the best tool for the job takes an unorthodox form, as you can see with the Taurus Judge Home Defender, a 20-inch revolver that shoots both .45 Colt and .410 shotshells. Could this unconventional revolver dethrone the average pistol in the role of home protection? Well, after spending some time on the range with it, I think it fares a chance.

Harris tries to 'Glock' the vote, but triggers female gun owners: 'She's completely anti-gun'
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Vice President Kamala Harris made waves on the campaign trail when she announced she and running mate Tim Walz were both gun owners in an attempt to paint the Democratic ticket as friendlier toward the Second Amendment.

No Forgiveness for Election Cheaters, says Rasmussen Poll
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A new national poll of likely voters reveals that 43 percent believe election officials found guilty of cheating in elections should be prohibited from holding public office in the future, while 19 percent think they should go to prison, another 9 percent say they should be fined and 2 percent “would impose the death penalty.”

Grassroots Legislative/Political Update Nov. 4, 2024
Submitted by: David Williamson

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What’s New—Politics: Campaign news; Tomorrow is election day; Bloomberg gives Harris $50 million; Giffords spends heavily on NY-17; Newspapers deny Harris’s endorsement; Las Vegas paper endorses Trump; Montana: US Senate Campaign—misinformation about Sheehy.

Police: Homeowner Who Shot Alleged Intruder ‘Did What Any of Us Would Have Done’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Fort Worth Police Department information officer (IO) Tracy Carter lauded a homeowner who shot an alleged intruder saying, “The homeowner did what any of us would have done.”

WFAA reported that the incident occurred just after midnight Wednesday and that the homeowner told the alleged intruder to leave but he did not listen.

Florida Police: General Contractor Shot, Killed After Pulling Gun on Tile Worker
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A general contractor was shot and killed about 1:30 p.m. Friday after allegedly pulling a gun on a tile worker inside an unfinished St. Petersburg, Florida, home.

Free Concealed Weapons Permit Classes Now Available in South Carolina
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) has launched a new program providing free Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP) training, as required by the state’s recently enacted Constitutional Carry law. The program, available to all South Carolina residents aged 18 and over, offers two monthly classes in each county, ensuring easy access to those seeking a CWP.

2024 General Election Roundup - Issue 1 and Races
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Tomorrow, Nov. 5, is Election Day 2024, and Buckeye Firearms Association has provided extensive information on the general election and its impact on gun owners' rights.

Supreme Court Rules On Bump Stocks
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Supreme Court Fridayoverturned a federal agency’s rule banning bump stocks, the devices used in some of America’s deadliest mass killings carried out by lone shooters. Plaintiff Michael Cargill, an Austin, Texas, gun store owner, did not claim that the Second Amendment protected his right to own a bump stock. The case focused narrowly on the administrative process by which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) banned bump stocks, which harness a firearm’s recoil to achieve rates of firing that approach those of automatic weapons.

Federal appeals court upholds Maryland’s handgun licensing requirements
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A federal appeals court on Friday upheld Maryland’s handgun licensing requirements, rejecting an argument from gun-rights activists the law violated the Second Amendment by making it too difficult for people to obtain guns.

Big Win for 2A? D.C. Magazine Ban Upheld, but the Supreme Court Could Soon Step In
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In a closely watched Second Amendment case, a federal appeals court upheld Washington D.C.’s longstanding ban on high-capacity magazines. This decision, rendered by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, focused on whether magazines exceeding ten rounds are protected under the Second Amendment.

Ghost Guns on Trial: Judge’s Ruling Sparks 2nd Amendment Showdown in Nevada ~ VIDEO
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Recently, in the case of Palmer v. Sisolak, a significant legal battle unfolded in Nevada concerning the state’s ban on unserialized firearms, often referred to as “ghost guns.” U.S. District Court Judge Miranda Du, an appointee of President Barack Obama, delivered a set of findings that have stirred the pro-Second Amendment community.

Federal Court Upholds D.C.’s Magazine Ban, Setting Stage for Supreme Court Showdown
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., has upheld the city’s ban on firearm magazines that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition. The decision came on Tuesday from a divided three-judge panel in the case Hanson v. District of Columbia, marking a significant moment in the ongoing debate over Second Amendment rights.

New Record for Gun Confiscations at Seattle-Tacoma Int’l Airport
Submitted by: David Williamson

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There is a big “oops” factor happing this year among travelers going through Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, as a new record has been set—with two months remaining in the year—for the number of guns confiscated by the Transportation Security Administration.

Solid Copper Hollow Point Ammo: SCHP Bullets Explained
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The solid copper hollow point bullet (SCHP) can be used in both rifle and pistol ammunition. All-copper pistol bullets have the familiar large hollow opening at the end, but rifle versions have a wider range of options.

The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. — JOHN F. KENNEDY

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